HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-04-13Ck. '~ NO.
4&l& (¢ont
Commission on Coupons Paid: (Cent ~)
Charlottesville District $1.52
'~ ivy District .62
Rivanna District i. 70
Samuel Miller District 2.24
Scottsville District 2.15
.White Hall District .71
Tax Refunds
P. O. Box Rent
Office Equipment for C. E.
Salaries, Assessors and Collectors
Extra Help, D. F.
Postage, D. F.
~ood Supplies for Jail'
Allowance for Cook at Jail
Board for Welfare Client
Rents--Welfare Dept., Co. Reli~ office,
and Re-employment Office
Telephone-Re-employment Office
Mileage f~ Sewing Room Supervisor
Fuel for Sewing Rooms and Relief Office
Vital Statistics Certificates
Janitor Services
Cleaning Supplies for C. H.
Fuel for C. H.
Frt. on Supplies for C. N.
Total Re-imbursement
A. B. Gathright, Treas.of Va. State Collections for Feb., 1936
$ -8.94
Upon-motion the meeting adjourned.
A. Joint 'Mee%~ing_L~f '~he B~ard:e'f. ~oan~y....~agarvisors ~o~f~ ~be~rle .C~o~nty ~ the
~:%ers as...~he'Co~t%ee ~_ c~sid~. ~se. :.%e. b~i~.~.o. ~he at~e~imn._ef.~e .two Boards.
UDoa m~i~n ~the meeting adjourned.
A.',J'oi~. Mee~in~..of.~.t,he. Roar~L of Co~n~x $.~p,e..~ia~rs of Albemarle,..C. eun%¥ and the
School. Bo~d._~.f. Al~e.marle..C~nt[.~.Was_held._at__the...~ur%Hcuae of the aaid._¢~antx ~n the 13th
da2~ef. April, 1536.
The fol!owing,~members of._theB.oard.of .Goun2~ 3~pe~visors were present: Messrs.
Dr. L. ~.
· The Committee~. appoiated ..at. the ltrewio.u~,_ me..eting,., $~.bmi.%ted._.lht_ffolLowing repor~:
April 13, 1936
To The,Members ors
The Board of._C~mnt2.~Supervisors
The Count2,,.!chool Board
of_Albemarle ~ounty
Gharlot~esville, Va,
Geatl emea:
The und'ersigned.mem~brs, of your. :¢~mmittee..~ :app~o!n%ed ~M=auant to your
orde. r and. char~ed..._wi~h ~%h.e..Jr.esponsibil£~. of inwes~lig~tin~a,..~d,.,~ ~s,.u. bmi%%ing to
~U f~r .l.9~.....{ons.ide_r.ati~l :a .seal. e_ ~.f sal~riea .fo~ Pri.nci~la~_a~ Teachers,
re%ir_~ent ag~_.o.f..ieachers,.[ ei~.,.,~.~sh %.o..~it the fello~ng repose
Yemr oommi~lee.. ~.eel. s'...that .the.. s~lar~..~,f, aa 'individu~!~ principal or
teacher should'..b.~, based: n~'.. on~. ~ ...~r.~fessi~nal ~ini~,~}~ui ~on e~erience
~_.an $~00 ~er mont..fen, each _two ..~s ,,of s.e~ice~ in this
teacher .~f._like training,~a~._~:erieac~ ~ ~,~:~.~.Re.r~ ~on~ for each
teac~e~ :~den.hi.a..or.. her '::Super~sion."
l~ ..%he. pre~a~i~.n ~of _~hi~.s~ary .ac~e.~ no ch~e_ ia co~e~lated in
X~. Xs~. fur.~h_er...recommended .that..ne. decr. ease be made in. the Ga~ary: of any
t.e~cher ~....unless. ~he_ .sal~r~ ~ ~ow.Raid..exceada. the. maximum which .has been pro-
vided here.in,... For:,.examp_.l.e~,,~ ,Whi~.e. ,tea-~her..wiSh...a..N, erm~L._ Prafe~si_.onal Certi-
~nth_. ~der,.~him~.a.chedule.,,..~$il..~.her. au~~¢increases would...enti~e ~ ~
stall not.be a~%~i~,..,bu~ .~'~il b~ al!o~ed .~.~.,.~e .SCho~l,.~r~ solelY_ on a
~sis of merit.
. l~..suBmitting ~hese ~.salary.,achedule _~,.r~,~.~.'~r~s,~,~so~r. committe-e has asked
~,ha~ .a~,~O~tel~.,one..h~f ..e.~..~he ~eachers:.sel.ec~ed.~ll..he i~...the No~ Pro-
fessional. ~p,~ ~ ,.nO~ _decreased except, BX ~uthortt2. from the Bo~d of Co~%y
Sup er~s ors,
1Q~.._$ha ~unt ef meneX.,.r.~qu~ed...~.pro~ida .fGr the ~..s~chedule w~eh we
~ve .~co~ended...each,_~ d~g.~h~...n2~. ~.~. X~.~. ~.~ss~i~g tha~, .the teachers
It. c~...of course be ass~ed.:~ha~ .,these ,~o~%.s w~l ~ d~rdt..due to the
fast t~t. du~ng,.t~s ~e~ied .some. ~eachers ~..leaxe_~he ..se~ce+..and %ha~ their
success ors. ~11. ~ R~d_be~.s s~l~rtes..- .:- ,,:~T~ .... , .... ~ .iN~,.,~
I~t0.41.~..~1~2. ..... IO,~X~X..~O .....2~462.~ ...... l&~.~ .... 11~.,,~!.~ 1,470.00
The above cost includes ..the anti.¢ipa%ed-~r/, addi~ion~t-~eachers;
now. ~i~ze~ ~r.:;~f ye~$..~ch has
..~d:e; ~2~e: increase in
ten~ea~ .has. be eh' fixe~.'a$, a ~x~. of:. ~.~O~.OO Re~ .~ar~:,~ .~h~t. the entire
~ount ' se fixed' is: .t.~ be pa~d ~om .~he, ~un~2:;.~eas~y.~ "and:::~ ~t portion of
thi s ~ s~ery ~re =eived-:~em · the ::~t:at.e ~eas~::.la-:.~:c'J:-b~s ' depo:sited "~ ~e
viser..s.;forall.~ount.~ ~,mR,.!~ee~s&, .(~) %ha.~. High.....8ChOOlPrincip_a!$ ~11 net be
provided :~th.'.~ecre~aries.
~~T A~E:=? Yo~ _:c~it~ee.h~s :g~Fen '~siderable:~'theu~t
~...be;.Re~i~'ed:.~o:..ce~n~' teach~g..~2~..he..or ~he~r. eached"~he age ~f
fi~:~a~.~.c-es::~l.:'be :~efi~:~;':~he.':/seh~.~ _ ~:~le~
obiig~.~i~;' ~f: ~he '~ ~= a _~'eacher' ~o. ~aa::dev~e.~.~i~~ or ~e ~o ~he
imst~uc.~ion of ~:he:: Chtldren. ef:'.~ur~'~t~te, ~en he or she r eac~hes. She reti
mem~ a~e~ ~C~nue~ ~o. e-~s~. -T2:erefo. re~: ~e .wis. h :t o urg~.~ ~t each Board go
· n'record:' as insis$iag:~ha~ :t'he .General. Assemblz.~ ~..~e adeq~ate~ ~, ~ fi~nci~ '
Rr~ion~in. ~rder t~t' '~e~chers .~.o. ~e.f~rc~. te_.~e2~e en :..accost ~ age
a~'.:.'s;~e; Educ~i~l .Ins~tu~on:.~ile._f~i~ ~ .f~l.:.time ~cei~:ien has been
'breugh~::~::~he' a-t~e.n~ion::ef:1 ~ur" .ce~.~:ee~: ..~er.:due co~S~e~Aon your
co~i~t, ee ~s__cone!md~ ~at such..sh~uld me.~.~..be_p,er~it~.-. The:~School Board
~.~eve~,.. when it_ia_ c~nsidered ~se.~.t~...d~..no, ~ e~lo~ .a .~s~ent for
....... Respectfully sub, fred,
Upon mot~on~ dul~ seccn~e~.~ the:'Rep~...t' .was 'adop~ed"w£th' ~he fei'lowing exceptions:
$~'~0;.:Pe~.:mc~h,~P~Us_ ~2~0:;' per~ mon~h: fe~: each ~:~cher ~der.' .~:' e:r :.=her .s-Upe~vi~ion;
:th'aS ~he p o~an ..ot:~.he_.~p~..::fixi~ the Re~.~men~..Ag~ .~..Teach era _become effectiv$
Upon_m~ti~n .. ~e..~ eting adjourned'.
A regular meeting e~' the 'Board Of. ¢ount. y. Sup.:.erviso~s: et'"~lbemarle... CO. unt,v~, Virginia,
was held._a~, the Co~ur..~.:House.. of. the. said ¢ount~ on
Present.t:. Me. ssrs.~_ J.,~ M,..Fray, E,..J, ..Ballard,. P, H~. ~en~ry.t ~.,. H, Langho~.n.e, C. Parcel:
Minutes of the ~~mee.%ing of March 18~. 15.~$,_ .e~.d s~.~eci~l meetinKs~ ef April 1,
~.and A~il 13. ~.~!~.,~ were read:and approved,
~essrs, Je. hn.:L,...Li~ers~...CharlesD,.' ~[oCormick.,..&ohn S, White, C. T.,~.0'Neill, ~uy L.
~er,_.~and~Mr.s, :.~,: R,. Narlow, .appeare~ befone the Boa~_.~e..re~e.s~ ~ha~ R~te ~ from its
int.er_s, ec~n ~h .Jefferso~..Park. Aveaue be ~roved,