HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-07-17F I~nghornes, and: Dr.,:.:'L. A regular me~!ing.?f the Beard of Coun~i~V.~..Sup,ervisors.o.f.' AIb~aarle. Cm~ntY,~'~irginia~ ms.. held at the. Court ioas® of the s~id. 0e.untF 0n the.l?ih, ,d~y. of. ~uly, Present= MessrS,. J,. M, Frays E., J. B~,. 'P,...H,. Gent~.s,. " ~ute8 of the meetings of'J~e Z~,. 1~3~, June'2l, ..1~3~,, ~.I~e..,26-, 1~3'~, ~ead ~ ~pproved. ~ ~s.. ~es 5. 'Filz'h~h, C~i~. of Jibe. Pen~on 'Bo~d off ihs .Oi~y of.. Dh~lottesviI~e, ~p~e~ed ~d requested: ~e Board to auih~ize.the p~Fmen~ .~ff threa ~d~ . .:: ~, . %he Cbu~y :ilecmitve wai auiho~z~ %0 _request. ~he Cit~. ~o~n~....to ' ' ,U~n mo%ion,~ d~y .8ico~ed~ ii. was or~er,~ ~i~:~edin ihe' B~e.t ~r' he~h..work %o::he rese~ed.i( ~he. B'~d' ..Of'/'C~X Supe ~iso rs. ~'B~rd: :~'s ad~sed..tha% ihere were n~e~-een..d~e~enl._children-~/:~he-:;0ouniy bee~ r~s. ed .~ t~s or.g~zalion .for. ~s. pu~os.e,.~d b.ecom:e..e~t.e~../.~a-.~t%~r of the o~e '$f these ~il.~ea ~a r~.~r,~,io, ~e ~O~tY Exe~iive ~,, power ~ not. 75 BE IT-ORDAINED, b.y'.%he Board of .County SuR!rvisors of Albemarle County, It shall be' unlawful: 'for ...any. person,.: firm.or. ,,corporation 'to operate or oDnduc.~, ,.., .and for amy ,p~ers.on to parti=.i, pt%e or engage in. an~ marathon .or walking._c, ont~s%,m mar..Ithon danca~ walk~ihon, or :None~ Z6 in the..¢ouni~..of 'Albemarle, Any~..pe~son~ firm .o.r co~..9.rati~n._.violating the pro- visits of this ordinance ~l~]~'.6~:conFl,~.~n be fined $50,~Ofor each offense,.and~, in~.~he' discretion of'the Court ar Justice ir~n. g the/Case,, ~. be oo~ in jail for a .period not exc_eed~g.~lhiriy days. ~e..[~hartottesvill~.and Albem~riel Railwa~'..~,~y.~ suhmitl, ed o~er...~hrough the occu~i_~..by..~he elec~c r~ .b.e~e. en .~e ~her.~.~F~,Bri~j~ ithe-~, s .'~ring ~ua~. Park,. Up.~. molten, .dl~ ~iec.o~dsd,_~tEs..~off.en ..of...tt ..~lg~e.s~e~ ~d abe~le N~tfce..was received .from the Sta..t~o..Corpor~a~ion.~ommission.~%hat. ~p.p.lic=tion had been ~e t;~.'Lihe..',ln~ers~ie' ~erce C0~is.sion:-_~-~he:.;C~esaBe~e.~d:~.0h~:~R~l~C0~y ~d the.. NelSon ad [..abt~.le ..~~....C~,~y: f~.. pe~ssion to ab~don. ~t: .po~i~n...of its track e~endin[' ~rOm Guthri.e.io/~Berene~. a..~s~.ce of..~p~ox~ly L.~ ~les. ~,. ~W,-0. Fife~ C.~onw~h~,.s: At,or ney,_ stated.. ~a~~ ~.. ~d .ad~sed_ .~e Co~sstone~.~/:':'.~ obJeo~i~s - of .:~. Co~onwe~h's_ ltt~me~ .~s- approved', "The folio,wing communicalion recei..~ed from.....the State,_ D.sparim~mt. of Highways was presented~ D~ART~...OF H~AYS Richmond ALB~RL~._.C.O~.=.: 'secondary System J~e 1~, I935 Albemrle.Coun%~.Board Of., Supervisors, Charlott~sviI1e, Virginia, ~en% l'emen: I am. authorized '-t~. ad.vise., y~ou..that, your..~.eaolu%ion~ concerning cha~es ._in _the Se~ondar~. 3~st~a cf Albemarle Cou~ ha~e. be~ acted on is follo~ ~ . Additions. Ap.~r.e_.ved ~ . F~fecti.ve 'JUly ~soluAi, o~ Beginning. at .a .~.eint .on. County,. Road. 0-~15 at a point 0,~.?.'.mi'l' 'south o~'"Keene, thence in a south- erly., direction, crossing,S.unto. Road C'?I~ at a poini 0.2~ t'le~ .eas.~:':.~f.:'Ii~erse~.~ion 'of" wi,th..Cm?l~,~. :~.,:e.~ending ,on .,~ .~.,.sou~rherly' di~eo- Ada!!!on, s Rejected: 'B~ing e:,t..a .p. Oint ~on .Jef!erson l~treet 150 feet SO-~_s~t of %he eas~ line. of.Meade Avenue at the Corporate .Limits of the ~it~..of/~l~tesville, amd extending/alon~ ,.~effers.m_S.ir.e~i: .in a south- easterly direction~ 0~4~ 'mile"to in%.erseCtion wi~h Couni~ Road. Cll01. at Ri.verview .Cemetery. Length 0,45 mile. Unt. ated. You. fa very %rUly, CoDy~j.t~oFlir~_ F; D. Henley H~. A, H. Bell Hr.. J. J. Ferret M~. J., 'M... Hagan C. S. L~I~LE~ (Signed) Chief~gineer Co~unj. Ca%'zon.:from Judge Lemuel.F; .Smilh~ ~equ~s%i~.,permission. o~:.the:Board to in- crease salar~ of.: the ~ial...JUstice 'fr~n_$l~O0,.0.0..itc $2.~000~.0.: p~e~ .',y.e~an~,. waa.~r, esented and action on. same deferred, until :~xe 'n~%.regular .meeting. .his. s, ervicee in connection.with appraisal_at, Ooun~.~ p,~oRe.r%y..occupied, loinity,.,.b.y the County Report of th.e. luditor.__of.' P/a. bl~c Ac.count:a. on .examination of Couni~..r.e.cords.. for fisca/ ~den, Director of Finance, suhni%~%.ed statement_ .of ~e~enses off the for ~o month Of ~e, 1}3~, one~-d,,.Of whi~ is ~c be ~e by tidied to ~he Director of Finance for payment 2416 National.Bank_ .and T~s% 2417 A.B. ~thright,, Treas.., of Va, 2~18 M~. Y. Sutherland 2419 Douglas ForsFthe 2420 2421 M, C. ~rl~ 2422 B. 0. Jones 2423 ~rry 2424 A. T; ~er 242~' J;' M.. ~nson 2426' j* W. Su~herl~d 2127 H.. ~. Oliwr 2429 2430: .P~ ~,.-_ Ball 2431_ W. ~. Preddy 24:32 J', 'A. Hart 24~3 ..... ~: W. Head 24~4 ~m, A. Carpenter 243~[ Anderson Bros. Book Store, -Inc. 243<6 243? 2438 :2439 2440 Charlottesville Abattoir Ch~rlot.t~sville Hdwe, Co., Inc~ Charlottesville Supply CO. Children's Home Society of Va,. 2441 CitF CoIlector 2442 W; S. Cook, D; ~. 2443 W. S.. CoOk, D. S, 2444 Crozet Print,Shop 2445" 'Dr. E.. D..Davis,"Jr. 2446 2447 2450 2452 24~3 Dettor, Edwards & uorris Walter C. Dow~ll Elliott' Ice CO-..., Inc. Fade-A-~ay _Products 'Co,.. A; B. Gathri~ht.,~ Treas. of ~. U,..Gieason & H. A. ~d~ H. ~ .~dem, Director of Fiance '24~4 Chas. King,,&: Sma 'Co., Inc.. 2~5 H. 2456 Perc~. Harris, ~e~o~e Mill~g .& Feed. Co., Gee~ge ~;, ~rsh~l 2~62 Pie~ont' ~6R. 2~64 2~6~ ~e ~cot~_s_~lle News ~66 0sc~ She~e Amount .Semi~annus~'(lnieres~_. due. on. Bonds of Charlott esv~Ile $3 Ivy Rivanna 2 j000.00 Soottsvil!e 5s00O- · hi~e Hall ' . ....... ~:,~ . $~2,?00,00 15% of Celle~t£oma fromA. S~le of Dog Taga d~e State for_ q~arter er~ting Gramd Juror 3'80 - 4.30 " " ~2'~ - 4,30 - 2.80 ~ivil Juror 6.~ " 4.10 " 4.-~0 - - - ~.?0 - ~.~0 - . - ~.80 - ?°40 Office Supplies for= Board. of Co,.SUper. visors Count7.. Executive...,,s .0'~fi~e 2.20 Departmen~ of. Finance.... 3.0~ Welfare Department .......... 2.1~ .... 11.$7 NLleage for. June, 14~ 2,~0 Food:SupPlies for-Jail 11.19 Household.SupD!ies. for Jail 2.16 Trap for Sink .at. Jail.. 1.37 .Appropriation for fiscal year ending J~ne ~0, 193'6.. Gas aoct.~-~t ~ail ami Water Acct. at --Go. Relief O~ice 2.49 Mileage_for J~e, 19~ Lunacy-~Ger2~ e Walker 2.00 Printi~gReport Forma for ~.. E. 20.00 ~c~.Ge~de ~alk er FOod_ 3~p,~es for' J~l_ . . 21.~ Ice T[Cke~afer Food 8up~es. for J~I. 46.20 Re-i~b~sem~2.~ f~r the. fOIIo~ng ~endi- ~ures from the Revol~_.~ fr~ 11., 193~, to J~.y.~.!3,. 19~ Inc. Cut~i~ 0edar T~ea ~ $2~.00 ~velopes for ~. E.~. 2.00 P. O. Box Een~ 1.50 ~Z~ies., Assessors ~d~ .lechers Postage ~d~ReDairs %0 ~chine~ Dept.. of F~ 6~.06 Guard al Hospital_ Food Supples :for Ja~I Allewance .for 0cO. k_ Rent on.. a~ea, ~d Co. Relief 0f~:ea, .~.. Post,e, for ~e~e~e Dept. Re~$:tr~ ~of~ ~ta~ ':S~iS~cs Co~. Zor C, ~ 15.15 1oo.93 I ~'00 25.06 2, 25 11.66 143.67~ Mileage. for-june*,. 1935 set. vices,' Inquest. on J~es. E. Pereg0ry ~le~e FOOd suPplEes for, R~a~s on Equipm~t at~ O. H. ~d on Go. Olerk, s~ Office Rent ~ .Box L~c~Ge~de Talker Electric ~afo~ Ce~.' ROlE:el Office ~t~ce O~)BOok for D, F,. O~in~ee ~bli~ed ~ce Set, cos ~ .cennec~i~;. ~th ~plicatien for roduc~i.~n .~_~hend pr~~ rate on bend o~ Director~ FEnce Y02.38 64.53 I0.00 '22.75 .27-20 3,.~0 1'20 IOeO0 4.50 2468 256'9 24?O 24TI 2472' 2473 2474 P~¥ee .Sou~h .East. ' Public Service Corp. Virginia Public Service Co.. "- Edwin M. Wayland J, T. Austin Emmott carter' Nfs. C.B. Dickerson Thacker & Burgess TeleRh0ne Service, Na~.,_ June .and ..~yl Elac2riC Service ferJUne and 'July at O. H..,~ Jail,.andCo. Relief. Office Services as_County repnesentative on. Board .of Appraisers. Lamb~killed by dogs Welfa~e.~Acct..., June, 1935 25~:(-, A~ ~ Cox D~pt. Stero 24?6 J.W. & H. Gibbs 24'?? T~e Country Store 2478' ~. J; Po~er 247~ Fi~ zhu~ ~Bros. 2480 Universi~y ~g 2481 Fr~ces T. SeutM1 2482 Ohas. T,- '~Page 2483[. ~s. -Fr~ W~sh 2~4 H.' M. ~leasen ~ 2485 E.P. Hopk~s 2486 Solo~' S Store 248? ~en Cash 2~88 ~be~rl.e Fa~ers 248~ ~. Ale~der 24~0 J.B. 24~1 ~s. Leslie B~ett 24~2 P.E. B~ckwell 24~3 j A. H. BeI~Ck J. WA B~ce B~Ier' s Cash ~eat ~. H. Cl~rk E." L.' CObbs Oo~i~y Stere Ocher Grec ery J. H. Craig WJ A. Damon C. S. D~e C~. R. D~ri.er ~s. S. R* R. ~. E~'es H. O. Fer~eyhough A.~ G.~ Fray 2~ ~. H. ~cff ~' 2~17 'F~ Le~s ~. I. ~upi'n 2~2I ~up[n Bros. 2~22 W.. 'T;~: ~Iler ~enticeIIe ~iry ~ H.E. M~dy 212~ 'R._A. PaSte~Sen" 2~26 ~s, SaIlie Pa~e 2528 O..D. P~elI 2531 ~. F, S~pson 253,2, C, ~. Sa~r~g.e 2~33 ..... L,. K. ~'ridge 2~34 'T; E. Sellers 2~36 BenJ F. ~th E. M, 2539 S~tb Bros.: (N_er~h ~den) 2541 C.A. Utz 25~2 8. T. ~ite' 2543 R.L. ~barger · 25~4 C. H,' W0od ~A. E. W~t · Sen Z~8 ' ~yl~r MCCoy, JustiCe 2496 249? 2498 249_9 2 oo 2~ol 2~o2 2~03 2504 2505' 2506 2501 2~08 2~10 2~LI Mileag~...for June, 153.5 'Welfare Aeon., June, 1935' Wolf. are Acct. ,.M~¥ and .June,. ~Welfare lcct.., June, 1935 Welfare Acct., Ma~, 1935 Welfare ~cct., June, 1935 # Welfar~ Acct., ~y. ~ J~e, ,I93~ Welf~e Acc~. ,. ~:~d .J~e.,~ 193~, We~e. A.~C~.,i J~e, 1935 Salary.,/for' ,~ly.,. 1935 # # $ 39.901 21.11 25.00 5.25 5.co 4.50 16.oo '1.99 19.52l ?.15l 5.5o 54.60 t 23.25 6.00 28,89~ 16.00 i ~.90 6.25 8.00 1.50 2.00 ~.00 '1~,0o ~2,00 2.00~ 16.oo~ 9'?0 13.5o 28.¢o $1~00 16.25 30.85 ~.85 15.00 ~8~5o 1.5o "4~00 17.50 8.~ 10~00 12~0~ 25~ 2~'00 35., 2.50 2.~ ?.50 ~28.50 28.00 30.~ 5.00 2e~ t2.50 1.5o 12.50 10.00 3'25 3.50 5,oo 35o.~ 200~ 1~00 65.00 34~.66 I~00 225~00 50,00 [5o,oo 308.33 2566 2567' 2569 25?3 2579 25S0 ¢. W. Bailey H. J. E. M. Pewell C. S. Hufffmn~ U. $. 0ook P. M,-Elliott ~ces T. Sout~l '~e~ ~-H.' Jo~ H~a~th Department Bessie jones T. 0. SCett Ru~h ~s. Bessie ~ ~ller O. G. Greet ~o~ Wesley Georg~ iT. ~f, 2581 ~elton Jones S~ry for the ~on~h of.'Ju~y`, 19.35 $ 45,00 , ' 50.00 , 55,00 , 50,00 . 50.00 . 75.00 . 150.00 . 60o00 ~p:ropri~tion for .the .month _of July, 1935~ 500.00 Salary.. for the momth of july,., 1935 ~0,00 ,, 86.41 . 26.67 . 53.33 , 24,25 . 48,.00 Appro .pr. ia~ion.~or Rest Room for July, 193~ Sale~'~. for ~he month o.f July., 193~" Upon motion the meeting adjourned.