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Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
Upon mo%itu the meeting adjourned.
A special meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle Oounty was held at
the Court House of the County at ~?:ZO P.M. on Friday the 5th of March.
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, Chairman,_ E. Purcell MoCue, P. H. Gentry, W. H. Lang-
home, E. J. Ballard, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Messrs. W. H. Langhdrne, E. J. Ballard, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L.~ G. Roberts re-
~orted to the Board of caUnty Supervisors the resulto£ their respective interviews ~with
Messrs. C. R. Dottier.and C. ~2.~eroer~ Garnett., N~s. ~.R~_L. Page~ and_Mr.~L. L. Clark, members
of the Sehool Board of Albemarle County, who had' heretofore, on the 26th .day of February,
1937, tendered their resignations as members of such School~"Bo~d.
Thereupon, on motion of Mr. Co Purcell McCue, duly seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, the
following resolution was adopted:
BE IT REsoLvED that the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County is fully appreciative of the fait~hful..services rendered by Mrs.
R. L. Page and Mr. C..~ ~eroar. Garnett as. members o£ the School Board of
Albemmrle County, and accepts the re ~gnati~s of Mrs.. Page and Mr. Gar-
nett with regret.
On motion of'Mr. C. PurcellMcC. ue, seeended..by Mr. P.. H. Gentry,. Mr. Robert E. Turner
~s elected Member' of the School Board of Albemarle Counter.
On motion of Mr. E. J..Ballard,. s. eeonded ~y. Mr. P. H. Gentry~ Mr. B. C. Baker was
.~lected Member of the School Board of Alb~narle C,unty.
A Special Meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Court Rouse of'the County at I:~O'P. M. onTUesd~y~'March
Present: ~essrs. ~, M. Fray, E. J.' Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C. PurceI1 McCue, ~. H.
, and ~r. L. G~ Roberts. .
RE: CROZET FIRE DISTRICT, I%appearing that a petition of interested citizens was
~resented to this Board at its regular monthly meeting on the I~h day of Febnuary, 15~?, re-
uesting that a fire zone or district be created and established in Albemarle County, em-
racing the Village of Crozet and surrounding territory and including the area within bound-
specifically set forth in said petition and in an order of this Board entered at said
and it further appearing that this Board made .an order at said meeting of Febru~ury
.~1~, directing that this matter be heard at a specialmeeting of this Board to be held
the Court House on the ~th day of March, 15~?, and further directed that notice of said
:ial meeting be given to residents of the proposed district, and also by publication in
~e Daily Progress once a week for two weeks prior thereto.
And interested citizens having appeared at this special meeting and urged the estab-
Following a conference of this Board with members of the School Board of Albemarle
Count-y, Mrs. R. L. Page, MeSSrs~.:C, Mercer Garnett, C. R. Dorrie~.audL. L. C1ark tendered
to the Board of County Supervisors ~heir resignations, as memhers.~.of, the School Board of
Albemarle CoUnty to become effective at once;
Thereupon, the said Nfs. R. L. Page, Messrs..C. Mercer Garnett, ~'.R. Dorrier an~
L. L, CIark were requested %o reconsider and this. matter~.Was_orderedc~ntinued %o a further
special meeting of %his Beard to enable members of the Board of Coun~ Bupervisors to urge
sai~ resigning members to reconsider'their.resignations.
ment and creation of said fire zone or district, and it appearing that written"notic'es' have
been given as required by said order of February' I?, and that publication ~as"made as r~-
quit ed;
Thereupon,. on motion made by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. E. J. Balla~d, it was,
upon ~he unanimous affirmative vote of ali members of' this Beard,
RESOLVED that pursuant-to authority 'contained in'an Act' 'of the Ass embly'~ of Virginia
approved March 2B, I93'4, the Board of'County Supervisors of'Albemarle County ~oe~ hereby'
create and establish afire zone or district in White'Hall and Samuel 'M[ller Districts 'of the
County of Albemarle to embrace the Village of G~oZ;et~and surrounding territory, and to in-
Clude the area within the following metes and bounds:
"Beginning in center of bridge over Stocktons Creek on Yellow Mountain.
Road, thence along said romd in a northerly direction te Jefferson Highway or
Va. U. S. Highway ~250, thence along the same ina westerly direction to %he
western boundary line of T. Ac Campbell, .thence along his western or southwe~ter~.
boundary to the line of We B. l~iley, thence along his western or southwestern
boundary to the line of Emmett ~'iley, thence along his western or southwestern
boundary to the line of T. E. ~iley Estate, thence along his western or s.odth-
western boundary to the Blair Park Road and along the same in a northerly direc-
tion to the road ~unning between the properties of C. E. Starkweather and Char-
lotte Lee Munn, thence along said road in a northwesterly direction to the C; & 0.
E. R., thence with the western and northern lines of Charlotte Lee. Munn to the
Jarman's Gap Ro~d, thence along the same in a sout~'e~ster~y direction to the line
of J. W. Montague, thence along his northwestern boundary-to the line of E. L.
Grasty, thence along his northwestern boundary line to the line of J. W. Montague
thence along his northwestern and eastern boundary lines to the northern limi%s
of C.. & 0. E. R. thence along said margin in an easterly direction $o the line of
Nfs. H. C. Eelsey~ thence with her wes%em boundary to the line of Thcs° S. Her-
bert {W. S. Ballard trac~), thence with ~is wemstern or northwestern boundary to
the line of the Consolidated 0rchard Co.,~ thence with their western or northern
line to the property of Nfs, Hattie Motley, thence with her northwestern boundary
to the line of the Consolidated ~Or~hard C~., thence with their northwestern and
northern boundary to the line of ~r. E. D. Davis, thence with his western and
northern lines to the line 'of Jos. T. Henley, t~ence with his northern boundary
to the Jacobs Mountain Road and thence with it in a southerly direction.to the
~hite Hall Road and along the same in a southerly direction to' Beaver Creek, ~hence
down the same to Parrotts Creek ~ud thence down Parrotts Creek to the eastern line
of Ellis Hall, thence along his eastern boundary to the Crozet and Mechums River
Road, and along the same in an easterly direction to the eastern boundary line of
J. B. and Isabella Harrison, thence along their eastern or southeastern boundary
to the southern limits of ithe C,-&~ 0. R. R. thence along said limits in a westerly
direction to the eastern line ef R. E. Cree, thence along his eastern boundary to
the line of the original ~ary Place, thence along its eastern or northeastern bound-
ary to the Mechums River and Brownsville Road, thence along Said road in a somth-
westerly direction to the Sheltons Mill Read, and along the s~me in a southeasterly
direction to Stocktons Creek and thence up 2he same to the beginning.."
Upon set,ion, the meeting adjourned.
-'-"-%,~ ..~ ~__~, Chairman.