HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-06-1621.0 EXecutive = ~srs. "Fran~" ~;"Y~"," ~. ~ ~ha~rman,' R~F 'Fisher, 0.' Ao'~i,annini, Charles Ruby .~2hin ~,he peri~d"~f' ~ne~-,~days-~--'fr~,,-s~.'-~y-2,$.i 1~.-~. at-:-~-e .price of~: $25.00 per acre, so much of-~e-'l~ds-el' s~-d'-par2ie'sm'~ed a~i n~'-'ex~eed~ ~O'a~es, as ~id.C~n~y may desire, :l~e~ed~ar~mad:-~:~d,upon 'a cer~ain~wa.~er-~c~ur2e:~ning~hrouEh~--.~e.,-Iands and crossing 'Bl~kgat*"'R~d'~a~"" tho nor~h~s~~ porticn"~f"pr~cper~y "of ~. R."~h~te, the lamts being farther described in said wr~%%en op~Zonj ~s held at the CeU~ House cf ~he sai~ C~ cn the l~th ~ay ef J~e~· I~$?. Present: ~ssrs. J. ~. Fray, ~. J. ~llard, P. H.~ Gent~, C. ~ell NcCue, ~; L. G. Robe,s. - MinUtes o~'the ~tSng~ oF ~y l~h and '2'8~h,'I~gg, were read and approvede ~.John L. Livers appea~ a~d'requested. 't~t the ~ard reconsider the petition of Redland ~nd Co~oration, presen~e~ at ~he re~-lar ~Y, 19g'?, meeting, that' the Boa~ reeo~end the inclusion of H$II' TOP ~ad i~to the"Seoonda~ system of ~e fo,.Icing ResOlution, of~ere~ ~by ~. C. ~roeli McCue, seconded ~llard, m~s ~nimously adopted: BE IT RESOLED by the 'Board of ;Co~ ~Pe~sors of Albe~rle Co~ty, ~i~gi~ia, tha~ ~e State ~gh~y Depar~ent be and is hereby requested to t~e Hill Top' Road into the Seeonda~ System of Hi~ys. Communication from Mrs. Gladys Ayres, wit~ reference, to-turkey killed by Dog, was presente~ 'Th*tS ma~-~r was discussed~ Wtth K~r. ~erber~L~ZJohn.son~. ~une Warden, and on motion, duly made and seconded, it was unanimously ordered--that'.-iMr, s~. Ayres be paid in se~'~Yement' of'-'~er 'Claim. Mrs H'~ A. Eade~, 'P!~ee~or o~ .Fi~nance, presen~ed.:cop.~es., of. TRece'ip~s for payment of I~929 an~lg$O'' TaxeS, amounting to' $~0;~4' in .~he~..name..of per~la~der.._~.e~b, credits for which. were not shown on the C0un%y*s recordS. On motibn, d~Z~'.~._e_~_e.~and seconded, it Was unanimousIy ordered that credit for this amount be allowed, and cha~ged.%against Mro G, S~uar~ l~mm, '~Fbrmer Treas~rero ~ COmmuniCa~i-On from Mr. Wo M, GOse, ~esident_E~gineer~.~state~Highway Depar~nen$, wi%h reference to resoI~Ut~ion of~ this BOard adopted a~ the-re~lar..Ap~.!l, 19~7, meeting in regard to Survey of reads lef~ out of S~ate System,was presented and ordered filed. On motion, duly made and seconded, the following Resolution, was unanimously adopted ~ RESOLUTION OF' PARTICIPATI0?~ lq~ 'STATE PUBLIC AS'SISTANCE PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of %he"c~ty of Albemarle, th~% need of state assistance existing in the county, of Albemarle to provide for destitute persons in need of public relief, application is herewith made to the Commissioner of P~blic Welfare, pursuant to pro- vision of Chapter 225, Acts of Assembly, 1956, for participation in the state relief appropriation subject to the provision of ~he said Ac~ and Rules and Regulations, which have been adopted or may hereafter be adopted by the Governor pursuant to the provisions of the said Act, which it is herewith agreed will be complied with in the administration of said funds. I% appearing under the said Act that said county, of Albemarle is entitled to the sum of $10,$05.10 for the year beginning July 1, provided the said county, of Al~emarle appropriates the sum of $6,!85.00 to match said state allowance, be it, therefore resolved that application is hereby made for State ~F~nds in the amount of $10,$08.10 and that the sum of $6,18~.~0 is hereby appropriated to ma%ch the s~ate allowance, which is 60%~ of the total s%ate amount applied for; and the same is to be segregated and expended in ~he manner provided by said Act and the Rules and Regulations adopted pursuan~ thereto. The ma~ter of Insurance on the County Jailer's Residence was brought ~to the a~tention of the Board, Upon motion by Mr° C. Purcell McCue, seconded by Mr. E. j. Ballard, this ma%tot was referred to the County Executive, C$mmunication from ~he ~uarant~/ Trust Company of New York, with reference to collection of mutilated coupon on an Albemarle County Bond., was presented. Upon motion by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, seconded by Mr. P. ti. Gentry, the County Executive was instructed to asc-er~ain the proper procedure to follow in this instance and report back at the nex~ regular meeting, The matter of re-paymen~ of Loan of $56,850.00 to the General Fund by .the ~School Building Fund was discussed and on motion, duly made and seconded, action on this matter was · he er~e~d ~eferred un~il the balance due~chool Building F~nd is received from the Federal Communica~i~ ~rom Mr° C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, State Highway Depar~nent, trefusing request that Mr. Wo M. Gose, Resident Engineer, be re-assigned to ~his county, Iwas presented :and ordered 212 'The matter of painting the Court Room and' Interior of. the clerk"S Office was brought to the attention of the Board. On motion, duly~.made...and., seconded, the County. Execu- tive was authorized t~ proceed with this work. The matter of the proper work to be done on the exterior of the Court House was discussed and on motion, duly made and second'ed, was referre~ to the County Executive for investigation and report at the hex% regular mee%ing. The suggestion of a representative of the S%ate Auditor's Office that a bookkeeper be employed for' the Clerk's Office was presented* The County Executive was instructed look into _this matter with.the view of re-assignment of the duties of the personnel new employed rather than the employment o/~ addi%iona! help. The County ~XecUtive presented request of Miss Ruth Burruss, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for extra two weeks" leave of absence with pay, which will enable her to complete a course at Oornell University'. Upon motion by Mr. P. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. C. l~mroell MoCue, this request was granted- 'Director o ~f~. Finan0e, Mr. H. A. Hader~ffbmit~ed statement of expenses of the Department of Finance for the month of Nay, 1957, one-third of which are to be borne by the State. On motion, duly made. and seconded, this statement was examined, verified and approved. The followin~ Reports were 1o University of Virginia Hospital. ~2. County Executive. The County Executive reported on the semi-annual meeting of the League of Virginia Counties which was held in Richmond on ~une 10th and llth, 1957o Messrso Venable Ninor and Jack Rinehart appeared and requested the Board to' re- oomm~nd the paving of Carlton Street, Extended. The following Resolution, offered Mr. P. H. Gentry, duly seconded, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, fha% the State Highway Commission be and is heTeby requested to hard surface Carlton Street, Extended, from the City limits to point of intersection with road which leads to Thomas' Store, a distance of approximately two hundred yards. The County Execu~ivewas instructed to keep Mr. W. H. Langhorne advised as to matters considered and to be consideredby this Board during his absence on account of sicknesse Claims against the County, amounting to $2~,647.~, were presented, examined;. ~erified and approved and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for paYment and against the following f~nds: General Dog Tax Oeho~!~-~erating ~ir-gimia Public Assistance Road Debt: Charlottesville Di~riet Ivy Distric~ Rivanna District Samuel M~ller District Scottsville District White Hall District Crozet Fire District Co~onwealth of Virginia Total Upon motion, the meeting ad~ournede $ 7,02~.67 1~1.00 1,269.24 .15 .08 2,675.22 5,575.28 1~02~9 9.2? 1,1~7-~2~ $24,647.56