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45,~7~ 4600' 4601 460~ 4603 460'4 46o~ Salary for ~he mort.lb :of lp~ropr~n,.to .Rest; Rom for Herbert L.. Johnson ..... - UpOn mo%ton _.%he me eiing adjourned. Virginia, e~,,.c.o~in~e ~d sug- dis- 10~, .. Route 6~3. ..... of a ~le. : · . . ii... Rcad_fr.em_ Ev.e,rg~.~,e~e~, B~l~!is!.. Ch:urch,..·easi,. kno. wn_as. ~ke _.Ot!, Bura% I/ill Road. u~auimously adopted s Countl[,~,,~,~ rg~.~n~i~s..t·halz..tha stat. a High....~,,...1~.~ ,asian. be_.and is he reby Highways mile 6a~ a the Old the_ fo.~owing 'repo~ ~ ' charlO~.teav~te, Virginia To_~he ..Me~bors..of the.~ar~.,.O~....'C,~Uni~,~8~ervisore of conferencea, an~.has om file:.eome.fift~.~.~dd...pag~g.:.~f,~..c~r.~sp..~.In~e relative The Obj.~,C~ive~ of: ;ltO,~ ~o~mii. le.e has been, ~t~ :g~:t .~,b~%ter_lllocation for boci~sl_ii._ ~.. ged'/._i~t..auch., .lo~i!ltio. n,,.c-oult not .be considered..local legis- ~o~ioner..j,~ ~i~a~.fics.t~.ao~er~ce._.~th..h~..~ ~d,.~co~i~med,.!~~.°r by his ,~da,.fr~ lac~ .lu~s~ ~i.,~!!~..~io,~te B~ ACt.:_ _~is sum. is.~eXc, l.~sive of ts ~.~s_tribu~n...ei_~ic~.,~s ..f~ed by law., Albeamrle._dur i~g,~h,~:i~ime-_ on_:~heae.. ~oads..,wer~e~. as rozxows ~ From. ~Goaer al...~ut_Levi ea' ...... ~ Thi. s..ae~ ~dt~hlt~.oof,~h~t~.-~h~le~.S-.e~e~di~u~.~om District . of llbema~le~s e~nd~t~es.,~b~e~l~i~e..--of Ga.e ~.~,~d~.iha~,,:.llbemrl s actual e.~,~.~ditur~_fr, om..~n-eral..~nd.. ~ea_,,(.t~.~t~!~JL.,!~re o~tted. On ~ose~tition..of..tii~_ ~fo~ii~n the ~.8S~t..e: fell back., on. the position tn&~.~r~m.dis~cr ~ioaarU?.,~nds-.:an..· is receiv- Albemarle' s Grebe the State :: Of:: dis C r~Or~r.~jf,und s, llbe- .~.x adjacent ~e ~.t,x adaaoent Albemarle (Present 'a~J~:e~l~ ' (Corset- Average, ~_six-adjaoen~ Average of All ].o2.8% zoO.3:( ' fel% ought, tO b(e: ~2' In' them. ~em~;.Chi~.:~.~e~;,,O~. ~a ..$~:ale..~~.~.,~,asioa~.t~,~ed..,~ c~i% tee ~.,..~a';Sec~,ndar~_.R~da_.of.. ~be~e..a~... in,.b, ett.en, con~ ~.~y" ~han when ~0 ............. ~~.~,$~.;;~e_:'~~::2~'~::~eae:: ,~e~. figures ~fec~a.._~e_. we~ar.e..of... Albe~rle.,_~d_.~..i~..i~.a m~t~e~ w~ich.:~ should not be COMMITT~ Upon mo%iOn~.dUr.~..,~e¢~onded.s itz~.as or~e.r, ed .that_.thia. Report be accep!ed mad that "f~r; :the.,. Sec~n~ ,_.:8~S$~,.,~.:R~,~ :ih'is o'o~tX. ~e .r. esi~ion of. '~....G~.H. ~ler.,,..~.]~~.:'O~fi~er~...,~'~fect'tFe...~ul~...,L, :1936, ~ acoep~et ~d :t~t th~ Co.at[ :lxe.~i~e.. c~el~, t~e _Board! s_ aRR~ecilii~n:.o.~ the set, cos v~oh he has. ren~e~ .~he_O~2y, .d:~h~. ~erm ~aa He~th Officer, A. o.~nl~om.~nom:.~e.~ ~:~.. ~::':~: ~-., ~o~n~jr~q~ ~.that it b · Pe.~ted ..:t~.'..aubst~i~le $6,000.00 'Of: l~le:.:C'~ty::: ~ a..d~ ~:X~X..~.Wh!~ :.~d .been ~&~ :tO .S ec~,e '.'~_.Coun~.~.a deposits, ordered filea. mo~.~y adop%e~'i .':day -off 'f oil owe t * '35~ ..e.qaal_aan.Ual.. f $2,980.~0 each, of ie~.,, fo~__ s. chOOl~_ ,or ~e a.. cash epp,~oRrilol.l~ff~iei!,' [0}?"bpemiion e~_enses .an~ ,~o. rep~.~lh~...~n in ~n~L ;~~meni.a,~ ~d-~he interest The'-following. claims. ~ere. presented+, examined.amL-al~c~ed~ ,and.. ordered .~.be certifie~ to .the. DireOt0r ~:~"F~nance/~or payment ~. 461~ 46t2 4614 4416 4617 Oas~ .iagg..~.far W, ~.chase:.ef.$6--0(~.00 of Rivanna and Adeline Brows , . Mrs, L.. H, Snow ~rs.. R. H, I~adley. iltss' :la~ie.. Kirtle.~_ ~s..,_ J~. A. Wo~. 4dlS'-~e. F.'M. B~ce 46~0 ' ~Zhug~..Bros,. 46~1 ~wkins. Bros. 4622 ~tt ~.ter _ 4~23 Phillis. Jackson. 4634 ~s..= Phillip j~oades 4625 Went~ WetzeI '462~ WiT; Gr~t 4628 L.O. ~isho~' 462~ ~a, .C.H. Kirby . 4630 C~s.. ~ K~g-:.!': ~en Co. ,. Inc. 4631 ~r~S"t J~aon DickerS-O~' s D~ug .8~o~e 463? 4638 4648 4641 4642 4643' 'lsabelle Price .... 4644 l{~ :L._ .R~ines 4445 4647 0iiy ~Ilect r 4~8 .~b~rl.e'. FAirs 46~3 AL F:;' BOl'ic~ Bu~ler' s', S~ore 4661 .W, A, 'Dawson 4~3 C:_ R.. Dottier' 4666 R;. N. ~tes 4~? H. :Oi :Fe. rneyhn~b 4~8 A, ~; 'Fray 46?0 4673 ~oelled Hi.:Wi._ ~ac:ksen Welfare_...Acct~.,j Mar ch.. am~April, .1536. lelfare...Acct..m.~.April,. 1.9i'6u v; . Welfare We :!.'f. are _ we~are, Acc~ # fl fi, # # 'April ! 19]:6'' # # # 467~ 4~76 4611 4618 4679 4680 4~1 4682 4683 4686 ~onti~ellO~t~ 468 ? 4689 ~8,. ~.. R. Robe.s.., 46~0 H,. F, ~.sen ,452. ?? 56.00 12 '~ 3.2 14.00 22,00 30.00 16.00 2;52 3.20 3~;20 ~.00 X2.~0 14.00 16.00 .'~o 3.00 4~0y 2180 1.25' :-6~oo 2.00 2,00 %0O 12'~ 3.0o ~Y,Yo z,Yo X2.00 23,39 3o;m 20.38 '12~'~ -" 1I~20 4,00 I6.-00 4,00 6.~1 ?;80 28.3:0 '26,00 ~;30 10.00 ~692 4693 ?. E. Sellers 4696 8olo~'.s 8~ore 4699 L W. ~in " 4~02 Ben ~ton 4~04 C. ~. Wo~ " 4706 ~s.~ "R, .L. ' Wi~e~ar~er .... " 4707 A.. K..~ WY~ ~ Son 4~0~ ....~der.son~ Bro$-~. 4~1~ ..... Jacks~.nJBeal,. J.~ P. 4~t4., .&;: A, Burgess iG,oo -3°00 7'90 2.00 8,00 Xl.O0 38.oo 3.oo ~0,00 %0o 45,0o ?.'~0 47i7 08~'vflle 47~8 47!~ .... L. ¢,. Chisholm 4?,20 ...... 472t, Dr.,.':Yr~nk D,.. 4}2~ Dis.~ri ct .Bo~d 472~... Dr, B. H. Early 4~26.:/. ~ Ell:i'ot~, Ice .C0;',. 4/2:8:' ~. a.. ~::Zrg~.~r~ 4729_ gVeret~ ~dd ey,..Co;, 473..0.- ........ For~on .Coal 4732 C~tlmOre,.' ltamm..~: ~',oo ~ .... L.~ye~,O~,. ,~I!i~g &, Feed. C.~.:~., F~/S~.~es,,..f.~r ~a~.L ........................ 26;0'9 4742 4~44 .. ~n~,, ~ndt~ .Ine, ~of~a..:,~:..ior~?c:~...~d,..~,~~e,Agree · 49;00 ~0:" W,.. Abbo!~ ;$~th, ~....8...' ~: ........... ~c~;,.,:.,.~.~e.. Ia~ 3.10 8.00 24,80 4.00 8';'00' 100,00 I00;00 Iob;oo IO0.O0 3~1;6'6 ?~.oo · Harold .~. Smith 4~.. Fr~nces_.~, 41t!.. Bessie Jon~s 4794. ~s, Bessie ~nn ~lter 47~6 Jo~ Wesley: 479~ ...... ~erbe~ L, .Jonson # # # Commisaiom.~.n.. Coupons Paid: Char!Qt~e~ville. Dis~ric$ $ .~3 District ........ .... ; 22 $... 1.3~ 25;00 .. , 3T~;22 42,00 1~,3o 30.06 4.00 ¢,00 2.00 .50 4~00 42.17 40.0O 24.j2~ 66.61 33.33 4~;oo 47%1:1' 10,00' 28,00 9?0.42 1,169.89 Up.On .motion the[.mee~l~ adJourned.' Chairman Joint 'Health Depa~t. an~' "t:hat"' the~' '~hAi'rman/.'~'~f"th.~.'_'B~a:rd.: .and: ih.O' ', 0~'e~.k-:ba,,~ are.:,hereb~,.,;~m%horiaed..t~' execu%e same tn."the name'"-~ff'~:' and '.'on:. 'behalf" 0f~';th!e ..B:~:~: a.f:_fl~_un~y~ :~s~p ervi SOts ~ A~R~E~E~.'~!.~or %he o~....~rlSJ~on2 of_ a.:~oin.~ iD.e~ar.~men~:, of__Heal%h between the County. ~f. Alb~r. le~...Ci$~,..af_~..¢harlo_%~s~il!e..~_the__Uni..v, er~it¥ of Vir- ginia. "' the es~ablishaent, and_maint~nan~e?f a s!~,~..He~h I~p.~...t.~nt with~ con %roLlj:,ofL%hese '%hrea: po.p.'~l~0ns ~ and' ~HEREA~+. one 'He~I'~h" Depanlm~nt for_ .t~e .~hr. ea....co~a~n£~ie.a, can 'be more econb~call~ .~.d_ ~c.h..d.e~n~:' ~! best pro- 14 and Beard ,~and ~i~,ea ~.o the_ Board. of..~oun~v ,Supervisors e~+~t~ ~t ..... +:~ ....