HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-04-21 The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, duly seconded ,:'.was unanimously adopted: BE IT:~'RESOLVED-by the Board of 'County-Supervisors-of-Albemarle County, Virgir~a, that $6,~50.00; be transferred as a Loan from the General Fund to the School mBuildi~g ~d. The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Item 405, Department of Finauce, provides fpmds to purchase Office Equipment to keep books mechanically, and · HE ~REAS, the Board of County' Supervisors approves this item not 'alone for its accuracy and expediency, but to'. place the finances of each. department on a basis, to exhibit the progress and depletion of its budget accurately on the date of inquiry, ~_RESOLVED, that~ the budget of' each department indicating salaries be and is hereby approved an~ adopted conditionally upon satisfactory settlement of each de~partment with the Director of Finance by the ~%h day of each month, depositing all cash-ahd listing all" fees charged ~ha% the Oounty ~ill be en- titled to collect in the future and such pertinent facts as m~y be necessary to correctly reveal the status of the budget once each month. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. Chairman. / Tear lnding _- TiTL;-OF IT~ Aw~remria~;i'on'l~pendi%ure ' A~mrowriation Ex~eaditure. ,~une ~0. 1~3.~ i ~) IABOA~ OF COUNTY SUPE~-,VI$OP, S -201 212 Bonds Reserve ~en~t:~on ef 9A BO~ OF EQUALXZ, 100 Co~onaation TOTAL BOARD 0~, ZQUAi Court of liOabere ,lZATXON Clerk ef LO90empenoation eflDoputies, Uh!dentified ~ 3,900-00 204 BoO~?:BindinS -]I' " 212 lnSU~ance~ Prem~ ~$m-~..'$uretY Bonds 215 Repairs '~: ':~"~ ]['/' (~" ,.*. 218 Telephone:& :.Telegraph Se~ie 317 Roes? Books '~ i .: .i.~' '12 ]1~ $~a%zonerI Printed ferns, e%Co 399 Jf~scellaneeuS 40~ 0f~ce Equlpnon}- TOTAL RE~ORDIN~ OF' 102 C~enaation ef~: $1,062.O9 lO~ Relief A~ternoy$' 1~ ~ensatien off, relief J~dge 450°00 300-~o 3,~o. OO 25;00 I22 ~ury 2X8 TelephOne $ 3,6o0o~ $ 3,~OoOO 3,900~oo- .zOe;oo 25.00 200.O0. :60.00 500,00' 240,00 1 ,O00000 ~ 3o;OO 800.00 30.00 $ 235.00 lo2 12o 214 218 TelePhone 399 li~eoellaneous )g~aph Set. vice cted fe~a, ,eto. 25.00 -0- ~.00 -.%o0 -0- 2~o00 100°~ 60.00, 10.O0 - ~ 10.00 50.00 25.00 OOUUO~LTHS 220 :$3,Y00.00 ...... ~_ lO,O0 _ $3,6~9'~& $3,~oo.oo _ $. -~ $ lO. 00 -0- 10.~ '0~.. _ - $3,000.00 $3,0o0.00 $3,0oo.00 $3,000'00 S '0, $..o -0- 212 Office :.&_ ?elegraph .Ser. vi.eo' 12!5;00 Ex~ense$ - Mll~eage 1,200o00 , Tabes ~ _ .: 2,313.25 $5,260°00 lO0.O~ 125.00 2,00G,O0 _ !m?O0.O0 -0' 40,00 50.00 -0' 10.00_ 1~0.00 10.00 10.00 Z02 ],06 CARE'~ OF" 900.00 500°~ 900.OG · ,0- ..0- ~0.09 . _ · 130.00 ., '2,500.00 40'00 10.o0 10.00 2~0°00 102 203 Oes,t ef Freight, 214 Ren~ Rese~lemen.~ ~ehouse 220' ~avel~a[ 223 ~a~er Sez .311 ~fice $180.00 w ~yeville ~0.00 ~ Telegra~ Service~ · - - .1~0'00 .. ~eases _'Seeds 150°00 100.00 300000 . Printed Forms, etc. ~0.00 100.00 ~' Fixtures -0- 3,750.00 200°00 Ol~LldFeno Homes ~ 2~0o00 ~ 3~0.o~ f,o University 8O0°eO 713'91 2,50 186.31 118.89 48% 99 265*20 3,3~0.00 640°00 ,100.00 825,00 9;000.o0 lO0',,O0 ~0~00 300,,00 300.00 3,000.00 900~00 15.00 '0- 100.00 50.00 3~200,00 ?5.CO ~ooo -0- }- 3eo,oo 5.00 juno 30, 1~37 . ....~po~._~ ...... ~e,m~.~g.;?~..T~,a.~-..~lin&.:.. '~ov~ ~ oo.oo [ oo. oo -c- ...... ¢. ~, ere. er I~248.~0 ~.e, "CaP~[~;al Outlay l~y Compensation'of ~l~ Rear ~23 Water Se~ee ~01 ~e~ing I1 ~el J~ ~scell~eo~. ]R~DS LA ,,Be~z~t of' ¢ouaty "~ County Exeoutive Depa~tduent of 4~e;eo 480.00 480.0o -o- 1,~27.96 1,728.00 l?.t? 100;09 ~ed 'Feras~ etc. .~ ,- $2,2o0~0o [LDIN~ & Rece~ ~ Dee~ Trt~ Justiae bo~ ~ 2~6~' ~; GomOnWla~s- Ati}~ey Offiee: 3~83~,~~ 'Confin~ent & C{~ of Prisoners fire Prevention ~Extine~ion Poor Relief 17S 24~.~ s ?O0.0e'- riou lture & ~lding & L J ! I J1 , i .~ -e- '~o,.oo -~' 2,59~',0~ 100;00 x,9oo;oo .,o-' .. 1~.oo 235.00 2'00,00 2?O-O0 -0--' . 7S~6%72 I3,200~80 -0° .'$~?,926.e,/ 186,314.81 04.,478.72 · 19 Year. Ending Yeer. En~in~ ..... Increase. Over.. .,Year .~dimg ........ yea~_ Final 1933 1935' ~lerk ~her. ~f ~tice Attorney i, 62.87 %0.00 541.?? 50e. oo 991.93 150.00 :11,9~6~62 9,000.00 8,~4.33 9,000.00 2,190.95 ~2,500.00 2,339.46 2,500.00 ~,87e,04 2,00~,~ 438.30 500.00 6,o!5.ee 6,000.00 -' State INTEHE.ST LICENSES.-= .- Beer Slot ~og ~x S~e o~ ,of Finance Ex~enses ~,465'~3 Mainten~noe 1,299;65 3,054.89 Distribu%ioa 10,444e4~ OT~ER ..THA~ CURRENT LEVY ~,252.00 2,000,00 100.~ 3,000.00 'I0,000.0~ .... 275..0e .00 2~OoOO " -0-- .250,0e 500.00 3,ooo°oo 3,ooo. oo lO,0oo.oo 1,~00,00 2,~00°00 2,500.00 4~°00 -0- -0- 100,00 -0- 600.00 -0.. ?5'0.00 6,152.00 2,500.00 100,00 '~ 3,000'00 275.00 _ lOe~ -0- 25¢ o00 2,1~ .~ ' 40' J f Levy A Rate to be .raised by_Ourren$ Levy on basis Of-15% uired Value of ~roperty Levy $.27,087.8! X2i?~-'129.00 EXPENDIT~]~AT~A~- r0a ~,-~.~e,. ~m~.3o,. 1931 _ITaR-~.~30, 1~36 Yea. r' Ending J~ne 30, 1937 lq~ARENDIN~ Increase Over _.Tear Ending Tear Proposed Ex~endi%ures "J~lne 30,,,t937 J~me Allowe~ POOR REIffEF lllDo et~ 21~ Rent 32~ l~earing. 399 Coffins ~01 B~ 209 311 Fuel~ 21~ Re~a~ ~.TAL POOR Drayage & E~ress Year Ended from Oeneral Fund -O- REVENUE REV~UE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR 'E~D'rNO JUNE ~30, 1938 jVIR~I~IA_ ...P~LIO ASSISTANCE. ,lmJND year Endin~ Increase Over Jane 30, 1937 Ten%a%iVe Year Edning 300.00 ~ ~: ' ' 600.00 ~)0.00 500*00 2~-00 ' 114.30 -~ Jo ,1o $ $i¢,~3%30 $1¢,8~3%30 25.00 200.00 Decrease Umb r Year Endimg Yinal J--e Es%~u~%e $ EXPENDI~ ESTI~TE$ FOil. ~ lrE~L-~,- .E~OIN~' ~ 30, 1938 Year ~ng ~e 30, l~3T ,P~Oposed ~ncrease 'Over Tear Ending ~AL ~a~C~ION Fund Year Finding ~une ~0,: 19~? ,~ - ..... I~rease. Over Decrease Under ~0~ -~ ....... Final TOT~L WOOLlm MILT.,8 DISTRICT juno 3o~, 1936 june Dolinquent Taxes8 1936 TOTAL RE~U~ O~ ~ha0~t to ~linquen~s- ~n ~ ~ Required ~ssessel val~e R~te of 20' ~T SERTICEs 800 Rede~%ien of ~ 803 Interest on Boz · OTAL DEBT SF~IIOE Miscellaneous Re~ez Del inquent In~ere~ on ~v~ · O~AL R~U~ OT~ ~o~% to be raise~ TOTAL ~~ C~c~T~. ~ed b7 Curre~ Le~7 ~sis of Proper~y = B~.06 .... Year F~ling %uorea~ Over Dec,ease Under~ /' . b~re~fla~ion i~endttures June 30,_. ~X~3? ;~ 30' l~3Y B~., Year Ended June 30, 1936 Year ~nding june ~o, 19~? Eeti~a%e X~rease ' Over Year ~ndi~ .~'t.men't, $61,~00 T~L~ CUP~ENT LE,~Z by Curren% Lev~ ~_ ra:~Se4 by O~ren~. ~ ~n basis of' 1~ Lue of TITLE 'QF IT.~_ ~.~ 20DEBT SERVZCE Ino l~ea s e Year 3.68' $'4,8oo.0o :$4,8oo.eo $ -o.. $ leO.CO Lllov, ed Board Ia2eres2.on Current ~omnt %o be Levy TOTAL 0~CULATION'; · .Amount REVENUE ESTINATE$ Te~r~Xndod Year..En~k~ . -~ Increase ever Jane 1736 Juno 30' 193~ Tentative Y~r ~d~ Estate J~e Decre~eU~er ~af~ding 61o.57 5oo-~ 5o~.oe -~.. -~. 162, ' from ~,635.~? 1,400,00 '1,562.50 162.50 by Current 1, by Urn-rent Levy basis o{ 15% .of Property E'XPENDITURE EeTINATE$ -.' T~.~g ''Inor~a~e Over ~'30, 1~37 PropOsed Year Ending Ending 803 TOTAL DEBT of Bonds ~EVENUE EST11MTE$ Year lndin[ 30, 1937 Increase Over Tentative Year Fmdin[ .year 3,026.1) .' 4,1~'0,0~. 1,6oo.~ $ .o. $. 2,687.50 _L3TdO ~ :,0,,. ~. _... Delinquent Sr 803 In%eres% .TOTAL DEBT by OUtran%LeVY Basis of 16,~6.84 Assessed Value of ~Prc~erty Rate of Levy 30, 1937 P~pose4 App=opria%ion Y~orease Over YeAr ~ndin~ Juno 30 of Bonds Bonds ~4 $33,0(R).0{} $24,93%00 14 ,00 12 ,0~ $2,3P $8 U~r illove.d B~_-~_ ~ece:llaneoue .' ,~tLCULATION 0F Amount tO D~elLuqUents on 1 ~evy lssessed Value Ra%e of Levy 8 year:.~d~ng .... :._: ' ..._: Y~¢r-ease _o~er._, Decrease Under .... '" '~. " ed by ~urren% ised by Currenty Levy~ $1,50~.00 $1,~00.00 .00 ,00 9.00 FOa ~' ]i~DiNI ~ 30, 1~38 June 30, '1}37 Allowed~ t 800 Redes~iion 803 ln%erest TOT~L~ DEBT Sl~tTi( E SURP~S 9el~quenti ~SesseA V~ 2O 800 '803 Z~e~e s~ TOTAL 30, 1.938 .22 LL ' '43,902,68 2'02t0,84~*e0 ON .OF LEVY · raised by Current -Levy on basis Of' 15~ .............. ed lue of Property on~ of Bonds on Bonds E .se AllOWed Year Ending by Board_ ..... $6,225,00 $5,213.24 -O- $1.,e[] ,76 Ye~ai' 3 -': Z. ere~se:~ve~.:.~ DeereaSe~:U~der,,, Jun~. Tentative Year 'Ending Year ~ding ,00 ,24 -0- ::: .... : 286; ' $8,263.2~ · z,458,2~. ' 1,378,135.00 199 i?A 100 220 Tr~vel 1~ Compen~%,i~a SeoretarY 141 .on of Super'~- 218 ~el 319 329 School ~OTA~ ~cheol 133 134 135 220-~ravel 221 YEAR E~DINa J~NE Increase Over Proposed Year E~ding '~TuAe Allowed Beard Superintendent' ~00,00 Printing,~ Posia~_ 300...00 ..... 313 314 32~ 2,946.$4 :~,600o00 3'300.O0 -0- 300-es 162; 46 365; oo z32'; oo -o- 233; oo ~'; O0 500'~ ~'~- -~ -~ 4~8..26 120.00 ~00..00. 380'~. . -~ 600.00 T~TAL 'to SCottsv[lle ~ 486.~ ~on of Principa~14,9~9:~O of"'T6~hers 101~66;00 of'~r~veI ~ 400.00 O0 22,964.0? 26,I20;00 2,650,00 1,479,~ ~ 1,045.47 1,479,00 2,000,00 63,50 1,575;oo 1~752;'~ .... 1,587;'~ ..2,000,00 3,000.00 $ -o- 23,47o, eo 521.00 -~,, $18,6~%~0 $23 17~ 136 on Tz'uo~s (Parrish & 300 Tires, 312 las. 0il TOTAL ~SP 119 wages e~ 207 gleotric 21~ IaSUranc 214 Rest - 1'755.00 1,952,50 2,I15,00 -3,i68.O0 1,000*00 'I,I03. I?" lm200~O0 1,200,00 '~'O'~kee~ 2,000-00 : ~reaSe - 1,6~J'~: LTATION ~10,149.O0 ra~itors oa"Buildings 22] Water (Ps, chase 0nly) 306 janAtor'Sl~upplies 311 Fuel TOTAL $ 2~100,00 :300,00 1,9oo, oo ~86; oO 3,I28.2~ 2~000000 ..... 18~ ,$1 , o.oo 1,053;00 -0- 2.237.00 $lt.13?,eo $ -~ 689-'~0 32%~0 -o- 1'915,00 '0- 585.Se 6o6',ee l~.6,eo -0- 4o0.~ ~O0.(:~ -~,. 900,00 300°00 -0- 19 CAPITAL ~ 4O0 Bodies ~01 NeW of Trucks'& OUTLAY 3,500.00 $ 3,610,80 2,000.00_ 1,6¢6.04 ~,500.~_ 120.256~.45 '20' 804. Interest. ~TAL DEBT s] City's Part I1 O~J~D' TOTAL L~terary Fund L~terar7 F~m__d Fm~I 18 -0- 2 ~8 -o- S8,8~9. 26 $ -o. , $ 8,?00.00 8 $203,234.00 $~11,773.53 $205,5~6.00 $208;~36o00 $38,36%79 $27,093.00 'State Fuml teneral Appro~ria~ Supervision Voeatien~ ~ea~, ~eperintendents 3~ ~T~ STATE ~D De!inquen~ Taxes ~sh Appropriati~ ~T~ CO~ F~9S Other Funds lifts from FoundatJ .Ren~s ~ ~Reb~%es -Fire Ins,~'oe ~if%s-~ove~en% .. { ~s ~x Refun~ LO~s Li%era~ (PitIER FUNDS A~ouut to be raise on ons ALB-~RLE COUNT~ Yoa~.. ~ded Juno 30, 1~36 L~i~L__ 95.o36.o! 97t~i.00 3.023.00 ~8,00 '-- , . m' $ $ 330.00 20o',' -$ I3ojoo 206.04' -o- 126.42 .-~O0 IO0.~ ~0;'~ -~ .... -~ ~ -0- The No'ard'procCeded 'tO'lay the C~anty '4eries for the year"l~3'? ~nd ordered that the Director of"Tinanee o~"the'C~an%y of 'Albemarle assess and collect on all taxable real estate and "all taxable tangible prersonal property~ i~e~ingmaclx~nery and'tools.aet::#ssessed as rea estate at the general reassessment 0~;'IandS in I~2~,"USed er e~pI~yed in a manU~hcturing or ~ining businesstaxa~l'ejby'the ~tate on'~it~lt t~Iudtag paBlie' service'oorporation prop- erty (except-'the 'ro~ing rstO'ek"of railroad~ operated by-s~esma,)'based~upon the' assessmen% fixed by the State Corporation ~ommission and eertiffed by it %o the Board of County Super- visors both as For leneral"go~t¥ purpos~yTwenty-Fi{e Cents ($.~) on every ~ne huadred ~'Ollars worth of said property. -' ~. For County ~qhool pUrpo's~s,'Eigh%y~f!~e~ Cents ($.8~) on every one hundred dollars worth of sa~d' prop~e~ty. For interest and-Sinking ~ands for 1Mls~ric~Eoad Bonds, the Director of Finance shall (1) Xn the Charlottesville District One Dollar ($1o~0) on every one h~adred dollars ~thrOf s_aid proper~ty. (2) In the Ivy District Cae Dollar ($1,~0) on evePy one hundred dollars worth of said property. (3) In the Rivanna Distr~ot~!gh%y-Fiye gents ($*;~5) on every ~ne ~hm~lreddollars wsrth of said Property. ~- ' ($) In the Samuel l~il!er ~istriot 0~eDollar ($1.$~) on every~one hundred dollars werth of said. property, .- the Scott~vil~'e 'D~t'r'~etI O~e D~llar and' Ten Cents ($1,10) on every one hundreddollars worth' Of""sai~~ property. ¥ (6) In tho~hi%e Hall Bistrict EightY-Five Cents ($.8~) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. For ia%ere-s%.~u~,-S'iaki~rg-'Fa~t~'~d~-~'e~ling'Pu'~'~'e~ 'in, 2he'"~oelen'-llills-tanit~rF~ F~ ~erat£ng expenses :in .the Crozet Fire District,._Ten_.¢e~a:.~(.~i~?en= every hwadrod dollars Co~ni'e~ion~f~om.~. 6e~[g~ W. KO~er,..Ce~ss~oner of ~e Depa~m~ of Agr~cU~ur~ early ~n. J~e, ~8 ~~-. '~on met~on, duly ~de and: seconded', ~he Co~tyEXecU~'Ve early in J~e as ~e ~IY~ Re~Iu~Aen, -offered by '~* ~. ~rc~X ~Cue, ~d ~eeoad~ by ~. P, He .ten%ry, was unanimoUSIy adol~te~=- BE IT"RESOLVED by 'tRe"B~ard'of' Ooan~y 'SuperviSors ef"Al~ew~rl'e lottesville ~' and' are here]~ designated as ~depositeries 'for ~unds of County of Albemarle~ National B~nk PeOples National Bank, - 'C~zens I~anE 'an~ ~t~' Company. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, %he Chairman and"CI~rk ~'F'the B~' were au2ho- rized to execut:e'~u the ~ame' 'of'and ~on 'behaX~'' of~'-th'e C~nty ~o'f' ~A~be~le- con~'ract~8 covering Rental of F~e Hyg~s! PUrchase o~' Equipmen% and Fire Hose 'for the C~rezet~'F[re District. The ff~XI~W~'ng ReeoXu~xon, oi~f~red bY Dr, L. I, "Roberts, seconded by ib~..~. PurceI1 ~cCue, .was unanimously a~'~Pt~d's ~ BE IT'~LVED~By '~he'B~ard" O~'Coun~y Super~Xsors of"Albe~a,rIe County., Virginia, float' a'T~Sfer of"'~2~l~';~:lib' made [rom "th'ell~ner~l: Fund t~ the Cr~.z'e+;"F~e ~s~.ri'c~., t~'l~e'U~ed' ~to~'a:esi's~,~"~n ~tl~e p~- chase of' 'equipment to be used in eXtLuguis~ng fires "in said Onme~i'o~, d~Iy ~a, de and seconded, the'f6IIoWing resolution, su~i~te~:by'%he:Cha~ · a regular yea:: ~n6nay vote, Dr. L. I. Rob'er%s and ~. Me 'Fray voting yea, noes none '('~r. C. Purce'II' Mc~uo not ye%tag) was adopted BE"'i"r~'~VE~'~at' ii"~ts %;he sense .of *th'e~"BOard o~'~'o~un~y Supervisors of' Albemarle Coun~y.~'~'~a,~Boar~"of"~E~u~I'iza~ion ~o~'r~al' estate asse-ssment's'b~ C~.~ea~ed and pointed in' a'cc'or~anoe' -w~th"~ths statutes, is f~c~t-on 'in ~e"Co~y of'"Albe~le: during· the year 153~, the co'.neat'ion Of eac~ member, of said Board to be $$0'~ per day, plus ~leage a~ the r~e ef ~ per ~le ~raveled ~ connection ~t2 ~e wo~'k, ~d the ~er ef ~ays for ~ich such co~sation' s~ll be paid i~ hereby li~ed ~o om h~dred worki~g.:..dayst ~D BE IT F~T~ ~$OL~ t~t the ~udge of ~t~ be requeste~ t~ 'i~t t~e appoin~nt ef membershi~ oz ~O~nteation from ~. ~rl H. Holting, Oh~, Con: Fisheries, refusing the request of the Board for the appcint~ assist ~he County ~ame Warden, was presented. The following Resolution.~ offered by Mr. Es J. Baliar, was~unanimously adopt'ed= BE ::PI'P~SO~VF~ by the Board of County tupervis, County, ¥irginia~ ~hat ~ho salary of Herbert ~o Johns~ bo increased to $~O~per month for twelvemonths be he Cl~cuit,:OO~Urt~,~f..Albe~arle such B~r~ ef:Eqt~lization to .ssion of ~ame and Inland mt o£ a special varden to t, seconded by ~r. Po H. ~entry, )ne Same' W~rden, ;~uning Jfay 1, 1~?, 201 was instrue~ed~ %~;~ CCmmumZeate" 'Wi~h~'~s; "*Vhee~r and ~efer";~, :%0' ~s. ~ede~ok ~'"m~%XOn'~' '~y-'~' ~d" sec~d~'~' ~'he' 'C~X~n an~'"'~k the Co~ H~ue e"~nd"~Xe~k· e'"Of~ce Tot' m pe~'od':of"~e .ye~S ~b'e~nuxn~ December"21 ~~ a% a ~e~in~ of '~ C~%tee :ffrOm ~he ;Board Off"Co~ty. Supe~isorS ~th day of ~ch, !9~ to c'~stder p~visions' for a ~ew-contr~t be~weem ~he County ~8. ~e City. %e replace ~d: supersede 2he e~st~ag.~on~rac% dated-:Decembe~"2I,'-I~32',. December 21, 1~7~ '~rovisioas herei~ter~con%atned were a~eed upOn~ ....... W'.ITTN' E 8 'S"-E' T'-H s ~%' in. consideration.of ~e pr~ses ~d %he ~%ual ~dertaktn~s hereinafter con- tanned, it is;.~-~%ed ~d agreed be%ween-the said Co~ty ~d g~%.y %~%-%he:--Ci%y sh~l ~ve. %he.right %0 use i~ %he.. ~nner n~ occupXed'-%~e presen% Cler~*'s. offxce.,.:~n. C~u~ Room, Jury Room, ~ ~11 office a% the no,beast corner ef ~in Court..Room,.:. for' wht~' the C~y ~11 pay %he:.s~ 0f 8~een H~red, ($1'600.~).Dell~s per year-~:.eq~, monthly ~en%s at %h~:,-end of each month d~g the per~od ..cover~ by this c/o~ract* ~s a~eemem~ Shall become effectXve en ~d ~%er December 21, 1937' and in force and effect for~a Peri~ ~ five years thereafter. . -. ef Albe~rle Co~%y adopted at its regular monthly meeting held on ~ l~h day)of ~ch~ 1~?, ~. M. F~y~': C~~ ef the Beard of Co~ty Supe~isors ef ~be~r~ Cowry, has eXecs%ed %his con~r~e~ on beh~f of s~6 B~, the seal of said Boar~' ha~ng.-been ~uly--af- fixed here~o~ and attested. By ~r~re~ T. Wo~rd, its Clerk, ~ purs~nt-te a-'resoluti~ of the CoUnci~ of the City of Chariot%co--lie passed at'a me~ing hel~-on .the l~%h day of ~rch; 1~3~ the 's~d City of C~rl-ottesville has caused ~tm n~e %0 be sf~ hereto by. W. D.~en, its ~yer~ and i~$ C~orate seal ~ be hereunto ~fixed :~d atteste~ by E. Bewen, Jr.', Clerk of said CounOil. SEAL Attests -:' WHE~E~S' %~'e"prop~osed'~ bu6get ~f -t~e::Hi'ghway '¢o~a's~on -ignores 'the' repeated re- quest for-t~a, rd- Sar£~ee,..' this Route Degfnn~'ffg~ at~' Ray' W; 'Ua~riek~s' lea-~Xng 'toward"M~';' '~aXr, .- .~.: this tax being; sho~ :as ~'~d' in~ ~e Co~ty' ~lerk's Office. ' ~'m~%~ duly-~de sec~nd~, i~' _~s o~ered/that =credit for this ~o~t be allowed and charged against Stuart Harem, Former 'Treas~rer~' discussed and The ma%%er 0£. Fi~e Protection im t~e Charlottesville District w~s .:~ motion, duly made and' sec~nde6, the County Executive v~s instructed to' investigate the matter ef insurance on City of Charlottesville-Equipment proposed'"%o-be'used i~'%-.he'County-- ~d repo~ to the Board, afte~ which a ~gh$ meeting ~11 be calle~ ~e"~ve-'$he.ci-~zens~of, Pe%XtXen ef ~. ~. Fester and o%hers, request1'ng ~re~me~" ~. ~ou%:e: ~2'~ ~ sented. Upon mo%iCa, duly ~de ~d secGnd~, ~ct~on ~f this peti%~oa ~s deferred ~he re.!ar ~y~ 1~37, mee~g of %he Bo~. ' .- /r.. Print Developer, ~ounting te $8..7~, for the Use of the ~eriff' $"O~ice ~s u~~sly apprev~e. ~o ~d retu~, was pre~bnte8, Upon motion, duly ~de an¢ seco~d~, thi5: cla~-was o~ered paid r ~he ;. workLh~s~, n~t~:~ yet.;-been ~om~l:eJ~t'j'::~ewever~ ~rp~n:'~c~m~letio~' ~of;-%he work~ a..:Levy is to be .Laugher.s, was unanimeu, sl~ adopted, -~EREA$~ ~:. $%u~rJ'~' G. Gibboney j of 2he law fire of G1bb~ey, e~ N~*-..Y~k~ on. behatf .of.-~.he,B~rd~ ~of~: C'o~y--Supervisors of ilbe- mart-e County, as..a result '.of which the bond' inCident to the marriage ef Thomas Nann..Randotph, Jr-., and Nartha Jefferson was recovered and replaced in the Clerk's .0ffi~e of Alben~arle':C0unty, its place of law- AHD~AS~ i'hi,~'~ond~ given-?<in, t?,~O, .... be~s.~"%he."si~natures of · and-Thomas ~effers.on, and is a document of AND .WH~AS,"~-~-Gibboney dom:ted his'services in these pro- c.eedi, ngs'w~thout .charge-~%.-.t.he:Couniy-.,. ' BE.I~THE~EFORE -HESOLVED, that.the Board. of ~ounty Super- visors-of A~m~rteComnt~.-.exten~.hereby to Nr,: Gibboney itsgra~e- f~ aekn~w~2~:~:'s~e~T~~Tor t~e"generous services rende~ed~'in"'so-wo~'a cause; The~i'te~'-'ef~the purchase' of'lcJsedj~cent~to'i'he '~c:ntire School ~s a~ain brought the att~ion'~"~he~-Board'~and-upon motion, duly mad~ and seconded, it ~s unanimously decided that it wouid'-not bewise-to purchase these lots at this time. The'following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. O, Roberts, duly seconded, was-_unanimouslI adopted BE IT'RESOLVED by'%he'Board''rof''c~un%y~Supervisors of Albemarle. x County, Virginia, that- Nr.', W, ~; 'Go'se~ :Resident-' Engine'er~ of~' the~ state Hi~hWay~'Department~-.be'-.~nd-i-s'-hereby. reqaes$ed~ ~O~"~eg'ra-~~ vey of all roads"left'-'~ou~ 'ef~"the-'State"System~whi~%he'-'C~m~ty--'had· been Working"up'io"Jh~t"r%ime,--andsubm!t same at'2he re~Alar 'May, 1~7, Meeting'e~'"~he"Bear~. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr.. Gose ~eand is hereby .requested to ,,.confer w~t'h"Mr. '.Seth ~Burnl.ey' in,. 'connection ,wi-th'-%hi.s .survey when -' dential. ~ec~i.en'~r' a ';'soles%ed.' grouP '-el' Citi. z-ens.; Ciliz-ene :'o~-s,-'e'~te~t'ed .groap--and "invt~e.~-th'em -%o -e~asider making Albemarle C0Un%y' their home. Repor~'~o~--%he.-County-Exe=a%ive',.'wae, pres-on%ed"and-ordered 'filed, Claims-against- %'he' 'County, amountiA'g- %o"$38~.%~-~'~2~" were'presentedi ~xaminedi".veri~ie¢ and approved-and' ~rdere-~"¢e'~if!ed'-'%o' %'he:~Di'~eotor 'of 'Fin~noe for p~ymaa% ~nd'.~harged "against the following funded., General DOg ~ax School ;- Oper~tin~ ¥i~inin--.Pu~tie,?'Asai's%ane~ Ivy.-DisiriC~ 8~1 -~:t'I'~er-':.~t.e%, ~'' 1,!-60,16 '1',202;T% ..... Upon motion, the. meeting adjourned. A regUlar meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held. at th-~ Court House of the ~d Co~ty on the 1~ day of ~y~ Presen%~ ~ssrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Balla~,'-P. H. Gen%~ C. Purcell Le G. Roberts. ~ute8 ~ ihs ~eitng of ~ril 21, 1~3~, were r~d ~ ~r~ ~e Ch~ stated %hat %~s ~v~g bee~ desig~ted as the ~et~g a% ~ioh the Repraseatati~e of the S~te ~y Ce~ssl~ would be present ~o hear cool,is ~d su~ gesilons f~m ci%iz~S ~%h rs~~ ~ ~ S~o~ ~stem .~ High. ye