HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-06-26Chairma~ read ~ approved, -~ ~s., J~es S. Fi~zh~h', C~i~ of.~he PensionB.~ard. of appe~ed _~d .reques%~ the '.B~rd $o. aUthorize ihs payment af t~sf~r. ~ ~o~ the Co~y:: lis~ 'on j~u~ 1,. 1~36,,~. bu~ .~'.~e e_~en% the. Ci~Y:.yr~efUsed %0 PaY' s~e.~'~i~ ~s..ordered: ~.%~% ~he C~n%X p~y ~hase ~ee.. p enSi~er .... U~on mo~ion, d~y a6c.o~ed, i% ~s ~der~ .~ ~enis men%. ~or.' the ~iscal _ ~ear. beginnin~.ul, y ~!, I~3~,. be .$~*~0'00..i; .the remaining: Lnclud.ed'in ihe' Bud~! 'f0r~ heal.ti, work'.to ~he ..reserved £on .such _work _.as ~,he ~:~ar,.d' .,o~' C.~un~ 'y Supe fyi'so rs. The Bi~rd"-was ad~ss.d.:that ':i~ha~e were ~nets~en.d~e~t..:.child~enin.~.the ~een r~s.~ ~ %~s org~z~ion'f0r. ~is,.pu~o-se,;~ :b.ecome. e~e~,/)~e,/~%~r of the are '~f these dhildren_.waS referr, id:.to_, the ¢ount~ Executive. with power to aot. .The ffollowin~, ordinauc...~,_ ~hich had. been in.~roducOd at:'.a, me.eiin~.he~d .on J~une. X~, I~, ~ M,'gFrays E,_ J. BalXard~ P. :H,'~n%ry~ 'C~ Pu~.cell~cCue,~ aud..D~., L. "G~. Rober.~s4' Noose :Nones, TION8. BE IT'ORDAINED, hy ~he Board of .Dount~..8mp...erwisora .of Albemarle County, It shall be'. UUl~wf~:for._anF person~... £irm_or corporation to operate or ~Onduo_%, and for amy..person to parti~ip~a%e or engage in.,~u2~.ma.ra%hon ..or walking .c. on%es%, marlthon d~uca,~, walka~hon, or