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3,~ :'_ w. s.. Cook .Re'asia:;Joae.s C,. G. and. '":~.e A. 'V; '"Wilson Sco~.~sville..Diatri~ ......... 1',37~. ?~ Whi~e Hall..Dis%r!c.t ............... 1..~::'Coal .'for. J~l ~3o~0 2.00 3.10 lO,0O 3.I0 4,,00 3,275.00 1e?.29 50,00 200.00 100.00 341.66 308,33 2.~Oo0O 4~oo ~o,~ ~,eo ~0~ ~3.33 26,6? 28.00 tig..hw~a~..Depar~m, ant.. and._.the.~ Boa~.d .of_.SuRer.visora,~,:.the.. pub!i~ was given an be he~rdt aa _to.,.~he. _work des~.e.d, to be.. dona. on the sec.ondar. Z~ aY~.,~, off Hi~h~y~ ~... W,. M,.> Oose.~ _:Res~.en~..~eer., ,R~e~ed ..~.s~t_emen~._of. e~e~i~ures of the ~~,. f~_ three.~oni~ ending~eR~e~e~ 3~h 1~3~. ~.,.,, Norford~ apR~red', before ~e .R~rd_ a~ ,requast.ed_tha~,,,the.. B.~.,, ~e~ t~t .a ~. ~tt. er' .be ,i~en .under ~visement.~ Halls ..Rill_: R~ad..about .%hre,e miles from..Boones~ille..... M~, Gose. s_~a. ted thai., iris road was ~ead~ .in .the Sy~,i~m. and. shoult I.e. imp~o.ved,.,.~bui..had..n.~t been, .due t,O L~ok of funds. ~r.., W. i. lo. od.~ su~ta..led t.ha% lhe r_oad.,l~gfr, on~ the. iat. eraecilon of Rt. 667 and 668.t. a dti.tano:a of..at~r. ~.o.~.el~.. L1._milt he. impact, i.d,. and .thai :.Road kno~m as the Mill s.e-wag~ .~s~a~'e~ ~where necessary. .of.. & ~choo~ bu/ldi~ in After o:ons:i.der~le..'.dia.c.ussion ~f..~he_'.nmL~er. a~d..upon...m~.~i~n., of.. Mr.. W. H._ L~o~rne.. seconded b~ Oit~, .C~cil_~ ~e._ .Atb.e~le..,_O.~.~c~o,~l.:B~.. ~ ~he., .C~itF .~cho_ol Board_ be., .held for ~e p~,oS~., o~,~ secu~a.~:..i~.o~ion..on, the..., s-~..a~ahle. ~e,. ~.. ~.. ~ace f or this ~2es,.of ~i~._t.a.a~.b~ w~,:~.,g~ .~ f~~.~e.,c.~t~.~.on.. ~f_a School B~ing a~._,~l~ tez~ll.e, .S:tonX_ ,~.~t.,,~,,~~le_ ~ Meriwe~her. ~.,..~ _off er r e~e aa follows = OF...PUBLIC WORK8 Washi~ton, D. C. October 1~, 193~ The. Com35~, ,30hool B~m~, of., Albemarle Ooun'ty State File ~o. Va-lO46 BE';:i~KFURTHE~2RES0L~: ;_':.~t.a. :co.p;y...of~...t~e,.ae' r:eao.'lu%io~s ;be forwarde~ to the Hon.. ~0n .mo~on duly_.~ec:o~led.. A~"W.as ordered ~a~. Mr. C. ~,. Swaa 'be '~e'£u~ded taxes ~muti~.$~ $~;20Lon acco~' :of::erroneo~ assessmen~ .~f pe~s.o~l"prope~y. ~o cm~,.er~.on..pu~poeed Legisla~'ion, H.. A. Hade. n~ Di~'ec.~or, .of Fizance., e.ubmit._ted a sf~Ltemen~, of the expe~es of his ,ffice .for..~he.Mont~..of_.Oc~ober,. Which..ata~ememt~.was e-~-.mined.~ verified, and approved, T~e: foll=wiz~. ~!aims. _were. ~re, sen%ed.~ .examine~ ami_ allowe~.a~_ 0r~ered to be =erti, fied ~o..~he Dir..e.c~ of Fimmcs. for payment ~ 226 - M,$,.,_S~ring.fe~llow_ & Homes Owner.'s Loan Corp. ~22~~ Mrs; T.~ S; ~tley, ~.2 ...... .,...~a- R,...H, Du~e~., f2~...~ ~a....~.. H. Snow ~,2~ .... ~s.....~e ~bogast.. ~.: ......... ~s, ~. ~. Wood ;~.: ..~shu~ Bros. ~23~.: , ~WkinS Bros. Co [240' 242:... 2.46.~. Mrs, Kate ~i. Ilar Timberiake DrY ~oods Ce C;.' H; Williams.: Eminent'". 'Carter Mrs:;. 'C~ B:~Diokerson . Mrs_._. Ph.~I]Jtp_ RhOdes, Hil~. & :Xrvi~g.~ lnc Pr.edd~..! s ~eral. Home Purchase, ,p~ice... c~..right-cf-way Meadow Creek $ 100,00 Rig.~%~,of.,.-way for Road 12~.00 Welfare.. Acc~,~.,~, 0c2,, · l~ ......... 6?.00 ' 14.00 ' 12.00 " 12.00- -~ ?~.00 - $.41 - .80 " ~.~0 " 2.00 . ~.~ " 17'01 " ~00 " ~0 " 12;~0 " "Oct, & 'Sept,l~3~ 12;00 "Oct. ~93~ 1.~ lO0 3262. ~.~:W. Bruce .... .~ . '32:X1 ..... :.:~i "$;' De~e: .... '3~8::': · H;._R; Gle~on..& 0o '328:X', - Ken~' s~rke~. 3.2,9? ~da .Pigg!2 ~igglF. 33~ .... a.. F. ~pa~n' 3310~ .... Solo~!.a ~tore= 3~ .....~t~da :Terrell ...... ~312.. ~o~rd ~cker" ~31I .... ~a,..E, L. Wtnebarger., W. W. A,.. K, ~t. &. Son 3322_,..Aad~s. on _Broa.. Book.. Stora~.,Ino.. 33~6 :". Jackson Beal, 3~2~ ~, gi~. Gollec%e~ Cook, ~.P. Dis!riot Boa~, 33.40. ,.. Bernard H~ Early., M.D. '" And l~t 1935 '-'oc,.. ~935 "Oci, Aug a gep% "'.00%* 19'3~ _ "sep~:.'&"Oc~. '193~ ...... '" Oe~* '19~ .... "~. a 0ct~' 1935 "0c~ber 1935 "00%. 193~ "00%* 1935 "Sept.. ~.0C%, 0ff..e_ 8~R!.~es. for .~.F, ~e.~.~ for. Oe~. 193~ L~c.y~ia Woodson L~acy~.~t~! R. P a~e 8_ervices as ~iewer Gas .& Wa%er Service.a% Oour%-'hoase a~ J~l Door oh~ok for Cou~house ~inti~ ~u%h~.~odby ~ec%ion officios. ~e~ge, for..00%.. 193~. ~ci~.~ " "~ .~ch, el.. Cobbs L~acy.~.~.ohel Oobbs . .. L~acy..~ia Wo~son ~acg~el ~obbs .& .~nsl~ Th~s- ~ ton F~ ~pBlies forJ~l E~~iOn. of '6:.Men. d~g Aug. Sept. '& 0c%. 1935,..(~). L~cy $.R, Pa~e Amount lO-;30 3?;90 6,00 2;oo 2o&oo %0o lo;oo 24;90 ?;oo 2o;3o ~;oo 1~;oo 6;oo 30;~ ~2~00 -3~96 16;00 24;90 ~;00 '?;00 ~00 B;oo 29;83 17;90 3,1o 12~ 8;~ 14;00 12;00 ~88 %00' 12~00 2;00 16;00 33;~ %80 ~;~0 3;00 8.08 ~,0o 2.00 2,00 21,1.6' 12.25 2j?o 4;00 .~;0o 2.00 10~00 64,21' 572.05 ............ 8°00' of Vir gila 'H~-: L. 'Webb R, $%inson ..5.ervice Co a368" ':.LR~s, A. Gibbs ' llollis]P~I1 Mrs... Harrison Taylor ,~2...,,:...,MOntie, ello .Dairy,,, Inc.. i~3~,.~ J.* ,L. Robinson Hot.ace ~a~h, _Jr. ~.8 ~ N. D. ~i~e Shhuy!er M, Harris W. Eve~e~% ' E; B.~.Bewden .. H~ris ~ ~ C. Nercer. __". Jo~ T.. Gibson ~ H. ~oore Bowen M. C. H~low H. Woody 'C. E. Jonson L,' Ca. er ~S.~ J~ ~0hi~ ' M~. H. Foster 3.08 8~a%iS.ticaI'.j~res' 'for Dept of Pablic '~elf~s .... . Food '.SuP~l~.S .f~f: .J~l f 0 r-: 0C~t.. ' CIe~ing. Sup~;!i~. for: '~';H, $ ~.80 Ref~.,(.6f)~es Paid-~S..M. '-- ,' ~gi~.eri~g. ~rVl~es a " c O~,cti.6~ :~h:; F~"'S' 'Spring Pos~g~.: f.or...' ~.~:' ~ - : 73'. 8: a:0~ce .for. ~o'0k'' ii:' Jail 12.50 Re~?~df" R~e~I0~n% office '- Oo~ ,:for'."_~o.. R'e~,ef:'.~ftce 1~;~0 'B~e~s for. ~! . i13':'~ S.e.~.es as 7ieWer - - '2,00 ~.~a. for 0c~ r. I~35 43 i 8~- L~c~,~S; a. Pa~e 3.10 ~ti~n.: ~f~3.4 men'up to ~ L~ac~e,.~nsl~Y Th~ston F0.~d" s. Up~l:ies f~ Semi,es. a.s ~ewer D~er. ~ar ~pm!X, Sheriff.. 17;oo ;oo 4;36 2;00 231 205 :2~2:2 i09.6 0flit a .S. Upp~es..for' DePt ,. of' F., "" '" "C. lerk:% office 13~8~ Re~airing...,!~igh~t i..n' .b oil er room 1;00 ~e~e..'/or .Oct:, lt~ 62 ~ 25 L~aoy-~ohel Gobbs ]. 10 · eleph~e 3ervio_e a.s follo~ month of No~.. 0ct., ~ Sept. 1935 4.6~ 5,30 4~70 6;'20 ~e.~.on' "Se~fces .... 13, 20 ~c~.~$.[ R.. Payne ~..00 lla.~i:ri~::S:si~e for 0oJ. ~ Nov. CO. Ralie:f'"of~oe $ 2.~2 Oou~ .,H~s e, 01erk' s office._~ .J~_ ~ 5h~ep.,,.~lled by .dog . . . ]~00 Bh~p t ~b. Killed b~ dog ......... " " " " 3,~. " " " " 28~00 " " " " ~ Im~sh,~ ~ail for 0~.. 1~35 2.00 Civil ~or . 13.50 " 2.60 " " 18.~ " " 4,50 " " t.50 Or~d Euror ].40 - " 4.30 " 2.60 " 4~10 ~ 4.10 ~ec$ion .Sedco 12.80 " 3.00 "'?., 3.00 " 3,00 "$3.,~, Room Een%..$1.00 4.00 " ~.00 " 13' 20 " 3;00 ~ 3.00 101 'JJ2~:: : 'W:; "Hi ROgers 3:j2.8::.!..'.' ¢; W; ~COee 3.¢29 '3~: .::' 'W~ E. Moon ~3~. ''W'. ~rl .Head '3~0. ~ J. 'Pr~fi~ ~4!.. C_~ M* Fray ~8' Hi B; Rea 3452 ~g..~o~' a ~ge .... 3i~6 L, W;. Reed; '- 3.~58'.. A; 3~63 ....... · ~m ~a.~ .... ~466'.' H. V, Herold ~4~3 ....... ; L. L.. Chiles 3478' ' H~ry Sadler 3~80 H.. Ashby ~rris 34.84. W.B. C~ddo~k 348? : J. W. C~bell. 3~8 ' H.. J. Crens~w 3489 .... 3~0. .... ~ Olive F. ~o~ 34}1 H. Y~cey Morse 3~9/2_. 3~9~ W.A. Ele.c~ion $ ethic ss ............. # # ('Room Rent') (Room aen~, ) (Room Ren~) (Room 1;oo 3;00 3;00- 3;00 3;oo. 7;oo 8;00 8;oo 3;00 3;00: --- 7,00 13 ~2o -3~oo 3~0o 3;o0 '3;00 3;oo 1;0o 8;3.O '3;OO- 3;00 3;00' 3;00. 16~60 3;oo. 3,Oo 3;oo 3;0o 12;80 3;OO 3;OO 3,00 I;00 3'?;80 3;00 3;0o 3;oo 3;0o 1;00 8~0O %$0 9;50 3;00 3;00 3;00 7;00 1;0o 3.4;80 3;oo 3;oo 3;00 3;00 ' 2;00 - 1].;40 3;0o 3,oo 3;00 3;00 ?;00 3~00 3;OO 3;00 3;00 3,00. - 11;80 3;00 3~oo 3;00 3;00 10;40 3;00 3;00 3;00- 14;68 16;48 3~0o 4;00 3;00 3;00 7~oo · A. B.. ~a`ihrighi~,,,Treasur..er. of. El~ciion ser~ic e ..... " (Room ae~) t~ "(Ro~ 'Ren~) "(aoom "(Room' ~en~) ~er~i:c.e.s~ EIe.c~.or~l B~' f~m "- Interesl.o_n. Bonds: ~ue_. ~1/~. fei'eases Wdlfare acc~,../B6ard'- Of~ C~l~z.e~ .for '00%.' '193~ '~l.ar~ f ~or Mon~ of' NoW '1~3~ ,: ~: 'fo~:' :~h.'. ~f" No~2. ' 19~: '. Sa~rX. for...go~h, o:f N~'Z19~ ~ - S~a.~ for. %he_mo~ih. ~./N.a~i:. Sa~..f~ ~n~..of Now S~a~. :for ~on%h. :.of .No~2 .!~::: S~..f. or':~0n~h.:o~ 'Novl, ~l~.,,.f~r ~on~.h..of ~ for- Month of_N.o~. ~rg .for..lon~._of Nov,.. 19~.. ~. for. Month. ~ Nov;.. 193~,... ' ~ar~ ~r ~.n~h .of Nov~. 19~_ ~,. f~or..~n~, of. 'NoY, 1~..: ~_ for ~on~h of NoY. 1.~3~ ~la~ for~ lon~h of NOV-: 19~:. .. Sal~_ f~. ~on~h .of No~a. ~y. for ~O.n~ of Nov. ~. fo~ ~n~ of Nov.. $ 3;00 6;40 8L0o 1~.;00 3;00 3;00 3;oo 3;00 1;oo 7;00. 12;00 3;00 3;o0 3;00 3;00 1;oo 13;oo 8;00 3;00 3;o.0 3;Oo 3;00 1;00 3;00' 3;00 3;O0 3.~0 7;90 5.00 3;00; 3~00 3LOO 1,00 11;30 3&~ 5%73 L?.LO0 1,425.00 7.25 100;00 200;OO I00;00 341~66 100;00 225;00 166;69 308~33 250;00 5o;o0 ~0~o0" 5o;00 ~oo 86,41 24.2% ~3.33 26,6~ 48,00 Salary. for. l!onth..of Nov...li~ 28.~ 8%ate. Colla~lio~. for Uonih of 1935 1',274.25 Upon_ .mo_ti.on..ihs m~!t;t~ adJ o~aed A.spe. eial .~.t%.i~ ..of the. B -°~rd of C.oUnt~. SuRe~'~isora of Alb.~le .~y, Virgin~ wa~.{ .he~.p~s~.:.,..on %.he.. ~,,.Messrs.,,.d~ ,oIj.,.December~,. ~ ~193~' 103