HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-02-19work appeared t5 be necessary en the See~dar~ R~.S. in Albemarle Cou~y, After eomsiderable discussion cf the matter, a Commit%ce, composed..on Messrs C. Puroel~ Mc~ue, E. 'M. ~Va~lmad and, the County Executive, was ~ppcinted with instructions ~e secure all available data and reper~, back ~ the ~ard. Upon mo~ien tho m~ eti~g .~dj ourned, ~ .,, Chairman A regUlar me~ting,,,of the Board:,of County, ~uDer~sors o..f[~.AIbemarle Ceunty.~ Virginia, w~s-hild~''at'''the COurt.. of the. said' county. On the I~th day..of[/.l~bruary, 1?35; Pres~en~ ~.,'TMe.s~s rs., '.'. J~, M,. 7Frays,. E;-[~ .' 'Ball'~rd,....P,._ H,._. ~.entry., ~.~,f'H,'.. ~gh~ 0.me, C. Purcel: ~be~rle~ ChaPter of %he A del~°~ f=om.,~he/D~ugh~_er~ 6f .the.. ~eric~ Revolution,... composed · of:'~s. Geo.. H. ao~.~and, at.~he s~e ~e, provide ~o~. s~e s~er~e_~fOr..other_OI~...~v_al~Ie Dapors in the Office, Upon meti:on '.b~ (Mr., C..~rc~II.' NcCUe,/~Uly~..e ec~Ond'ed~/the Count~ .TExe. cut~ve~ was inst~cte '~.. A. L,'Benne'2~;,:.Superiht.end~n~..[of)~SC'hoots.,. sta~'ed'7~ha~' ~he:SCh0.o.~..:.Be~rd considered vices r:endere~ at~ .the .['~e 7 ~h~he Crozet..~choel~. Build~ug?~was ._d~e~;~2~[f~re,~. ~d ~ ~di- but:s~ated f~her~.~.....the Co~onwealth,~s Att_o~ey. ha~ advised.~he ~Chool Bo~d-~ha2 i$ wo~d .e.. mlIeg~! for '2=he $.cho0X[:B'Oard~ ~-o' ~e such .e~endi~ures., but t~ :..wo~d ~o entirely Vol~t~er:TF~e..Comp~Tor s.e~vices rendered..~ connec~ion:.~h:':fire at the Croz et $~ho~l- Building'during :/D)e~gmber; 7 t~3~t BE IT...~RRES0L~. ~hat. $200-00 be .~d ~ho~ s~e is .hereby approp- ria~6~ ~o .~.~:in:defraFi~.~Be Cost '.cf ~u~c~se eft'fire equips22 for the Oroz~t Volunteer Fire Mr_. ~'Benne~t...ad~ised the Board .~ha$..it was the~ wish .of the ~chool...Board th~% a Joint hooting, of .~he ~. Bo~S.~be held ~O~"motion b~.. ~. C, ~arcelll_.McCue,[~ dul~ .:scOots,ed, it..,was ordered ~h'a%.a ~oin2 Mee~- ingT. Of 'the Board 'of Coun~ eU~e~isors ~d 'the School Boa~ be .held ~t 1:~0 .P., .M,. On ~rc~'18 The County.Executive reported that he had been ad:vis.ed_by the State Health Department that funds we. uld be ~alloca%e~ for-tlhe .es.~ah~shme~t .~of/'a' Tr~ning. i..U~i~"-.in Albe~a~L~ County for Health Workers provided '_the Co,un%y...increas~d it.s: appr~p, riatioix .~0~..~7~,00.00 per year for health work,, i Up.~.C~..motion,, d:,'.~y~, seconded~ it. was ordered that $?.,~O0,~O be..d~a.clmde~ ~ the Bud e~ ~.Health .~o~k..foc_ A Co~ietee,~ ~,.[L; 'G. Rob~e~.s.~d:,'~..../G~. Purcell. ~e~,.a~ointed a~ pre~ious .metering 0f~ ,$h9 B0~rd,.J~:o, e~e,..~he.: law 'a~r~tn$_-~ 7~. ~ E~eouti've fem. of Gover~en~ ~d .repo~..~o .the ~o~rd .~2h_itsf~eco~endatio~a as ~o whether or. not ~e ggve~- men~ ~s operating.accor~ng to law, .sub~tted th~'fello~mg report,:whieh' '~s un~o~sly _XOUr r~olU~, e~ed ~ ~he du~F of...s~~:..~3~ ~ioh au~hori- of said A~o - ~' ' ' The Ccan~ Exeeutlve Form.v~der whioh~ this ~eunty o, Perates proVides for ~'e aPpoin~ment_.o£::a:_C~nn~...~ee~i~a.~ho_ .shall .d:e~cte his" ~Ull time they are ., re£er~d JO ~n the te~,~. and ;:.: xn addi~i~: tO the'.' County, ~nless ahall_des~na~e .s~me .a.f~er off,ocr or the in payment' between ,_~ttz~e o~ Poo~ ,~pose. of at the same and , 6~he~ge · h~ ..keacT ~J~..~he~ DePar~cment shall ..:of said Board is The ~ b7 fo~ all A~torne7 'for, the. ~c~monweal~h shall e~er- eon£er~ed ,and.per~ern::aI1 :.~u~ies 4~-po, Sed on sueh o£fToe~ 'be ~e~:coun~able..~o~,tJM....~ao~d..e~ .:Co,unt~ Supervisors ~,t~er~o~.Lall ~u~ies no~ in' direote Y~ur Cemmi~cae _~ishes...Jo-~eecmme~..Jh~t..~e .At~erne~ for the Co~ne~- wealth Be ,,req%tLrod_~.of: ~ all wi~h ~.he"t~w._.oo~equen~-13T', n~.c~a:~,.be reO~nnended. 116 keeping ef ~aken up under ~ha~ ~h~ Clerk e£:~he ~ep~Ios are pai~ an ~ f~r ser~eG. he ~e requested ~o amend ~he, aocoUn~i, ng · he ~s~ of same. In any Board -for funds to be ~ied for '~eltef. work .~ ~e eeu~. A~o~ .~s ~ho~z~d 'tO pr~eed' t~,:~e~r ~o~a ..~p~p~,.~~,~ the Clerk':J, n~ tn ~ possession of ~si~e~S of N~ York: S~a~e,. Tho ~eport of 'the Dfstriet Fores~er was presented end ordered filed. C~t~e~ll'e fo~ JaP~ese'Be~le, ~e co~y ~eoutt~ ~po~d tha~ a~ ~e ~-~g._~ Co~a~, ~d i~reased , ~..,: )> . ,Charle~e.sville 117 We, 'therefSre, reocemen~, that ~th_e DireCtor' ~f'Fi~a~ee be ~u~h°riZed ~;. ma~e~hese transfers for the 8ix.mon~he':"i~eres%' (Slued). 401! ........... Ch,/~i:~ ~bmaber o~ 118 ~sl. Dr.- R, 'T,..Erge~r!g~ 4052.. _ 4O$4 40S6 4~.42 4044 .BoOks. Lu~ae~,-CharI~S..E.' S~leS ............ Blaekw~ll. 4047 .4048 4049 4050 405.I 4O52 4054 4O$5 4~61' 4O69 D~. F. O.MeCue Dre R. L.,Page Focdi'S~!i.es. ~f~r Jail Luz~c~.--je~e~ W. Al~xmde~ San* C.. C · Wade The Western: Un~on Tel. Je'W. ~folfe; J* P* ClauSe R; Y~r~ley. 40?8. M~se ~. A. Woo~ 40?9 ~aw~ms 'Bres, Co. 4085 4~86 408g Chts~; Store. 'D~ ..S~ere ..B~o~. Co. 4~g8 41~0~ 4IGg 4111- . Isabella Pr~ee Cf~y.. Oeltee+.er H-M* Gle'as~ & CO.- ~b~le' F~ers' Cee '~..~der .' ~-J. Bell, Jre.. J, W. B~e Welfare ,~eo%.~ .~T~m=m~,.:lg~6-' ........... ' 6,09 6~84 5.00! $4,84 24~ s.le '4~?0 42.~2 25elM~ 84,?0 $2~15 2~ 12e~ 22:e~ lSe~ l~.~O 4~ YeO0 2807? 2000 11-~1 24e~ 4126 4128 4129 41~ AlS? Je .'W, ~an~'Ho ,,Gibbs. H, M.-Gleason & Co. J. Wo'~Goe?s - GreenwoOd Ce~auni%H Stere I~~ S~ ~. W, Jaoksm. Co. ~be~'a s~ore 4159 414I 4,!42 .4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4156 4158 4159 4160 4161 4182 ,416~ 4168 4169 4t72 41 s 4174 4176 4177. s To Soa~halI The.baa H.., Davis 4187 4188 4189 4191 4192 '4194 4198 4197 BesSie J~nes aree~ D, ~ille~ John Wesley ~eLt'are Ac, %._,. Ja~uarY,.19~ Walfar9 too~., J~u~, 1986, Sala~ for FeB~Y.' 1956 15-85 11.85 26'9~ ,22e00 1~.~ 9..92 19,B0 '21.~ 12.~ 2~ 22B~0 . 75,00 45eoo 75e~' lZS*~ 160~ 119.75 Food~te s for J~l ~ moe for Cook ~:. ,J~ ~rd ,of Welf~e citers 25.8~ ~7e16 226-50 18.75 188.95 16'~0. 120 9,119e:$~ A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County~, Virginia, was held at the Court House-of the said county on the 18th day of M~rch~ 1936. Present: Messrs. J. M. F~ay, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, W. H.' ~nghorne, C. Pure'ell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Minutes of the 'meeting of February 1% 1936, were read and approved. ' ~. T. L. White appea~ed before the Board and exhibited a number of receipts for taxe~ which he stated had not been credited on his tax tickets in the Treasurer' s-Office and %hat apparently the umount oD his receipts exceeded the amount of his taxes for the' yeaz~s 1930 to 1933, both inclusive. Upon motion by Mr,¢. Purcell McCue, seconded by Dr. L. G. ROberts, the Director of Finance was ordered to cz.e~t Mr. T. L..~]~ite with the amount of his receipts end~ charge any ~ortion of such credits against G. Stuart Harem, former Treasurer, which had. not been preViously charged against him.. The Director of Finame, was further ordered to follow the same procedure~ in allow- lng ~credit for taxes previously paid when proper receipts The County Executive reported that all parties involved had agreed to a plan for of the %an-dling/the funds of the .J°int Health Department jointly by the City Man~gez~ and the C oun~y ~ecutive. Upon motion by Mr. E. J. B~llard, seconded by Mr. ~. H. Gentry, Such ~ method of handling these funds was ordered approved; Upon motion by Dr. L. G. Roberts, duly seconded,'the County Executive was directed to s~tudy apparent discrepancies in the assessment of real estate and report t~ the Board whether or not in his opinion it would be desirable to request the appoimtment, of an Equali- zation Board this year. On motion duly made and seconded the fol~lowing re~olUti'°n wa~s unanimously adopted: IN THE MATTER OF WOOLEN MILLS SANITARY DISTRICT: WHEREAS, there was recently created a Sanitary District in ,the WOOlen Mills area of ~emarle County, known as Woolen Mills Sanitary District, and at an election called and held on the 14th day of March, 1936, to determine- the 'question whether the Board 'of County Supervisors 'of Albemarle County should issue bonds for ~he purposes set out at pages 494-495 of the Acts ~of the General Assembly of Virgini~ of 1934, a majority of the qualified voters in said Sanitary District voted for the issuance of such bonds; AND WHE~qEAS, under the stCtutes ~id bonds cannot be properly issued until ~ertain legal formalities have been met;' AND WHEREAS,' it is %he sense of .this Beard that a sewage system shall be installed in the said ~Sanitary District, and financial aid for the project has been procured from the