HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-09-15the following fundsg ~neral School Virginia Public Assistance Woolen Mills Sanitary District Crozet Fire District Dog Tax ROad D~bt: Charlottesville District Seot%svil!e District 0ommonwealth of Virginia Total $ 8,$80.$1 7,746.21 16.25 2,660%00 71,00 227.11 $16.22 $71.29 $2o,,2o.67. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. A regutar~'me~%ing~'~f the:, Bo~rd:' o£Coun%F $~pervis-ors:. o'f,.~ ~.b~le'-Co~ty', ~r~ia Pres~%{ Mess'rs, J. M; Fray, P~-:H~ ~n%~,"C.'Puroett 'M~ue ~d~.'~.-L. ~e r~d.~-g-of.%.he. ~n~es .of' the .re,tar-meeting-of' Auks% '~-8, t9B'7, .~s' 'di~'en~d ~%h ~d action, ~m".s~e deleted ~%il 'the re,ar-October, 1~37, The -~a~' .of' ~~ti~' 's~%%ed' a~'.~'~ its ~rk up %~ '~d including 8eptember ~e 'ass:es~ents"~f pubtic s'er~ce co~"o~tions' for the year t~37 ~de By%he State' lic S er~ ce' ~omp~y'was~ ~f e~e~~ %0''~' %h~' 'Oo~nwealth"s' A%%'~ey~ -f~: in~s ti~a%i~n~- ~d. repo~'. m~ .tickets f~:.~he:ryears?I~2~ ~ t931, waich'were '~ke-4 "Paid" bF:;~. L. ~er, Dopey Treasurer, on. ~y 2%, 1~32, ~d ~~ 2, .19~, respect'~vely,'~' had m~% been -entered. as iven.'-eredi%-'~er 1~29~"~d::"X'~31'~xes,'ffor ~ich sh'e holds pa~d tax %icke%%.~d s~e '~e c~rged The D[~ecter""ef~Fi~ce rep'or%ed'%~%"he 'had 'had pre'sen%ed'~'%e'~hfm'~x'~cket ~Or wkich .~d .ne%%e~'..rec'ord'~ ..~n %he 'Co~2y~ ~s records. credit for tax %tek'~"f~r l~' and the.~o~ ~be..~harged .ag~n-~ ~, ~.u~-:H~, former Tr~s~ ~e' Co~%.y. E~cuZI~-' rec'~en~'~:-%he''' app~tmen% of ~ ss ~o~"von :*~ele~ as Clerk ~on motion, duly ~e and seconded,-~ss.'.~m"Thel~ ~s' appointed~ effective %he emptoymen%~':of~"f~-addi~t':%'e~chers'"'~d %h'e purchase oi'*'%he-'~ue~ces'~ry"'-equipmemt' %o' Upon '~%ton ~. duIy'"~de' se~ded, plus a Sy~O~.O0 app~pria%ion from %he G~ner~ The following reports were sub~t'%ed and ordered'Tiled: 1, - Oounty' Execu~ive; ], O~versity of Virg~ia Hospit~. ~e ~i~ct'or'~ of Fiance.~ s~b~t%ed'a-~at~emi'~ of~' e~ense~ of'~he ~epa~ment 0'f~oe for-i~he mo~h' of Au~st-'~"l~?, on~t~ird' of'which is to'-'b'~ .borne by'the State~ wMch ~statemen~ w~s ex~n~d,'~veri:~ied ~d approved. ~e-~tter-of--r~st~ of'~. ~.~ 0;'Ff~'~ ~o~onweal%h's' A~to~ey, ~'for 'inor~se ia salary-"~s','~on-~tion, d~iy ~d~ ~d' seconded, de~errea ~til ~eoi~l meeting t~ be 219 calted 'for '~he'-'purpose"of. ~onsidering same. Claims' againmi~he...'¢0unt-y, amounting to'$37~'~i3;40, were p~esen~ed, examined', verified" and'approved and ordered certified 'to' ~he Director of Finance 'for payment'anti-'charged against the following~i~md~.~ ~en~ra~ ~choot Virgini-aPub~CAssis~ance -Wooten~NittsSa~i~.ry~istrtc2 ~rozet Firs'District D~gTax- RoadlDebt': Charlot~esvitle'~s%ric~ ~vy~Dis.~rio~- RiVana.-Distr-i'~t Samuel~Milier D[s%-ri-ct Scot, tsvilleDis~'ric% White Hall District ~ommonweai2h,~f-';~Vi'rginia $ 27;63~3 68 ~ 69 - 82.40. .96 - 8;'?? - 8.4I. 4o2.8z - Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. A ~peoiaI' N~e~tnE of~'_i.he: B~ard of";'C~uniy"SUpe fyi'sets of' ~B~rle~ Oounty,. ~rginia, was h~etd'~-ai-'-'t~e"Co~-"~HOus-e~ of~%he's~d ~'o~%y,'.on.:t~e 21~%" day'0f:'S'~%~ber, A l~er~ ~Pom~-~ ~; 'O~. Fife~ ~CO~o~e~h"s Attorney, With ;refsr~noe'-to f or'"s al'a~ ~' ~ '~*~ ense s'-'~'s'~d'isc~sOd'' fully. ~AS: each" me.'er" of"t'his ' B~d '~s reoeiVed a'~Ie'~~r''f~m F~_. ~w~al~'~'~S l~ney, dem~d~g that he' be paid add'i~ional" s~ary from-July-l, I~3:6' %o date, ad reque'sii~ consideration of additi-~al ~lary for-the'-'fu~mre'~ ~d~ '' '~'AS"'ft"'~"require"~"ad~'tionai': ~propria~i~"~o' .~t t~s de' ~d s~ce ~he budge~' for !'~3~-8 provides '$~,~.00 for s~ary.-and e~asss for ~' ~i's N~, ~~E, BE-IT:~OL~D~. by~.i~he..B~rd,- o~;-~O~.~-~~sors ~b~le-.Cou~y~' t~hat~'"~he d~d of'~~,-'FiTe''~e' re~Used' due to the. salary ~d" e~en'se-.,aIi~e.-'~or~, ~,e.,~ ~~a~h" s'-~o~ey~'.for~ the 'year beginning J~ty-' 1,'~36,' ~s find "by '~his'-'Bo~d 'a~' $~,?00.~0 and paid 'a~¢ord- BE · 1T:'-~R~R-~.-~~D~ ~ha%,~no~.;~ch~ge-~-~be' . ~de~.~.in .the.~ ~':I 0'~¢ e -fOr The' ~e~y" ~ecut~'ve'brou~. to','~-, a~'%emti~n. ~f-'.%~,-,~Bo~d,,~-he.-f,a,C~,-.-~ -.n~ ~s made in %h'~ School BUdget 'for the year~begi~g J~y-1, 1'9~?, 'for'.~'he' p~e-~f'%~- books-~o '.be '~n+shed~i~ree ~ ~rtmen%-~ but': no p~'si'on '~s."made: in'. that $300.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be appropriat~ for t~s pu~ose.