HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-01-22SPECIAL181 Mr, W, M, GoSe, Resident Engineer, Depart~on~ of Highways, requested &uthori~ to seg, Fega~e $5,~2 °~O .. o£ Secondary. HighwaY ~da, ~ order.to ~ Federal F~ds for W, Pe Ao Upon.~ti~. duly.~de. ~d a~onded, .~ho. Restde~. ~gheor ~ a~ged. ~ segre- C~ca2i~ ~ ~. H, G. Shirl.~, Hi~y C~iss~Oner, ad, sing tha~ ~he would be considered at the nex~ meeting of this Ccunission, was presented, ClaAms: agains~ .tho. County amounting .. to $~Se:S.9!e2~6 ~, were presented, exmaf~ed, verified and approved and era®red eer~ified to the Director of Finance for payment-and Charge agains~ the following General Fund Dog Fund Co. un~y School Fund= Operating Building ~eolea ~lls Sani%ary proveaent Bond Fund Virginia. ~blie As sistanoo R~ad Debt Funds~ Charlo$~esville DisCreet Ivy Distri c~ Rivanna Samuel. l~iller Dis2ric~ ScettSvtlle District l~aite Hall Dietrte~ Connonwealt~ ef ~irgtn~ta Upen.:mo~c.~en 't~e meeting 124e4~ .A Conferenoe:was ~.helA. wi~h the menbers.~.of..the. Ct.t~j'Co:~m_~eil with reference to ? taxa~io~ of City.-l~a%:er ~ork'.s ~roper~y, Ioea~ed in ~klbemarle'Ceun~e Aider considerable diseussio~, the ma~ter was referred to ~he Comnonwealth Attora~ for furbher report, ....... ~heriff d.' Mason ~aith advise~ %he .Booms that he had-o~ne' Zess..De~-..j. tn hiO~ ~ar~me~t than formerly, therefore, re~ues~eA tha~ an inorease.~m salar2 be allowe~ three of his ~ePu2~:es~u~til such time as an additional Deputy is mecessary, UpOn motion, Aul¥ made and secor~e~, i$ w~.s ordere~ that the following Salaries be e££ec~ive january t,. 19~?$. until such time as an additional Deputy is necessary'~ Application of Mrs. clara' H. Barksdale for ConfeAerate Pensto~ was presente~. Upon motion, .duly made ~aad' seconded, the ap~lic~tioa was denied' due te-~he that ]Irs, Barksdale .was no~_.a, resiAe~t of .Albema. rle..Coun~y en ..Januar~ 1, Upon me~ton,, the meeting