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9O 6oi2 12.~0 3~ 3.~ %20 :~.~ 103-12 27,19 10o.oo 341.66 lOo..~ 22~.~ aoute ~.~[ ~:~: :~d.~ surf~..fr~ :Je~ son ~k A~enue~.~:t.h~..~jf~r~, a~ ~iSt~e { ~f ~ways, ' fron. theLOi~.~ta..t~e..~e..~.e~ ~f the 1: ne "~'om :~? ~:~':::be ~-~d::~e~:,f~r~ ~h~.eby' ap pe ~'ed ::~:f~:'-~:eW~:'.~'::~-:e:~t~:~r- ~:~s'.: :~.~l='~S::"'t~ ~e one B~ard ehing '.:~r:e~::,~d: :r:~c~d'::' ~d: ke~:::~"'o~e~: ~' ',~he~ ~ ~S=n ' ar:/pe rsons- for :,~'~."be a: ]~::c~o~:aa~:o~: ~:':~_e':l~do:~ers req~,~:~.,~'~a~U~:~',f~: the l~d so d:fr~m::~h~~.al~eri~., ~ r~e. lo.c~%~L ~d. ~1 othe~ rel~ca~ :~d..road$ ..~d. ~the~..sh~l file. auch re~p~ .~th _the Clerk ef ...~. ~stion., .~e. s~d. v~wera sh~l obtain re,urn it wi~h. ~heir And i~... a~~ ~at ~e ~era~on .~.relo.ca~on..~e~_~....the a~e~l ef the Co--sion .~s..f. ur~s~d = pl~t .showing .:s.urvey of the :el: ~he.: ~~.~,~issien.~s a~:ed before the .d.s~ed ~s~.~o n~if~ the proc'eedings,. :crd:~'~ ':'~ha~. H,.~'F,. Here.l~.~,.. C.. ~,. J,. T,~ .Cal..enter., Br~:~.::~n%~: ~d ~C,/T. O'Neill, 9'2 REPORT public. Ne "ine'~mVenience ~.e ~rep,~t~ '.owner;,. ,~ef~ ..con~.enience_ %'e the 2nd,[ .... Th~ [sai~i'/Po~d-'. will' 'nO~-".be, one..'of"suchl mere. p~£.V~e ~ ,convenience as %e mak~ it' .~ep~..~h~, i% ~ho~ld..be .e~ned ~d~ ~:~.~..~r~e.r/'~y ~he per- ~en or .~.ersons fer ~hos.e .c.~n~e~ence .if~.is desired, . [%h. The~ f~.~vin~,~.nam..ed. Of setd land .a,vne. r.S rsqui~..~e: ~C~Ompensa%ion~ · . -. S_. .S~ringfelI~w. ~ . ...... .which in the proved, fer. pa~!nen~ ' ' whi~ ~ate~nt_~s...~ned, ~v~e.~fi.~ ~d le~:~e~:.s,~o~[s;::e~ ~e';.a. c~h:'.~:~c~on~ .~$c:~_~::f~.r ..eperatien ex- ~:~e~ :.~:$:~:re~:,~:~-s' ~C~:~': ~:'~:~e~.a-.:.~d..:~he~.:in~e~est thereen, -~::~a~~. ,a~.~-~he-. -iratenesS: :~'~ecn~aid" ~nu~y .... ~..he~eby~ .appr~v~,.~d .au~h~ ~ her.e~.~ed ~%.~e. e~d_.co~..~Schoel Board -'%o :bo~w tke. ~:. ~ f.Or..%he ~.~OSe .se$. out.. ~...s~d ~plXcat~on. ~e .B~ard..ef, Co~.,,~u~.er~. ~..~ co.~t~ .w~l....~ch year du~ng ~d . z~emete~ing:..~..h~.e.,..~,~.ent .:s..chce~:.b~ja! Mer_.~we~her. Ltwia~..~t~.,he repaid in bZ .law.~.r~ga!a,,iing A~a~,~a' fr. om.t~e ~Li. ~ra,ry. ms u~u~i~ a~oP~ l~h.:~, .Qf: O~.er.,. ~}g~ae~ted_~ ~a ~dt ~ ~~ ~ressed' to the s~ate. Ba~d.' of .E~~n .o~f:V~[~ ~o~.ghe e~ o~: from ~he Board of lirg!ni~t, f~ a 10~ of, .$4~*O~'OO:f~m .th,e..Lt~.e~~ is hereby ~.s _u~nim~.s~ly adop~ed~ ssid_iouniy. School Board '%o borrow.,lhe .said ~mount ~,~r the_pU~Poso set out in said spplication. the: iime...ths2 .[ fix,.lhe ~? levies, fix a if'on ex._ensues .and: .to_.repaz~: !hiS.. :lo~u. fn:annue! .insiaIl~fs~ an,_d %he in- The fOllowing c~s were R~esenied~...e.~d~ an~.all,~ed,.~ and._~or, derei ~O,'~e ceriifie¢ ~o ~ho. DiroC.10r.'~f-Fi~a~ce./'f0r payments 3.O~0 · Anderson.[Bros.: Book !~0~1 Barnes. L~mber. 6orporatio~... 23.89 33.66 : ...... 1~,00 Welding ~at' ~1~' 10,00 at'enctl': .~-~R(~:S for :D~,L F. 2.00 ~e:ani~.;~pp,~l!ea for. C.. H. ~,.,~_.~ *'~e-i:':~ 'teeo~t.s" f~= Jail ad.*' P:~:~ ~u~ho~ze.&:by .,~ec(~ion~. Officials :F~d ::~tea ;:f~r(,.~, .~.:'Ioe-for "C;' 11.89 11.?~ 1,84 .68 95 lo68 30~.~ Riichie..Eleciric ~08~. , The ~esle. rn ~086 C.W. Butch Rent of' Co. Relie~f.. Office. P~ntimg. ~f~r. Clerk_'.s .0f ftc · Allowance.. fo.r Co.ok at J~l ........ Oo~i.ssioa...on Ooupons h~e for. Jail Office .Supp~ea. f~_ D, F,. ~d. Food _aapplias for Jail $ 6.00 30,00 25.~3 91.57 30.00 .?~ 15.o3 ~3.48 100.4~ 56 5o _, 8.00 494.~ 4.31 8.00 48.<:)0 ~Lloage..for... 8.ep.tember, Office Equipment for O., F. tAulaciea~.~.Bessie Oibaon and.~Geo~R. Herring ~e~,e.,,for, Sep~.~ber, 1~3~ ':Tel:eRhon:e ~'e:r'~ce .for_ A~,,~,..$.ep~.~ · 00%. ~ele~R~k .Service for..A~!9~ Lm~,~ esr-~es.~e., ,~b son. ~d T~keis_ kill.id bY Bogs 24.70 2o 0 ~;52.~0 21.45 96 ]100 Thos, ~pic or 3io3 s, ~,' York. ~0.~:;: ~' Ad_~ine Brown . ~.~ .....~'s-'..~:a :~B~: Di~k~rson ]1,~2 C, R. ~rrier ~6~ ...... Pur.~s.& Jo~-son 5°00 3.oo Boarfd. f.o~: .Sept.,., B;~ ~or" Sep~.;, i935 Welf~e Aoc~,,..'.Sep~,,. 193~ ~.. welfare_ .~c~.~/S'epg.., 1935 ~eLfare: .tc.'c%i~. :Sept. ,~ 19.~ Wei~e_.;t~.,..:Sept:;:,.193~. _ Wel~e: l~:c~;:.,.S~.., 19~..: . ...... Welf.a~. Ac~.t..,, :S-ep~-., I93:5' ~elra~-.A~c~i:,... Sept:,, 1935 ~If.a~e .l'e.Ct.~,..' :8ep%~ ~_.".19~..._ Welfare Acc~:;,- '8_ep~:.., i93~:; ; ~ 6T-OO 14o00 12°0o 12.00 90'00 xo'Oo 1.%00 1°8~ ~.38 47.82 25.01 ~.00, 12~0 3.~o 2-~ 2.0~ 17.0o 11.64 %00 10.00 5.80 32.78 3.~ '6.00 10.~ 12~0 '7.~0 17.90 12.91 4.00 lO.~ 11.00 ~3.~ 3,00 12.~ 17.90 23.~3 12cO0 7~3~ ~3.oo 16.~ 12.60 %oo 8.oo Cook Amo~m% I3,20 2.00 3.1o '~.oo lO. O0 3,I0 3,27.%00 lO?.29 50,00 3~0.00 200.00 3¢L~6 3o8,33 250°00 45.00 50.~ ~0.~ 55,00 125.~ 75,00 60,00 26'6? 28.00 )o~ober.16th,,..~ .we.re..r.~ad~ a~l approved. ~sigm. at~! as a .J~ma. for .a.mee~t~ be~wee~ a .=~reeen~a~ive [._%~:BO~ .oi,...auper~$ora~, ~he p~ub!io ~s given ~ .work desi~_ ~o be. done on. ~he...s,eco~,. ~.em: of Hi~Y~ ~.~.er.,,..R~eS.~ted .,~ s~tement...of, e~ali!ures, of the ree.,.mon~ha.end~g,..,.~eR~ember 30~h 1935. Ur....Norford.apRea~ed before ~hei.Bo,~rd..ani r. equaated~ .,tha%~.the. B_c~rd ~eip~mezd that Bridge_. be. 'cone%rutted ,.~l~..ord.e~..~ moiion b.~,,,.Mr,_ C,, ~ call. McCue,~,. ~j this..ma%%er .be takem .under adviee~ Ur.., _G.eorg~ .Gibaon...a~....oJ~u ie~ e .~s ..req~a~a~ t~% a%_leas~..~e. Bridge. he Cons%r~ted o~ Halls...Mill.: Road..abo~ %hr.ee. m Llee from..Boones.~ille. Mr~. 0cee, e~a.ted ~t. this r~d ~s aI~d~ in ~he. S~. ~..houl~ ~e.~ro~ed:,.,.~. ~.n~. been~..due .~o. ~k of f~ds. ~. W.. A. Io.~_, su~tsi~ed..~i..ihe.r~ ~d~g .fr~.ike. in%e~ee~.~ion of ~. 66~ ~d 97