HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-06-24SPECIALCk. ~O. W. Abbott Smith P.M. Elliott Frances T. Southall Lucy Waddell 4957:''Bessie Jones 4990 4992 4996 T. O. Scott C. G.Greer Hrs. Bessie Dunn Hill~er Ruth Burr~Ss John Wesley*' Joint Health Department :Oeer~pT. 'Huff, Treas. Herbert L. Johnson H. A. Haden, Director of Finance ~998~ E. J,Ballard 4999 P. *H. Gentry ~000 W.H. Langhorne · 5001 C. Purcell McOue 5002 Dr. L. G. Robert-s 5~0~ H.A. He~e~ ~: 43.. A, B. Ga%hrigh.~t, Treas_. of Va. Salary-for the month of Jun~, 1936. $ 125.00 " ?5.00 " " 55.00 " 4~,00 " 24.25 " 66.61 " 33.33 " ~.oo Appropriation for .the .month of June, 1936 479.17 " (~est mn. ) lO. CO Salary for the month of June, 193.6 28.00 Re-im~Ursemen~ for ~he .following Expendi- ~ur e~$-,~rom' the' Revo~ng~ Fund~ to 6/2~/36'. Soil' Removed from Land ef J. B. Howell in 1931 ...... $ ?0.00 Stenographic/Services,~ D.F. Sal~ries,. AsSessing., ~ _Collect. Postage,. D. F, Printing rfOr D. F. Food Supplies 'for Jail Allowance for Cook at Jail Welfare B~ard. Accomats.. Welfare Rent Accounts 42.91 6~0 106.82 10,00 3.00 26.00 Hileage_.ef .Sewing Room Supervisor 13.75 WeI~are Food Accounts 26,10 Co.,~sPo~tion (~) Uothers!~ Aid Ex. SO. 00 Repairs.to Court House,. 9cO0 C1 caning Sups!is s for. Jaii.. 2, 62 L~bor, W. M. S.D. '2~,10 Bldg,. Mat. & S~pR!ies~ ,W,.M,B,D~._...~ l~O38.1o 'Attend'; and Mile~gesup. Meet~"gl,'~',~.2~/~6 1;'60 " 6~90 " '8.00 " 7.80 " 7,40 S~ataOellec~Le~a.fo~May, 1936 1,689,07 Upon mo~ion the meeti~ng adjourned. Chairme~ A SPecial Meetin~ of the Board of County Supervisors of AIbemer!e County, Virginia, was held at"-the Court House of the said County on the 24th day ,of. June, 1936- / Present=' lg6ssrs. J; 'l~'; :Fray, 'E; ?. Ballard,,_. P_._ H, Gentry, W. H.. Lan~.,.0rn6, C. Purcell McCue 'and Dr', · L..' 'O,- ROB e'r~s. Dr. L. G.. Roberts moved that the. matter. O~ S~l~ry Scale., ad'opted.'at.the regular meet- ingr held.on'June I?:,:,'19:36, be re'-¢onsi~ered, which_motion carried, The following Reso~-uti*on,,;.effer:ed: by'Dr, ~. G. Robert.s,~dul~. seconded, was adopted~ BE ITRES.0L~ED .by~ the'Board of :County.; Supervisors. of:..Albemarle County, Virginia, that_the Classific~tion..of 8teno. gr~pher-Librarian..,~ .includ ed in the Salary, f~Scale adopted by tMs Board atm..the regular .mss.ting .hold..on Ju~e 17, 1936, .be and. the same. is hereb~ eliminated, and BE i~ FURTHER RE$0LV~D that_the 8a!ary.Bcale as. cfi 'ginally submitted by the~Coun~y Exeeative be edopted .and that the. emplo[ea in the office of the Superintendent cf Schools be cl~ssified~as a.St.enographer. A contract, between tbs Board of Count~..~Supervisors and the ~outhern R~ilway Company, termi~ttng..an agreement entered into on August 231,:.19~4, concerning the re,location, cons- ~r~ctton,. maintenance,_ .e$c., of an industrial sidetrack .at~ Charlottesville, was presented to-the Board. Upon. motion,, duly seconded,~ the Chai.r~_.~ af~. the. Roard..was instructed.to execut~ Contract in ~%ho name of_ and on behalf of this Board. A-contrac-t..between the. Board of County~ ~upervisors and~he Southern Railway Company, terminating., an :agreement.. entered, into on the llth day of September., 193.4., .covering the use of~ a piece of the right._-of-way of the ~$outhern Railwa2. Company at. Charlottesville containing square ,f~et, was presented~ to the Board. Upon motion, duly. seconded_,- Me C~man'.of_~ ~he Bo~rd..w~s instructed ~o execu~-.:t~s Coat, ct i~ the ~ of ~d' on be~If/of ~ Board. Upon ~io~ ~he meeting a~journe~. %ain liatt s { ..... Co.~e.. ke~..e.~ofor.e_ in~L~ rated;