HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-01-2017'8 (Continued from Pag~ 177) Road Debt Funds: Charlettes~itZe' District Ivy District Rivanna District · ~ Samuel Niller Distric~ Scottsville: District ~nite Hall Distric~ Cemmonwealth 0£ Virginia~- Total Upon ~oti on' the'mine eting' adj ourned~' $ 3,450; 1,825.o'I' 5,5?5.25 1~400.08 $112.,06'0,92 Chairman. The Boar~ was oallo4 %o or4er, and__~n mo~ion'_.duly made-" emd seoo'n~ed, Mt.C, ~e~l ~ %~or~.C~~2~k~~ ~. o~e.~. ~o~ n~ati~ for ~he C~.~ Ballar~. Mm.. Ge~:ry was. ~u~: elec~.e&. ¥ie~~~.for' ~he yee~ .!~$?. ~een the-f~r~ day ef~oh.~a~m~l~.~y .cf. July, in ~h ~ar, ~1 be the s~eta p.roM~ea, ......... ' ' ~4 ~_ ~%. i~r ~_se!~e~. t~:..the:..~e~ :~:~~ at. large" shall, be as ~e '~o~t C~ion, the ~er:. ConSiderS1e ~seuasi~:.ef .Yhe e~o~~ ?f'..-$he Dog ~, ~e CO~ ~eeu- T~e County off.Albem~rle - .~perating since J~uar2. l,..193~,.~nder the...C:o~ ~eout~e Fo~ ~ ~~; for~ the. ~ear' 1936, '.. ~que~ ~S' d~y ~de' ~f the C~pensa~on Boar~ for ~' ~r~Se' '~ the. all~ea ~ ~l~e~ ~d ~or Tr~surer .~d C~~oner off the bet of C~erce,_.~es~i~.._~._app~a~om.for ~e~..~. 1~S7 ~s Upon mo%ion, d~..~..~d, seeon~e~,.,..~.~pprop~a~ion of ~Se~ :~or ~he- .... ~ ordered . . ~ l~d' a2: ~I~ire 'SChool ~s The ~ter of asseSse~ .~e ef sh~p ~s..~u~ ._.te ~e StOlon of the ~. ~he ~ p~r ~ deolare ~he ~lu~: of sheep at n~ acre ~-~e~ ea~ - ~e ~e~ ~ as.ses~e~ of po~ for ~tf°n ~s ~tseusse~, Upon mot[eh, ~ ~.de ~d_seoonaed, ~he ~reo~er of F~e ~s':o~Eere~ ~e~ asae ssablee . T~e .Count~ Executive recmamended_.that $1eSOOeO0 be included in the 'Budge~ for She ima. r beginning-~ul~.l,-. ~S?.,-.f~or..~he.. pure, se of_a_~ep~g ~c~e for ,~ ~ ~e D~ ~nt ef F~e, 180 .Upo~ mo~ion ,by~ Mm,.._ ~',~,. l~urcell.ili.cC~e., ~seo..0n~.by Dr.. L. G. Roberts, tho Couztlf Executive was imstrue~e8 .~o; izGl~le, iu.~ho'~G~dge.t,, for,the year beginner§ JGly ~, lg~?, $1,BOOe~O to eC~er-.~he .r~~e..~f ~ baeklcee~ug w~chiae.. lire Ho ~o I~den, Dlrect. er..~f.~--~oe, .suhait~od a ~catemen~ o~ the ~pen~es of ~e follo~g repo~a.,r~e,.su~t~~ .o~e~ f~lede ~ ...... (1) ~tversi~ of. Vis'aSa .He.itel (2). D~e~r~et: Boar~ . (s) ct . (?) c,o .ms~ty. li~eout~:~e Tl~e. £ollaw~g:.~e~r~,'..,-~f:.~he. Ftmmce. Co~%~em.:wej presented and a~proved~ Your C~tf~.ee wishes to repOr~ %h~,c .Iz~ores't .ia due 2he fore,, reeom~d~' ~kai...you, auto,se :the. nee~sa~ ~r~sfer of f~ TO= FROM=' Samuel. Mill. er D~s~rie~ Road. Dob~. Fun~ ~o= '.,' ,, ,Geueral:.l~nd,. [ $: TeOO0,~O (Signe;t)__C. ~eell McOue ' .__. ,.-_,..~/ ...... : ~e Bo~.~s._~,e~istad to request,.~.~ ~y C~sS[oa to t~e i~o ~e plaoe oa whieh ~r~een familles',live.- .............. ~,~ Upon ~:.mo~ion,,,: ~uly.made and-seeo,ndeA, %his ma~ter was r~ferre~ to Mr~-W. Ii. Gose, Restdent,Rng~aeer,. for investtga.~io~ .a~d .r,.epor~_.~t. the~ regule~, ,~p, rtng Ht~ Ile~%ing. Gose, Residex~ Engineer, Depar~melr~ of Highways, requested &uthori~y to ~f. Seco~d~..~way ~ds, ~ order ~e ~h Fede~l F~8 f~r W. P. A. duly ~de.. ~d s~nde~, .~he. Resi.d~ ~g~eer ~ ~ho~ ~ segre- C~ioa~i~ f~m ~. He G. Shirl~, ~y C~issiOner, ad~sing ~ha2 se~toz ef roa~fr~ ~ore's C~ek to A~ ~ tn~o ~e P~ · ould' Be considered at the nex~ meeting of this C~ssion, was presented,. Claims: agaius~ ~he'Coun~y a~Oun~ing to SZSe.~g!e2~, :~ were presented, verified a~d approved aad ordered certified to the DirectOr of Finance for paymenJ. eharg® agai~s~ the following i~o~ds~ General FUnd Dog Fund Cou~$y School Fu~d~ O~erati~g ~uild!ng ~ad De~ X~ ~s2rict Seot~Svtl.le Dis2riet Preseats ~essrS. J.M. Fray) E, J, Ballart~ P. K. ~A' Co Pur~ell.~'N~C~e and A- COnference_ was held., wi~h t~e memBers:.of...~e taxatic~ of Cit~ 'F~at. er ~lgork'.s ~rope~'located in ~lbemarle Aider considerable discussion, the m~ter ~s referred to 2~ .Co~o~weal2h Att°~ for ~her ~pO~e ~e~f J.' ~$~ ~i~h ad~sed She .Bo~d p~ ~ha~ formerly, therefore, re~ues%e~ Shat a~ l~erease~ salar2 be allowed ~hree of his ~ePu%ies~until such time as an additi°nsl Deputy is neces, sary; Upon motion) ~uly ~ade and seconded, ~t w~s ordere~ that the following salaries o£fe~ive ja~uar~ 1,: 19Z?$. until such time as an additional Deputy ia necessa~y'~ Mr. ~. ~..~Jhne~ S8~.~0 IMf mo~h A~plteation of Nra. Ol~ra-H-. Barksdalo for Co~federate Penst~a was presente~. Up~ motion, duly ~ade .a~d Seeo~e~, the ap~lic~%ioa was denied due to- ~ha~. l~rs· ~arksdal'e .was not_.&_ resiAe~ of .Albe~r~e.,~o~y ~n ..Ja~uar~ 1, Upon me, ion,. the meeting ~dJour~ede