HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-02-26SPECIALtions to the Board. The .County EXecutive reported on the Proposed Dog Pound, and, upon motion.dUly made. and seconded, this' matter was ordered laid over to th~ next regular meeting for further consideration, - Reques~ cf the Commenw~.alth's At. tOe-ney for additional Salary, or Mileage Allowance for travel in performing the duties of hi~s offi-ce,..~was ~aken Under advisement. The fo!lowing Reselution,.~eff_e~ed ~by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. E. J. Baltard, was unanimously adopted: - WHEREAS, claim mounting to $24'48, represem-'~ting expenses of A. L. Bennett, Supt. of Schools, to Richmond, attending zieeting of Virginia Edu~ cational Association, November 2Srd, 1936, was not allowed by this Board and WHEREAS, it has been. ~ought to the attention of this Board that this expense was authorized by the Albemarle County. School. Board before said ex- pense was incubated,, due to. an er. roneous, inter.pre%~tion of the item 17B-~220 of the Budge%. - NOW, THEREFORE,t. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board.o£ Counby Supervisors of Albemarle County~ Virginta,.~ha~...the _claimof. A. L. Bennett, amounting to $24.48 for exPenses incurred while attending meeting o£ ~irginia Educ~ional Association, be.. and_ ~he. same.is..~hereby allowed, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:,~.that. the County: School. Board be and is hereby requested to be guided in the future by the recent order ~f this Board which provides t.ha.t mile.a~e ~2or..'%ravei.by. Oounty. Employees., outside of the CoUnty of Albemarle,..~ be. allowed onl~ when authority for such travel has been secured from the Comuty Executive. The ~atter cf Indexing Deeds at the Clerk'~s Office was presented and laid over to the next regular meeting for further consideration. The purchase of one Chevrolet Truck for use at the Warehouse now under construction was, upon motion of M~. E. J. Ballard, duly-secOnded, unanimously approved. Claims against the County, amounting to 15§4,320.01, were presented, examined, verified and appr~ed and ordered certified to the Director of_ Financ. e.f. or. payment and charged against the following funds: General Dog Tax. Operating Building Woolen Mills Sanitary Impr'ovemen~ Bd. Vir~ ~blic Assistance R~d Debt~ ~lettes ~lle District I~ ~istric t ~v~na District Co~~lth of. Virg~.. $ 5, S80.51 45.00 ~6,575.80 81.82 98.56 1,260.94 7,500.00 7. 500,00 ~, 500.00 __ 8, 407 ..38. Total '$54,S20.01 Upon, motion the meeting adjourned. A Special Meeting of the Board of' County Supervisors of Albemarle County was held at the Court House of the County at 7:$0' P. M. om Friday, February 26, 19~7. Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, Chairman, C. Purcell McCue, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, W. H. Langhorne, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Pin opinion requested of the Conmonwealth's Attorney touching appointment of a Division Superintendent o£ Scho~.ls for Albemarle..CoUnty was read and considered. Following a conference of this Board with members of the School Board of Albemarle County, Mrs. R. L. Page, Messrs,. C? Mercer Garnett, C. R,~ Dorrier-..and L. L. Clark tendered to-the Board of County Supervisors their resignations as members of the School Board of Albemarle County to become effective at once; There~upon, the said Mrs. R. E. Page,. Messrs. C. Mercer Garnett. C..R. Dorrier and L. L. CIark were requested to reconsider and this .matter.~as.o~de~ed.e~ntinued to a further special meeting of ~is Board to enable members of t~%e Board of Country ~upe~vlsors to urge sai~ resigning members to reconsider'their.resignations. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. A special meeting of.the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County was held at the Court House of the County at Y:SO .P.~M. on Friday the 5th of March, Present: Messrs..J. ~. Fray, Chainman,_ E. Purcell McCue, P. H. Gentry, W. H. Lang- home, E. J. Ballard, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Messrs. W. H. Langh6rne, E. J. Ballard, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts re- ported to the Board o.f. County Supervisors .the result of their respective interviews with Messrs. C. R. Dorrier~and C. 'Me~e.e~ Garne~t_, N~s. =~R., L. Page,~ e.~d M_~... L. L. Clark, members of the School Board of Albemarle COunty, who had heretofore, on the 26th day of February, 1937, tendered their resignations as members of such SchoOl?Bea~d.· ~nereupon, on motion of Mr. C. Purcell McCue, duly seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board'of County Supervisors of Albemarle County is fully appreciative of'the .fai~f~l~servi.ces rendered by Mrs. R. L. Page and Mr. C..~Mereer~ Garnett as~membe.rs oFthe School Board of Albemarle County, and. accepts the resignations of Mrs..Page and Mr. Gar- ne%t with re grot. On motion of.Mr. C. Purcell McCne, seconded_by Mr. P. H. Gentry, Mr. Robert E. Turner ~s elected Member of the School Board of Albemarle County. On motion of Mr. E. J.~Ballard, .seeonded.~y~Mr. P. H. Gentry, Mr. B. C. Baker was ~lected Member ~of the School Board of Albemarle County. Upon motio~ the meeting adjourned. -"~ z /~Tw Chairm~n. / A Special Meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Court House of'the County at l:30'P. M. on T~esday~ M~rch ~-, I~37'. Present-: Messrs. J, M. Fray, E, J.' Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C. PurceI1 McOue, ~. H. Langhorne~ and Dr. L. 'G. ROBerts. RE: OROZET FIRE DISTRICT% It appearing that a petition of interested citizens was presented to this Board at its regular monthly meeting On the l'?th day of Febr.uary, 1537, re- questing that a fire zone or district be created and established in Albemarle County, em- bracing the Village of Crozet and surrounding territory and including the area within bound- aries specifically set forth in said petition an~ in an order of this Board entered at said meeting~,; and it further appearing that this Board made.an order at said meeting of February i1~1'$-375 directing that this matter be heard at a special,meeting of this Board to be held at the Court House on the ;th day of March, 1~37, and further directed that notice of said Ispecial meeting be given to residents of the proposed district, and also by publication in the Daily progress once a week for two weeks prior thereto. ' And interested citizens having appeared at this special meeting and urged the estab- 185