HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-05-19$o"confer-'w~th' '~liro"Seth: "Burn~'ey. i~,-connec%ion wi'th this ,survey when
~.s~,., un.~ous.t y. ad,opt ed,~z .
~EREAS, "~t'.' i~'"~esi~ble""to"'devel'ope our~ County~.-as- a ReSi-
Albemarle 68~nty %heir home.
Repor~-'.off-%he.. County-Executive",,was?-pres'en%ed',~nd"-ordered-filed.
Claims-against-t~he- 'County, amounting'
and apprOved'and' erdered~-ee'rtified'%o"t'he-Di'~ector,~of ffinan~e' for paym~at and'-~harged a~nst
the followiag- fundsz
Dog Tax
Sohoot :-
0per. ting
ivy,-~s~,'c~?:, ~
S~t"' ~tt"er~:,~'~,'~~'
Teacher _ ~.~0
Tot~ $38,~?.22
Upon motion, the.
A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albe~rle:0ounty~ ~r~tnia,
was held, at t~$ CourtHouse off %he said C~$y ~th. l~ day of~y,, I~S~. -
PresoRts ~essrs. J. ~. Fray, E. ~. Ballard,'-.P.H. ~en~, C. ~rcell~e, a~ ~.
Ninutes of the meeting of April 21, 1~]?, were read and approved.
The 0hairmm stated, that this h~vt
Representative of the State Hi.way CommAs
ag been designated as the meetimga~ ~hich the
sLe~veuld be present to hear complaiutsamd sug-
he Secondary System of Highways in this oountyj
~e public was Ei~n ~ :~.~~t~'~%O pre
order Xeprevemm~,~'duri~g'~$he'Year''
lag Secondary Roads in Albemarle C
1. Route DO~,-from',-FreeUnion
ret~rea f~m th~ p~c~ ef~ e~ e~' re~ e~te,.
N~i ~~ BE IT ~SOL~D by the B~ of C~ty ~per~sors
of ~be~rZ~ ~ty~ Vir~a. ~t:~l ~te ~gh~y C~ss~on be
is hereby ~qUested to' use the Con. et. C~p. assi~ to this co~ty for'
ne~ year, tn Surfact~g aout~ 230, h~g~ing'at the end off ~e presen~
~vement north of Creze~ "~
Co~Ec~ .~r~ ~ S~s.. ~:::refereace to condition
~s presented ~d ordered ~bled. "
were presented .~d' no acti~ t~en '~hereon;
~. W. ~.' ~%e, ~a~.. ~i~eer, reposed that he ~d not ~co~end that the
three--er, efa ~le.f~'~e ~at~en to the Stockton ~l~ce be ~en
trans£e'r an~ther-~gin.eer..$Gv%h~s, 'Go~2y-'who-w~I%! n~
~d. is her~y'~req-ues~e~o:~re~,s~~ ~, W..,.~,~,~se-as
~$~n~g ~I'f~,;"~~''~'~-~':'~'':~ower'- s talI~'~"~a%81~ed ~"a%~'~the~=~1,,
"L J. B~lard~ seconded by ~. P. H.
%he ~gy's Check b~" aO~e~ as *ender~,. tn, ~Ull for ghe six mon*hsi-p~rj~d.:e~t.g
bet 31, 1936,
Reques~ f~r:"si~e for ~e ~ C~:fOr Recreation P~oses
EYe, ~s%ri~% Fores%er, a~eared ~d pr~n~-Sketehes out-
~8 rejected.
December 21, 1937, the provisioaa-herei~er oeni~ned~';were ~"~p'o~.~
e'~[~ents';at ~e ~nd Of e~oh month during the porl~ o~vered b~
This a~eeme~t sha~ become eff~tive ~On ~d
~ force ~d effect for a period ~ five *y~s there~ter'.
~ ~ST~ONY ~E~, ~e pa~y of: the ~pa~ p~su~t to resolution of
e~ county 6~e~sors ef ~b~rl-e Co~iy adopted ai'its re~r mon~ly-~etiag
$~th,~.dey of ~ohs i9~, ~s caused i~s contract ~ be
t~:e Bo~d of Co~ty ~pervi~ra. ef~ ~be~rle ~o~ty, the seal of ~id '~o~ to ~ d~y
~ixed hereto, ~d aitestedby ~r~ret T,' Wood~d, its Olerk, ~d ~e pa~y of
pa~ p~s~~te a. rea~'lutiea ef the C~.of-~e
mee~g held oa the l?th day ef ~y, 1937, ~$ caused
Hades, its Ilayor, and its Corporate seal to be here~mto affixed and atteete~ by James
BeWen, ~r.,. its Clerke
3-* Un/versify of~Ti~gtn/a"HOsPit~l',
~ha~, z~e,e~et~£~,~om~d~ Attorney. -Upon motion, duly m~de.._and_aeconded,_.~tts_mat%er we.8
~ordered oon~u~edo'
~s directed'-to' recOmmnd' aome~no= "~'fFfX1 :~s~tion 'in--tho' Department 'of F~nance for~rly
to not~fy ~e ta~yers tn t~s district of a 8peai~ meeting ~o be .hel~ a~ the Cou~ ~ouse
at ?-$~0 P.M.' on Friday, M~y'28~ 1937, at which t~me all available ~mfor~%ion ~11 be fu~
~a~s ~gainfl the .0o~7, ~ounting tO $2~,$~0.~2, ~ were presented', e~ed, ~d
all,ed ~d o~ered certified to the D~c~or of Fi~ce for p~ent and charged ~g~inst the
~tlo~lng fi-under.
Upon ~otion, the meeting adjourned~'
Pre~en~: ~ossrs, E. J. B~la~, P. H. gen~ C. Pure~l ~e, a~ ~. L.,~..G.
~:,'R~bert8~ ~. ~. ~roell ~e pressing.
Fellew~ a cens~de~ble ~s~ssion of the ~$ter, the County Exec=$ive was ~stme$a
t~ appo~$ a C~ttee of seven c~$~zene, whose daty would be ~o confer ~$h Both the City
~o~ncil ~d $h~s B~rd ~ ~ce~a~ the be~t method of prov~d~ Fire ~ec$io~ for $his
area, ~cluding ~e possibility ef indi~duals contracting ~ the O~ty ~ove~ment for $h~s
service. At i~st ~e of these citizens ~potnted a~ to live a$ l~st one ~le fr~ a
ft~ ~ydraa%, ~is Comities; is to repo~ back to a s~lar meet~E ~thin s~iy days from
ih:is date.