HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-04-01441/+ (cont %I) 4O Commission on Coupons Paid: (Cont'd) CharlottesvilIe District $1.52 ~ ivy District .62 Rivanna District 1.70 Samuel Miller District 2.24 Scottsville District 2.15 White Hall District .71 Tax Refunds P. 0. Box Rent Office Equipment for C. E. Salaries, Assessors and Collectors Extra Help, D. F. Postage, D. F. Food Supplies for Jail' Allowance for Cook at Jail Board for-Welfare Client Rents--Welfare Dept;, Co, Relief Office, and Re-employment Office Telephone-Re-employment 'Office Mileage fc~ Sewing Room Supervis® Fuel for Sewing Rooms and Relief Office Vital ~tatistics C~rtificates Janitor Services Cleaning Supplies for C. N. Fuel for C. H. Frt. on Supplies for C. N. Total Re-imbur sement A. B.' Gathright, Treas.of Va. State Collections for Feb., 1936 'A~ount $ -8.94 11.91 1.50 25.00 250.25 23.00 11.89 235.47. 10.00 5.00 29.70 7.20 12o2G~ 9°00 16.50 3.00 7.15 28.88 697.58" ~65.40 Upon~motion the meeting adjourned. Beard e~ Albe~r~. C.~$.~s._held~.a~ ~e Cou~ Heuse~Of ~e satd.Co.~ em the ls~ $~I~rF~,~.3ch.ed~2fer ~rinczp.~ ~d' ..T~8~ ~ireme~_ ~elfo~ 1Teache~s,~d such other ..... ~On m~ion~h.e.mee~'xngadjourned. A.'.~'~in~.. Nee.ting~of~..t~he. Boar~ of Cgmnt~ .S~.~r..via~rs of Albemarle..CgUmty' and the daZ of .April, The following~memb.ers of _tho. Board .of ~Gcun~y~.$.mp,er~is~rs wore D~resent: Messrs. Fray ,:.. ~.E~J.,_..Ball~rd., ~. H.~, ~eu%ry~:~ ~.. H. Lang~,,~o~ ,C,. P~cel.1 .McG~e.~.~d Dr. L. ~. Rober~ts, _.,The. Co~mi~tee,.., .a~poin. t. ed.,at .~e previous_, me'eting~....submitted .~e._.f. ollowimg report: ~pril 13, 1536 To The Members of: The Boar~ of ._~ount~ _.~up ervisors The Countx~3chool BOar~ or_Albemarle County Charlottesville, Va. Gen%l emen: The undersigned., mesh[era of ~.our [Commi.%tee..,..app. o!nted,9_u, rauant %o your order .and. charEed..~.~h ~%he..Jr.esPonsibilf~x off inwes'~ig~in~,~a,~d.. ~s~. bmitti~g %o y.~ .. for ~y~:ur...~[gnsidera~£oa ~a ..sc~.m.~of..salaries for Prinoi~m..~ Teachers, retlr.~ent ag~[ .Of...~eaehers,[ ~C,~,.. wish '~.0 su~i~ the follo~ng repose Your Comm-i_~ee ~feel.s'...that .the.~.s~lary........of a.n. indiVidUa~.j',. p.,rincipal or teacher shoul~..he, based no~'. onl~ .$n ~.Pr.~fes sional Traini.ug~b.u~ _on experience