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~42 J; F-Lea~hers 3~47 w, D. iOll~a~ Else:rich Ser.Vi'c e. " (acorn sent') # 3551:: :'...H.. A.' ~dea 3~56. ..... ~. L. "~uptn '3561..,., ~. 0. F~e 3562. J, ~s. on ~t.h_ . 3~-~.,.,.[J. C,. W. Bailey 3~,: ~. ~. Cook .C.. S, H~f~ :,.., E., ..~,. P~ell.. ~70 :. ~oes T. So~h~l ~I!: .Thel~. H. Day~ )572. Bessie Jones ~6.,. , Jo~.He~th De~m~ __ 5X9.. ~el~ on. Jones 3~ .... A.. B. ~%hr~ht~, ~eas~_er of "(ao~ sent) -# # "(~o~ 'Ren~:) it "'(ao~ " "(ao~ 'Rent) Ser~ic es Ele.c:~_or~' Bo~d ~om Se~i:ce.s..~ac~.oral Board f~m In%e~es~.. o_n 'S~ring~e~ow Deed rele~ses -' W~l~are ac.c~.'..B:6~' Of ~rover Or!tzer .for 00'%. S~a.~,~o~. %he:m,on+~ ~-N,O,~,: i935 ~r.y '~:or-.M~n~h.. of No~;.. Sa~....f. or ~on~.. of Nov, S~a~. for Month. oP.No~i. ~ for_ ~onth o~ .No~., ~r~ ~or.. Mon~h..of Nov,, !93;~. Sa~ fOr..Mon~h.~ Nevi 1~3%][.~ Sa~ ..... for..M~h _of N~.,..!~:, _ ~ for ~on%h .o~No~ l~3fj ~ .~or ~n~ o~ Nov'. 8~ry.. ~e~. ~n~..o~ Nov.,: 3-;~o 6;40 8;00 1~;O0 3;o0' 3.;00 3;00 1;OO '7;oo 12,;00 3;00 3;00 3;00 3;0o 1;00 i3;oo 6;00 3;00 3;00 1;o0 ~;oo 3;00 3;00 3;,00 7;90 12;80' 3;00; 3;00' 3;00 ' 4;00 l;00 11;3o 3;00 3;co r3;O0 7.50 '12;00 1,425.00 7.25 1~;oo 35o;00 moo;oo 200;OO lOO;,OO 341;66 100;00 225~00 166;61 '-75;oO 3o8;33 250;OO ~o~oo 50;00 55;o0 7~.O0 150.00 40.00 86,41 24.2% 53-33' 26,6l 48,00 App~o~i!.liou f~r.. M~n.tlt....of N.~,1935 479,17 Salar3~..fer, 3!en+~t..of Nov,...183.~ 28.00 ,S~aC~le~io~.. for Mon%h of Oct. 1935 1%274.2~ Upon..mo.ii.on_-.ihs: me!t.i~g adj oraed PP~SEN__Tj Messrs .... ~' ~.. Yray.~:~E.' J, Ballar~,.. p. H, Oentr~,.,~..O.~ Purcell Mc0ue, and ~. ~.. O. Roberts. 10 Upon motion ~.th~ m.e.e~lin~ ad~ommod, from= 8~11] b_e .ne~ea~ed_wit~_ s~%7 twel~.e,~mOn~hs~, enag. October- 31, .1~36. ' ~ed,