HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-03-18120 88 A regular meeting of the Boa~d of County Supervisors of Albe_m~__~te County.., irg~n~a, was held at the Court House of the said county on the 18th day of March, 1936. Present.' Messrs. J. M, Frmy, E. J. Ballard, P, H. Gentry, W. H. ~nghorne, C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. ~. G. Roberts. Minutes of the meeting Of February 19, 1936, were read and approved. M~. T. L. ~ite appea~ed before the Board and exhibited a number of receipts for taxers which he stated had not been credited on his tax tickets in the Treasurer's-Office and that apparently the ~mount o~ his receipt's exceeded the amount of his taxes 'for the' yea~s 1930 to 1933, both inclusive. Upon motion by Mr.C. Purcell McOue, seconded by Dr. L. G. Roberts, the Director of Finance was ordered to c~t Mr. T, .L..White with the amount of his receipts and- charge any ~ortion of such credits against G. Stuart Hamm, former Treasurer, which had' not been previously charged against him. The Director of Finam~e~ was further ordered to follow the same procedure- in allow- ing ~credit for taxes previously paid when proper receipts ~*~ p~F~2m~m~e.~ to him ....... .~ :. The County Executive reported that all parties involved had agreed to a plan fc~ of the ~andling/the funds of the .Joint Health Department jointly by the City Manager~ and the ~Coun~y ~xecutive. Upon motion by Mr. E. ~. Ballard, seconded by Mr. ~. Ho Gentry, Such a method of handling these funds was ordered approved; Upon motion by Dr. L. G. 'Roberts, duly seconded, the County Executive was directed to s~tudy apparent discrepancies in the assessment of real estate and report te the BOard whether or not in his opinion it would be desirable to request the appointment of an Equali- zation Board this year. On motion duly made and seconded the following r~o!Ution wa-s unanimously ~adopted: IN THE MATTER OF WOOLEN M~LS SANITARY DISTRICT: · WHEREAS, there was recently created a Sa~tary District in the Woolen Mills area of ~'lbemarle County, known as Woolen Mills Sanitary District, and at .an election called and held on the 14th day of March, 1936, to determine' the ~question whether-the Board of County Supervisors ~of Albemarle County should issue bonds for bHe purposes set out at pages 494~495 of the Acts~of the General Assembly of Virgini~ of 1934, a majority of the qualified voters in said Sanitary District voted for the issuance of such bonds; AND WHE~REAS, under the st.~tutes ~sm~d bonds cannot be properly issued until ~e~tain legal formalities have been met; AND WHERE~S,' it is %he sense of %his Board that a sewage system shall b~ installed in the said-Sanitary District, and financial aid for the project has been procured from the Fed~raI ~.GOvernment; AND WHEREAS, in order to secure the advantages of such financial aid, it is essentia that the work of installation and cOnstructiOn be proceeded with at~enEe; BE IT ~THEREFO~.E RESOLVED, that the sum of $.500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be advanced from the general fund of the~County for the purpose of proceeding with the installation and ~onstruction of a sewage system in said Sanitary District, any sum, or sums, so advanced to be charged against the proceeds of said bonds presently to be issued. The County .'~-~ e~tive reported that he could find no evidence that Ho E. Scantling had made a~y effort to list the cow which was killed by dogs for taxation. Upon ~motion, duly seconded, it was ordered that claim be denied. Upon motion, duly seconded, the following lists of securities submitted by County Depositories for deposit to secure County deposits were approved: COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA Office of county Execu$ive LIST OF SECURITIES PLEDGED BY THE NATIONAL BANE AND TRUST COMPany, THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK, AND THE CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, TO SECURE COUNTY DEPOSITS. ~ .... NATIONAL BANK AND .TRUST COMPANY--~ U. $. Treas. Bonds .3~.% due 43-45 ~ .S .Treas j ~Bonds 3-3~8 'due. ' 47 U. S. Tre~s',~ Bsnds 3~%~due .~41 U~ S.Treas. BOnds 3% ~ue '46~'48 U. ~$,Treas. Bonds 3% due ~ 51-' 55 Albemarle County 5% Bonds due '47 Federal Farm ~ 3% Bonds due '44-'49 ~me Owners Loan 1~1% due june 1, 1939 4,000.00 1,000. O0 10,000. O0 50, 000. O0 6,~ooo~oo 6,000~.00 .56,0oo~o0 50,000. O0 .... PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK Federal Farm Mortgage 3% due '47 $75,000.00 ..... CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ..... Home Owners Loan Corp. 3% Bonds $6,000.00 ~,~Q.Pmroell MCOue reported the progress which had been made by the Road 0Ommittee in attempting to secure increased allocation of funds for the secondary system of roads in this county. WHEREAS, E. D.~dley, Jr., has submitted to the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County his offer to purchase at the price of $5,100.00 a certain lot or parcel of land situate on Rose ~ill, in the 'City of Charlottesville, Virginia, designated as Lot #4 on plat made by Hugh F. Simms, S. A. C., dated September, 1929, and attached to and recorded with deed from E. D. Hundley, Jr., and wife, to said Board of Supervisors, dated October 15, 1929, and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Corporation Court of the City of Charlottes- ville, in D. B. 67, p. 73, the dimensions of which lot have since been corrected, as shown by reference to plat of Nmj~hF. Simms, S. A. C., dated March, 1936, and' attached to and re- corded with deed of ~a~hh.~lO, 1936, of record in said Office in D.. B~ 88, p. 375, together with such rights as the Board of Supervisors aforesaid may have in the railway sidetrack extending along the easterly side of .said lot, upon the following terms: $600.00 in cash to be paid on delivery of deed of conveyance, and $4,500.00 to be evidenced by five bonds, four in the sum of $1,000.00 each, and one in the sum of $500.00, all to be dated with date of conveyance, to be payable five years after date to the Board of County' Supervisors of Albemarle County, to bear intere,st at the rate of 5% per.annum, containing waiver of_the homestead exemption, to be smcured by deed of trust on said lands, and the Said bonds to carry a provision r~eserving the right to pay the same upon thirty days' notice 'to the holder thereof of the desire so to do; AND WHEREAS, it is considered by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, in regular meeting assembled, that the sum of $5,100.00 is a fair and adequate price 121 _~ORE~i.;BE..IT~. RESOLVED~., :thalt. it.is. 'to'~ She..bes~.m~l%~eres.gs: ~ofl....~t~. Cbunt~. to S~ll as ~ended ~; ~..Ac~ ~of ~he G~eral ~lSse~blY :of. ~irgi~a of 19~, ~ .fon~ a~, Acts aforesaid. ~e followi~;Resolution~ was, on motion of ~. E. J. B~lard, seco~ed by ~. P. ~.Gent~, ~a~mouSly adopted: BE IT RESOLV~ by the Boa~ of Co~ty Super~sors of the ~Co~t~ of Albem~le, ~ginia, 'that the Gove~or ct Virginia be requested not to approve a Bill ~o~ as H~se Bi.~ No. 398, enact~ by the Genial Assembly of Virg~ia at its 1936 Session, and relating to services and .com- pensation of Attorneys for ~e Co~onwealbh-in co,ties havi~ the County Executive form of gover~ent. ~e County EXecutive presented the ~oposed ~dget for ~e ye~ begi~ J~y 1, 1936. Upon motion, d~Y seconded, it w~s ordered that a s~opsis of this Budget.~be published in the ~h~ottesville Daily ~o~ess, a newspaper ha~g general c~cu~tion in Albem~le Co~ty, and that a ~iic He~i~ on s~e be held ~ ~e Co~t House of Albemarle County on ~e 15th day of April, 1936, at 9:30 A. M. The fo~o~i~ resolution, .offered ~ ~L~~ G~Robe~t's~ seco~e~y .~, ~. E-;.~ J. - BE IT ~SOLVED by'~e Bo~d~of:'Ce~ Supe~isors of Albe~rIe CO~ty, V~ginia, that it is the-sense of this Bo~ ~at ~ increases or .decreas~ in ~e ~nses of ~e Co~ty Gove~ent shall be considered at the t~e of the Public He~ing ~d that after ~e B~get is fi~y adopted~ ~no 'f~er appropriations be ~de ~ess it c~ be ~own ~at an emergency eXists. Report of C. G. Greet, Co~ty F~m ~ent, for the ye.~ endi~ November 30, 1935, ~s presented ~d referred to ~e Cowry EXecutive. Mr. H.'A. Haden, Direct°r of Finance, submitted statement of the expenses incUrred in the Department of Finance during the month of March, i936, one-third of which is to be ~borne by the State, which statement was examined, verified and approved. The following ~taims were presented, examined and allowed and ordered to be cer- tified to the Director of Finance for payment: Ck. No_a. ~ 4198 National Bank and Trust Company 4199 Anderson Bros. Book Store, Inc. 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4215 4216 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 ~224 4225 C. W~ Bailey, D. S. C, W. Bailey, D. S. Cancelled City Collector Conway Printing Oo.~ Inc. C. G. Cook, J. P. N. S. Cook, D. $, W. S. Cook, D. Crozet Print Shop Dr. F. D. Daniel Dr. E. D. Davis, Jr. ~Elliott Ice Co., InC. P. M. Elliott, D. S. P. M. Elliott, D. S. Dr. R. T. Ergenbright W. O. Fife A. G. Fray H. Jo Haney, D. Clara L. Harm~n C. S. Huffman, D. S. C. ~. Huffman, D. S. Jarman~s, Inc. Chas. King& Son Co., Inc. Dr. N. D. Macon 0. Purcell McCue Dr. J. O. McNoll Midway Electric Comvany Purchase of U. S. Govt. Bonds. Office Supplies for C. E., D. ~., Welfare Dept., and W. M. S~~ D. and Office Equipment for Nelfare. Dept. Mileage for Feb., ~93~ Lunacy--NanUie Harlow Amoun~ $5,000.00 29.95 4.45. 3.10 Gas and Water Accts~ at Co. Relief Office, C. H., C. O. end Jail 29157 Prin~ing-ordered by Election~Of£icials 3.'50 Lunacy--01otile Washington 2.00 Lunacy--Clotile Washington 3'~10 Mileage for Feb., 1936 29.95 Printing for Welfare Dept'. 13.00 Lunacy-~Nannie Harlow 5.O0 Lunacy--Clotile Washington 5.00 Food Supplies for Jail 6,15 Mileage for Dec. and Jan. 2.30 Lunacy, Henry A. Kidd 3.10 LunaCies--HenryA. Kidd and Henry M. S~dler 10.00 Mileage for March, 1936 -7..00 Food Supplies for Jail 7.20 Mileage for Feb., 1936 25.~5 Fee in case of Comm. vs. F~G~ DaWson 15.00 Mileage for-Feb., 1936 29~.20 Lunacy--JOe Helmandoller' 3~10 Office Supples for D.F. 6,50 Food and' Cleaning Supplies for Jail 48,71 Lunacies--Henry M. Sadler and Charles H. Wood 10.00 Attendance and Mileage, Oommittee Meeting ;7.80 Lunacy--Joe Helmandoller 5AO0 Electrical Repairs at C. H~. 1.25 · ri CE. NO. 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4232 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 424O 4241 4242 4~43 4244 Monticello. ~ Co~, Inc. DU. W; H; Paine-' Patterson & Herndon Piedmont Candy Company The Pioneer Manfg. Co. Dr. M. L. Rea Dr. n. G. Roberts Dr. L. J. Saxe The Selig Co. J. Mason Smith, Sheriff W. Abbott Smith, D. S. W. Abbott Smith, D. S. S. E. PUb. Serv. Corp. of Va. State Forster of Va. Virginia Public Service Co. The Western Union Tele. Co. J. R. Wingfield, Jr., J. P. 4245 4246 4247 -4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254. 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298- 4299 43O0 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 H. L. Clar~ H. M. Sadler L. J. Peats C. W.Sandridge Henry E. Kennedy E. H. Joslin F, P. Ladd J. S. Morris R. H. Miller J. C. Abell B. C. Baker E. T. Duffer Lewis Huff H. Moore ~ Bewem Dan B. Owen M. C. Harlow M. Y. Sutherland W. R. Duke, Jr. C,'W. McGee A. E. MCMUrdo C,7 E. McMurdo R. Bruce Davis John Campbell O. L. ~ Haggard H. J. Crenshaw J. Re .Dowell Olive F. Dymond' U-Drive-It, Inc. U. of Va. Hospital Mrs. T. S. Kirtley Adeline Browm Mrs. L~ H. Snow Mrs. R. H. Dudley Miss Janie Kirt!ey Mrs. J, A. Wood Mrs. Mayme Arbogast Mrs. F. M. Bruce Hawkins Bros. Co. Merit~ s Shoe Stere Robertson's Shoe Repair Shop Emmett Carter Mrs. Phillip Rhodes Wenton Wetzel Preddy'S Funeral Nome Thacker Bros. Purvis and Johnson S. T. White A. K. ~t L. C. Chisholm Mrs. W. A. Dawson J. G. Douglas Harding Supply Co. A. L. Maupin Bruce's Drug Store Dickinson's Drug Store University of Va. Hospital Fitzhugh Bros. Virginia Smith France~ T. Southall Mary Brookes John Cummings Elenard Hackney 4307 ..Nm, G. Moler 4308 Chas. T. Page ~309 Miss M. L. Raines 4310 Roy Wheeler 4311 J.W. Slaughter 43!2 Isa~bella Price 4313 Mrs. H. Mo Morris 4314 W.T. Gra~t<Co. 4315 U. of Va. Hospital 4316 Albemarle Farmers 4317 Mary Alexander 4318 Mrs. J. B. Anthony 4319 A. J~ Bell, Jr. 4320 P.E. Blackwell ._~ A~.ount Disinfectant for Jail" $ 1.O0 Lunacies~-Charles H. Wb0d and Henry A. Kid~ 10.00 Repairs to Plumbing at Jail 4.00 Electric Lamps for Jail 1.44 Flue Cleaner for C.H. 10.00 Lunacy--Nannie H~.rlow 5 j 00 Lunacy~Clotile Washington and Prof: Serv. Welfare Client 13:.00 Lunacy--Joe Helm ~doller 5.00 Brushes and Bug Killer for Jail 27.72 Lunacy-~Charles H. Wood 3.10 Lunacy--H~nry M. Sadler 3.10 Mileage for the month of Eeb., 1936 60.85 Telephone Service, Jan., Feb., and March. 53.45 Forest Fire Extinction Service., Feb. and Mar.8~60 Elect. Serv. at Ce.Relief Off. and C. Hi, C. 0., and Jail for Feb. and Mar. Telegraph Service, Welfare Dept. LunaCies--Charles H, Wood, Henry M.S&dler, JOe Helmandoller, Nannie Harlow, Henry A. Kidd. Civil Juror · Grand Juror · ~ Election Service~ Room Ren'~Election Day Prof. Serv. Welfare Client Welfare Acct., Feb., 1936 ~'elfare Acct., Sept. ~ Jan., and Feb. Welfare Acct., Feb., 1936 Welfare Acct., Jan. and Feb. Welfare Acct.,. Feb. Welfare Acct., Jan. Welfare Acct., Feb. ,, Welfare Acct., Jan. and Feb. Welfare Acct., Feb. Welfare Acct., Jan. and Feb. Welfare Acct., Feb. " (Drug Room) . Mileage, Feb., 1936 Welfare Acct., Feb., 1936 (Orthopedic Clinic) 10.00 8.20 7.80 7.60 3.80 8.O0 7.00 7.60 6.8O 7.40 7.20 3.5O 2.80 3.50 4.30 3.70 2.60 3.80 3.00 6.10 3.OO 3.O0 9.20 12.40 3.00 3.00 6.10 3.00 5.00 5.00 62~50 12.00 13.50 14.00 75.00 22.00 o.oo 4.50 20.07 20.82 1.75 5.00 12.50 3.50 21.00 16.00 25.33 53.65 12.15 18.50 1.00 · 1.50 2.00 5.25 4.05 1.40 6.05 31.70 31.05 2.00 6.OO 2.00 5.00 22.00 6.00 7.00 3.00' 2.00 3.0O 3.40 6.50 26.84 5.00 1.~45 5.00 C!~...No. _.. ~aye~e: 4322 J.~ .~;.~B~ ute, 4323 Buti~er'S Store 4324 CentraI Market 4325 J.H. 01arke 4326 C. H~ Coleman 4327 Community Store 4328 J.H. '~raig 4329 W.A. Dawson 4330 C.S. Dearie 4331 C.R. Dorrier 4332 Mrs. S. R. Durrett 4333 R. N~ Estes 4334 H.C. Ferneyhough 4335 A.G. Fray 4336 J.W. and H. Gibbs 4337 'N~M~'~GI~asong$o. 4338 ~. N. Goods 4339 Greenwood ~ommunity Store 4340 B.E. ~ill 4341 E.P. Hopkins 43~2 W.E. Humphrey 4343 ~ Store, Inc. 4344 'H. W. Jackson 4345 G.H. Kennedy 4346 Kent' s Market 4347 Lambert' s Store 4348 Maupin Bros. 4349 E. Jo T. Maupin 4350 J. I. Maupin 4351 Mrs. W. H. Martin 4352 W.T. Miller 'Oo~pany 4353 Monticello Dairy, Inc. 4354 H.E. Mundy 4355 Mrs. Sallie Payne 4356 Piggly Wiggly 4357 C.D. Powell 4358 L.B. Poweli 4359 Mrs. J. H. Roberts 4360 ,. H. F. Sampson 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4376 4377 4378 4379 ~380 4381 4382 0. W. Sandridge L. K. Sandridge T. E. Sellers F. T. Spicer A. J. Smith Smith Bros. E. M. Smith Matilda Terrell Leonard Thacker J. W. Tomlin C. A. Utz West~ ~tOre Mrs. R. L. Winebarger C. H. Wood W. W. Wood Mrs. H. A. Harris Mrs. Verta Humphrey J. L. Fox H. ~. Oliver L. M. Harrington Charlotte3ville Hdwe. 0o. C. E. Moran, Clerk 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 H. A. Haden Margaret T, Woodward J. F. Garth A. G. Bell Marjorie K. Johnson W. Lo Maupin Eva W. Maupin C. E. Me, an W,B. Colthurst W. Sam Burnley W. O. Fife J. Mason Smith Harold M. Smith C. ~i. Bailey W. S. Cook H.' J ~ Haney 4399 ~.C.S. Huff man 44OO 4401 4402 44O3 44O4 44O5 44O6 44O7 44O8 44O9 4410 44n 4412 4413 4414 N. Abbott Smith P. M. Eltiott Frances T. Southall Thelma H.. Davis Virginia Smith Bessie Jones T.~ O', Scott C. G, Greer Mrs. Bessie Dunn Hiller Ruth Burruss John Wesley Joint Health Department ~'o~e, ~, 'Huf~f, Treas. HerB~ttL. J0hns~n H. A. Haden, D. F, W~elfmre Acct., F~b., I9~6 Welfare Accl~. ~ Jan. and Feb. Welfare AcCt., Feb., 1936 Welfare Accto, 0'tm. and Feb. Welfare Acct., Feb., 1936 We ~l~are Acc~, Jan. mad Feb. Welfare Acct., Feb., 1936 Welfare A~ct., Jan., 1936 Welfare Acct., Jan. and Feb. Welfare Acct., Feb., 1936 Welfare Acct., Jan. and Feb. W~d. fare Acct., Feb., 1936 Turkey killed by Dog gens lr~lled by Dog Sheep damaged by Dog Sheep and Lambs killed by~.~ogs Welfare Acct., Feb., 1936 Household Supplies for Jail Recording Deed of T~ast in.. s~l.e of Pr?perty to E. D. ~ufi~Ile~, Jr. ~alary for March, 1936 !! !! Appropriatio~ for Mm. ch, 1936 "' (Room'Rent) Salary for Mm-ch, 1936 Re-imbursement for the following Expendi- tures from the gevolving Fund from 2/28/36 to 3/30/36, Inc.: .6.00 39,45 I?~.66 8.68 17.50 27.~40 17. 5O 13.50 45,98 16.00 17.35 5.00 14.85 18.00 8.00 29.75 16.25 17.40 18.70 10.95 10.00 12.00 9.84 13.00 7.40 7.00 33.50 15. O0 32.50 7.50 24.5O 8.91 9.28 2.00 35.28 2.00 11.50 6.25 21.50 18.46 4O. 5O 15..00 10.00 5.65 19.50 3.00 2.00 13.75 4.oo 14.00 2.50 12.50 7.50 3.00 3.OO 5.oo -5.00 23.00 23.30 2.83 7.65 35O.OO 100~00 200.00 100.00 65.OO 341.66 100.OO 225.00 166.67 75.00 308.33 250.00 45.00 45.00 75.00 75.OO 75.OO 12~5~00 75.00 15O.O0 6O.00 se.e0 40.00 ~19.75 24.25 66.67 48.00 479.17 10.00 28.00 Ck.'~No. , ..~ .... 4414 (Cont'd) 40 A. B, Gathright, Treas.ef Va. .._,_Object Commission on Coupons Paid: (Cont'd) Charlottesvilie District $1.52 ~' Ivy District .62 Rivanna District 1.70 Samuel Miller District 2.24 Scottsville District 2.15 White Hall District .71 Tax Refunds P. O. Box Rent Office Equipment for C. E. Salaries, Assessors and Collectors Extra Help, D. F, Postage, D. F. Food Supplies for Jail' Allowance for Cook at Jail Board for Welfare Client Rents--Welfare Dept., Co, Re~i~ Office, and Re-employment Office Telephone-Re-employment Office Mileage f~ Sewing Room Supervisor Fuel for Sewing Rooms and Relief Office Vital Statistics Certificates Janitor Services Cleaning Supplies for C. H. Fuel for C. H. Frt. on Supplies for C. ~. Total Re-imbursement State Collections for Feb., 1936 A~OUnt $ 8.94 11.91 1.50 25.00 250.25 23.OO 11.89 235.47. 10.00 5.00 29.70 7.20 12.20 9.00 16.50 3.0Q 7.15 28.88 697.58 · 865.4O Open-motion the meeting adjourned. ~~?~~ ....... , Chairman / 'andi~ ~e~rg.~:B~,d,Z.e~r~.fr~m~.the~S~O/~ljBOar~, .~s ~,~ed. ~ inveS~iga~e_..~d sub~t a adjourned. Board of Co_unto. Sup~r,~v. is.~rs of Albemarle. flo~nty, and the Albemarle,.~o~ni[.~.W~s .held .at.the ,~ourt House .of the aaid_.¢ountx on the-1]th The fol!ewinE~members ~f.~he Board of ~Goun~ Supervisors were ~ree~nt: Messrs. ~,~ N,.Fra~,.,E~J.,~..Ballard, P~ H~ ~entr~ W.., H. Lang~e~rne~,~,.Pur~ell Mc~a~.~ Dr.' L. ~. Roberts. ~.,The Committee,~,ap~p. ointed~at ~he previo~me.eting~..su~%%~d.~e..f.~llowing report': Apri2 ~3,~ 193~ To The~Members The Boar~ of.~.~un~y~.Supervisors The Count~....Schoel BOard e_f~ Alb~rle County Charl.~$e sville, Va. ~e~tlemen: The ,undersigned. memb[ers_ of y. our. i¢o~mai~tee_,, ap~..ointed p~Mr~uant ~o your o~er ~d. ch~ged ~.~$.h .~h.e~r.esp:onsibilf~ of inve. g~ig~i~d ~b~tting to y~u~ f~r .Y~.~r. ~0~sidara~on 'a sca. e_ ~e.f .sala~es_ for Prin. ci~ls~,.~ Teachers, reti~.~ent ag~ .~f ~t cachets ~.: e~, ,~ wish ~o.. ~it the fello~ng r epo~e Year Cemmi.~tee. ~sel.s'_tbat .~ho~.s~lary~ .~of an. individ.u~l,, principal or teaeher 2ho. u.l~1, bfl, based: ,no~~. .~nI2,. ,eh ~r,.~fessional Traini.ug~bu% on experience