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La~F Waddell Bessie Jones T, O~ .Sco~ ~%h B~russ.. JoinS_ Health Depa~men~ ...... ~B. A. Haden, D.. l O, oo 42.17 ~0-00 66,67 33,33 48;00 28.~ Tax.. ReXu~d..". ......... ' $ ,,. 1.39 Pri=~ .for. C.,. m ................ 2'8";~ .. Office Eq~ment. for.. ~. E Sa~r~s~ ~.Ass,eaao~s ~nd' ..ce~C~brs E~r_a Help,, .D,. F.. ......... 42.00 ~leage.of .Assessors. ~ ~.~lec~rs-: 16'30 ~0s~a~ ,:~or ~ep.~,.~ el..F~ance. ..... 30.06 Feed Supp.~es. far Ja~: ........ I~?~'6' Rems ~.~ Co~ .,~elief. OffXee ..... .... 1~,00 .~leag~, sm4 ..R,~ R.,..,Far~e, ,~et~ar.e~ Dept.. i7;80 4.00 2 · .- 970,-42 .,r, 42., A. B. Ga%hrig[h;.~: .Treaa. ,al ~a., 1,169.89 ..~pon..mo~ion the_. ee%~ adjourned, Chairman of reeei~nK,~he repgr~ of %~_ .Co~'e.e:.:a~.~Lat...~-1~.~.. re~n., me~!~g' ~o confer ~'~- ~he Ci'.~ a~%hori%te~' ~.~hl'.r:ef~r~e to_a...new, c. on~r~%..co~e.r~,~ obviation of the Jo~% 'Heal2h DePartment, prese~%,i-.~ess~.s,._J~L ~L F~ay,,~E~' ~J~' B~ll~d~.,P~_ H,._~en~e, W,. H., ~C~.~ ~' Purcell ~'e Oom~e'~' ' "' ...... ~'~ ................... rego~t .~ha% _i~. h~...a.~r;et" 'ed' wf~'h' .~he'~.~ ana'~.~e~S~Y~au~'hbPi%ies' U~On ~i~n:., .[dfUly .seconde~' t~:".~a': ord~rad.::.~ha~' ~e ~~ c.ant~a~]2~e approved .... 149 and the the e stab lishmen~, and...maintenea~e_.oi_, a stn~la..He~..~epan%~ nt with. con- %r~I2..O.f'.%he.se 'three_ popj~!~fons { and'- WHE1EAS,,~.,.0nei,'HeaI'2h~.Dep~Iment .Lfer.~e .thre.e..commu~ties.,.oan 'Be more econbmical!~ and. succes~f~ll.y...oper~&ed~, .,~n~_ ~ch,.~a~n~: _~! best pro- 150 and.pro.vide, for.,.~he, s~.p.._O$~me~% a~4..er.g~Z~.;~;~ ~en..~f.a Board of Health 1.. That.in c~nsicle~at..fon 9fi,~he., p~emiaas.,.and~,tke .m=~I~ ~nef'~S ~ieh .~11 accrue, te .~he r.p.ar~ies'..~heret~.~~ said the direc~on..of 2,. ~at~lhe lo.hi Hea~i.B~i~t.._~ll ~c.on~ the ;U~iVerSi~y. ...... of. said. Jo~n~. Heal.lb B~ar~t .~whm sha!!_ser~..~a..f~ds~ch,.~erm..aasaid Co~ty Su~.p~.~s~a S~ll. det,er~ae.,../~t...sai~_member_ shaLL ac~_~. ~e ,C~Y' in res ~emo.vali of.' the/..H~aI~.[of~Lee=,, o~ ~ o-f .- laws., the ~unual apf~pl!.~i~a. ! ~.~,er~.~on..ofL~e .~0~t Health Dap. ar~en~ ,~e.. said. l,o~. H~alth,. ,Boa~.ca~ re.c~end[[o~ .striae, but ~heir the said. Joint. He.ail. B. oad__Ca ..re. eo~d._:or ..~ise,_.bu~..the i~,~acii0/ shall and. pUbliC Heak%h'Lei~i.the(_Me~.i~a~z.~ho. el..as~ i..t.t../member._on...the !~in%~-Healih but_mus~:_be..~uidet, b~,~e...efficia~acli,enLof....~the.Roa~_ef. ~isitors of the University. -- 6, ..... TbsP._the ~ei.n~ HealthT..~e. srt')L,i~e,_.~in.~._Heal%-~-l'_'Offl~.er., and' all - ........ ethez~ :emPle~A~,.:.:shatL:~r~.:~,.:,.~ ,~re~,::.~,l~--:~_Texe:o.~e,:;:.~l1: duii!es., now'- said_Dep, gr.~ment,~.i~-.a offtcers_an~ ~p~.~s_..~:.ha~e .al_~ powers now state ~ws~ ?,..._The. ~oin%...Heallh...Bo. ard. sh~~hold_.n~lar..meei~s a% leasi ...fo_ur...timea. e.a~h_.y,~ar..~on..~e.~~..~es~a~,o,f~..r,J~e.~l~...$~$~e~ber.,' Decker a~..Febr~ S~cial. meeiln~'.~ ,be. called...ii_ _a~....!i~...~. ctse of urg~t bus.tne, ss__~,~n, ~.he-. ~q~eat_~f. the:. 0~t.'~n. off ~:e. B~rd.::'~f Oo~tI._ .~upervtaor$ or. th e ~10r- of the. ,Oiil~ ~ I!~,sh-~l- .el,eo~t..~..~i~a .wh~_. shaH., ho!~ · ffice fo~.-one...~ar~_,:~le~..~.~e~elelled,L :.~e .Heal~_.Offi~r~lx~fic$o s~ll act 8.. L.aCt_, in an ..advisory capacity .in the; .Offi.c.er, pro.vialed that_:i~...is..und~rs.tood~a~l ?a~ea~...tha.t' ~e_,.p~itio. n..[cf_..He~Lth ~fficer shall 'be .~filled:,:l~l b~ .a. ~er~n~ ~tr~.ved b~.&he ~t,~t~' He~t De~.~ent .ad the cont~ciin$~l~t, iia !o.,.t~ agreement. ~.,. The. p.~.r~eS..Io_ this_agreement...sh~ll _have.. the p~er to fix the sa~, :~.~the_ te~m of _ o~i~e.,_~..~e_.~._H~l~h, 0f.~.c.er; ~ ~he ..Joi n% Health B~d.. sh~l...h~ve .-.~ ~p~r .,~.~. ~i. l~ve ~f...abaenca im ._excess .,Of- 24 hours* .the Joint. He~..O~te~, ~ ~d ~,. a~ ~l,.~,, lo-. 0u!Iine ~e' Perfer- Health._D.epa~men~ .... He._..s~l..ha~e the. A~-.~:~?~°int "ail 9.!~.,.~.:.~he. ~ies..~d. h~a .,.f~...~rk~.,.~e:~,te;.~he::'/.l~ve~f~- absence, ~in~ Heal~..Board-.h~ld_.q~a~e~r~'. ~t .~alI.m~e.f~,~-~i~l~ep.O-~s t°' said 151 Boar&.a~i..s~e.,.., oBall he co, n~'e~e&in....oxecu~i~.e.._ae, ss£on._~o.,..p~,r~ect~.an 'ad_...~.i e.s~d'., bF. its,.' 8"ecr~a~y. A~E'ST': (si~ea) 6 ~. 'J~"B;'HC~I1 appe~ed ~befere :She B~a~d and requested .t~t..s~2,~Bl~e- allow~ce be nde for soil. remev~ ff~em his Th'e"¢o..un~y.:,Exe:cdtive... r. ec'o~en~ad[ ~.t..R.. D..2.H~Ilowell.for the Eps~t~on=°tHe~h 0f[~cez ~r~fec~'~' ~ty~"t~ m' 't~'6'~ for the. Joint Health ~ep~en~_. s~b~t~ed..~;hs fellowi~ :.~eco~mded BudEe~ ~ ' RECEIPTS City County State Budget Estimate -6,.000.00 + 3,~20'00 + University Miscellaneous H~h 0fficsr, ~a~el Nurse ~o. 1~ ~alary NUrse No_. 1, ~avel Nurse No, 2, Salary. N~se No. 2, ~a~el Nurse No. ~, Sala~ Nurse N~,. 4, Sala~ .~ Insp ed$0r Ne. l,~-~lary' Ia~ecyor: No, 1,/ ~avel' ln~ ecyor ~ No.. :2, :~ ~law~ ~erk . Auditor City SchoOls Con~inge~ 0ffic.e pr~n~in~, Biologics - Telephone_and T~Ieg~ph p~s~ge ~cel~neous '~TAL EXP~DI~E~ :$1, ooo;oo Dental,) 180,0o , 50.00 ? '$ I,~oo;oo 5,~20.00 1,~00.00 ~0o-oo $22.920,00 $ ,4.000.00 ~oo i,.80o',0o 6~.00 1'440,~00. 600~00 1,440,00' '~'0~. . '600,00 ~0o~.oo + 4,000.00 ?00,00 1,800.00 600.00 !~620.00 600.00 1 ~620.00 600°00 6oo.oo 1,836.0o ' 600.0~ 1,~60.00 600,0O 1,020. O0 180.00 ~*00. O0 1,000.00 1 $ 3~0.00 -'12~oo 60;00..- ~o.oo Upon mOtion,....duly~.seconded~ the 'Budget~ .for the Joint H~alth D~artmen% w~.s approved as submitted. . . -.. The following Resolution~was..unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED B~..the Boar4~of Coun'~;~ S, upor. viaors of Albemarle County,~ Vir- g~a~ ~t~ She S.t~%_~Nig~.~.w~_~ Commission, be .,amd, is hereb~,~roqmested,~° take into the. Secondary~ S~s.tem of Hig~.~s ~he following roadS t 1. Road leading fr. om Ro~t.e..669..:to Route 641. 2. Road* leading, from. road .so~h_ from Port.er, s pre cino.~..about 1/4 mile ~o Mt._ Zion 0hutch. A p~tition for .the improvement_ of._Monticello A~enue. and: ,other. streets, on Belmont was ~resentedand' ordered referred to Mr., .W,, M. Gose, Resident Engineer.o£ the. St&te..~Highway De- partment, The County Executive rep~ted, that .u~:.on in~estiga!ion .~e,.had .,fO~d. that. to properly heat the ¢Ierk~S.Of~'iOe and Ceu~. H~use .f~[ weuld_Be necessar~.~e instalI a. larger bo~ler ~d' ~o lower the location of[s~e~.~as we~ as to ins~Ii~.a Sioker.,~.~he...~olal..coS~ o'f ~ch ~s eSt~ated at. $1,200,~. Upon mo%i0n,.' d~Iy: seconded,, .~the.. C0.unly EXe. cut~ve, waa.authorized.j, to pro ce'ed' w~th "~he work. o~' i~ro~...the: .hea~!ngjp!~~ and. by ~he. fc~Cwing ~r.ec~. ~o$.e.:. A~es ~ Messrs, ~'; '~; ~a~.~. E-. J.B~l~d ~.~P~' Hi, Gentry,. ~.'H, .~horne~,. C, ~UrCeI1 ~cCue.,~ ~.a~ D~ L,',.~.; ~ R~be~ts; Noes: ~e, ah:a~roDriation ef $1,.200,~00~.,~or. as much .thereof. a.a ~be .nec.es~a~, ~s ~de te co,er 2.he ~cost[.of ~his work. The following ~.Resolutian~ offered by Mr~ C,.Purcell Mc.Cue, du12~ isec.on~ed,.was adopted 'by' t~_e'~ roll,owing/reco..~ded vo~e~:, Ayes: .~ ~ssr~, ~ ~,~-~,. '~ra~,~..E, ~'J.~ B~ar~,, P. H, Gentry, W; H. ~ngho.~e~,~ C,. ~rc~l McCue ~.~, L,..G.. Rober~s.;..Noes~ None~ BE IT RE~OL~_ b~._ the .B~ of. Go~t~.~up ervi~.~s~ ef the Co~y ~f Albe~rl e, that need'~0~'f. :s ~ate as.s~%~ce_ eX$.S~ ~. %he .co~y o~_"j~be~.~l:e.:~ .- provide for destO%ute p~,sons in .-ne~d ~ of publXc...~reI~f,, app~cation .~..here~ ~de te the Co~s~'oner e~fl ~bl'~Welfar~ p~s~n~:.~$~o.pra?A~ions .~f~:O~p~er~223~ Acts of pre~s~.~:- ~f:~he said.~Ac~..and/Rules_ ~d. Reg~.a~ona~.which ~ve Been". adopted~ or my hereaf2er. ~ ado. p~ bF' ~he'.'G~e~.er .pursuant. to.. the 'prcF~io.~ef ~he said Aet,~ which it_is he=e~ a~e'ed(.~I1 .be .cemp~.ed'.'~h.. ~. the a~inistra~ion of the said-:f~ds, .... I~_ app~ing,~r..~the said Ac~'~at.[ ~he said c:ount~.of AIbe~le is entitl~d_ t~:.'~Re .. ~m of.$10],_3,~5.,10 far She ~e,ar. b e~g ~J~y ~I'~ ! 9~6, provided the said"co.un%F of'.rAlbe~te:J:a~pr~r~te.a_~he s~ 'of'~ $6.,:I83:*~ ~2'ch s~d state ~ le~c_e, be..i~.,...~ere fare, .,r.esolv~..[tha2 .the, s~ ef~ :..$6,i83.,0~ be ,.-a~~ %he s~e is..here_b~,: :app.~o~ria%e='te :provide fer'.des2i%~e persons, in. need cf public relief ~d...~e s~e is hereb~:f segF;eg~$~ed .%o ma~C. hy~h-e.. '~id 3tare all~ce %0 b e e~emded in'the ~n-er' provi~d. 'bF.':: said Ae~ :~df~he ~Ules/:.~ Re~.tens. adop. t~- Purs~t thereto..,. The Ce~y ~ecuti~e. is hereby....au~e~z~. ~.~P~e~e .~d ~b~% %he - necessa~ fo~ and..suppo~g..data .to A C6mmittee from the Chamber of COmmerce . reques~ed _'that the BOard approp.~iate $I~b,00 to assist, in defraying expenses of entertaining the President. when_ he._ ~isits. ~¢harlOtteSville on' J//Iy ¢, '1~36-' . . Upon'motion, duly.~ seconded, an aDpr.0priat!on ~fl SXOilJO0 was made .tO. assist in de/~ay- ing:..exp, enses of entertaining the Pres~de.nt on'J~!y_4, 1~3~.~.,~y the. following, r. ecorded vote Ayes~. ,Messrs. J. M, Fray~,...E,...J;.. B~lla-nd~ P,H,. Gentry.,.~,.H,.~Langhc~ne+ C, P,urcell NcCue~ ~d ~,. L. G, Rob~s; Noes~ None~ A co~ication from the. Ac_Sing,, S~per~s~r. of A~cultural Educ~tion, suggest~g ~h~t %he Bo~ .~e~ the s~Iar~.~SCale ~fixed f~ Princ[~pals/~d/T~achera %o p~o~id.e.a ~rger s~a~ for the Ag~.cult~l TeaCher in ~be~rle CountF,.~s present~. The COunty. Executive was .instructed..to. ad.vise the Act,~ng,~ ~P,eF vis.or, of Agricultural Education that the Board_ did ,_nO_t deem'.~[t._ wise. to make ~ny. c.hange in' t~he Sal~r_2~.Scale at ~his Repor.~a .e~' ~%~e U~'ivers X%~,. of ..V~r.g~nia. H~,sp. ital,/.~the. D~s.tric.~.~Home Bo.~dhand ' the County Executive..were presented and..ordere~ffIe~, Mr, H. A, Haden, Dinector'ofFinance,~ SUbmit~ed.a~.~statement~.ef[.the..expe.nses ef'"the De~rtment'of"~"F[~n~e f0rl.the month~ of'Ma~./Ii~6~,~..one~hir~fOf?wh~oh-,.:t~o,;,b,e,,borne by the State, which statement was. examined,, verified.and approved~ Mr~_~D, Purcell McCUe.~.Chairman .of thelFinance'Commi~tee,~_repOrted .that the. County was unable to purchase bonds at .the present pricefixed'by.~he. Bea~dand~ecommende~ th~'"~he Committee be authorized.to Purchase. Albemarle.Count~ Bonds.at'.a_pr~cawhich~.~!l.yield~ as great a rate as the Fedora/ Go,vernmen~_Bo.nds,whichi_are awned_by the.,~eun~y,~re Yielding based' on the current price~ff such bonds. UpOnmotion,:.duly Seconde~, the-Finan.ce C0~m~u~it~ee wasauthorized_t~ ~urchase County 154 The following Resolutions. Off.ered ho~e, ~s un~mously BE IT ~5L~.by ~he Board of Co.~ ~upervis~ns .of.Albe~rle County, Virg~ia~ tha~ the Dir~ctor_.of ~nee be ~d~is~heraby designed t~ act as ~rchasing Agent. for the ~ount~ and t~at said efficial~sh~l p.urc~se all .... -:~2eri~,~ services, and ~PP!ie~ .~ich ~he several.departments .~y req~re. UPon mo~ion bX the Co--tX ~ffices~.c!~se .a~ L 0.~clcck on Saturday d~g..the months of[J~y[a~'August, 1~6~ . . .~e Co~ty. Executive subleted the follewing...~l~y. ~ca. le for Cc~t~-e~loyees ~d" reco~nded %he ~op%ion of ~[~t'.~,:j , Ass es sots and: C01I ectors Assessor.' Chief Bookkeeper Cashier Deputy Clerk: Female Deputy Sheriff: Chief ' Regular Jailer. Part.time Janitor Stenographer.. ~ Senior Junior Typists Welfare _Worker "?~,oo loc.co ?~.0O '100.00 lO~.O0 125'. co 6_0,00 ?5,00_ 80.00 4~',,.0O - - .4~00~ 50.00 65.0o Se.co lo.co 65'0o 2.00' DaX 2.25 Day 50.,00 ?5.00 * To be fixed.~By, the Board when.~the.occasion arises. Mr. A, L. Bennet~ was present and .stated that"~f:-..~he;Scale were .adopted[as'presented tt~would mean a red~ction in pay from $~2;~0 per .month ..$.6;$8GJ.00 per month _f~r the 'Stenog- rapher tn his office and stated ..fur,.her tha%ah~s..Sten_ogra~her.als.o..per:fOrmed:2~ie: dUties of' Librarian and sugg~st~ .that a~_classif~Ca~tion:be '.~ucluded_in..this_..scale .~e..~.r~.~ide for this- e~loyee. that. the Scale be ~end~ to.. inclUde, the clas_sifiCatton..of:.S~enognaph~r, Libraria~ a~ a sa~.rF of no~. less %h~ $~,~0 per month and not more than. $~0. ~er:m~th:k ~ich Scale ~s adopted as ~ded. The CountX. Execut.i~e.reco~end~d ..%ha~ ~he a~.~.~f..~.s,. ~rj~ie K,....E~son, an ploye.e in %he Dep~rtmen~ of~a~ce be increase~ to. ~?~;.O0 per mon~,, .e~fe.c~i.~e J~ly I, 'Upon.. mo~io~,, dal~., seconded~. ~he_me. co~ea~ion of. ~e Co.~ty ~ecuti~ ~s;~aimouSly adOPted. ~e Director of 'Finance ~.s instruct~ .t.~.purch~e .~ aut. omob'~le f. er.%he use of the SheriFf' s Office. Su~.~n,f~n~Lbeen'"made ~at._..u~:er the. pro.~si~na;_of' C~pt:er~2~ el7 ~e Aces-' of cribe e~anc'e -~e Ged'emi lsse~lx_'.~f'?Vir~nta..o.f~I93~6.,..t~S..Bmrd ..mg..~.os_e.%icense.~t~es~fof side doE..~d peny..(Or., either ). shows, inain.ed.a~ shows~..c~n!~s., eircmsea,.. such license purposes having.been submitted 9o this mss%tags., i~..is, order, ed .t~at. notice of am ~in~en~on to. propose ~e s~e for.p~ssa~e., a~ ~e ne~. reeler me.e~i~ ~.f_ t~s. Board, shall ~bli~ed as required by law. ~ ~0II~[~: ~Iaf~s were pre~te~, e~!ned ~d ~l~wed, ~d.. _ ordered ..~o. be certified 4801 J. M. Fray 4802~ E, J,. BalIard ...... 4804 W, H, [~mghcrne__ 4805 C, ~rcelt. ~ccue .. 4806 Dr.. L_. ~, Roberts 4807. Alb emarle.~Michie_. Cci [~.Inc. 4808 C W. Bailey, D..S. 480~ City Co.llector 4810__W. $._. Cook, 481I Crc:et P~in~ Shop 4812 Dst%or, Edwards_. ~Morris 481~ Elliott Ice 4814 Dr, P~ .T; Ergenh~. ~1~ H._.I. H aney. 4820 C, S.Huff~.D,S~ 4821 . ~ar~-[ s, Attendance_A, ~ileage.. Sup, ~MeetingA...lO.. .... 6./.!?/~nc,,, $ - ~ At~end.~ce ~ Mileage,Sup, gee~inga .to, ~/I?/36,Ine and One_ meeting_, of. Heath .Co~ee .~ ~ileage .~.or .. month of..~y 1~36 ~ Re.11ef.'Qffffice to 6/6/36 ~ileag~p.f~r moth of ~y .1936 P~.n~ ~g. f~r. ~l.erk-,.s ~fiee Food 'S~p~l~e~ .~or..J~[.& .lee.. f~r .C.,H. A Deed:. Books ~f~r ..C~ rk~ s-':0ffice Fray Food' Supplies for Jail ~neral.' PredUc_%s_ &S.ales Co.._ Stencils ..for Dept .... of'Finance 4823~. Chas., F~ing & .Son Ce,. Inc,. 4824'' l~,.. W. D.. ~acon . 482~, The .Miohie ~82~ Montie ell~.' 482~. Dr,..H,.P., N~bi~.,~ 4828'_t' Re~ng~.n. R~d.,._lnc~ 3~:,. I... Abbott: Smithm Mil.eage..for. May. 1936 Lunacy.--~-H.enr~e~ta. Freeman Mileage... for' ~ay' I936 Office' ~upp.~:i:es for, .C~_0..., Prepa_~in~.Vo%ing. List"~'& Printing.,. i~0r.T~tal -Jus ti.ce T~.~.write:r-;' Ribbons., FOo~1 Supplies. for .Jail, i Cleanin~ ~.Supp!ie s for_ Jail Lun~c2em-Vernon 'W, Sand ridge Bin~ng.. Record_ Books~ for D.F. Sheriff'% Board.A~c~:, 4/23/36 Lunac_Fr~emri.e~a.. Fro sman Ribbon_ .O. oupons. Luna=yrrVern. on .W., S andridge Mileage, ..for. May 19'36 Fo~.~ ~uppli e.a: for Jai 1 3~. University of Va, Hospital'.Appr0priation for_ ~e. Fiscal. y~ear, ending Ju~e:.~0.,!936 V~rg~ia..:Tels & Teleg. O0~ Telephone ~e~vice. for. A~il, ~irgi.n~...Public..Ser..~Co.. E!e.o:~.. Se'~ice for ~y 483~ J.R. Wingfie~+_.Jr~... J~ .L~aciee~, Ve~:on,.~. ~.ridge..A H~rietta Freeman :~,;48~t~ ~'~.:: W~:':. 6rave s ~ivil Juror [484~ 'A. H. Bolick, " 484~' M. H. Foster " 48~8 Eu~. P, Durrette " 4~ B. D. Maker " 48~ C~ Lee Cra~ord ....... 48~i_ Hugh: N. Clark - 48~: C, W. Head .... 48~. ~.. L_.'Maupin~jCLerk .... Recor~ng~0~ty 48~ Anderson Brcs,Book Store 48f~ ~be~le.M~r._Ca,.Inc... ~as.&O~l_for. 4~ .C~l~tteavi~SuPply~2C~o,~ B~d~,~p~li~s.. for. 486i._W~ter C. Dowell .... BuildingSu~!iea f~r W.M.S.D. 48~ Ferro_n Coal C.~y .... Hauling~eriaL for. ~.M. $..D. 486~ G~eavar ~&. R~her~s ~ch. 486~ Fra~,.E., ~r~.~ 486~ James Page 486~ $. 0.' Sweeney. 486.~[ Johm Bro. ck enhraugh 4868. Clark, Hempstead ~4~70.. Adeline .Bro~,. · 48~i_ M~s. L. i. Sncw 4878. A. W. Cox Dept, Store 487~ ~wkins Broa. Co.. 4880 Merit Sh~ Comply,. . ~883. P~illil ~c~son · Oo, ..'. ........ 226.0~ 6~.oe 61.O0 81,~ 1~.~ 4,00 2.62 9-61t 1.ool 3%10 3.10 11.75 21.00 28.31i 5.oo~ 5.00 .15 5.00 ?.oo 3.10 72.50 17.50 800.OO 47.35 20.30 4.00 '3.80 2,60 4.10 3.50 4,10 1.80 24,60 27,00 16.40 19.20 19,00 12.~9 20,00 24,00 21,50 66.6O Clesnimg. Suppli~a..fo.r Jail ~ Supplies for W.M.S.D.. 3.04 0ffic e. SuBplies. for. C..F~Dffic.e & Welfare Dep%,. &~. ~, S. D. 10. 64 W.M.S.D. Sharpenin~.~Picks..& .Chi.sola _for W.M. Rent'. of .l~.~omgce. saor f.°.r ~4..hrs~ , Turk ey Killed' b.y. Dog s ~ar~ 7 K~l.ed by 2Dogs Sheep.~lled .by Dogs Sheep ~11~ hy Dogs · elfare AC~.s.. ,.~ 1936 We!f~e Acc~s...,.~rch, April & ~_,1.93.6 . Welfare..A.oct., May 1936 28.12 1.66 8.82 .!;~. 20 7.25 3.80 32.40 3.00 3,00 5. 00 4,00 56.00 12coo 12.00 14.,.OO 30.~0 15.o0 12,00 4.0? 11,22 3.00 5.00 155 qk- ....... 4885 Went on WetZel 4~86 PreddY,.s: Inane ral Home 488:? ~rs C. H. Kirby ~$L~:~'" 'Bru~eJ,:s Drag..Store 488~' P.' P. Thomas. '48~0..: Fit'Zhug~:Bros. 'CO., Welfare. Acct. Nay 1936 Welfare AcCt. April 1936 weIfare Acct. M~y 1936 '4891 :. Un:iver. sity 0fVa. Hospital_... 4892 Fra~c. es..T. So~.h~ll .......... ~il.eage.for M~y, 1936 489_3.. ~ary 'Brooke s .... ~are. A c.ct. ,. 4~$ Elnard Hackne~ ~8~'6 Isab~tla P~ic.e ~899' J,_~. S~ughter 48~8 City COllector 4~00' Mary Alexander 4~0~, A. J. Bell ~905 P, E.'B~ckwe~I . . 4~ Bu~tler' s. Stere:. 4~.~~ Cen2r~ ~rke.2 " 4914 .... J. H. ~raig 491:6 C. S.. Dele 49I~'_. tO:. R; Dorrier 4~18. A'. T. ~rer ~20': J, M.. Estes <~21. R, ~. Estes .... ~22. A. ~. ~ray ~2t J~ ~. and H. '~h~s: $~29 E. P.. Hopkins_ ~28 Ivy. Stere, Ync. 4~29' H.. ~. Jackson 4931 / '.Xen~' s Stere 4~32 ~b.e.~, s Store J, I. ~pin ~ia 'B~s~ Mitchell" s'. W. E, ~ndy 4940 Pigg~ Wigglt. 494t C. D. P~ll 4942 L. B. Powell 4943 ~rvia'a~ Johnson_ 4944 H.F. 4~45. L. K. $~dridge 4946 T.E. Sellers 4~? Smith Broa.. 4~48~ A. J. Smith 4~49 Solomon, s 4~. F. T. Spicer_ 4~51 ~tilda Terre. ll ~$~2 Leo~rd Thacker .4~53 The Count~Sto~ Inc. 495~ J. W. Tomlin W. W. Walker Bom Walton M. E. Weast 4960 ~rs. R. L. Winebarger 4~61 C. H. Weed 4562 W.W. 4563 A. K.._W~n% ~ Son 4~64 Naticn~ '~_.& ~. 4566 4967 J.F.Garth 4968 E.:.H. CoRen~ver,~mstee.~l~. AsSign% for_J~e, 1936 W~I~ar.e 'Aec. ts.;. ,. "BaI~ .~n...April~,-1336: ~ May ,193~L1 Welf~e. Ac.c~, ~y 19,~6 ~etfare Aocts..., :April._& ~y. 1.936 · elfane:Ac.c%.., :'~y 1'~36 We'lfare'Aect., April 1936 ~olfare. Aoct.~, ~.. ~ April 1936 We~e .Ac.c~. ,. '~ 1~36 Welfare... Acc~... ,. ~... April. ~. ~y 1936 We~are. Acct.., ~7 1~3.6 : Welfare. Acct..., April& ~ay 1936' .Welfare. Acc~., Nay 1936 # # Semi,~n~l Int ere~ ~e ~ly 1, 1936 Sa~r~ f~r the.month _of J~e ,. 1~36 4969 A.G. Bell s~tlar~ for..~he=mon~Jm_of..June, 1936 49?0 Nar~orie K. J~hnson 4~'7I/ W, L. ~up~ 49?2 E~ W. M~pin 4~3 C. E. Mor~ 4599~ 'J. ~son S~h 4978~ G'. W. Bailey 4~'5" W. S. Cook "' 4985 H. J. H~ey " 4982 Harold M. S~%A " ,Amoun't, '12.oo 19..5o 2.00 ?.0.5 1.05 32.90 2.00 2.00 ' ?.00 2.00 3.00 36.00 6.00 4.00 1.5.00 20.00 22 6.00 41,~0 10.00 .5.00 3.00 16.50 17 17,50 33.40 17.50 ?..50 21,.50 6.25 5.00 11.?0 4.00 14.0{3 ?.00 16.5o 10.00 16.5o .5.00 38. 8. 33.00 !I1.00 2.00 6.82 16.00 2.00 24.50. 30.00 19.50 6.00 1.5. O0 21.2~ 3.00 lO.O0 2.00 6.25' .5.00 8.00 4.00 .5,oo 34.00 ?.50 3.00 3.00 10,025.~0 XO0oO0 113.77 86.23 !100.00 65.00 341.66 225.~ 166.67 ?.5.00 308.33 250.00 ?.5.oo ?5.oo 15.oo No. 4990 4991 4992 W. Abbott Smith P, U. Ellio%t Frances T. Southall Lucy Waddell Bessie Jones T. O. Scet% C. G.Greer Urs. Bessie Dunn Uill, er Ruth Burruss John Wesley Join% HeAlth Department ~iGeor~ T. Huff, Treas. Salary .for the month .of June', 1936. $ 125.00 " ?~.00 " 150,00 " 5~.00 # 40.00 " 24.2~ " 66.6? " 33.33 " 48,00 Herbert L. Johnson Salary for the. month of June, 1936 H. A. Baden., Director of_FinanCe Re-i,mbUrsemen~ for the.following EXpe~di~ ture:s'.~rom th'eRevoI~ingTFun~ to'6/2~/36. Appropriation for the _month of. June, 1936 # (Rest Rm. ) iODO 28.00 Soil Removed from Land Of' J'. B. Howell in 1931 ...... $ ?0.00 Stenogra~hi~ Services, D..F. 43,~O Salaries, AsSessin~ ahd. Collect. ~19.01 Postage,..D.F. Prin~ing for D. F. Foo~ SUPplies'for Jail,.. 106.82 Allowance.for Cook at. Jail 10.00 Welf~reB~ard.Accounts. 3.00 Welfare Remt Accounts 26.00 ~'leag~.of .Sewing Room Superwisor 13.?~'' We!fare~Feo~ Aceeunts 26,10 Ce.~s Portion (}) MothersL Aid Ex. 6~.00 RePairs.to Court. House. 9-00 ¢l~aningSup.~D!ies fOr. Jail_ 2.62 Labor, W. U. S.D. 2~,10 Bldg~ Mat.'& Sup~!ics,...W,M.S. 1~038.10 499?" J. M. Fray Attend;..and Mileage .Sup~. Meetin ?.60 4998' E. J,Ballard " 6,90 4995 P.'H. Gentry " 6.10 '~00 W.H. Longhorns " 8,00 ~001 O. Purcell McOue " ?..80 ~002 Dr. L. G. Roberts " ~'-43 .... A, B.. Gathright, Treas, of Va. S%at~..~ollsc~maa for ~y~, 1936 1,689.,07 157 Upon me,ion the meeting adjourned. Chairman A SPecial Meeting..,of the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle ¢ount~, Virginia~ was held at%he Court House of the said County. on the. 24th day of_June,, 15~$e Present: .... ll~'SSre. J~ 'll~ '1Fray,. Eo. ~. Ballard.,_. P. H.. Gentry, W. H. LanE$0rn~, C. Purcell MCCUe and' Dr~ D;' ROberts. Dr. L. ~; Roberts moved that the. matter 0'f'S~Iary Scale, adOpted at.the regular' meet- ing held. on-'JUne 1.?.~..19~6, be ~re-considered, which motion carried'. Tho' following Reso'l~rtion,.' offer:ed: by Dr, L. G. Roberts.,; duly seconded, was adopted BE IT.~RESOL~ED ~b.y~ the Board. of: 0ount:y~: 8.upervisora.of;Albemar!e 00unty Virginia, Shat._ the Classification.of ~tenographer-Librarian.,..inc!ud ed in the 8alarxTScale adopted bY this Board at..the regular .meeting~held..on June 17, 19~6.,. be and the same is hereby~ eliminated, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~hat_the 8alary.Scale as ori.~, ally submitted by tbs._County Execrative be adopted..and that the. employee_in the office of ~he Superintendent o.f Schools be. classified~as a. Stenographer. A contract, between She Board. of Count~.~$upervisors and the Southern P~i.lmmy Company, te. rminating~an agr. eement~ entered in.to on August 23,~ 19.34,, Concerning the re,location, eons- ~ruction, maintenance,. ..etc. , of an industrial.sidetraCk at. CharlOttesville, was presented~ to the Board, -Upon. motion,, duly seconded,, the 0hairman.,.~.f th~ Board. was instructed .to execut~ 0ontract in the name. of ~ad on behalf of this Board. A-contract. between the Board of County; Supervisors and._the Southern Railway Company, terminating an:agreement en$.ered into on. the llth day~ of September~, 193~4~, covering the use of.a piece of the right.,0f-way of the.Southern Railway Company a$ Charlottesville containing