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~he above cost iacludee ..the .anticipated f~:add~.ti~l '%'eachers- For.:-the-"de~aiI-'~i~'y~eete'"'amcumtse we' re~er'.l~o,U'.~L~.o'.e.-li~T::~.~'~the teachers- Wel/furtaer re, commend~L~ha.t_,pr,0,v, is[en.~be., madeSinL.the. "buEget- £0r the y,e~e, gi~!n.,~ ~ let., 1.~ f~r f0u~ addi.~£Onal .reecho. rebelling Normal P r~ fes si'cna1 ~ ¢ er t~! eats s.~ 4 a s... ~eli .. a $.. th e' p. u rChas'e'~ of"~thr e e "additional~' bus s · s, MISCE~NEOUS~ .' It:'; i,a/und;erst;~edi(I) ~'hat' :t'he .salary,/;e;f the Saperin- %~nd~'e~t' .has ~e.en' ftx~d('a.~. 'a ~~. of'~ ~S.~.~O~O 'R,e.r ~'~ :~h~t. the entire ~oun~ se. fixed' is..~e be pa~. f~ ~he ~C0~n~ T~e~.ury~and[~' por~ion of co~n~'~,,-~a sur.~'~'.~'[(~'): ~,~$:'" the.,-:sa!~,' ,elL:ih'e: 'S'ecre~'~,/:~ '(~h.e, ~p~,erin~e~en~ ~'li; ,;b~. 'de-te~e~.., bZ ;,'.~.he s.a~ar~ ,, sc-~ e. '~ e.p;~ed,, b~, ;~.,"B;c~.d: of :~O~F' :S~ e r- Rm~TIREMENT.A~E:? You~'_'.c'.ommit~ee. ,.h~s: g..~en.':cons~derable "%hou~ht to ~nsS~uc.~on. of..~he ,Children. of our Sta~..;~en..he .r sh~ r eac~hea.. ~-he ret~re- men~ .age~[~C.~itnue~' '.~'e .e~s~ 'Therefare~ ~e. wish ~o ur~..~a~ each Beard ~e ~"re~ord:'a~ insts~f~g.~.~ha~ :~h:e ~en.ecal A.ss.emblE .~,a_adeq~a~e fi~nci~ or.~ ~bili~i. ~ be:' as~ r:e'd ~ft' a-~rsasonabl'e pension, - cedi%tee haa..ce.nc!uded ~a~'_such.sho. uld ~.~_..be_.pe~.~,t~ . Th~iSchool Board ' ' : ' Respectfully sub~t~ed, ) COOTIE Upo. a motii~n, d,~2SeCC, n~e~.~. ~he..Rell,. ,o,,~t'.,,ves.,.. adopted/with ~he following exceptions: Fir. al~./.t!m~/~'~he Sch~_o'l'BO,~,d:''be'-~ auth~rized'i-.'~oyf~x'~....~h~e~ aalar.~"of't'a'":Prin~-::-,a,$., not more than 'per mcath~'~p..'!us $~2,~""-:er'men.th. for'each .teacher undier, hie er'her sU ePvfsion. Sec.end~,. JiJ~.a,,t. ~t, he po.rtion_o~' the._~par.% fixingL the ~e~.ement Age...,~r _Teachers..become effectiv, Upon..m~tien.,the.,.meeting ad~Jaurned'. , Chair~n A reg~!~r, m~eti..ng~.~,O..'fl ~.h:e. Bq.a~..~of,,Coun%2~ .Sup~er~isor_s'. ef:"~Tbem~rla. ~OAUntS~, Virginia, was' held._a~_ t he, Cour. t./Heuae.., of. t'he, said Counts. on ..,the. 15~.~..'~day;.,.~ef.. April, 1 Presen~.a~ Mee.s_rs~ J.~M,. Fray. E. J. Ballard..P. H~ G~ea.try,..W....It, Langherne, C. Purcel llO~e~an.d.Dr~ ,L~. ~. Roberte o Minutes .of the ~~amee.~ing Of March 18~..X~[,6,. ~d s~.~eci~! mee~ing~:,ef April 1, l~3~,,,,.~d.APril 1~$. 1~3~,~ ,V.~re. read :.e~ld approved~ Messrs, J~ha L, _Li~.ere~..,CharlesD,.' ilcCermicke..&ohn S., White, ¢, T,. O' Neill, ~y L. Miller, and. Mrs,:J,.. H, Harl.ow,..appearedbefcne the BcarcLte.orsq~qst. tha~.j~u~e 631 from its int.er.s.e~tion..vi~h. Jeffersen.Park:Avan~e.be inproved, Up...j~n .mc.ti-on 'by. ;.~r., ¢.~_.Purcall ~ue,. ~seconded..by~ Mr.,.. E, J., B~rd.e...$he follo~ -'Virg~'a,,.': that: t/he..~~/~i~e~-' ~e.' an~ ~s '_here~:,.req~ee~d ~ subetan- ':'-tial'ly'yi~.~e :-Ro~e ~'63i";.~:i~I': in~r~ti~n'::'.~th-'T~fer son ' :Park -Avenue. '~,,'M~/.~. PenCe re. qaes~,ed'-::~heJ~, ~et-.appr~ate.,';~2~l~ ~ ~S'i~ ~ _d'ef~ying the · elt'..,ef..en~_ert_a~t~xn~..,the '.~o~fed.e~te Veterans, lA BOARD OB" COUNTY.,' SUP[RVI S0RS 100 Ce~snsa~ien & uiIeage ef · ~.~"ii~ ' l~..a~d..:Viewers ' '30'00: 3~00.: ' :~0,~: ~ . I~'~:":~ 501~: -o- l~a~x. Re_f~~s ~o. 43;~6~ . ~o:~ ..... : ~0~0 ~0~00 -~-~ ' ur~nOe ~~s Workme~ ' 213.,Ins ....... : ~ ~ -' 3!9 Sta~.ione~., P, L~t~d :. Form~'eto~o, -e~ ~' 10.00 ..... ~ 1~. -e- adOPted: . BE IT'RESOLVED by..%be Board~cf 0o.un.%~.~A~or_visors .of' ~b.~arI'e COUnty, into the Seoon~x~.Sy.~em of. ~gb~ya rode to assist, in defray!ng,,!he .cost of, ~oat-~i the. ~,.~Bl. os!om Fes. ii~al !Cbs held in ~inche s%er.s, Vf~g~ia. an Equalization 'Boa~ b~ appointe~. ~s adopted% ' .. _.°f Eq~aliaagtoa.go,, %hr_ee members. ~xes .which he presente~ be considered, as ..p~ent,in URon moliOn~bX',~_.~:C..; Puree11 Uo_~e, ~s presented ~ ~~sly ': .... Ye~r"~ng Increase Over ~orease Under. $2,100.~ EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES -- COI~T'B~ 30, '1936 1'2-'9 $ 200.04 $1,200.00.. $1.200.00 $-o. 1,200,00 1,200.00 1,20Q.00 ..... 50.00 2~,00 25.00 13,86 150.00 150.00 0- O- lC 204 Book 212 2 40~ Of fi{® .FINANOE of Birec~or Delinquents ,g ?rin.~ ed Forms~ $ 4,000.00 . ?,!00.00 300.00 ~0~ 625.00. 100,00 otc.. ~00,'00 $ b...o~.oo ~ 3.o~.oo · ' 400,00 400.00 300,00 300.00 ~,oo ~ 2bo.oo . 1,000.00 I00'00 20.00 {3,400.0{) ?,800.00 12.,2 3 - 13~OOL ..- 1'00.00 $3.~oo.oo : ~remiums ~ -o- 2~*~ 25:[00' _ .... .o- o- f' - ' . . ][0:;_oo -e- ' .... o 2~;:~ -o- , Race rl$eo~ . :.... . . : .. 450*00 439~..25 ....... 45~00.- ~.~ -o._ ~o- .:.S~tioae~y,~ ~inted.. Fo~s.,.et~.. 3~0~ 185,22. 300~0. 2~.,:~..- -o. ~O.OO "60 . " ...... O0'~' . ~:'" ~- -; .... 120.OomRe~S ~21..Jurors TOTAL. 101. O'~mpep 1,000~00 ,00 m Ili' Doc%or a o~'DePutie8 12~L $I 400 P~cJ~se. '212 1 ,:653~5.2 42.60 ~6o0, OO Allowed ~C ' C0NFi~EiiBNT .AND: CAPE OFr 'PRISONERS 102 C0mEensation of' Jailer $ ~00.0.0 111 Doctors 2~*00 ; 2iS?Telephone .and .Telegmp:~ ~Serv. 311 FUel -~- 319 S~ienerI.,.~ Pr!nSed. Fe~s,e%c... -e- * Addi~ie~l ~rORr~%ion ~o.r 900.0o $ ~oo. oo ~.O'~ '"'0~ 42,10 50.,00 50.,,..00 . .o. -0- ?,50 -o- 40.00 ... 40-0o -o- 3.5~0 10,.00 10.00 . ~o.~. -o- 152,.22 $130.00 ? FIBE_, PRE~ENTI.ON .AND EXTINCTION 208 F~res% Fire .E~inc%i°n SerVice T0~L 8B POOR Rt~IEF 102 Com~:pn~a%ion:::o~ 'Su~ ~rtn%end- ,--'.: 111 Doc:ior~ ad Me~e'il Supplies Homo 207 Eleot~c.~ ~arr~t 209 F~i~I.,.. ,i~.~.e~.a_ 214 Rent ~8..Tel~hone_..~_.~elegmph. Se~, o- :3,08. Fe~ilizer. ~d _,See~.~ 3lo Food~ 311 Fuel.. -o? 319.. Sta.tioner¥.~ &. Printed. Forms ...... :... -'e,... 325 Ye&ring Apparel, -o- ~9,9 Coffins ~ Office Eq~p~.:~% -o- ?00 Conf.eder. at~ Pe:~iona 4.~0~:00 701 Board -o- 403 TOTAL. POOR., 8D_LUNA~f 00MMIS$I 125 Compensationo TOTAL LUNACY 9. P.UBLI¢ HEALTH 111. S~haol Den~ia% 118. Regist r,~rs 2.2.~. Appr. op ria~i.on:. Depar~t TOTAL HOME ECONOMICS 109 ..C.omp, e~m.sAioa :e ~elcre~ ~B H~me ~Demcastra 218 Teleg~ph ~ ~T~ ~V~O~. ~D~ H0~. EOONOMICg I12~Ele~ioa~offi, 21~ Printing TOTAL.EL~CTIONS.. $ !~3~0.,oo ....$1,8oe, oo.. = $1,8oo.oo ~0° 200.00 ~50.00 : a,Oo 1~00~00 '~00.00 fio. oo · ~O0, O~:O0~ 2,800,00 -0- 500.00 ~.0,~ ~e~, -0- ~0,~ SIONS r S$eno~r~p. her $ 384~.00 $1 S 43 ? · O0 ~ors-- $ 480,oo.,. $ 48o. oo ? $ 48o, oo 1,.248.,,Q0 .... 1,728.o0 48o,oo -o- $800.00 - -. 400.00 ........960~0o. 960.0o. 960.00 ; 1,200.00 . 240,00 -o- ~E. AGRI 6ULTUE~ ' ' ........ $2.000.00 ..... $81_0~3 ....... $2,~00,,00 $1,500.,00 -o- reparing arid .Forms.. et c.. - o- 21.00 2~,00... 25, OO -o- - o- YE,A~.. ,ENDIN~ JUNE 30, 1~. ': Year Ending June 30, 1~36 Propcsed A~ r o pr~ t ion AND TI TL~; OF Janitor 20? Elec%ri 21.0. In.sur.~eI Pre,Urns--Fire 211 InSu~.an.-~ e/Premium---Liabilitx. 223..Water S~,rFice 399 l[tscella. 403. Yu~i~ 9RO~DS 131 Increase Over Decrease Under Year Finding Yeer Eadi'ng ~l. cwed Ex~er~_iture. AgprO. p. ri.atton~ ,E.xp~nd~.~re .J,An.~ 30.._ 1936 .... Ju~e 30. !936.. ' ' /...t ' - L.-- __ .- ' : .... ~6~'0o 57.6.oo ::~oo.oo ~50.00 30,00 -o- ~..oo, 845.85. !100.O0_ 100.00 ' -0; 400.00 100-00 127.91 600.00 100.00 ~00.00 600.00 15o.oo I ~ 6~1.56 615.oo 615.oo .e-. - ~ous ' -o- i~5.42 194-~ ....... 50,00 -o~ 1 ---:~,~'J~.~ ~' ~_I~ .;~ ....... - .......... SU~[EA~Y ~. OF .FI.~CE ._ 12,6:21.~ 14,272,.~6... :il,,500,,00 ............ 13.,~0.00 2~-.00.. ~ DOCU~TS_. 4,.~.~5,.00 8,900.29 9,000.00 9 ~,000,,~ 85..00 3~T 2:,'95.8:.0.4 1.,'95%.54.. 2,85%09. 2,25~.,09 ~IOE,.S .COURT '. 2-,~00' 2,534,?0' 2,60'0..:00' 3,~0,.~: 510,00 -' ~' S AT'RNa' S kIE).,. INVESTI. GA. TING 4,000..00 ' 3,923°,92 ..... 3~83 %00:.: 3,,8~0~00 25~00 7.,.600-00 9.,336,.?'?:,' .... 8,900.00 :L10.~495~00 1,620.,0o. .4.00 B.y Board LOo~ !5.00 )0, O0 ~0. O0 3~388~1t ....... 3,0[0,oo 16.50.. 300..00 520,32 10~.,oo .6,313.~00 6.,200:,00 m 0.00 .ALBEMARLE.. O~JNT[.,.~ VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE..Y~AR, ~NDJ2~.:~E ~, 193.7 Year Ending Year Ending' Increase. OVer J~e.3.0., .!t35 .~e 30, Tentative'Year Delim 1930 193.1 1932 1933 1934 I935 Fees'= Clerk Trial' Fines Beard State' City . Other Refmm~: SURPLUS Taxes: Atto~ey 4,81.7..86 D, eRa]~,~ent of Finance Expenses 1/3)~b~ .$~.4~0.00 ~ ess 'X~%.o~, $~.~,:~0..~. 6,30~.~ .T~xes ........ 2,448*62... City: Inter est 78?' 42 Licenses Beer · Slot 20_..00. A. B,~ C, .... -o- Sale of ] 'er~,y 950.00 $ 6,000,00 .... $ 6,0o0,00 lOO,.O0) 25o.~0) 250~0o) 1,ooo. oo 500.00) 150.oo) 3,1150000) -( - 10+000'.00 c),O00.O0 -o- 2,200.00 2.5'00.00: _ Z'LS~":O0 -o- 500,00 50.0. O0 4,500.00 6 ~000_.00. 1, 500,00 3.,400,.00. .500.00 -o- .].:~.00 250~._00 150~,00 4,500_* O0 5,252.00 752,00 I,~ 0.00 2 sg~.O0 132 Y~ar ~ding YEAR ~DINO .JUNE Increase Over Decrease Under June 30, 1536 PropOsed Year Ending Year Ending. Allowed. ___ ~-*-'~: · : '-'-.__--~ .... - '_~f~; :-_: -- -. : ' ...... .L= ....... ~: - --' - ~"''=C~: ~''_- " :''::'77:~.,~'-' .... ~ ?' :' ' --T? £JLZ,' __T ~E STOCK ~ame ~arden Tags IS ~t ,ons due State ~eral Fund LIVE ST~ CE AND 336,00 $ ..... 3361,00 $: ;;O0 ...... $ 336,00 l~O. O0 1102 O0 ~0.O0; ~.'1,25:, OO ~?~o, oo nt 82 ~fo.oo. 2~0.0o. Joo. oo 858.8~ 1,ooo.oo 1 ~o~,~o 26L~0 -o- 1N.O0 ~00 -o- 788. }6 Y 9.~ oo 76e.o0 1,2 .P. ROTEOTION OF Li 116 Comp ensati on o~ 31~ Record Books, a~ 3~-Miscellaneous' 501 Fowl CImims.. ~02 Livestock Ola~ 5~3. Rabies Treatme "' 15%' of Collect Transfer to Ge: 'TOTAL_ PROTEOTI ON · 0i Pm'WErE E STN'AT~$ - ~FoR TH. BI YEiR ENDING. ~ 30, I937'-, DOG ~ND Year ~ded ... Year En~g Increase Over Decrease under Tentative' Year Ending Year ~ing Final SALE OF TOTAL . ~::.. , , :jUne 130, t93~ · P~opos ed Year Ending Year Ending Allowed _ 20/DEBT"SER~EE i;. 803..In, ere.s%, on Bo TO~AL,.. DEBT SERVICE $2~ Final :, t:han"from'.gurrent .Levy,:. t by current levy~ ~llowed 20.: D~BT-S~ERVIOE [ 8OO Rede_a~,.. 8O3 T~TAL._DEBT SE~]~ Z~.. DZS~IcT =ROAD D~T"'F~D ' ' '- ? ' ' Y~ar ~' i: .Year ~din[ . - ' - I~z eas~ Over Dec,ease Ond6P . J~e:. 30,. tBf. i~e 30, T1536 , Ten%~tive Year E~E Ye= ~ding Final 80o 80... REVENUE ESTIHATE$ - OONT'D: Year" Ended' June 30,193~ 133 Asseese~ ~tue o~ Prop~-~y ,5oo;00 $.~95 FOR:TIiE YEAR i~13t~./~E 30, 193'? RIVANNA--DISTRIOT:ROAD DEBT FU~B '.0- $2,343 All~wed ITeM -other than"Current--I~v~.. TITLe; OF IT~ June 30, 1936 Proposed Year Endiu~ . Year End~'ng Allo~ed Appro~r_i~tio_n . Ex~e_nd~i%ure.. lnnr6~ria~io.n ..E~.endit _~e _.~J~. .30 ,1936 J~ne. 3Q~. I~ B~ goar~ Increase Over Decrease :.Under Tentative Final 'De:inq~ent Le~.' 'Req~ire~d year` ~ded" Year ~d~' - ~c'rease Over' DecreaSe Under ' Ju~e 30, 1935. June 30, 15'36 Ten+~tive Year Ending ' Year.~Fmding - ,, -TI?LE-0F IT~. .~ , ~. ~(AC%~!) (ms%i~t. ed) Esti~_te .~e.. ~0.19A6 June . O. 19~6. "Es%imate Final ANTICIPATED' SURPLUS Miscellaneous Revenue · T"~e"~ -O~~ ........ "e-'-'~ : ....... ,' Increase Over Decrease ~der ......... " ......... ~i~ '.3'0' .1936 - 800 ~6d~ F~ND' Finest' Ju~;e 30, IC)36 Proposed Increase.~er. Becrease Uad}r Year i?A SCHOOL ,BOARD Year Ending Indr~aee Over ~erea~e U~er ~une 30~ 1~6 Proposed Year ~tng Year 17B S~ERI~D~'S ~FICE '' ' ........ " 109 Gnp.mat!on *'f Sedretary $ 1,080.00 $ 1,55f.00 $.1.,080.00 $ 9~.0O ~o- $180.OO 135 Trevel~g[E~onSo of ....... er ~t end~ ' ~" .... "' ...... ' 218 ..T~14 350;00 36i200 _ 3252~ :. 325200 -e. *'14m747i.00 ~'14,999~;00. ./"~16~250~ : -c-'-" 3,23 ..50 2~'15~;00 22'16%00 26,120L00 26,!~0i00 -~- !,/4~%0o 8i%.~'~ ~,47~;~ ii~79~;oo '- ~ Allowed By.. Board T~cks 3,06 ~'~o~ 403. 2;6oo;oo $, 2,040;oo 9o02oo 2,35020o 3,0~.;00 3,608200 '55o;oo 5512.oo. OUTIgy;: ' 2~?ooioo -o.- of %he $ 2,1002,00 $ 1,900;00 2,$o02oo .... g86 ;.0o 490;oo 1.,~00.2oo 6.00;00 600;.00 600200 '¢;0o 1,500.20o GRAND TOTAL TOTAG. TOTAL Tuf~t 6ia -' FOR THE YFAR 33ID~G._. ~ 30, 1~37 ....... S~a00L" 30 ,; I936 Ten%atiVe Y~m,'" Endin Allow4d ;,-S--- S~Iar y. ':Gene~aI "Ffind' .. _ Estate Year'Ended.:'., ' Increase Over Decrease Under ~une 30;1735, Year TOTAL .REVEIt~JE .REQ.UIR~D LeV~:.Requi~ed '- _ ....... AsSesSed Yalue of Proper, t Rate of--Le~y -. ._ $.85 ....... - ................ ' .............. : .......... Offi'ee~, : · ~' BUd~.for., lhe Joint ..:H~al%h.D~p~rtment.,i:,a.S-.submit.ied .. b~:. %he..He~ih~ ~$ .~e~ ed amd o~ered for~ed %o ihs Ciix,O~n~l for rat~i.cationas ~ended. .... ~e Boarde~o ce.stied, ~. ~ lax ~,.~he. Co~y; L~ie.a. fo ~ [.~ · ~r ~1~6 and: o~de ~.~ 'that ~ · Dirtier ofi'Fimnce _of the Co~g~..Of. llb~le assess a~ c~llee~, en ali ~m~Ie..real es~a~e a~-ail %a~ble .~ble.perso~l~.r~er~y~.,'~u~,g.~chi~e,~_~ ieois.~ge~ assess~ as ~[..re~ estate a% %he g~.r.~ .rea,~es~ent. ~f"!~ds:.'in 192~, ~sed' ~r*.e~.~.O~ed':~"a' ~u~aotur~g- or mining~.,~ine-ss- ~a~ble 'b.x..~?...Stai.e..~n ~ital.~./.~ci~din~,,..~,ub!ic' set,ce co, ora%ion ~ ~rop~$~ ,~.xc~. ~he .rell~g,,,~.~ck. o,~ miI~adS' °p,ra~ed' b~ .,s.~e~), b~e.d.~agon ~he assess- ~'r "o~ner~ 0o~%~_ ~urpgSe S :~';~}f~five. Cents. (~2'~),..~. e~erl one ..h~dred dollars wo ~'h -:~'~" said 'p rope r%y worth 'df~'"saIq property. FOr I~t_erest end..Si~king~ Funds fo~ DiStric. t...Road.iBonds, ,the. Di. ~e:c%o.r~.o.f F~ance s~l le~ and. c_oll~c~....0n ~.l. (i) ' In. 'the CharlotteS~ilI.e~'D~.rici. ~e ~IIa~."($I,.O.~).. on everX ,one h~d~d dollars worth bf said propertY. In..the .I~-~...Dis~ric~., One I~llar ('$1=.~0) on every,..one .hundre~...dollsrs worth of-'said" proper~Y ''doIIars ~or~h":'of 'Sa'~.~ property, (~)- I~' %~e S~au~'I'~ller 'DtstP£ct..one' D~IIar ($1i001)....,en...eve~ one hundred worth Of' s~.. property. Se'o~'tS'~iTIe'""Di~'~7~'i:C2e "D'OlIar. '~'d' ~n C~..'($~'X0') on every Commonwealth of: Vt:r~.n~,a,...~alt~::.en~!r~ed:on .Dece~.e~....2~,.;Ii.:t~l~..a._~n:i%s~y .~xS:i.r~ % known as ~anllar~...~r~-ovementa, .an. sl~ec.tien,.~waa,caI!~::~.:tihe, l!u~se/'o:/Z:t~~'he.::sense ef '-the UHEREA~]it appears that the electien.was~held.in~th_e mannerand~f.orm, required by '~arI~esviIIe, Y~r~ia. ~:a%, par. ~ scored., int. ereS~]._~d.~ tf an~. por~i~..o[~. ~d '~ndS be no~ presented 'eh the date 'f[aed2f~r.,their re~!on..~ch.d.a~e[.~I n&2.he~ less ~'~ ~en ~a~$ f~om ~he da~e2Of.~e.~se~l .ser~ce....of'.[~n&ica2cr .~e..ce~:~.,.~f ~he. ~publication '3 I939, 4 1940 5 1~41 ? 1943 8 1~44 }~' 1945 ~1I 1947 12 1948 13 1949 14 1950 18 1954 19 1955 ~0 19~6 21 1951 22 1958 23 1959 2'5 1961 ,,A~, cunt $1oo.oo 21OO.OO I00~00 100.00 100o00 100.00 100.00 1~0.00 100,00 100.00 100o00 100. O0 100o00 100,0~ 100,00 100.00 100.00 100o00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100o00 100.00 '100o00 100oO0 Said Bonds, ehall be. s£~.d?]b~..:ihe,chai~ .Of~h,.~'fBcarA-:~o.~::.C~unty,...~er'.viao~a :Of' Albemarle County ~. se. ale~ with. %he c.orp~_~r~te seal .of said.. Bc~rd.~._,and ~countersi~...,e.~.,b.v.~ ..~h~ Clerk., ef said 'Board, The..NOelenMiL!s Sanitar~...Dt~.tri.cl .OflAlbemarle .County,,..for .~alue~ received, hereby p.romiees .to pa~.~t.o,..,ihe..bearer.~.or,, if %his bOnd.be re~,S.%er_~d_.as..her~iu~.~.er pr.o. vided~ to the registered holder hereo~,, the sum of ONE: HUNDR~ DOLLAR,~ on. the'. 1st .. da~.~f ..~y, 1~,.~, and to .pay ,:,.interest. hereon _at. the. ra%_e _of .'~three er ann~ on': NoV~ber"I~t-':I~ 6' and semi,~n~II ~He~afier~on ~y~.:!st..:and..~NoV~er of each yea:r,..b~h p..rincip~ a~d.in~e~eat, beiag~p~y~b.~e.,~..s.uch f~a aa.are.+ on ~he res~: peclive dates.o~'::Payment if .ihe princi~:./ind .~erea.t_..on thii, !e~l: te~en.l~r de~$ due the _U~ited::St~%,es j of':[lmerica~, ,~at. the ef£ice of' t he .Director .of. Financ. e .of- Albemarle County in the .Cit~..gf:'.¢harloites~lle,.-Virginia. 'in.,p. erson or b~.p~'/lt~.!tlon !~ere:~f.':O~ce_ a'-week.f~n two~ .successi~e~.weeks in..a., newspaper pab- 'This. bond,.~ and_.the_bonds, off.the, i~sue._e£: vhich..il.ts..one+..a~e-is~led for .the construc- tion of a sewerage. $~!~em_fOr ~the use and bemefit..:of the public, in~:Uo~len:.lfiI:is .'Samitar~ D'i~trict::'of'~lIb'ea~rle:'Ciounty:{::.~d?::t'he:.~full~f:ai.ih~and..cr~:ft o'f the set, f District is hereby pIe~td. ~ .... ~heir payment e. xiSt:,,, hap~[~'e:d:f.~:~'e ~been':..p er~$r~'d~i.~(:.dUe:::::~. :i~'::~:-~0:~ .'.~d:,~r: ,req~d'~bY law', Board,_ .and...io. b e da~ed, on..the Sup.,er~iaorS.~. of.. · e" ' . .~Albemarl . ~lC,ounty section ~,..~ UPon the Written request of the.holder, a _bond .of/.this ias.uemay be regis- tered_ in the name of 'the. holder on books to. be kept_in_~.%he.offtce .of .t.he .Director. of F~nce of Albe~'rle CO~t~.,~ vir~,~ fOr such pu~es.e,, and tr~sfera ...shall be ,mad~ o~ upon 139 Books..upon present.orion .t_o the Dire.ct.or. of, Fi.~auce .of Albemarle.,Coun%y?~wi%h the written assig_nm..en% d~.ly, ackn. owledged~Qr _.~.re.~e~a~ .~ich tims_..~he ~e ..~f..~he as~g~ee s~l entered_~ereen ~d in said becks b[~.,s~d_Directo~,, and ~en% shall .be.~de te the register ed holder,._ his leg~i r~F~sen~atives er. assi~...a~...the .ti~.an~ p~!ace s~ated...in the 3ecticn 4, The proceeds of the .s~e of the bonds .hereb~.authcriz~ .sh, a~[ be applied for '%he p~9,se of [f~nclng..the censtructionJ.of~a .sa~eragt:.~S~S~em for./..~he use ,~d benefi~ ef~e public in Woolen ~ills Se~ta~[~.Dis~ri_c% of`. ~be~rle SectiOn '5~..'--'~e BO~S hereby, authorized' sh~i[.be.. 'g~ner~I..obI~ione .cf the ad valorem 'taxes ~ich ~y be levied ~thou~ .1Mt.~.a~ ~o...~te er ~. upon .~! ta~ble from..the revenues of' ~he sewerage system .el' s~d Dis%riot. ,~r deduc~g~.~:~he~ reasonable pledged?'~r such pu~,e.se,~ ~'~ere :sh~'I .'jbe and[ '%he~e. is. he~.by, ie~e~ ~an .a~.ual ~ax ~'1 taxable prcpe~.., located, within, the. l~i~a of. ~i~ District, w~ ~ax, ~ogether aid 'hCome and re~enue~: sha~' be euffiCient ..at,ali ~mea.~.Va~ ~e.in~e=es~ on pr~cip~ of [.said' .~ondS..as and ~en the~ ~e.,,. 'The'. f~I!'[' fat~ and .cr.e~. ~e~ ~e~ WO~l'en ~lls ~nitarF ~strict of .Alb~rle C.e~y,: is. hereb~irnevec~ ~.~:~e~.~o.[,~he p~c%ual-' payment off. the ~r!nci~aI add ~nterest ..of[ sa~d bondS, section .6.. 'Th'ere shall .be and there is~h.ereby, .created a .Sinkfng,.Fun~ d Account to. be knQwn as the: Woolen Nills Sanitary.ImP. ro. vemant~.Bond,F~nd?" in~o,..which..there ...shall be set aside the. r eceip%s £rom the ad vaIOrem..:taxes .le~ied' .under .~ectio~._ ['.'.hereOf`. ,and ~here shall ~a~her.~be set aside the income .and. revenues .cfi_said s~tem .remaining _af%~r. deducting a reasonable, expense of oDera~ing.and maintain/ng~._said system. T~e Payments' herein p.rcvided 'int~ sai~'.[W.~!51en, l/ilIs, sani.tar~.'[Implro.~ement Bend 'Fund e.halt ~;made sem~all~ on the f'irst day .of May and Na~ember~ i~ each y~ear._,..except when the fi'rs~..day~, shrill' 'be .on a sunday er. leg~!:.hel~'da~.and ..~lhen. such pa .ymemta. Shall be made on the .next succeeding :secular day~. S'ec~ion ~. ~'TheilT~Ilo.~g ma%~[ers .are'ihereb. y~..~,.dete~ed?an~'~eC~red~ : - ~ 'T~e'agg~eg~$.e..~amoant Of this [~sue o~[[Banda~Wi~i [n.e~' eXc. eed[..ei~h~en per ce~um of the'-- assessed'.~ va~e' of~i ali'/teal'.[ estate :. W£thin4.the ..bo. undar~es .e~.[the,:.~o. ol.en .~!is san'i%ary Dis~ric.%_of 'Albemarle subject: to lccaI .taxation. . shalkI ne% b e~'issu~'" ed' 'an[ ~.~ddi~[onal.~" "'~bonds ...... ~pay_SJsie ~'' fr,om .~ 'th' · r. even~esi.:.o.f':(sai~fseW~rage sy st'em unless' ~e lien-_of' S~ch. bends., on .the revenues, o~' s. ai~.if~a%em.'ia ma~e, J~er~., and .. subordinate in ali.. re speCt.s.f.%o.~ the _'.bond S~.~U%hor[Zedj b~...~hia re'solution, Section ~[, ....S.o .long_, a.S ..,s~ ~:. o~'%hef, ha~d,..b, ondS~..ar.e....outatand~[tHe B~a~d' ef;~ounty SuBe rvi sots J'e~ Albema?le Count~., .acting_~ f`of the ~WoOl_en: ~lls ~ [Sa~i~ar~. ~ D~s~tric.t ..of. tlbem~rle shall ..' (ai '~/u'se pr.cper Books .ef`.irecords and' accounts ..(separate 'fromfaI1LOther records and a cc oun% s)" 'i~" wh'tch ' 'c'ompXe~'e and'" c effect entries' s~1'. lb e 'made on' %ransactl,ons to said. 'Sewerage._,sXS~)e..m, ?'T~.b./~'d~'"'BSarjd_[:shall:'f~rn~ L~he.,criginal,':.p,urdchaseri:..s,s. long as it ~hOldS. any. of'the [Bcnd'a.~ or t.o any helper ~e~/~rchaser, .'.of:fa'ny. o~- ~he .bonds: at"~the %ime ou%- s~anding, La~ ?~h'e. wPi~_ten :~ eqUest. 'offs u. ch ;h~l'~:e.~ .or. p~r. chaser, :.'.ne~;-.mere ~han: thirty days ~f~e~".the ~:leee .o~((eae'h "six mOnthS.[':fiSca~ '~e~'~e~,:..'c~mp~';ete:;opera.~ing-~andL~cc.me Statements of; sAi~j sy. st.~m, Xn. .reasonable 8~':: CoVering _.such_..six. mon%ha~., period_,., and, no.t mere than six%~, ida, s, dfter ,the .iclcae..ef_ eaCh fiscal year, .eemule~e 'fi~anc't~ ~.~+.~.m~,+., '~e +.~, and of.the Dis%rict~, covering, such. /~_acal. per[ed~ ..certified .by_.~.he Diraet. or..rof Finance of Air.ri e Co~ty. ~nner ~d a~a .reasonabl· Su~e~.~sors of' Albe~le Countz shall_, nQi. ~[edEe~, .;~g~,~,.:~r.~,o~he~se ..enc~ber said seweragp_ ~X~ .or...a ~r~.~.ere~ or .any,,r~enues..[.~henefr~ ~d shelterer sell-, lease, ~ect[0n.'ll, ~[~ bOnds:when exec~t.ed'.sha,~,~ba.~e~ered 2~ _~he. Di~eC~r..of"~ance of Al~e~rle Ceunty.~o .sh~l deii~er said bonds %o..the....B.~.c~s. ers .~a~of. or ~e~r order u~on visions ef this resolution, _or~ 2e the extent ..of.. s~c.h. ~cenfl[C~ ace. h~.=eby repe~. afff:ec~ an~ section, efj'~.S' .. PAZ~ED ~.B~ ,~'he Beard was-unanimously Finance, - . ~ces ~de for ihs e~O~ent of .assist~:.s in.%he_.~p,~men%-of 'Fl~nae ~or %he y~ months of the q~endar ye,~ at a s~..n~ ,to exce.ed~$6010O~.per month. T~e Director of Finance repor%.ed '%ha% ~rs. l~n~ B. N0r. veli. Ad~n~Str. a~r~x, had been ap~r~n$Ix. ~rroneeuSlg~ :~ss~ss. edT, .wi~ personal., pr_oper~y taxes. 'T~e~eff~e.~ i~...w~s, ordered ~hat ~,$i6.'~0'~be re~ed On accoun~'off~'~his erroneous assessment. A Cla/m, amemn~i'ng: 2o":$I~4':~:61~.; Tot ~.ver~'seme~%1:'~:in .co~l.ec~n...w~%h.%he proposed Sani- 'Since s£m[I~r:"c~s%s,: ~n co~nec~Eon..~tk_~he::.W.~:~l ~n. :NilIs ~ni~rY..: :D~a%.~Egt' ~ere bx .:~he; res~-en~S..ra~her 2hah 'f~om County:.'£~mdS,: ~s~. claffun ~s de'n~ed~ :~rJ~H,/i~-~I~den, Director eT Financ.e., .aubmi%te.d..a~-emen~...of:'.~he....exg'enaes..~:.:~he. Depar~nen' Finance .. for. ~he.,. month., o£, ~arch:,, ~ one..~h./~d: ~:f '.w~:h .ia:':t'o':b o borne. :by.-' %he S%a~e, which s:ta%ement.:'was, e~amined~,.: veri~:ied...aud':.approVed, The 'f~I0wing CIa~s.:~sre presented, exant~ned! a.nd_allowed_,_ and.. or.de.red,.to.,, be ce~f~ed %o %he I~re'o%or::t~ Fi:nance~Tor payment~ Ck. N~. 4~20 4421 ...... 4422 4423 In~r:e~t :due_:_.o.n ._'¢o,.; of:"Alh';:' B~nds .- $ ,tSomo 12~00 12.00 1~,00 ?f;oo 22j00 ~4~24 . lih'e, ~e. yme Arbogast ,~442~ ~ ,~ugh' Broe. 442~ ' Kenney* e 4428 44~0 ~e~t Carter 4432 4439 4440 4441 4442. 4443 4444 4445 4446 444? 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4456 445~ 'walter.. Mrs.. A. C. Chisho~ Bra~e' s Drug Store P, P; Thomas ~ss F~nces T. Southall ~. Bro0kes ~ JOhn C,~i n~s E1;~ard Hackney: ~':H~' B. Zsabella ROy.'~eeler C~s; ' T. Pa-ge C~ *~ollec~or 4451 445~ 4460 4461 4462 44~5 4469 4470 4471 ~47~ 44Z4 447~ 44?7 44?$ 44?9 448O 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 ~494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 4500 4501 45O2 4503 .4~o4 4505 -45o6 45~8 45~9 451o 4512 4513 ,4456 .. Albemarle~ Farmers A. J_. Be~, A. · ~; W. Bruce. Bu~ler~ s cen~ai ~ket'~ E. L. ~0%bs ~,:: ~H._ Oole~n~'.' C~ R. Dorri~ ~. T.. Duffer- ,s.:.?s~.R.. H:* C~ 'Pe~'eyheu~ E. ;P.~ Hopkins W,..E.~ H~hrey 'G:,' H~' Kennedy -- ~p~ ~.. J~: T.. ~apia ~ ~ I. ~upim ~. T,... ~ll.er Co... Uonti.celle ~... ~, Po~ell L. B, Powell ~.s.- &, R'. Roberts H. F. T..E. S~lers Sol~n,.s · . T. Spicer_ Ea~ilda. Tsrrell Leonard. Thacker J. W.. To. in C. A. S. T. Whi%e ~s. R~ L. W~ebarger ~. H. 4514 A,._K, Wyan% & Son 4515d~.:~lnders.onaB~oa,.._Book.Stor. e~. Inc, ..... 4~17 4518 4520 4~21 4~22 .Barnes._ Dzmber Corporation C. W. Baileym D. S. Dr... E... E. Barksdale Jackson~ B.eal, J. P. Jackson Beal Welfare As. ct,.,, l~rch, 1936 Welfare Acc%.., Sept,, I935 Welfare Acc.~..., ~arch, I'~36' ~ Welfare. Acct.., Feb., 19'3~ Welfare Aec%.a $ .~roh, I9~6 Welfare Acc%.., ~rch, 1936 Welfare ACC%r., Feb.. and Nar., 1936. Welfare Acct.., ~rch,..1936 Welfare Acct.., Feb.: and~rl., 193'$ Welfare Acct.., ~arch, 1936 Welfare..Acc~.., Feb.m and'liar.,'l'936 Welfare Acct~..,..March, I~'36 Wel/are..Acc.~i,m._Feb.~ and"~r.,1936 W~Ifare. Acc~..., ~oh, ~,o~.~ 3o.oo 1'35 2.49 1.00 4,28 12.50 I:o 2;50 4.05 1.25 11.65 43.55 41,50 :~2.00 5-0o 21.00 2~ .4t 1.~ ~.~' 3.~0 21.~- 6.00 ?~,00 29,~ 13~76 x~.~o ~8.00 5,oo '?,~0 13-~ X8.67 13,00 7.~ 6.00 10.~ 12-~ 8.00 2~.~ 12.00 20,~ 33~1 ~8.~0 ~0.00 28.00 ~2,00 3.00 2.00 10.13 ~,oo Office Sup.. for G.E., D~F.~& Welfare Dept. 8,43 Bldg,..~up. for W. ~Io S. Mileag,e for .~r,, 1936 Lu~cyr-Har~y Johnson L~.~R. L. ~wder aen% .of.T. ~. Room %o e ; 0 Ch ville &.. lib. Cha.._.of. Commer ce B~,. on_.A~prop,, f r. ErA. C~lotle~o..H~we.. ~o... Inc. Bld~_._ Sun. for Reoa~s 7.50 5.00 2.00 15o00 100.00 141 Oko, No.. : ...... Payeo ~oun% 4524 .[ ~... c. Chi~hom 4527 ' W; S,. Cook,-D. ~0-,.~ '.'~e~-ric~.-3o~ 4~32.' ] Elliot,: Ice, .Ce., In.c; 4~33 - :Eve~: Waddey 4538" H;':~;. ~ne.y., D. $. 4~42 - H. 'T; Huff 4545 ' ja~. e, Inc. 4~46 - Chas,. Kingly_ Son ~o_. ,..Inc.. 4~48 -~ W~...L..: ~p~, Clerk '. ...... 4550: D~,_ ~. '0. ~eN'eel . 4552: ~ _ Ri~c~e._:~'~i.c '. C~p~' 4~. ,-~Dr;.: L,' "G. Roberts 4554 ' D~i ~;: S~e 4555~ Dr.,...i, k. Sis'er 4~60 - The WeS~e. rn..~nion To1.. Ce:.;_ 4561° Roy"L. Via 4~62- D~:,...Hunt er Wilt i~s:: ....... 4~66 ~ -~. ~ ~ddex 4~68- L,....l, ~itch-eit,: 4569~ ~:e~ shinet.~:'. 4J70" Pie~.e ~oubeJzk.oy._ -F~d_:SUPPlies.fon-~ail - - . 3.10 12.~ 1~.83 3034R? 2,00 43~8~ 7.20' .~oo" 6*90 3.10. 5-00 49.87 1.~- 43'60 3.1o 1.28 for ~ail_..and.._Oi~an,..'Sup.:,,~.for Jai~l%?4' 'K'~:': ~: W~rehouse:'. on Pres$on .Ave,.:... Re'¢o.r~tng.Deeda .~- W. Office...' Sup.~ ,for' D.; F.. Lunac~011ie' .'~rrs . .. P~of. ~e~ees~Welfare, Clien~ L~ac~RUth $~t'h -' ~lo~"~:..for ~ 11936. .. E!'~c~rio.:.Borvice.,~:.~r.. and Ape... 'Tole~Ph Service.,. ~ch, 1936 ~e~$. killed'by ~og Bheep.. and:L~...kil!ed b~ ~., _. aheep:ktlled: by Dogs Sheep .~ '.by She. ep :kill~" .bF. Sheep-~lied'..by ~40 11,00 1,00 5,oo 5.oo 1,00 3.00 5.00 5.oo ~ 62-90 45.00 44.23 °63 3.10 4.00 3.oo 3.5o 5--00 · .. 5.00 3,2?5.00 45.72'~ Mrs.. l~ria.~;. Ellis_ ......... ~on~ed~ra%.e..'.Pens~on: .or',.the y~ar.'l~36 50.00 4~.13: .-_0,~. S,.. Arm~rong., Manager :: .. "- Sh~e~..killed .by Dogs . _ :: : 6~,00 4574~ H,...A ~d~,..~rectO:r:.°f '.~ee,' .: :Re...~b=-soaen~. due RoFol~g ~nd for 4576~ l{~r~,~..et. {. Weodurd 4577' J. F, Oar%h 4575~ A,-G. Bell 4~79~ ~rj.,orie~ K.. Jo~son P ~._ S~Bu~nley ;' W. O. Fife · TaX .Refund::,_ .- Telephone. Calls~,_ 0ffic e.. Eq, uiP. ment., Salaries,,,,Ass.~ss.ors_and Coll. St enograp ~.~.c, ~S prvic e s,, ~D,.F.. PoStage., for,D, F. Fo. od: Supp .!~, .,es, for Postag~ for ~ail All~w~ce rom .Cook at. ~il Ren~ of, Co... Reli~ Office Board of. ~elf~e Clienl ~ood S~.!f~s .for ~e~. Clients ~el. for ~rlys~ille, ~l~a~.. _of Sewing,,~oom'3~. and Wel!~e,..De~t...Case ~e~k~r Su~.~i~.s.~ for Rep~i.r~ a~ Fuel. for,. 0..H... Cleaning,.~SU~D~i~,s ,for. J~l charl.o~.~os~ille IW Dis~. 8~uel. ~r.. ~i.s~ 8cot~sville. ~e Hall.. ~a~ $ '2.45 2.95 25.00 303.49 48.00 41.16 226.84 '1.10 ~2.50 15;oo 1,5o 9.86 3.00 27.40 15.o3 ;35 36.00 8.67 14.50 $.16 .07 .18 .24 .22 ...o? ...... 794.74 35o.oo lO0.00 200.00 100'00 341.66 166.67 75.00 3O8.33 250.00 45,00 ?%00 ?%00 75.00 46Ol 46o~ 46% 46{)4 $~lar7 for Zhe mon~ ~. April,~I~]6. 4~ Upon ..mo.tion_.the ..meeting adjourned. Amoun% ?~.o0 oo 22.00 11%15 33~33 48.oo 10,00 · ~0.00 143 Virginia, 8, .. L Rou~.~, ~.,,~rom.$hadwell_..t,o _the_ intecseotion..of, s_aid_ road with the 18., Route 653. 11... 01~L.~rris.,.Road_fr_om ~he end...ef_.tha.p_.re, aen~..hard..surface.d_road %o the ~_ ol~. ~chbUrg Road. 1~ Ro~d.,le~ding,,..;fr~.m_~hel, ES~l~,v.i~,,,Ro~d_t.o..~.$~o.~ld, ~..,~1 abou~ 2/3 .. of-a.mile. ,: 1~ Rca.d.fr,~a_E~erg~eea ~~..,Church,,.eas~,.~.kn~-as. the ..,QI~, B~t ~11 Road. - i amamimo.u~s, ly adop_ted, be_and is hereby ' r_eque, s$ed_~,o. %ake...~ho..~oll:awing~_ y... ,~.ds..in%o..%he. Secondary SyStem of