HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-02-17 E regular m~eting of the Board of County Supervisors ~of Albemarle County, ~ Virginia, was held at the Court House of the said. County on the I?th day of February, 19.$?. Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C,~Purcell NcCue, and Dr. Minutes of the mee%ing ef January 20,~ 19S?,-were read and approved. Minutes of the meeting o~f January.22, 19S?, were read, corrected, and approved.~ RE: CROZET FIRE DISTRICT:- It appearing £rmn a.petition signed by numerous pe~son~ and this day presented that it is ~desired~ that this. Board create andesbablish a fire zone or district in Albemarle County that will embrace the~Pillage_ of C~ozet and smrrounding ~erritory, and include within its metes and bounds the following.: Beginning in center of bridge over Stockton, s:..-~reek on Yellow Mountain Road, thence alon~ said road in. a ~northe~ly direction to Jefferson Highway or Va. U. ~. Highway $280, thence along .the same in a westerly direction to the western boundary line of T. A. Campbell, ~hence along his western or south- western boundary to the line o£ ~. B. Wil.ey,~.thenoe along, his western or south- western boundary to~ ~the~line. oE Emmet.t Wiley, thence along his western or so~th- western boundary to the line o£ T. E. Wiley Estate, thence al cng hi s western or southwestern boundary t~t.he.i Blair. Park~. Ro~d ~and along .the same in a northerly dire,~tion to the road r~uning between.the properties of~ C ..... E. Starkweather and Chariot-be Lee Munn, thence along said rOad in a northwesterly direction to the C. & 0. R. R., thence wi~h the western and northern lines..of Charlotte Lee Munn to the Jarman's ~m.ROad~ thence..aIong:, the~same in.a~southeasterly direction to the line of J.. ~. Monta~,.~ thenc, e~along ~his.~northwestern ~boundary to the line of E. D. 'Grast~ thence ~lc~g him northwest'em, boundary line.~o the line of J. W. Montague then ce ~ along hi~ northwestern and eastern boundary lines to the northern limits o£ C. & O. R. R. thence along said~margin-in an easterly direction to the line of Mrs H. C.. Kelse~ .thence with her western boundary ~$ ~he line of Thcs. S. Herbert (W. S. Ballard tract.),.~thence with his western or northwestern boundary to the line of the Consolidated Orchard Co., thence with their western or northern line to the pr~operty of Mrs. Hattie Motley, thence wi~h. hot.northwestern boundary to the line o£ the.C~ns~lidated.~rchard ~Co~, thence wi~h their northwester~ and northern boundary tothe line ~o£. Dr.~ ~E. D. Davis, thence, with his western and northern lines to the line of Jos. T. Henley, thence with his northern boundary to ~he Jacobs Mountain Road and thence, withit inca southerly direction to the White Hall Road and along the same in a southerly direction to Beaver Creek, thence dOWn the same to Parrotts Creek and thence do~ parrotts Creek to the eastern line of Ellis Hall, thence along his eastern boundary ~to~.the .Crozet and Mechums River Read, ~ and. along the same in.~ an easterly ~direction to .the.eastern boundary line of J. B. and Isabella Harrison, thence along their eastern or southeastern bounda~y to the southern limits of the C. & O. R. R. thence along said limits in a westerly direction to the eastern liue of R. E. Cree, thence along his eastern boundary to the line of the original Cary place, thence along its eastern or northeastern boundary to the Mechums River aud Brownsville Road, thence along said road in a southwesterly direction to the Sheltcns Mill RoAdi~ and along the same in a south- easterly dlreebion to Stocktons Creek and ~hence up the same to the beginning. S. A. Co FebrUary 15, 1957. It is ordered that this matter be fixed for hearinE at a.Meetiug o£ this Board~to be held at the Court House on t~e 9th day of March, 1957~ and ~hat~.~n~t~e of said meeting and Messrs. F. W. ~Twyman, George T. Huff, and J. Emmett Gleason-, a Committee from the fitly Council, requested the Board to appoint a similar Co~aittee.from: the Board of County Supervisors to study Contract covering operation of the Ccur.t House~ Clerk's Office and Jail beginning December 22, 1957. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Committee formerly appointed for a similar Conference was designated. This C~nmittee consisted of Messrs. J. N. Fray, C. Purcell McCue, and the County Executive. The first meeting was called for Tuesday, March 9, 1957, at 2 P. The following communication from. JUdge_~L. F. Smith was presented: 183 February 15, 1957 Hon. ~ohn Fray Chainw~_n, Board of C~nty Supervisors Charl otto sville, VirgLuia Sir: l/r. Jay W. Johns of AshLawn_has pres.ented to me tw~ letters, (1) dated Jul~ 18th,. l?42.~:..signed~by the second Duke of Albemarle and (2}. dated November 26th,..1~6~, signed by the Third Duke of Albe- marle. This COUnt~j. was~named.in,.honor of the Second Duke of Albemarle and therefore these, letters..should be.of great, inter.est to %he citizens of the County. I have accepted these two letters and am suggesting that the Board make suitable arrangements to. keep and preserve these letters and at 'the same time give the pUb~.ic .am. apportunity to see them. I would further suggest ~itable resolutions of th~_~s to Mr. Johns. "Yours truly, Lemuel F~ smith (Signed) LFS/~l This matter was referred to the County Executive with instructions to express the Board's appreciation to Mr. Jay ~. Johns. --- The County Executive reported that the Ccmpea sati~ Board at its he, ring on February ~, 1957, refused the request of the Board of CountY Supervisors for additional allowance for salary as for a Treasurer and Commissioner of the Revenue. The County Executiverec~mended that $5~000.O~, par value, U. S. Treas. 2 $/4% Bonds be transferred from the General Fund to the Rivanna District Ready.Debt Fund at cost.. Upem motion, duly made and seconded, it was unanimousl~..ordered.t.hat this ~Transfer of Bonds be made. Claim, amounting to $~.4~, covering purchase of ~ne.patr o£'Handauffs for C. S. Huffman Deputy Sheriff, was presented and ordered paid by_the County, 'It. was ~urther ordered tha~ in the future, Handcuffs and other necessary equipment be fu~niahed the. Sheriff, upon approva ~f the Board', Mr. H. A. Had'eh, Director of Finance, submitted Statement of the expenses Of the Depart~ ment of Finance for the month of' ~anuary, 19"$?, one-third of which is to be borne by the State, which statement was examined, verified and approved. The purchase of one copy of'the Virginia Cbde of 19Z6 for the~use.of the Trial Justice at $45.00, less credit for one copy of ~$0 Code returned, was unanimously approved. The County Executive reported that the Jail had been inspected by ~ederal authorities and had been oFFiciall~rapproved for the confinement of maIe ~Federal prisoners. The following Reports were presented and ordered filed: (1) University of Virginia Hospital. (2) County EXecutive. '(~) Colored Farm Agent, Mr. 'W. O. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, reported on the Taxation of the City Water ~ b County upon motion by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. E. J. Works 1ocab'ed' in t~e and, tions to the Board. The County Executive reported on the PropOsed Dog Pound, and, upon motion.dUly made. and seconded, this matter was ordered laid over to the next regular meeting for further consideration, - Request of the Commonw~alth,s Attorney for additional Salary, or Mileage Allowance for travel in perfoming the duties of his.OffiC.e,.~.was taken under advisement. The following Resolutien,:_of£e~ed by.Dr. E. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, was unanimously adopted: . WHEREAS, claim amounting, to .$24'48,. represe~t~ng expenses of A. L. Bennett, Supt, of Schools, to Richmond, attending ~eeting of'Virginia Edu~ cational Association, November 2$rd, 19~, was no% allowed by this Board and WHE..~REAS, ithas been_hrouoakt to the attention of this Board that this expense was authorized by the. Albemarle County~SchaoL Board before said ex- pense was incur~r, ed,~ due .to an er. ronecus, interpretation of the ~tem 17B-~220 of the Budge%. N0~, THEREFORE,~ BE IT RESOLVED by the '.Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County,s. Virginia,.. :~bat .the nlaimof A...L, Bennett, amounting to $24.48 for expenses incurred while attending meeting of ~irginia ~Educa~ional Association, .be...and .~he .same.i.s...hereby allowed, and, BE IT. FURTHER RESOLVED,..~h~t. the County School Board be and is hereby requested to be guided in the future by the recent order ~f this Board which provides %hat mileage for~;tra=el~_by~ Coun. ty Employees, outside of the County of Albemarle,.. be allowed onl~ when authori~ for such travel has been secured fr°m the County Executive. The ~atter of Indexing Deeds at the Clerk,S OffiCe was pre~nted and laid over %o the next regular meeting for further consideration. The purchase of one Chevrolet Truck for uSe at ~he Ware~use now under construction was, upon motion of M~, E. J. Ballard, duly seconded, unanimously-approved. Claims against the 'County,_ ~mounting tO $§4,$20.~1, were presented, examined, verified and appr~ed and ordered certified %o the Director of.. Finance.£or payment and charged against the following funds: General Dog Tax Co~wSeheol: perating .... uilding Woolen Mills Sanitary Improvemenb Bd. Virg~ ia Public Assistance Read Debt= Chs~lettes ville District Ivy Dkstrict Ri vanna District Commonwealth of. Virginia ..... ~ $ 5~550,$1 45.00 !6,575,80 81.82 98.56 1,260.94 ?,500.00 ?, 500,.00 _ ~?, 500.00 Total , $54,$20.01 Upon motion the meeting adjourned. ~. Cha~ rman A Special Meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County was held at the Court House of the County at ?:SO P. M. on Friday, February 26, 1957. Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, Chairman, C.' Purcell McCue, E, J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, W. H. Langhorne, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. ~n. opiniou requested of the Conmonwealth's Attorney touching appointment of a Division Superintendent of Schools £or Albemarle .County was read and considered.