HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-05-28SPECIAL -UpOn 'mot'ion, dUlF 2re~ted"-'to re~ei'"'Sone~ae"i~f~iI1 }~siii'on"ln-tho~D~a~ent of ~oe fo~rl~ tho at%entton.-,~.--the.-Board--aad, upon"me~on"s ' d~y"'~de' and' 8oco.aded, "the' Chairman was to notify the taxpayers in this district of a 8peeial meetin~ to be held at the Court House at ?-s~O Polio: on Friday, M~y;28, I~37, at which time 'all available inform~tion will be fur- glairs a~inst tEe:~oUniy, ~a~untin~ to $2~,6~0.92~ ~ were presenteds exa~ned, ami ordered certified to the Director of Fiance for p~yment and charged a~ainat the ~llowi~g funde~ C, enera[ $1,582e72 .Dog~x 223.;~)0 Wo61en tltll'~': sa;n~ry F~provament~'~:B~nd ROad Debt ~ Oharlot~esvil~e Ivy ~an~- Upoa~tion, the meeting t Chai~o, / ~ich Pre~ent= ~essrs, I. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell ~oC~e, and Dr. ~:?R~berta~ Mr; fl. P~roell ~o-Cue presiding. Following a considerable discussion of the ~tter, the County Executive was instruct, to appoint a Coa~ittee of seven citizens, whose duty would be to comfier with both the City coancil and this Board a~d ascertain the be~t method of providing Fire Protection for this area, including the possibility of individu~ls contracting with the City Government for this service. At least three of these citizens appointed are to live at'l~a8% one ~le from a fire hydrant. This Coa~ittee is to repor~ bask to a similar meeting within sixty days from ih.Ss date. 209 210 Exe~~ ~essrs*"~' '~;"I~;~ ~r-, ~a[~,'~Y 'Fisher~ O. A.'~i~, C~rles D. diy. ~r; i;'U;"B~I~%:~<a:'~ary~n~-~o exceed '$60.00 'per ~on~h. "Upo~ moron, 'duly ~de and so ~oh of ~e-~ds' ~"s~d' parties'"~'ed-'abo~ ~no~'"ex'oeed~g 50'acres, ~ said C~y -~y desire, -'}o~:~ed'~a~d-'-~d, upon 'a-c~in:~,'~t~"~se~ning'~t~.~-gh--~'~e '~'I~ds' and cross~g Bl~'~t'e"R-~d'-tt"'ihe-no~etst-po~tion"of~'prop~rty"Of I. R. ~ite, the berg fun'er d~sc~bed ~ s~d ~itten option~ - of-a-.da~- b~t!een ~:e' a~or~'a~d--~ite ~d .-%he. sources of supply, ~on mg~on,'~he me'e~g [adjournS, Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ba!lard, P. H.-Gentry, C. Parcell MoCue, and Dr~ L. ~. Robber, s. MinUtes ef~the: ~ei~in.ge of -MaY 19ich anal 28th, 1957, were re~d and approved. 'Livers appeare~ and'reques~e~that the Boar~'reeonsider the petition of Redland Land Corporation, presente~ at the regular l~y~"lgS?, meeting, that' the Board recommend the inclusion of HiII'T~p Road into the"Secondary system of Highways. The fe~tewing ResOlution, offered'by Mr. C. PuroelI McCue, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board Of-Uounty SUpervisors of Albemarle County, ~i~ginia, that the State Highway Department be and is hereby requested to take Hill .ToplRoad into the Secondary System of Highways. held a~ the CoUr~ House of' the said Coun%y on the 16th day of June, 1937. A regular mee%ing of the-B°ard-o~ Comaty Supervi, sors~.o£~Albemar, le-Coum%y~ ¥irgi~ia,