HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-06-21 ~ Cha.'Lrma~ ' A re.er meetjing~of the Board.. of Coun'~, S~e~v~so.rs..of A~n~'~e. m~ held a~ ~he Co~ House .off ~e S~d Co.~F...on ~he.l~.~ .~..o~. J~y, read ~ ~proved. ~$., J~es S, Fi~zh~h, C~_u. o~ .~he .Pens~n BO~d of ~he Oily ~pe~ed ~d re.queUed the '.Board' 20' ~thor~e ~he p~yment of. ~hrea ~e~9: ~n~ons ~d~~a ~o..~d mo~d. f~-2he Ci~: ~o.the. 'O0~.~. rec~ly, ~er d.is~us:s~ %he C~u~y :E~ecut~ve was autho~z ~ to requ..est ~e. Ot~F :CO~l,.:.to ~ ~.he. se p~nsioners 8~e..,"i~. ~s ..ordere~::%~% ~he. C~ntx p~ ~ase ~ea penSionerao ..... UDon m~ti~n.,~ d~7 s~c~.ed, i~J was order~ .~ .~n~s to %he.. Jo~n2 He~h Depen- dent for.' ~.e ..fisc~.~e,~. be~nn.~g~y..!, 193~.,~. be $~*:~0'~.; ~e i~ed ~' ~he'' ~e.t -~r he~h..~ork .t~:he .res.e~ed f~ .su~ work.aa ,~..:he~ ~e' B~r~ wa's ad~:::~'ha~ '.~here were nineteen ..d~.e~en~:c~d~en:-~i~he.:;Oo~ ~d p'~viousl~ been B~o~'e~ for b~ the Child...~f~e:'Co~i~ee... ~w~er+.jf~ds' ~ich 'h~ been r~iaed by this or.~uiz~tEon f0rJ this p=.rpos.e.~had :b.ecome..sxhsAl~%~ed~..'/~le. l~tt%~P of the c~e ~'ef these ~h[1.dren .~S~ef.~r~d... %a ~e. C~F ~ecu%ive. ~h power te act. The foll~g, ord~c.a.~_ ~ich had. been ~ro~ced a~".a, me.~ ~held. on. ~e 19, 193~, ~d~ ~bliShed acco~i~.~o '1~ ~ adO~ed BF ~he fell~in~..~co~ ~e.~. A~es: Messrs. J.-:MJ Fray.~ ~. J. B~Iards P..: H, ~en~ry~. C~ ~r_celI.McCue, ~...~,~ L, 'O.,~ Rober.ts4 Noes: .None~ BE IT-ORDAINED, hy .the B~ard of .County. SuRervisors .of Albe~arl e County, ~hat I% shall be', unlawful- for..any..ps~son,_ firm, or corporation, to opiate or ¢Ondue.%,jand for an~, .person to parti~i~ate or engage in any~..marathon.or-walking..conte~t, ~thon danc,~..~,' walka2hon~ or