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- .~in~es of the me~in~,o~, November. 20, 1.~3~, .and..December 3~...!~,~ .were .rea~d and appr twel~e.~mon~he, endiag Q~t~ber ~1, 1~6. lOS approved; .... . # # # # "& Oc%ober # 10 # # # # 3607 . 'Wii~kins.:T~nsfer. 'Co~ .. 1~!6-.: ,,. s.... _m.. Cobbe, ..... 3:6!? ..... C:._. .H, . .. ~.. ol~., ...... ~620.:.. W.A. ~wson,, i6Z? .... A..e., ~y, 3~30.~ .... J,.. w.. Oood.8, 3631 .......... ~et~od_ ~lit ~ ;,S,t~i~ ..... Hopk~m. :~.~_ .... er~...l,, a.. ~r~ t~! ......... ~pin. Br~hors., .... # # $ 11m844.06 1.4o00 12,00 12,..00 3o.~oo 22°00 1.6.(/1 5.00 4.50 1.2.50 35.00 2.00 3.3o ~-oo 2.55 3.40 ~.~5 - 2,00. 24~39- 9 O0 29.35 6.~ ~0o T.O0 5.0o 25.50 7 31,8~ ~.00 3.00 20.36 17.~0 - 6.9~ 8.244 - 7.21 ~.?~ ?.~ 1~2~ 22.50 II 1.62 '2.95 26.00 40',09 5.00 '4,50 ~ess.:;on Of~.... 3upp., for TJ~.L ' : ;~? .... ~'.:~Le~-O~e.~t :of~ - 10..~ ~,~o Co~i~asions..o.n...~.oupon~ paid, .2? ~a~.~[. Rti~_..fo~..deed o f Trust' on F[~n~.e..'.. ~ for ~he A~ount _ '12-~ 2.00 25,00 9.40 6.25 11.50 23.15 1: % 5e " '. 1:.,%83 10.50 8.35 5.00 13.15 5.00 1:8.5o 43,10 12,50 3.00 8.2~ 6.90. 3~10 2.42 3~10 38,! 9,64 5.30 170.67 1,015.00 52.~5 -3o25 6.25 34.36 3.00 8.40 22.,,65 35.50 39.95 46.?0 r fOLlows: ' 311~:. ,. E,__ l., Ballard, ...... 3116 ........ .¢~ .P~r~e!l_.McCue., 31!1,-~ Dry. ~,:.._ O~,_.iLob er~.s, ............ 3118: .... H, ..A.. Haden, 3I '!~..-,-' 37.2.0 ..... T.._ R. Paces. ti21 ........... Geo,. W,: Br.ow~, 3723 ....... 3~32.._:.. ~a..~. I, 0,' Fife, 3X4~ ..~SSie 3741 .. C.~,a. Gr.e.err, · 3I~4 . Joint...Health..Department 37~J ............ ~elt.oa Joness At% endaAc_~,:a~J, }Iii,ease. a s. Chairman o.n ei~.,.i.~eel!~s ~of B~r~. for 6 i%i.e:ndl~,e.,,i~..~~...on..~ meetings of - ~le. age~,f~._Jul~..l~.!b.,.~ 193~ '.~o ~hickens .. ~1~ .by.-D~s ll~n...._~e~ices_.. ~al~. far....~n~....~_ ~ec:~her.~- 5~ fo~ month_of: ~c.~ber ..1~ ..... $~-ar~...fo~.. mcn~h...~., .~eceJ er.. Sal=2.~.for.._~nth..ef .~c.~ber.~193~. ~1~:I. for moni. h ~of ,~o~b. er ..~: APR~o.Rriat~m_.f~_Re s% Room ~._m~a~e..of. O~t,, :~ Nov. 19~ ADP ~gRriation f o.r ~e~ emb er 1.~,::,: .... Salad. ~o~ month_of .Deo~ber .193~ _. ~rest_ d~ _.on.._lhe_.f~l~ng bo~s l~y 1st, 19.36. ~~ .D~.~ric~ ....... $ 2,8~.0~ S~i.. ~er., 6,300. O0 ~.6 ......... 'A~.. B._ ..f~,.ihrig~i:s.,..~a.s~ .og. Ye.. Bt.ate emile, trio. ua_for _Nc~.,~i.83~ 43,47 2, ?O 2.00: 2°00 210.80 ~o20 51.20 3%00 5'/.26 3.00 14..,.00 10.00 .,%28 3;00 12o00 3JO.O0 XO0;O0: 1~O0 6~;0o -341;66 100;00' 225,00 ~:166;67 7~;oo 308°33 2~0,00 4~.oo' ~o;oo ~o.oo 5o;o~ 12.%0o 86;41 24.2~ ~3.33 26.67 20,00 479,17 28,00 10 Up0a_.m~tica .~.ha.mae_~ .~ ad~ ourned. Ohairman, AT.:.A ~ET~O .OF .~ BOARD OF._CO~ SUPEP~I$~.$..OF AT .~E .COURT.,HOUSE. 0F SAID..~/:ON r ~E -1~. DAY. OF .J~U.~, 1936: ~.. qualified, voters.: of. Albe~rle .Co~ly.~ at %he ge~e~-election held. in ~d County Geni~,. E,. J. Ballard...~d._.L,. ~.,. Robe,s .~s members, of the Board _of C~uni~ 3uper~sors of