HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-09-16General Fund
Dog Fund
County School Operating Fond
County-- School- BUilding-Fund (PWA)'
Woolen Mills Sanitary' Imp. B~nd-Fund
VirginSa'Pabli~' issis~ance Fund
"I~' District" R~ad Deb~ F~d-
'5~u~l ~ll~r" Di~ri~t'~oad Deb'%'F~d'
Sc~ii'~ ~st'. Road
~ite Hall' District Road Debt ~nd
Co~o~e~tth of Virg~ia
1,10~. 34
Upon motion the mee$ing adjourned.
l'rspecia~-'mee~ing"of;~'the'Bo~rd'ofCounty Supervisors of ilbem~rle CoUnty, Virginia,
was-. haiti.-at %he "CoUrt- Hbuse of:' the' said' county"on' %he. tit~-d~y-,,~'',~,s~p:t:-ember ~ I536.
Pres~n%i ~essrs, ~,-~; Fray, E, J. Ballar~, P, H. Oeniry, W. H. La~ome, C. ~roel~
~cCuo, ~d Dr. L. O. ~oberts.
The BOard ~s, inf~*:~h~:'~r;','W~L, ~aupin~had"~ondered:~s"re, si~na~ion'as ~erk of
the-Oircu'i~'Cou~,'of'~Ibe~rIe,~Co~y,'~o:~he',~e o~the*~'C~eoui~'Cour~*on
~ich"T~sit~it~n~'as"ac~'~t~d~ ad %hai'"%he J'udgechad"appointed '~s. Eva I. ~upin Clerk
1%, %heref'ore, ~.peared necessary for '%he Board %o'"fix ihs salaries of the e~loyees
Upon~iion, duly second, ihs follo~monihly salari~s"wero
September 1, I536~
Mrs~ Eva~ W,"-l~aupin
Mr. C. E. Moran
Mis-s~ :,Fl~re~ee-
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Court House of the said-county on the 16%h day of September, 1536.
Present~ Messrs, J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, ~. H. ~ent~y, W. H. Langhorne, C. Purcell
McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Minutes of %he meetings of August 19, 1~36, and September 1, 1536, were read and ap-
Mr. Theodore M. McAnerney again appeared before the Board with reference to his prev-
ious claim for turkeys, which, he felt, had been killed by dogs.
Upon motion by Dr. L. G. Roberts, duly seconded, it was ordered ~hat Mr. McAnerney
be paid for five turkeys at. $1.~0 each.
The matter of mllo~tion of funds for the Secondary System of Highways in this county
was again discussed and upon motion, duly seconded, the Road Commit%ce was instructed to
continue its efforts to secure increased allocation.
The matter of hours/during which!.the County-offices should be open to the public for
the transaction of businesm was discusse~.
The following Resolution, offered by Dr./Roberts, seconded by I/r. C. Purcell McCue,
was unanimously adopt-ed:
BE IT'RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that the-hours during which the County offices shall be open to the
public for the transaction of business shall be:
-Mr, W.? 0* Fife, Commonwealth' s 'Attorney-,~ advised- the- 'Bo~'rd %hat some- expens~ might'-be
necessary in order.~to ~ecmr.e the-return of papers'stolen from the Clerk's-0ffice~
0n motion .mad'e'by Mr. 'C. ~rcell"NcC~.e,, se¢on-~ed'' by-~ E. J.' B~t~, i%-..m~s.:o~ered
%hat the Count' ~ecu%ive- be, and he is., aut~.ori-zed %o-e~-ehd.'.a s~' no%-exc'~ing One-H~
dred Del~s ($100, OO)~ f orI c~o $t~ in proceedi~s tO.recover, papers ~properly.-r~oved from
the Glerk's-0~ice of AIbe~rle.'O~unty.
The County Executive reco~ended ~ ~ additio~l worker be' e~leyed .in -the ~eifare
DePa~nt to pr~erty' investi'~te the.' cases."co~ng-to' the at~e~ien
Upon .me~ien.,.'dmly seconded, ~he C~unty ~ecutive ~s aa~orized to ~ploy
worker when if~ necessary.
The County Exe'cm~ive r~o~'ed ~'t some slight.'ch~g'es were necessary ~o: 'be' ~de at
the J~l in order to scene a con, fact'S'or the'keep'or'Federal p~soners:.
d~y seconded, the OoUnty Execmtiv~ ~s ordered-to ~e'the ch~ges at the Jaii that :are
~ ~ George B. Eeh~r, a member ef %he Ce~ty School' B~a'rd,-tendered his resign%ion,
st$%ing as~.~'.hi~S:'r~s~.that he would be in ~'epe fo~ tern m~hs.
Upon" motion, d~y seconded, it ~'s ord'ered~ %ha%'--Mr~ Ze~er"s'resl~%i~-"~"m~%
cep~ed, ~and~ t~ha%"'h~ be'~,'gi~m- a: .leave ef absence ~r'.a p cried
Co~%y ~ecut~ve.be ~s~'ed'to':~ite-Mr';' Ze~' and e~re'ss %-h$-B~rdm'm apPre~ciati~n~ of
his~work, and advise ~ that-the Board is of the':oPinio~ that ~s services will be even more
v~uable a~em~s~ e~erience
'Co~nication fr~ ~. ~. M. Gose, Resi~ent Engineer of ~e Stat~ Hi~yD~tment,
enclosing the' Depm~'~'~'of Hi~Y's ~ ~B~get 'for the :~'~t~ ye'ar~ ~ c~ver~E proposed
expen~i~eS-~upon"the Secondary Syst~-of Hig~ys 7in~ Albe~le~ County, was presented-;
Upon ~ti~, duly seceded, ~hese ~pers were ordered filed~
Reports ef the County Execu~ive, Universi~y ~f. Virginia Hospital, ~ the Di~rict
Home Board, were presented and ordered:filed.
~. H, A. ~den, ~rector of Fin~ce, s~tted stat~ent of e~enses ~f' the Departmen
of Fin~ce for themonth 'of August, 19~6~--one-third of ~i'ch is to be home'by'the State,
w~ch ~at~en~ ~s e~ned, verified ~d approved,
Clams ~inst~ the C~un~~, ~,unting te $4~,28~.1~, were present~', e~ined, veri-
fied, ~d approved-, and- ordered' certified 2o t.h'~ Director~ of Finance for paymen~ and' c~rge
against the following funds:
General Fund ~
Dog Fmad
County School Operating F~ud
County School Building DAnd (P~A)
'Woolen ~Mills-Sanitmry~ ImprOvement
Bond F~d
Charlottesville Dist~ Road~'~ebt'Fund
Ivy Dist. Rca~ Debt~-Fmnd~
Rivanna Dist. Road Debt Fund
Samuel Mi!lerDist'1. Read Deb~Fu~d
ScottsvilleDist. Road Deb%Fund
White ~all Dist. Read DebtFund
Cash In Hands of Home EcOnomics
Teachers ~
Commonwealthof Virginia
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
3zS. Se
4O0, 79
~o, ~