HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-03-05SPECIAL Following a conference of this Board with members of the School Board of Albema'rle County, Mrs. R. L. Page, Messrs.~ Co Mercer GarnetS, C. ~R, Dorrier~..and:L. L. Clark tendered to the Board of County S~pervisors ~heir resignations, as members., of_ the School Board of Albemarle County to become effective at once; There~upon, the said ~rs. R. E. Page, Messrs. C.. Mercer. Garnett, C. R. Dottier and L. L. CIark were requested to reconsider and this matter--Was.ordered. ~ntinued to a further special meeting of ~his Board to enable members of ~he'Board of Count~ Supe~1sors to urge said resigning members to reconsider 'their resignations. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. / A special meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County was held at the Court House of the County at .7:30 P.M. on Friday the Sth of March. 1937. Present: Messrs. J. E. Fray,~Chairman,_ E. Purcell McCue, P. H. Gentry, W. H. Lang- home, E. J. Ballard, and Dr. L. G.~ Roberts. Messrs. W. H. Langh0rne, E. J. Ballerd, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L.~ G. Roberts re- ported to the Board of CouUty Supervisors.the results, of their respective interviews with Messrs. C. R. Dorrier~and C.'~Mercer Garne~t., N~$. ~R..L. Page,.~ and.Mr.~ L. L. Clark, members of the School Board of Albemarle CO~ty, who had heretofore, on the 2~th day of February, 1937, tendered their resignations as members of such School~'Boa~d.~ Thereupon, on motion of Mr. C. Purcell McCue, duly seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, the ~ollowing resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County is fully appreciative of~.~be faithful services rendered by Mrs. Re L. Page and Mr. C..~Mercer~ Garnett asmembers o£ the School Board of Albemarle County, and accepts the 're ~gnations of Mrs. ,Page and Mr. Gar- nctt with regret. O~ motion of Mr. C. PUrcell~McCne, seconded, by Mr. P.. Ii. Gentry, Mr. Robert E. Turner as elected Member' of the School Board of Albemarle County. On motion of Mr. E. J .... Ballard,~. seconded~..~y Mr. P. H. Gentry, Mr. B. C. Baker was leered Member of the School Board of Albemarle County. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. A Special Meeting of the Boar~ of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, virginia, was held at the Court House ofthe C~mnty at i:~O P. M. onT~esday, March ~, I~?-. Present~: Messrs. J, M. Fray, E. J.' Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C. PurceI1 McCue, W. H. Langhorne, and Dr. L. G. ROBerts. RE: CROZET FIRE RISTRICT~ It appearing that a petition of interested citizens was presented to this Board at its regular monthly~meeting on the l~?th day of Febr. uary, 1~?, re- questing that a fire zone or district be created and established in Albemarle County, em- bracing the Village of Crozet and surrounding territory and including the area within bound- aries specifically set forth in said petition an~ in an order of this Board entered at said meetings and it further appearing that this Board made-an order at said meeting cf February directing that this matter be heard at a special meeting of this Beard to be held at the Court House on the Sth day of March, 15~?, and further directed that notice of said special meeting be given to residents of the proposed district, and also by publication in the Daily Progress once a week for two weeks prior thereto. And interested citizens having appeared at this special meeting and urged the estab-