HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-08-18216 o~ Keene,.. containing.. 90..a~c~-.es~ fo~r~ th.e~ term.af, fi~e,.-~ears fr..om.~ay 1, 1937, ~o be used and occupied by ~he said Troops as a e~p for recreational pu~oses and .no~ othe~se~ ~d it appea~ng ~hat the prepe~y has been le~sed for use actually ~d exelusively-..by the sa~d organlz~$i~s~ it is ~d~ed that se long as said pr~pe~ be ~ccupied ~d use4 f~r ~e benefit of' ~e aforesaid zations; it ~t~.~(~Be-~iab~e for Co~ taxes. ~. Shelton, representing the State Planing Boa~, appeared~ and reposed on the activities of the Bear~ in this Upon motion ~ Mr. C. ~rcell NcCue, seconded by ~. P. H. G~t~, the Co~nwealth'~ Atte~ey ~s inst~cted ~tc ~petitien the Cou~ to authorize the purchase ef securities for Si~ing ~nd pu~oses. Claims a~inst the O~, ~ountimg ~e $26,62~.6~, were presented, ex~ined, verified, ~d approved and *rdered ce~ifi'ed to ~h~ Director of Fi~ee for pa~en~ cha'rged against the foll~wln~ funds: General - School Virginia Pmblic Ass~.~%emee Dog Tax Crozet Fire District Road Deb% ~ Charlottesville Ivy Distrie~ Rivanma District Seott~ville District. White Hall Dtstrie~. Commonwealth Total Upon motion the meeting adjourned, $ 7,964.45 1,982.28 1,125.~S 140.80 1,61!.76 S,450,00 1,825.00 1,g?5.O0 4,750.00 ~75.00 ..I,426.6~ $26,624.67 , Chairman A eegular meeting of the Beard .of County Supervisors of Albemarle Count-~, Virginia, was held at the Court House of the said County on the 18th day of August, IV~?. Present: Messrs. J. N. Fray,. E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, and Dr. L. ~. Roberts~ Minutes of th~mee%ing.of ,Ju~y~ 21, 1937, were read and approved. A Report of the Equalimation Board covering activities of this Board up to and in- eluding August 8, 1~$?, was presented and ordered filed, and claims of the members of the Board for forty-one days' services were approved ~or payment, The following Resolution, offered by Nr. P. H. Gentry, seconded by M~o E. J. Ballard, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RE~0LVEDby the Board of Couhty Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $200~00, or as much thereof as may be necessa~ry, be and the same is hereby appropriated to cover the cost of services of Clerk to the E~uali~ation Board. The following Resolutions, of F~ed by Mr, P. H. Gen~r~V, seconded by Mr._~.~ J. B~ lard, was unanimously adopted: WHEREA~, it has been brought to the attention of this Board that there was a ba!a~ee,.ef~.appr~ximately.$I~,O~O.O0 in the School_Fund as of June ~0, 1~$7, and WHEREAS, the School Board has requested an appropriation of $6,000~O~ of this fund to cover the purchase o~ addi%iena! facilities for the trans- .portatie~ of pupils, NOW, T~REFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors o.~ ~lbemarle County, .Virginia, that the Budget for the year ending June Z0, !~$8, be amended to provide an a~ditional $6,000~00 for the Replacement o£ Trucks THe request of the Clerk of the Circuit Court that two eId~ deed' books be rebound and ~oVered with-rice paper at a. cost of approximateIy $150:e00' was..presented'and referred done to the Director ~of ~Finance with instructions to have_ thiS~wQrk/at this- time if this year*s budget provides sufficient fundsI if not, same is to_.be..in¢.luded~ in. next year's budget. The matter of' tax'%ion of the City's property.lQeated~_in the .County was again brought to the attention of the Board and upon motion, duly made and. seconded, was ordered continued. The following Reports were-presented-and, approved~- -1. University of Virginia HoSpital. 2. County Executive. r'eferenoe :te the dedue%t~m..of I%'of ~eachers "salaries as requir.-ed: by.law.for the Teachers ' Retirement Pmnd;...,Nro ~ehmer stat.ed~..~ha% this deduction had' no~.been-made-for some years and-to do so at .this ~ime, witho~t .notice to the teachers would doubtless have an unwholesome effect. He requested that t~e Board authorize a temporary.amendment %o the ~alary Seato which would permit the payment of the salaries Set for~h.im-...sai.d. Soal~.without..deductiOn for the .year ending June $0, 1958. He stated further that. it.was the intention of the Seho~I Board following that date to begin.ma~in.g~%hes.e deduottona .as required by law. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. E° J. Ballard,...seoonded.~by Mr. P. H. Gentry, was adopted: BE IT RESOL~ED by the. Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the. Sa. ta-z~y.. Seat.e..b~ amd i.s hereby $~ra 'ri~ amend ed for the School Year 19$?-dso-.:~as to provide, for the payment of a teacher's salary provided therein/without deduction of 1%, which is proVided by law for the Teachers' Retirement P~nd. ~, ..H,~ ~ .Ha-den, Director ot.F~ ~ee, .sub~it%~d .:a'.:'~ta~emen%.: o~:;e~ems'e's .~f. the Depar~ merit of Finance for the month of July, 19~?, one-third of which is to be borne by the State. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, this Statement was examined, verified and approved. Judge Smith appeared' b'et'ore the Board and stated fha%_ Mr.. C'; 'E', Moran, Deputy Clerk, had submitted his resignation to Mrs. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk,. d~e. t.o .the fact that .he physically able to perform the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Circuit. Court, a~ well as Clerk of the Corporation Court, without assistance. Judge ~mt%h suggested that ample help be pro- vided in order that the work of the Court might be promptly and effici~tly performed. The Bosrd' then discussed the matter with ~r. Moran and he suggested that Mr~.Maupin be permitted to appoint an.additional male deputy to assist in Court Work at $100.00 per month, with the understanding that when this salary is increased, a like amount is to be deducted from ~r. 'Moran's salary. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the salary of Mr. W, R. Duke, Jr., as DePuty Clerk of the Circuit Court, was f~ed at $100.00 per month, effective September 1, I837. The Board w~s advised 'that it would be necessary to appropriate an additional for Deputies and Office Assi'S:~an~s in the. 0fSioe of the Clerk of .the Circuit Ce~- -to cover the salary of Mr. Duke until June 30, 1958. Upon motion, duly made and seconded., $~00.00 wa.s appropriated:for Deputies and Office Assistants in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. .~he .Ccuntry Exe. cuti.~e reported that t:he E.G. Nad_e~. Est..~te Lot',,. ad~_:/in-:i~.g ~the ..~,~::~a'd':~een offered:a% $1~O00,OOo' 'UPoh'-metio~:.'duly:'mAd/e 'and~:'ie~d:~.the County ExeoutiVe 1.~ s .authOrized to_ negotiate., ~he }urchase. ~eeo~.d.e~va~ter' "~Ye'" ~s~..- Ne'ssrs,~ ~:~,~Pr~ay~.E,~.:Batlard,'. ~P~'.-$entry, amd Dr.L.G. RobertsI Noes:None~ Claims against the County, amounting to $20,820.S?, were .p~e.een~ed~-examined., ~erified %he follo~in~ f~nds ~ ~meral - School Virginia Public Assistance Woolen Mille Sanitary District Croze~ Fire District Dog Tax Ro~d ~D~b% ~ CharlottesVille District Sco%% svil!e Distric~ 0ommonwe&l%h of ~mrginia $ 8,$80.~1 ?,746.21 16.25 2,660~00 ?1~00 227.11 $16.22 $71.29 To%al $20,820.6?. Upon motion, the moo%in§ adjourned. ~e reading of-the' ~nu%es :of the.re,tar- meeting .of 'Ae~s%-'18, t93~, '~'s-d~spens~ The ~B~~'~ ~f~ ~i'zatien'su~%%ed' a~ .Eep~-~ its~ work :up 'to '~d including September The -~ssessmenZs' of public-ser~ee · co~'o~tiens ~r the year' 1~37~ ~de by'the State' ~x~2ickets fur .~he:years~1929 ~ !~31, ~ch were ~.ked~ Paid ' By:~E. L.~'C~er, Deputy Treasu~r, on'~y 2~' 1932, ~ J~rY-2, !933, Upon m~n~--dUIy"-~de"'~d'~se~onded~ i2'"~s" ord'ered"~t~a~ Mrs~ ~ura' L. Zpradling be ~iven-~redit-"f~r".l~9'~"~d~:.t931-?~xes,fer ~ich she h~lds pa[~ "ta~ 'ticket~ and s~e ~be charged ~e Direct~- ofYF[~ce-repor~ed~%~t-he 'had 'had 'presen~ed'"to-'h~X'-~[~-ket ~or ~he which.'~d-ne%.been'-record'~.?~n.-~he '~c~2~'-s rec°r~s. credit for 2ax"~ck-e~"f~r I930 ~d'-the"~0~ ~be'~harged-~g~nst G. ~%u~%--~, former ~e C'o~%y-~ecu~iVe" reoo~emd~':-,~he' appointment of ~ss ~-~"von:The~e~ as 01erk plus a $~,000.00 app~pria%ion from the General