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_ ~ A regular meeting of the Board of~ County Supervisors..of Albemarle Coup, Virginia,
held at the Court House of the said. :.'~'i$i°untY~m ~ onthe 18th day of November,
Present: Messrs, J. M. F~ay, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell McCue amd Dr.,
L~ GA. Roberts.
The minutes of the meeting ef October 21st were read, corrected and approved.
Mrs. -A. L, HeneH, President of the Albemarle Child Welfare. Association, requested
that the Board approve the Campaign to raise funds for ~ild~Welfare Work in Charlottes-
ville amd Albemarle County and appropriate $80.00 to aid .in advertising the Campaigm.:
The following resolution, offeredlby Dr. L~ G. Roberts, and duly seconded, was
a~epted~'~iby the following recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P,
Gentry, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L.' G. Roberts; Noes: None~
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, that the work of the Albemarle Child Wel-
fare Association be and is .hereby heartily endorsed and that the
members of the Association be commended for the excellent work
accompli shed, and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $80,00 be a~d is ~hereby appropri-
ated to assist in advertising the Campaign now being conducted by
the Albemarle Child Welfare Association.
made to the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Oounty by Hun% Chipley to have
eontinu'ed a portion of that certain Coumty 'Road, kmo~ as the 01d~Milton ROad., from a .point
beginning in the center cf the present Milton Road at entrance tc the residence of H~at
Chipley, thence along the old road and through the l~uds of Hu~ Chipley N $ 1/A W ~00 feet.,
and N $ 1/2 W 221 feet- to & point in the road opposite a~ stake at the southeast corner
ef lot, belonging 'to Howard D. Cooks and it appearing that notices were,, em the Sth day of
October, 1958, that being the first, day of the 0etober~Term of the Circuit Cour~ of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, posted at the front door of the Court House of said County, amd at
two public places in the neighborhood ~f the road to be closed, and the required t~vent-y
days' notice having been published, therefore, on motion duly made a~d seconded, it is
ORDERED that P. C. Minor, J. 0. Thurman, S. S. Tool, S. T. White and j. B. Kegley, amy
three of whom may aeC, be appointed as viewers, whose duty it shall be to view the porkicn
of said Old Milton Road in this County, now deaired to. be closed, and make report, in writ-
ing, whether in their opinion amy, and if any, what inconvenience, would result from dis-
contimuizg the same; the Viewers herei~~_ named shall, after being duly sworn, meet at the
entrance to the residence of Hunt Chipley at 10 ~e'clock, A. M., on the End day of Decem-
ber, 19Z~, view that portion of the road to be .closed, and file with the Clerk of this
Board their report in writing;
Amd it is further ORDERED that the State Highway COmmissioner shall be made a party
te this proceeding. .
ing been made to the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County by Seth Burnley, City
Na_~_ager for the City of Charlottesville, to have discontinued the unused portion ef that
certain County Road, known as the Old Sugar Hollow Road, between the intake dam of said City
of Charlottesville ~ud the bridge across Moorman's River, and it appearing that notices were,
on the ~th day of October, 15~, that being the first day of the October Term of the Circuit
Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, posted at the front door of the CourtHouse ef said
County, and at two public places in the ~eighhorheod of the r~ad to be closed, and the re-
seconded, it is ORDERED that P. C. Minor, J, .O. Thurmam, S. S. Teel, S. T. White and J. B.
Kegley, any three of whom may act, be appointed as vi'ewers, whose duty it shall~ be to view
the portion of said Old Sugar Hollow Road in this County, new desired to be closed, and make
report, in writing, whether in their opinion any, and if a~y, what inconvenience, would re-
sult from discontinuing the same; the Viewers herein named shall, after being duly sworn,
meet at said i~ake dam, in Sugar Hollow, at 11 O'clock A. M. on the 2nd day of December,
1956, view that por~i0n ef the road to be closed, and file with the Clerk of this Board
their report in wri%ing;
And it is further ORDERED that the State Highway Commissioner shall be mad~ _a..p~r~y t~
this proceeding.'
This being the meeting designated to meet with the Representative of the 'State High-
way Department, Mr. W. ~. Gose, Resident Engineer, presented a report covering the Secondary
HighWay System in this County for the year ending June SO, 1936, which report was ordered
filed. Mr. Gose informed the Board that the Highway Commission had allocated to this County
an additional $10,O00 to assist in repairing the storm damage and $1~,$00 to cover the eos~
of the operation of a convict camp (which has been moved to this County) during the current
Mr. W. L. Norford and ether citizens requested that the Beard petition the State High-
way Commission to construct a bridge across the river on the Burn~ Mill Road.
After considerable discussion, the following resolution was adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors ef Albemarle Coun-
ty, Virginia, that the State Highway Commission be and. is hereby requeS~-
ed to allocate ad&itional State er Federal Funds with Which te construct
the bridge across the Rtvanna River on the Burst Mill Read.
Mr. E. 0. McCue, Jrt, and ether Citizens and Attorneys complained that a resident in
the Fry~. Spring neighborhood had constr~cted a stone wall in the-roadway.
The complainants were advised that the Board was of the opinion that it had mo juris-
diction in the matter.
The following resolution offered by Mr. P. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. C. Pareell
McCue was tmanimously adopte~l.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle Coun-
ty that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby requested to take
into the Secondary System of Highways the following Reads:
(1) Elliott Avenue from the limits of the City of Charlottesville
to Monticello Road. '-
(2) Blenheim Avenue fr~m the limits of the City of Charlottesville
Southeastwardly te Montieel!o 'Read.
($) 01d Road from Redltill School House to Rt. ~9.
(~) Byron Street.
(§) New road West of Bridge in .Sugar Ho~llow.
Mr. Gose asked whether or not it was the responsibility of the Chesapeake & Ohio Rail.
V~my Company to make the necessary fill near Alberene where a portion of the Nelson and Albe-
marle Railroad had been abandoned. This matter was referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney
for report directly to the Resident Engineer.
Mr. Seth Burnley, City Manager, requested tuhat a Committee be appointed %e confer with
a similar Committee to sugges~ ways and mea~s of providing fire protection in ¢ooperati~
with the Volunteer Fire Company.
The Chairman appointed Dr. L. G. Roberts, Mr. P. H. Gentry and the County Executive.
Mr. C. H. Page, Chief of the Charlottesville Fire Department stated that the State
Volunteer Firemen's Association would mee~ im~ Charlottesville ink.August, 1~37 and that
the expense of entertaining the approximately 3,000 delegates would amount te about $4,000.00
$~d that $24000~.O0 .of this ~mou~t had been appropriated by the City Council; and the remain-
der would have-to be raised elsewhere, and requested that the Board make an appropriation to
assist in defraying this expense.
Upom motion.duly seconded, it was ordered that $100eOO be appropriated to assist
defraying the expense of ~ntertaining the Virginia State Firemen's Association, which will
convene in ~har~lsttesville, Am~s~ 1937, and the County Executive was i~s~r~cted to include
this amount in the budget for the year beginning July 1,
The County Executive recommended the appointment of Mrs. Louise A. Williams as~a ~ase
worker in the Department of Public Welfare at a salary ef '$75e00 per month. The recommen-
dation of the Co'~ty Executive was unanimously approvede
The Board was informed that the salary schedules recently adopted for Country employees
did not provide for School janitors.
Upon motion, duly seconded, the County Executive was ordered to submit at the nex~
regular meeting of the Board, a recommended scale of pay for school janitors.
The County Executive reported that ~he City Council had in the past provided lkmds
Pay the rent of the local W. P. A. o~fice, but that the City was m~willing te continue pay-
ing the entire rent amd requested that the County provide $15.00 ~per month te cover one-half
of t_~i s rent~-
Upon motion, duly Seconded, it was ordered that one-half of the rent of the local
W. P. A. of£iee be paid by~ the Count~, providing the County's portion does not exceed
~er month.
The County Executive reported that he had secured a price of $?~eO0 for furnishing the
~eoessary labor a~d material in protecting the Will of Thomas Jefferson in such a m~uner as
it could be placed om displey to the Public.
Upon motion by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, duly seconded, the Couuty Executive was instructe~
to have the work donee
Upon motion by Mr. C. Purcell ~cCue, an appropriation of $$Oe~O was made %e purchase
a cow for Ellis W. Blackwell to replace the one which Mr. Blackwell claims died as a result
of being ~ested for Bamg's disease.
The C~m~ittee appointed to con~fer with P. W. A. officials at Washington wi~h reference
b~ an application for funds to aid in the construction ef an addition te the ~lerk's Office,
~'eported that it had conferred with Congressm~ ~Smith and Colonel Hackett a~d had received
~ncourag~ent ·
The County School Board .requested that the Board of County ~uper~isors meet with it on
the nex~ regular meeting date.
Upon: motion, duly seconded, the County Executive was ordered to notify the School
~eard that the Board of County Supervisors would mee~it at 2 P. M. on the next regular mee~-
L~g day.
Reports of the Coumty Executive, University ef Virginia Hospital and the District
Home Board were presented and ordered filed.
~r. H, A. Haden, Director of Fire,ute, submitted statement of expenses of ~he Departmen~ of
Finance for the month of October 15~8, 1/$ of which is to be borme by the State, w~ioh
statement was examined, verified and ~pproved.
Claims against the County amounting to $88,897.0 8 were presented, examine~, verified
a~d approved, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charge against
the following f~uds:
General Fu~d
Dog Fund
COunty 'School Operating Fund
County S~hool' Building Fund
Woolen Nills"Eauitary ImproVement
Bond Fund
Vm%rginia Pub!i~ Assistance ~und
~harle~tesville Dis~,_ Road Debt Fd,
Ri~al District-i:R~-ad~ Debt FdT,
' ~ite'Hal! ~Dt~rict~Read Debt Fd
Commenweal%h o2 Virgini~
.2ota ., $e6;897.o8
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of ~he_ B~ard. of O~o~mty. Supervls°r-s of-Albemarle Count-y, Virginia
~s hel~ .a~ ~heCeu~. Ho~e..of a.a~Ce~y .~e ~h ~ay of Deo~ber,
M~tes e~ ~ ae~ ~ Nov~r I8, '19S6~ were read: ~ approve~,
of the Board~ prohtbit~g _~he ~g at l~ge of dogs betwe~ ~reh let ~ Au~s~ 1~
Co~nuniCation from2he City Counoil, requesting~ %has the Boar~meet with ~he Co~m-
· ~1 a~ s~me oonvenien~ time, was. presen~e~, .
.~Uponm~i~n,, duly seoonded.~:.t~.~was o~ered ~ha~ '~he~mee~lng be .hei~ ~o oonferwi~h
· he CiSy authorities:on Nmx~y, Deeember 28~ha~.lOi,-.M,a~...%he.;Co~r~ House.
IN T~E MATTE~_~ OF ~I~CONTINUIIt A.poRTiON O~ ~.~:$~ HOLI~I ROAD: ~he repor~
j, B.-Xegley, P,' ¢, Ninor an~-J,-Oe ~hurman, ~hree of ~he viewers heretofore appointed
the regular November, lg~lmee~fng.of ~his_Bear~, to view t. he amused por~ion of ~hat
.%aln ~ountyRoad, known as the Ol'd.:Sugar.HollOWl~oad, bet~een~he intake dam o£ the ~i~yof
charl~esvill.e amd the bridge across Moorman's R~ver, having been heretofore filed wit~
the ~li~k of ~i.s..~ar~.~t--,is!,,o~dered'~t ~hes_ame~'he~e_sp~ead upon the minu~eS, which
i's ac.oordi~gly..done, as f0Ilowss ................. ~ ..: ...