HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-03-26SPECIAL180 'stmar~ Harm, former Treasurer. The following Reports were presented and ordered filed: (1) Virginia Fores~ Service (2) County Executive (3) Distrie~ Home Board (4) University ef Virginia Hospital The County Exeentive was directed tepubiish a ~yaepsis ef the Proposed Budget for. the year beginning July' l, 19~?,. according t0~ laWS, ~a hearing en :same to b'e held a2 ~e ~regular April, 19S?, meeting of the ~Bea~d,~fellewi~g ~iseussion of s~e by ~he Bo~d ~ a special ~' on F~y, ~h 26, 1~3~ a2 2 P. M. ~fied ~ ~p~ved and o~e~ ee~:i~ed~. ~o ~e. ~ctor of Fin~ f~ pa~e~ ~d charged agains~ the £ellc~ing fun~s: General D~og Tax School.: Operating 'BUilding ' ~ Virginia Public Assistance Road Debt: ......... Charlott~sville District Iv~ District Riv~ina District $ammel ~ Miile'r District ~ $cettsville District ~White Hall DistriCt Gommonwealth of Virginia Total S 7,093;¢6 122.00 38,071;78 11,198;14 1,354.74 6;9o 2;83 ?;?0 lO~l~ 9;73 1.146.66 $~?,o27.3~ Upon motion the me eting adjourned. ,Ohai r~n A Special Meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Court House of the~County at 2 P. M. o~ Friday,. M~rch 26, Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, ~U. H. Laughorne, C. Purcell McOue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Mr. Armonde Paxson advised th~' Board that while excavating for the Oounty Warehouse it was found that t~e sewer line ~erVing the Elks Club w~s across the CoUnty's property and it was necessary to lower this line in or~er not to in%~rfe~e with the basement of the new building. He advised that this work had been done at the expense 'of the Elks Club. He quested that the Board grant the Elks Club the right to have its sewer ~ine on the County's prop erty. ~ ' Upon motion by Mr. ~W. H. Laughorne, s~conded by Mr. ~: Purcell McOue, the Chairman of the Board was authorized to execute contract in the name of and on behalf of t~s B~e~d with the trustees of the Elk~ Club, gr~nting the right to run sswer line across the County's property under the new warehouse, upon the condition that 'the Club agrees to remov~ same at an~ time that it~interferes with ~he use which the County might make of the property. Mr. PaXson also advised the Board that the Club~ had previously been restrict$d~in ~he use of the side yard df the Club property ~to t~e ~xte~nt that n0~ building could be con- strutted ~on same. He requested ~he-Board t'o authori~e~!:%he~' removal ~=f this restriction. This reqUest was denied. ~ · ~ommunication from Mr. R. H. Perry, E[ecutive Secretary of the Chamber 'of Commerce, requesti?g the Boar& to permit the County Offices to close at I P. M. on April 13, 1~37, in honor of Thomas Jeffer~sen's birthday, was presented.. ~ Upbn ~otion, duly mad'e and seconded~, Oounty Offices were ordered~ closed at 1 P. M. The folt'~wing Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell l~cCue, duly seconded,~was unenimously adopted: BE IT"RESOLVED by th~el-BOar~ ~f County-Supervisors-of Albemarle - - - County, Virginia, that $6,~50.00~ be transferred as a Loan from the General Fund to the School Building ~Aud. The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, was unanimously adopted: WHEEE~S, Item 405, Department of Finance, provides Office Equipment to keep books mechanically, and WHEREA~, the Board of County~Supervisors approves this item not alone for its accuracy and expediency, but to. place the finances of each department on a basis, to exhibit the progress and d'epletton of its budget accurately on the date of inquiry, '_RESOLVED, that'%he budget of~ each department ~ndicating salaries be and is he~e~y approved an~ adopted conditionally upon sa%isfactory settlement cf each d~artment with the Director of Finance by the ~th day of each month, depos~it_~ng all cash a&d listing all~ fees charged ~h~t the OountY ~ill be en- titled to collect in the future and such pertinent facts as may be necessary to correctly reveal the status of the budget once each month. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. ~~~~/~ Chairman ~o fol!~ing ~et-~for ~e y~ be~nning July 1, ~8 presented ~ ~ousl~ ~ ted~ - Tear ~adiug ~reaee Under ~mae ~, 1~ Pr~osed Tear ~ading Tear ~diug -UT f-- IA BOARD OF ,JOJNTT SIJi~.::VISOR~ 100 Componsa-~iima h Mileage of 201 : 212 AXlewed~ ' B~ Board.