HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-07-21t~[ ~ regular meeting of the Bo~d of County ,Supervisors of A!be~te Comnt~y, Virginia, ~s he'ld at the Court House of ~e said co~ty on the 21st day of July, 19~?.~ ~esent: Messrs. J. M. ~y, E. J. Ballad, P. H. Gent~, C~ ~reell McCue, ~d ~. L. G. Rebe~s. Min~es of the meeting of J~e 1~, I~T, ~re read ~d approved. Messrs. C. T. O,Neill ~d Mark H~derson appeared and ~quested that O~eron L~e, extending from !~ Road to The L~s Mountain Road, a distance ef app~xiz~tely ~o city blocks, be recorded to be t~en into ~e Seconda~ Syst~ of ~g~ys. Upon me,ion by Mr. C. ~reell McCue, seconded by ~. P. H. Gent~, ~e. fellO~ng Resel~ion ~s ~anim°Usly ~pted: BE IT RESOLED ~ ~e Bea~ ef Coun~ Supervisors of Albe~rle Oe~ty, V~ginia, that the State De~ment of High~ys be and is hereby requested to ~ke C~eron ~e, e~ending f~m I~ Road to the L~s Mo~tain Road, a distance of approximately~o city blocks, into the Seconda~ System ef ~gh~ys. A Report of the Board of Equalization covering ~rk completed up.to and including July 17, 19S7, ~s ~ese~ed and ordered filed. Co~ication fr~ the ~d of Supervisors of Franklin Co~, comending ~. H. Lacy ~th for ~s very excellent work ~ co~ection ~th the high~ys of that co~, ~s pres~ted ~d ordered filed. The Budget of the Joint~L~l~ De~ent for ~e ~scal year begiEing July 1, 1937, ~s presented. Upon motion by ~..~, ~rcell Mc Cue, seconded by Mr. P. H, Gent~, the ~dg~ ~s unanimously ap~o~d as ~es~ted a~d ordered s~ead upon the ~nutes of this meeting. RECEIPTS JOINT HEALTH DEPARTME~T~ BUDGET FOR FISCAL City $ 7500,00- County 7500.00 State 5g20.00- University 1500,00. Miscellaneous 500.00. TOTAL $22,920.00 EXPENDITURES: H~alth Officer, Salary Travel Nurse No. 1 - Salary Travel Nurse No. 2 - Salary TTravel Nurse No. 3 - Sal~Ty Travel Nurse No. 4 - SalaLr~J_ Travel Inspector - No. 1 - Salary Travel Inspector - No. 2 - Salary Travel 0terk - Salary ~uditor City Schools County Schools ~ Contingent: Office Supplies Biologics Postage Printing Telephone and Telegraph Medical Supplies M~'~scellaneous 4000.00 700.00 1800.00 600.00 1620.00 600,00 1§60.00 600.00 1560.00 600.00 1836.00 600,00 1560~00 600.00 1020.00 _180,00 500.00 i000,00 350.00 450,00 60.00 150.00 140,00 100.00 7~4.00 1984.00 _ ~ . _ $22,920-0~~ APPROVED BY THE JOINT BOARD OF HEALTH 214 of Highways, was pressn%ed: CO~/ONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA D E P A R T M E~,~N T O F H I G HWAY S ALBEMARLE COUNTYt Secondary Albemarle 0ounty Board of Supervisors,~ . Jane 25, 1937 Charlottesville, Vie~.ginia Gentlem~ -. I am authorized to advise you that your resolutions con- corning changes in the Secondary System oF Xlbemarle County have 'bee~ acted on as follows t Additi OhS Al~prove~.; ~E.f,,fee~JtAt~l ~lw~ From ~nd oF MaintenanCe 'On ~25, N~r't~st~rdly 0.?~ ~le to Intersection Route 8 at point 0.~0 ~le West ef Intersection ~21. L~h 0.?~ ~le ~om ~tersection ~1~ a~ point 0.~$ ~le Seth of Intersection Ro~e 2~O, South~s~r~ly 1.~0 ~les to Stom~n ~d H~coeks Double Gates. Len~h 1.~0 miles From SCL C~rle~esville to Intersection Route Len~h 0.28 ~le From Carlton Road, (0-1104) Southeast 0.10 mile te Interseeti~ Nassau S~reet. ~n~h 0.10 ~le New ~cation of 614 from City D~ to B~dge at Forks, 0.8 mile. Approved as a relocation in lieu of ~.~0 mile ab~dened and to be fleod~ by Ci~ Rose,cir. A~ditional mileage approved 0.10 ~le Resolutiom 5-20-36 11-18.~6 11-15-$6 11-18-$6 From NCE Charlottesville, through Rosser Development, over Fendall Avenue, Cross Street, and part of Winston Street. Length 0.$8. mile Additions Rejected:. Rockland Avenue, from E0E Charlottesville at Elliot% Street to Intersection 110? at Rialto Street and From End of Main%enane~ oF 1107 a% Meridian Street to Sonoma Street. Length O.$O'mile $-17-$? 4-15-56 Route 708, from End of Maintenance, Northwardly aeross Gillums Mountain 1.15 miles %o Intersection Route~6?6 at a point 0.85 mile South'of Intersection with old Route 280, near Ivy, Length 1.18 miles From End of Maintenaneeat Intersection 1003, Pine Street and Oak Avenue, thence Northwardly 0.15 mile on Highland Street to End of~/aintenance of 1005. Highland Park Subdivis$~n. Length O.38 mile 5-19-57 5-19-Z? Streets in University Park Development frem WCL Charlottes- ville to Intersection Route 621. Length 0.15 mile 5-20-56 From Intersection Route 29 at a p~int 1.45 mile South of Intersection ?02, Southwardly 0.0~ mile to South R/W line Southern Raitwa~ at Hickory Hill. Length O.O~mile 6-17-$6 From End of Maintenance of 641, across Mundy Mountain to End of Maintenan'e~ of 669.. Length-t,6Omiles 6e17,36 From Intersection 627 at a point 1.65 miles South of Intersection of Route 6 at Porter, Westwardly 0.15 mile to Mount Loin Church. Length 0.1~ mile 6-17-56 From SCL Charlottesville to Intersection Route 239.Length 0,15 mi.11-18-36 From Intersection ?10 at Red Hill School to Intersection Route 29 at a point 0.20mile South of Intersection ?08. Length 1.00 mile 11-18-36 Yours very truly, (SIGNED) C. S. MULLEN Chief Engineer. ./ B Copy to Mr. F. D. Henley Mr. A. H. Bell Mr. J. J. Forrer Mr. H. I. Mount The following Resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, was unanimously adopted: B~ ~l~. ~EEO~.by~ the., Board~ Of ~ount~. ~A~p~ellT~is~o~S~ ~Of, Albemarle ~0e~nty, Virginia, that the C~i~ ef this Be~d and the Co~ Exec~ive be ~d are here~ ~ authorize~ and directed to ~ke am~ application ~ the Mural Assurance Seeie~ of Virginia for insurance on dwelling ~ed by the Co~ of Alb~rle and occupied by ~e Deputy Sheriff in ~arge of the Jail. The ~tter of re-pa~t of Lo~ to the General ~d BY the School ~ildimg ~d ~s a~n brought to the a~tion of the Bo~d ~d upon motion, duly ~de and seconded, this ~tter was o~ered continued. ~e Co~y ~ecutive ~po~ed on work proposed to be done on the exterior of the Co~ House, Upon m°~ion ~ Mr. C. ~rcell McCue,~ seconded by ~. E. J. Ballard~ the Co~ ~ecutive ~s inst~e~ed ~e proceed ~th this ~rk in aeeor~ee wi~h his repo~. ~The ma~ter of Application to the ~blic Works A~ni~tien for a G~nt to ai~ in the eonst~ction of an Addition to ~he Clerk's Office ~s brought t~ the a~entiom of the ~d. Upon ~ion by ~, P~ H. Gent~, seconded by ~. L. G. Roberts, the C~ Executive ~s inst~c~ed to~li~ this ~tter up ~th the assiz~ee of at least one m~ber of the Boa~. The Co~o~a!~'s Atto~ey reposed that a Brief had been filed in co~eetion ~th ~he Segregation of Values in S~ita~ ~ Fire ~strict~ by the Etate Cor-po~a~i~~ssiem. Upon motion duly ~de ~d seceded, this ~tter was ordered continued. The County ExecutiVe reposed t~t he had ad~sed the Guaranty T~st Comply of N~ Tork ~e send the bond to ~ich the mutilated coupon ~s attached to ~he Natio~l B~k and T~st Comply for collection ~en due. ~i~ a~tion ~s ~animomsly approve~. PE: ~C~AT~ON PROJECT: This B~rd having approved at a Special meeting on ~y 28, l~T, the taking of an option~ in ~e rom then su~tted from Elizabeth 'G. K~per and others for~ ~e purehase~f 1.~dm at the price of $28.00 per acre no~ to exceed ft~y acres; and the eons~ion of pur- chase ~der the sA~-eptien having ~been ~de depender upon approval by the Federal Authorities. Y~ now appearing t~t appro~l of Federal Authorities ea~ot be obtained, it ~is hereby ordered ~hat the option aforesaid be abondomed and the prope~y e~ers notified to the effect that it is i~ossible to p~u~e~ ~he project o~ exercise the righbs ~der the option, ~. H. A. ~d~, ~rector of~n~ce, su~ed stat~ent of e~enses of the ~- m~t of ~nance for the month of J~e, 1R37, one-third of ~ich ex~nses~ are ~o be paid by th State. Upon ~tion, duly ~de ~d seconded, this student ~s e~ned, ~verified and approved, Co~nication ~om ~s. Alice H. Green, with reference to d~in near her prope~ in Jefferson Pavk, ~ presente~ ~d referred ~o ~. ~e ~cy Smith, Resident ~gineer, State ~men2 of Hig~ys, The follo~ng Rep,~s were presented and ordered file~. 1. Co~ Executive. 2. University of Virginia Hospi~l. ~striet Home ~ard. RE: T~TION "PI~ KNOT" A representative of a citizens' c~ittee interested, in the welfare of or~nizations ~o~ as the Boy Scouts of ~erica and Girl Scouts of ~eriea having appe~ed before this Bomrd ~d suggested to the ~ Be~d t~t ~s. Edith K. Roosevelt has by ~iting dated ~y 2~, 1~7, of lrecord in the Clerk's Office for Alb~rle Count, in D. B. 2~8, p. ~2~, leased to a co~ittee of Troop 1, Bey Scouts of ~erica, ~d Troop t, Girl Scouts of 216 of Keene.,.. containing~. 90~.~ac~..es, £o~r..the,~. ter~m~ of? .fi~e .years £r..om..~ay 1, 1937, to be used and occupied by the said Troops as a c~ for recreational pu~eses and no~ o~he~se; ~d it ~ppea~ng ~hat the prepe~y has been leased for use actually ~d exel~sively..-by ~the said o~ganlza$ion-s; it is ordered th~ se le~g as s~id pr,pe~y be .occupied ~d used for ~e benefi~ of' ~He aforesaid org~i~ zations; i% ~tt.~4Be~.ltable f,r Ce~ ~. Shelton, representing the State Planing Boa~. appeared~ and reposed on the activities of ~he ~ar~ in this Co~, Upon ~ticn ~ Mr. C. ~rcell Mc~e, seeende~ by ~. P. H. G~t~, ~he Co~onwealth's Atto~ey ~s inst~cted ~o .petition ~he Cou~ to authorize the purchase of securi~ie~ for Si~ing ~n~ pu~oses. Claims a~inst the Co~, ~oun~img to $26,624.67, were presented, ex, dried, verified, ~d approved and ordered ce~ifi'ed to ~h$ ~rector of Ftn~ee for pa~t ~d charged against the followin~ .funds: General 8ehoo! Virginia P~blic Ass~.~tance Dog Tax Crozet Fire DistriCt Road Debt Charlottesville Di~ict Ivy District Rivanna Dis%riot Seottsville Dis%riel.. White Hall District Commonwealth of To%a! Upon motion the meeting adjourme~. $ 7,964.45 1,982.28 1,125.'75 140.80 1,~11.76 S,4$O.O0 1,82S.00 1,975.00 4,?50.00 ..... $26,62~.67 , Chairman A ~egular meeting ortho Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County., Virginia, ~as held at the Court House of the sai~ County on the 18th day of August, 1~?. Present~ Messrs. J. M. Fray,~ E. J. Ballard, P. Ho Gentry, a~d Dr. L. G. Roberts~ Minutes of the~m~e%i-ng of Ju~y 21, 1957, were read and approved. A Report of the Equalization Board covering activities of this Board up to and in- cluding August ~, 1957, was presented and ordered filed, and claims elf the members of the Board for forty-one days' services were approved ~or~payment. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. P. H. Gentry, ~eoonded by M~. E. J. Ba!lard, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $200.00, or as much thereof as may be'~ecessa~ry, be and the same is hereby appropriated to cover the cost of services of Clerk to the Equalization Beard. The following Resolutions, offered by Mr. P. H. Gen.~y, seconded by Mr.~.~ J. B~ lard, ~as unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, it has been'brought to the attention of this Board that there was a balamce.~.e~.approximatety$~,000.~0, in the School F~nd as of June ~0, 1~$?, amd WHEREAS, the School Beard has requested an appropriation of $~,~00~00 of this fund to cover the purehas.e~o~ addi~iona! facilities for the trans- portation of puPils, NOW' THEREFORe, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Budget for the year ending June $0, !9~8, be amended to provide an a~ditional $8,~00~00 for the Replacement of Trucks