HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-03-17 A regular meeting ef the Board of County Supervisors of Albem~rle Virginia, was held at the Cour~ House of t~ sai~ Co~ en ~he 17th day ef 19S7. Present: ~ess~s. J, A. F~y, E. J. BaYard, P. H. ~nt~ ~. H. C. ~ree!l ~Cue, emd Dr. L. G. Rebe~s~ ~tes ef the meeti~ef Feb~a~ 1Tth, Fe~ 26th, ~h 5~h 1~$7, we~ rea~ ~ appreve~ ~s~rs. E, H. ~epe~a~r _~d C. A. Greeme pre~ente~ a p~i~i~ el. the ~b~arle Chapter ef the X~ W~ton Lea~e ef ~e~ea, .recesSing that-~he Bear~ apprep~ate $~OeOO ~e be used for the ~lo~t efa Depu~ G~e W~en~te pre~e~ ~re~ recently plaee~ in Me~s ~ver. Upon m~ion, d~ly ~de ~d seconded, this r~ques~ ~s t~n ~der ~d the Ce~y ~eeuti~ ~s ~st~ed te eo~er ~h the Co~issien~ ef G~e ~l~d Fisheries v~th ref~ce to the State ~~g ~assist~t ~e ~e G~ W~em in this ~ss B~bara W~ Resser .pre~$e~ ~-Q/ a petition ef the residers ef F~I Ave~e ~d ~in~ A~nue~ requesting that theae ~ree~s De t~ into the Seeon~ Sy~ The foll~g r~s~u~i~, effere~ by Dr. L. G. Robe, s, aec~e~ by Nr. P. H. Gen~ ~s ~ously BE IT RESOLED ~ Beard ef Co~ Supe~sers ef ~b~rle Count, V~gi~, t~t ~he ~ate Depa~ent~ ef Hi~ys be ~ ~ere~ re~ested ~o t~ .Fe~l Avenue ~d ~.ten Ave~e i~e the 3eeonda~ Sy~em ef ~ys. The felling R~s~!m~iem, effere~ ~y Dr. L. G, RebUs, seeen~e~ by ~. Pe He ~t~, ~s ~ously adopte~: ~FIT~SOL~ ~ the Be~d ef Co~y -Supe~sers ef ~b~arle Co~, Virginia, that the State Depa~n~ ef ~ays be a~ is here~ ~a~ee~ a ~-fee~ .~~f~y em ~I ~a~s ~ieh the Beard ef Ce~m~ ~pe~sers requests ~aken imto ~he Seeonda~ System ef Hi~yse ~. ~, H. P~r~ see~eta~ ef the ~h~le~tes~ile an~ ~b~arle C~ber C~eree, appea~d ~fore the Board ~d requested ~ approp~tio~ for the C~e~e A~ve~isimg ~e fe!le~g Ee~lution, offered by Dr. L. G. Ro~s, seconded by ~. E. L~gho~e, ~s ade~e~ by ~e felle~g recorded veto: Ayes: Ness~s, ~ti~.,~.P,~H~ Ge~t~ ~W~ H~. ~gHo~e~C.~eeli?McEue, and Dr. L. G. Reberts$ Noes: None.. ~' IT ~EO~ ~- t~:: B~ea~-."~~'o~y~ S~e~s~s ef .~b~arle Co~, ~r~nia, that $1OOe~O be ~d ~he s~e i~ hereby app~p~ated for ~e C~let~es~lle and ~b~rle C~ber ef C~e~e Adve~is~g F~. The fell~ng Repo~ of ~e C~ttee aPpoi~ed a~ the last ~lar mee~g · e ~ Cont~ eo~g eperati~ ef .~e Cou~ House ~ Clerk's Office ~s presented ~A upo~ metxoa by ~e W. H. L~e~e, seconded by .~. E. J, Ballar~, ~s _ Charl~tes~lle, Va. Narch 12~ 1957 To the Members_ ef the .Beard .el County Supervisors ef the County of Albemarle, Virginia. Your Committee, appointed at the regu!ar"EebrmAry meeting tc confer with a similar. C~mmitt. ee appointed by the Cit~y C~eil on ~. the subjee, tef a new c.e~tr~e2 coTering .the)Joint use ef the Cour~ House and Clerk's Office, wishes ~° submit its report. The ConferenQe was held in .the office of the County Exeem- %ire at 2 P. M, on Mar~h 9;"~ t937e The Oemmittee~,frem the Ci~ ~Quncil ~ggested that it ~e ~re sa~isfae~e~ from ~e .,C.i~ s~andpo~ ~e. pay a ~efinite r~t~ th~,~o centime, fe~ ~h~ ~e~,~ ce~ bastSe The. City Committee stated_~that it felt ~hat $100e~0 per ~onth wo~ld be a fair rental. Your Committee took the position tha~ $150e0~ per month wo~d ~e'me~=~ ~e proper ~e~atio~. I~ ~s ~h~ suggested ~at ~he Oi~ we~d. be ~Hing ~e pay ~Se~ per month er $i, 5~e00 per yea=e Your ~~ee.~erefe=e ~shes ~e toe--end tha~ a e~rae~ be. enter.e~ i~o ~h the. City Geve~en~, which wi~ ~r~e for ~ ~u~ remt~ .~ fl~ ~ars ~ $1,~0 per year. Z~ consideration cf such rental, the City Gover~en~ is ~te continue to have the s~e~ use of the main .Ceur~ Reem ~ Clerk's 0ffiee ~il~g as i~ is n~ ua~g, I~.-'is ne~ '~o ~ve t~ rose e~ an office fe~ ~he Ci~ ~er~, me~ .~y use of ~he ~t!e. Cou~ Ro~ er the J~!, Respeetful!y submitted~ C, P~cell M~Om· ( i ed) Upon me, ica, d~ly ma~e and memonded~ the Chairmsm and Clerk ef this Board were diree%ed ~e ~eeute contract ~h the ~tty. ~bo~ng the provisions of foregoing a~g~ent. ~e Co~ ~eeu~i~ reposed ~hat several Ce~r ~s~ Wa~ts ~d been pres~ted for pa~t rec~tly on aeco~ cf cedars bei~ em~ in the S~el ~Her ~riet. Upon motif, duly ~deand seconded., the Director of Fi~ ~s ims~ed ~o ~ke asses~ eover~g ~he ~e~. ~f these~ ~ts. in the most satisfa~o~ ~r · ~: CROZET FI~ DISTRICT. I~ appea~ng that ~teres~ed ~itizens and t~payers ~f the Crezet Fi~ Dist~c~ ~ve by pri~te subscription ~ised fun~s~sufficien~ to p~ch~s~e 1~ for a fire ~emse ~ e~i~e~ te be rased i~ ~he ~ingui~g~i~s~- ~d that ~1i~ ~al Labor ~s con~ri~ed ~o su~ ~ en condition tha~ ~he pr~er~ of s~d School s~!l ~ afforded ~d tt ~her app. e~g that ~he citizens of s~ district ha~ org~ze~ a ~l~eer ~re e~pa~ to se~e ~om~ e~oensatio~, ~d that ee~a~ ~es ~d re~a2io~ ~ be prese~Bed ~ this Board touching the ~g~e~ ~d eo~rel ef the prepe~ ac- I~ is, ~erefore, ordered ~t ~ here~er s~l be made for ~ pu~ose mr~i~ neeess~ ~n~s fe~ ~te~ee ~d opera~i~ of ~ fire ~d ~her ordered that the equi~en~ ~1 be ~pt ~ mse~ p~.rily for t~e ~~~ ef fires in the s~ Croze~ Fi~ Distrle~ ~d at ~lier ~uat ~ber and that calls for help e~si'~e ef s~d District ~d School shall be ~ered in the dis- ore, iota of said vol~eer fire ~e fello~g '~solu~i~, offered by Mr. W. H. L~o~e, seeonde~ by Dre L. Ge ~E IT RESOLVED by the Board ef C~nt~y Supervisor~s ef Albemarle County, Virginia, that 2he State Depa~ent ef Hig~ys be requeste~ te ~e into the Seconda~ System of ~ys t~ potion ef Rou~e No. 62T f~ the Colere~ C~ch ~ear E~ont te the Nelson ~d ~b~ rene ~y, a ~i~ce ef appr~ely one mile. Co~ication fr~ ~pres~tative D. Wo~h Clark, with reference ~e %~ N~ieus We~ Bill, was presented a~ or.red table~e ~ ~ter ef A;~pe~e~ Dog .P~ ~s again ~res. en~d ~ ~s, upon motion~ ~y secon~e~, referre~ to ~e C~o~eal~'s A~e~ey for investigatio~ am~ repose Request ef ~ Fc~tain for .cre~,, ~e~t~.g ~e $1~e~, represen~i~ ~plicate · ~ ~a~t,~ was prese~e~ a~d upo~ .~tion. ~ly made. and s ~on~ed, cre~ f~r $1~e~ was er~ered all.e8 an~ ch~ged~ agains~ ~. G. ~u~ H~, f~e~er Treasurere C~cation ~em Mr. R. E. S~el~, Fir~ Assl~ Assessor, State ~tien 0o~ssion~ ~ refere~e ~e He~g ~e be held ~e ~e~e~e ~e C~ssiom's au~hc~ty tc segregate ~blie S~ee Ce~ora~iems Asses~en~s te S~ta~ ~ Fire ~stric~s, ~s prese~ed, ~8 upon motion, ~duly~ made and seconde~, ~he ~e~onwealth A~terney ~ inspected ~e appear a~ ~he he~im~ te be hel~ ~ ~c~ond in the near ~e ~ Upon motion, duly ~8e ~nd seco~e~, ~he Ch~ ~d Clerk .of t~s Be~ ~re au~hc~ze~ ~e execute ~on~$~e~jneeessa~ ~lled labor required in la~g b~eks in the eenst~cti~ ef the ~b~ le Oo~ War~hou~. O~icatie~ fr~ ~ .U~te8 States Fore~ Service, with reference ~e Co~ 0rdi~ees ~gar~ Forest Fire Cen~rel, ~s presented, ~d upon me~, ~y ~ seconded, refer~e~ to ~he. O~e~al~h~s Atte~ey for reply. ~e ~se ef one eepy of the Vir~a Co~e ef 1~$~ for the use ef J~ge eft he Ci~ui~ Oe~t a~ ~e~O, less credit ef $18e~ for ~o suppl~ents ~s ~~usly appre~. Mr. H. A. Haden, Die.or ef Fi~, sm~t~ statement ef expenses ef Dep~ent ef Fi~ce for ~he month ~ef Feb~a~. 1~?, e~thir~ ef ~ich is te be bede by the Brute, ~ich stat~ent ~s ex~neS.~ verifie~ a~ a~reve~e Cl~m, ~oUnting te SASel~, c~e~g pr~ e~ Insur~ee' Policy ~ She~olet T~ek ~e8 ~ the Ce~, ~s p~ese~ed ~_upon m~ion, duly ma~e ~ s~on~eS, ~usly ordered pai~e O~ica~ion~frem the City ~ef ~l~tes~lle~ ~cle~ng check for ~ear~ Oi~ Prisoners for the month ef 0etcher, 1~ ~e~g ~e $21?e~ a~er ~edmetien $$~e~ ha8 be~ made represent~g a~jm~t en acco~ .f overhead for the last h~f ~e moth ef 0~ober, 15~. ~s presented ~d upon motion, ~ly made ~ seconded, Ci~'s Check ~s mn~eusly or.red accepte~ as prese~ede C~cation fr.m ~e Ci~ e~ C~rl~tesville, encles~g check f~ Ci~'s ef co~ cf epe~ the Co~ He~e. Clerk's 0f~ce, ~ ~ail for s~ months e~g Dec.er Zl, i~Z$, ~o~t~g ~e $1~1~$. a~er delusion ~ $8~eE1 fr~ bill ren~ere8 for six months ending Dec.her ~l, I~Z~ ~presen~g en~!f capit~ expendi~es, append by the Ci~ Co.oil. ~s p~sented and upon motion, duly ~de ~8 seco~e8, ~s e~ered that t~ mCi~'s check be re~e~, ~th the ~est ~hat pa~en~ ~ ~e im accerd~ce ~h ~he ~i~t~ eo~ b~een ~he Ci~ a~ the Commie O!~ for re~ ef $1~.~, ~on access ef~ t~es pai~ ~ce~ in ~he ~ ef He ~ens, was p~esented ~ upon motion ~ ~e W. H. ~e~e, seconded ~ ~. E. Je S~ar~ Harem, former Treasurer, The fell,wing Reports were presented. and ordered filed: (1) Virginia Fore st Service (2) Co~tyExe'eutive (~) District Home Bear~ (4) University of Virginia Hospital The 0ount-y Ex, entire was directed to. pubiish a ~Synepsis of ~he Proposed Budget for. the year beginning July~ 1, ~19~?,. ace°rdi~g ~O laWS, -a h~aring en 's~e to Be hel4 at ~he ~regular April, I9~?' meeting of the card, follewimg ~iseussion of 's~ae by ~he Board~ a speeial~g on Friday, Nar~h 26, 195~ at, 2 P. M. -~latms . against ~the Co~y, amputating .ta $5~,02~.34 , were presented~ examined, verifie4 amd mpproved and or~ere, d eer~ifie~ ~e ~he Director of Finance £er payment and charged against the ~ellewi~g~S: GSne~al SchoOl::' Operating BUilding Virginia Public Assistance Road Debt: Ch&rlott~sville District Ivy DiStrict Rivsh'na District ~nuel ~iiler DiSt~ict~ Scottsville District 'White Hall District Oomnonwealth of ~Virgi~a Total 122.00 38,o?1;78 11,198~14 1,354.74 6190 2~83 ?~?0 3~ Upon motion the meeting adjourned. A SDe¢iat Meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Court House of the~CounSy at 2 P. M. o~ F~iday,. March 26, Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, U. H. Langhorne, C. Purcel McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. , Mr. Armonde Paxson advised th~ Board that while excavating for the County Warehouse it was found that t~e sewer line ~erving the Elks Club w~s across the CoUnty's property and it was necessary to lower this line in or~er not to interfere with the basement of the new building. He advised that this work had been done at the expense-of the Elks Club. He re- quested that the Board grant ~he Elks Club the right to have its sewer ~ine em the .County's prop erty. ' - '? Upon motion by Mr. 'W. H. Langhorne, s~conded' by. Mr. ~'. Purcell McCue, the Chairman of th e Board was authorized to execute contract in the name of and on behalf, of t~is B~s~d with the 'trustees of the Elk~ Club, gr~nting the right to run a6Wer line ac~ross the County's property Under the new warehouse,~upon' the condition that-the Club agrees to rem~v~ same at any time that ~i~interferes with %he use which the County might make of the property. Mr. PaXson also advised the Bc~rd that the Club~ had previously been restrict~d~in ~he use of the side yard 6f %he Club ~property %o t~e ~exte~nt that n'o~ building cou~ld be con- structed ~n same. He requested the-Board ~to auth°rime?i.~he~ removal ~f this restriction. This request was denied. 'Oommunication from' Mr. R. H. Perry, E£ecUtlve-Secretary of the Chamber 'of Commerce, requesting the Boar~ to permit the 0ounty Offices to close at 1 P. M. on April 13, 1937, in honor ef Thomas Jefferson's birthday, was presented... · -UpOn ~aotion, duly mad'e and seConded, ~ounty Offices were ordered~ closed at 1 P. M.