HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-12-18General Fund
Dog Fund
COun%y School Operating Fund
County School Building FU~d
Woolen Nills' Sanitary ImproVement
Bond Fund~
Vz~rginia Pubii~ Assis~:'ee ~und
Read Debt Fd.
Ri~a, Di~ie~ ~R~&d~ Debt
Seottsville ''~ '~
Dlstrme%~Eead De~t Fd.
WhlteHall'Dl~bri~'Re&d Debt Fd
~ommenWealth of Virginia
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
A regular meeting of .~he. Board of. C~ount7 S~pervtsar. s .e£(*Albemarle .Count-y, Virginia
was held a~ theCour~ Heusa..of sai~.C, oun~ on_~e 2J~ch ~ay of December.,
Present.: .Mes. srs, J.~ M,. Frays, E..J. Balla~d,.P,~H.7 Gsn~, ~. H. ~o~e, Ce
~mt. es. o~. ~he me~i~ of Nov~r' i8, 1936, were read. ~d approvede
.Messrs,.S, S, Tebl,. A- T,. ~er. ~&.~hers:,..:appe~ed ~d reques%ed'~ha~ ~he a~io~
of ~he B~rfl~in prohibiting the ~tng at large of dogs be~e~ ~roh 1~ ~ Au~s2
Co~y ~eposi$ ~s presen2e~,
C~eation fr~ 2he City Co~eil, reque~ing, t~t the Boar~ me~ ~h ~he
oil st s~ eonve~2 ~, ~s-presente~e
~_Upon ~ti~n, duly seeonde~,.:.~.~s ordered ~2 %he .. mea~g be. held ~e co, er ~h
2he City authorizes-.en ~n~, ~eember 2~h a2.10 A, M, a2...:~he C~.u~ ~ouse,
J- B.,' ~gley, P, C, ~nor and J, ~0, ~u~ thee of ~he ~rs heretofore appointed
· he re~lar N~be.~, lg3~ m~g of ~.s..Board, ~o ~ew ~he ~se~ potion of fha2
.tain'Oo~hy ~ad, ~ as 'the. Ol~/Suga~.HOll~ ~ad, b~ween ~e int~e d~ of ~he CitY' of
C~rl~tes~lle ~d the bridge aeross. ~oo~'s ~ver~ ~ving be~ here2ofore filed
the ~l~k of 2hia..B. aar~, it..is:.,°~dere~ ~a~'~he $~eL~e.'.~h~e.~spread' upon the ~nu~es, ~ich
is aceord~gly.done, as fO~ows~
Tha.~ ..on the ~.n~.day. of D~eember, Ig$6, ~
a~ar.be~g ftrs.~, d~ .~, ~ proceede~ to
po~ion el_ ~e ~....pro~oaed..to be close~,~ su~
.p~rtioa ~.~g_desi~d~.above, ~d n~ repo~
Respec%fuily submitted,
And it appea~Lug from:said .raP~r~, ~hat no~ inoon~en~.ence~will, in. the option
of the ~ers, res~l~.'~ene.-if,_a~d ~ad is ~seon~ued ~d alosedl.
~ i~ a~eartng...~ha~_.~e. Sta~.,~y. ~~ner. ~s...been. made a par~y ~o t~i
proeee~ as required, by .~tatU2.el j.~hat,.~he .City o,f ~o~es~l~ (. ,a M~ie!~l Co~oratt
the application ef ~satd. City,...through its Manager, .that..v~ewers were._appo~2ed in this
st~ee.; that said C~y now reque~s the. co~i~io=~_.~d~epo~;_~d..no cause ~g
l~ T~ ~R OF DISCG~I~G A PO~ioN OF O~ ~LTON RO~ The repo~ of
J. B. ~gley, P, C..~nor ~d J. O..Th~, t~ee of~he..~s..h~n~re appoi~ed at
the re~lar.~ove=ber, l~S6,:. =ee~i~_'~f_..~.s Beard,. ~ :~ewa..p~iOn.~of ~he Old mlton
~n~es, ~ieh ts scoo~dingl7 done, as foll~=
the Honorable Board. of Sup,rvlsors eft
~be~arle County,: ~irginia~
We, the,.,un~ersigned .viewers, appointe~
a.~meet~ng, on the 18th
~ re+~;~rned" Wi~h
Said Ihmt
and.. report in
fi. rat du y
no" in-
"if said road
A~ it appearing frma~ said rep°~ that no ~noonventenoe
of thO' 8a~d ~pl~$ ~t, ~s.. ~re a~'oin2ed
~[eCUe was ~a~ouSly a~opte~:=.. ' ....
~ he~i~er ~eeifieally~e.ser~..an~ ~ .~e._~g.:.~en.~~St the
So~hea~' e°~er..of :~he:~t. b. elongin~ ~°"~r~ B* C%k, ::~.~ ~ a~. ts hereby
.: .... . Co.~any
ef the asaea~ of t~e" V~A-':~l~e:Se~ee/f~r :the. y~ 1~6* ....
seor~a~ .,~ ..~...~e:.f~_~_~... ~'.Besa~J~'Joneae ..T~s reque~ ~s. ~ousl7
~e foll~n~ resoluti~ :~fere~ b7 ~, L..:.6,.~be~S, see~ndid'.by ~. C, ~ell
~ a :Se~<~nclar7 roail.
.......... H~ ..~ute 2,,T9 to
A o~'%iO.a.fef.He~lerson.&...~n, ,reqUe~ng ..~h%[ $~C~o~ion" be relieve~
Upon ~ion, d~y secon~e~, it ~s ordered t~t the request of He~erson & ~n
be de. ed.
The Director of Finance reported that it would he necessary %o either horror
tional funds from the L~%erary FUnd or ae~ure<~a Loan from ~e ~neral F~d' to co. leto the
pa~s due on__Zchool B~l~n~ Con~c~s pend~n~ receip~ of..~he. ~e~nder_ ~f.. ~he...Fedo~ . .
~d ~0 ~he ~o~y School ~uil~ng ~d.
ferr~ t° the G~e~l
_ The.-folI~n$ resolutten,_of£ered-.by 1[~..C..~o:ell_~ue,..~e.on~e~ ~ ~. E. J,
~ll~t, ~s a°usl7
~rle.~°~,._~g~a,~.~a~_.~L~p~l~~'~r W. P. A. P~
~ XT ~ ~OL~ 't~..~ ~ ~t. all Pro~eota ha~e be~ ~
.the C~.~u~ye, ...................... ~;~ -
~j:.C.e~ .~Ut~TM repO~ed ~t ~he a~iieatton for ~ W~ ~. !.'Pro, eot ~
~teh ~o '%~mot a ~rehouse en the jail prope~7 ~t be~ 'a~r°ved- by the ~uSho~ties
........... ~eof
aiet ~o cover ~he :C~Y,i S~re of the '~oi of '~he pro,Cci;
Upon '~2i~, '~Uly Seeon~e~, $3~e~, er as ~ch 2here~. '( ~: ~y be neeessa~,
~a appropriated for the C~'S s~re of ~e'~ ~'~it"of ~on~motion ~F:a ~rehouie ~ t~
f~ii'~ag re~°~e~'v°teS= A~es= ~ess~. J. M. Fmy, E. j. B~l~d, P, H. ~, W. H.
~ho~,' C. ~oeil ~ue, D~, L, G..~e~'sI Noes= None.
t~ot p~ehase $10,~ of mtu~y ~lue of U· S, S~ngs :BonSs to ~eld' 2:*~ %0
~p~ ms, Ach, luly seoon~e~, the rec~~ti~ of the. c~Y ~Utfve' ~s a~o~et.
~.~A, :~d~, ~re~or Of F~e, au~e~ ~t~ of ~ses of opera, on '~'
~~ ~f F~e fOr'the month Of ~v~, t~'6, o~hi~'~f ~ieh lS"~ ~ ~e~ BY
th'e'~ia6e, which ~~ ~~:ne~ re,fei ~ apPr~.
R~o~a' ef t~ ~ive.rsAty ~api~ ~ the-~y ~ive ~ prese~e~ ~
Claims against the County amounting to $112,060.92, were presented, examined,
verified and approved and or~e~e~ ee.r~ifte~' %o %he DSree.~.°r ~'.Finanee for payment a~-
'Oharg~ 'agains~ ~he fOllewing
General Fund
Dog Fund
County School Fund:
Op erati~
Woolen Mills Sanitary Im-provement Bond Fund
Virginia Public AssistancJ
(Continued from Pagm 177)
Road Debt Funds:
Charlette svitte Dis tric t
Ivy District
Rivanna DiStrict'
Samuel Mill er Distric~
Scottsville Dist.rict, ~
White H~ll Distric~
Co~nonweatth of Virginia-
3,450,', 7
Upon moji on' the' me eting, adjourned~
,, Chairman.
A regular meeting e£~.the.:.Beard.._cf:Ceuu~y Super~i:a~ °fjAlbe~arle Ceunty,-~Virg~nia,
wad held at ~e-Ceur~ 'House. Of.,Sat~.C~tl~ty on.~he. 20~h day c~ JanUary,' 19S7.
X~esez~, Messrs, 'J...: ~..F~ay/E.~ J....:Ball~r~d, P.o. H, Gea~ry,~l~, E. La~gherne, C,. Fur-
The Bear~ was called to order, and. on mo.~ion,_.~uly made a~d aeee'n~ed, Mr..C, ~reeII
~r.. P.: If.A.:Gentr~......was....nm~mateA..l~....~r'._C~. FUreell McCUe and. seeon~e~ by ~r. E' J.
~ho ~atrma~... l~em..a~mcmmad~he, app~i~:~ %l~e:';,~el~emi~g ~o ~ompowe~ the- F~mmee
~d~ the s~e
~e ~ ~e ~e
for the ~g .~ t.~,.eo~i~erede