HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-09-21SPECIALThe following reports were submi'tted a~d ordered Coun~y"Execu~ive; District Heme',~Boardo Univ~rsity cf Virginia Hospi~l. The Direct-or' of,'. Finance- suBmA~'ted'l a' sta%~men%"-of" expenses of' the ~par~ment Of' F~ance month of Augus%~'l~37, one-third of'which is te be-borne by'~he S%a~e~vhich' e%atemen~ was examined,~veri~ied and approved, The ~m~er-'O£-request -of"Hr, Wj 0~' Fiff~e,, CommonweaI%~' s AZto~ney,' 'for' increase in salary--was," upon~ metign, ,du[y mada and' seconded, deferre~ until a ~'speCia! meeting t'~ be called C~s ~ains%-~he-'C~y, ~oun~ng ~o $~3;~, were 'p~esen~ed, e'~ined, v~ri~ted a~" ~pr~d ~ e'~ered :ce~,~f~ed :%0 %he '= . . D~reotor of Fim'ce 'for pa~en2-~d charged against the ' ~en'eral $ School 27~'632,~3 -Virginia l Publ[-c Assis~anc · I ,O60,44 Wo et en Milis' 'Saniiary ':Distric~~' ,95 Oroze~ Fire Dis%tier 6'8~69 - Dog "Tax-' 8 2 · 40 Road. Debt': Ohartot~esvitI~~'' DiS%ric'~~ ~,96 ~vy, DiarieS' ~ 227, ~5 S~ue'i~' ~-ti er District 8;77 S co ~t svi lie Di~ri ~ t 8. ~I ~ite H~I District ~o~onwea~h~. bf':~ Virginia Upon motion, the meeting adjoar~ed, 0hairmen. A SpeeiaI~ M~e~ing-o~:.%he 'B~ard' ofO~u~ty'Sapervisors of-AIb~marIe' OO~y, virginia, A l~t"er- ~om' ~;' W, O; F~e, ~.-OO~onwe~h~"s A%tOrney, ~wi%h ~r eference"%'o' '~lo~c e for sat~y~. ~d--~ense s.-~.s-.discus~ed'' fully, ~tS~ ea~h~ms~er-'of~'%'HtS'B~d ~s receiVed a--Ie%%'~r f~m Nr,~. 0, F~et~.~O~-~nw~l~h*:~ A%2~ney, demand~g t~% he be paid addi~onal s~ary from-Jmly !, ~36,1 t~ date, ~d reques%ing considers%ion of additi-~l ~lary for"the"~uture'~ ~d ~d s~nce '~he- ~dget' for I93'7-8 provides $~,7~.00 for .salary land e~nses N~ ~~E~ beginning J~ly" 1,' 1936, ~s 'fixed'by ~s Bo~d at $3,700.00' and paid accord- ingiy~ salary" and" "e~penses-~ef~' ~he Commonwealth' s-" A.~.%or~Y"a%'""~'~his ~n e',~ Oo:~ y' Execut i've,. 'br~%'-t o- %h~~ ~%'en%ion' o f .'%he~ "BO,~d ..%;he.,-f~% ~.'t:h a%-'no p re vi'Si on as made in %he' School BUdge% for the yearbegi~g J~y 1, 1937, ook~-.%o'-be f~S~:'~ee~ ~s~:'it ~s-:-~he intenti:on %'o %~nsfer %'hi's' ~r%men%-)- but"' no'-p~si"on '~'s'.',made:'in":~e W~t.fare .Buyer's' .... ~'~r,ef.or.e,-~.i%'' wa's'.reco~ded '- ' hat $300.00, or as much thereof as ~y be necessary, be appropriated for. tMs pU~ose. 220 Upon motion, duIy"made-and-SeConded~'/~ihe f~owIhg ResolUtion' was adopted by the following recorded vote: tyes: Msssrs. J, M. 'Fray, P. H. Gentry. C. P~rce!l~McCus; .and L. G. Robert~; NO'es ~ None,~ 'BE [T:'~SO'L~'=by ~he',-BO~rd ~of Oo~t'y 'Sups~'S'ors~"'~f ahem=Is_ . Oo~ty~' 'Vir~-~'a,' tha~' $3~',00'~ or ~ much 'ther eof~''a~ _~y 'b-e nec essary, Upon motion, the meeting , Chairman. A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the 'CO~rt-Hbuse '0fthe said county on the 2~h Messrs. J, ~, Fray,. E. ~. 'Ballard, P, H. "Sentry, C. Pu.rceI1 MCUU~e and Dr. Present L* G. RobertS. Hinutea of the meetings o.f September 1~, 1937, and-September 21, 1937, were read and approved. Richard Es%es appeared and requested that he;~be allowed claim for two colts '~illed by UpOn motion, duly nm~e and 'seconded, it was ordered that Richard Estes be paid $100.00 ~or two colts E~lled by dogs. ~mm~micat~on fr~m Mr,' '$'~ ~urnle¥, City Hanager, requesting ~ County to approp- riate ~funds"~th which to purchase material to trea~ an area in the City of 0har!°t~esville f~r'~J~paness 'B~tle, was present,d, The 'fOII~wing R~soluti'on, off~re~FBy'l~.'P; 'H, ~'~n~y~ seConded-By Mr. C~ Parcel1' Mcoue,~ was adopted'-~y the'f~lIowing recorded votes Ayesl llessrs. J. M; Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H; GentrY, ~O,'PUrcelI McOue and Dr. 'LA 'G, R0berts;"N0es~ None: BE'~IT"RE$OEVED~.'by' the' Beard' of c~unty ~. Sup erv~S ors of:'- Alb.ems~le County, 'Virginia, that-:"'$300'~'~O, or- as"mu~h'%H'ereOf aS'r~y h e reby approp~.ated.-..to. ,c~over-,~,one~ha~ f ;,the,.,-c os+.: :of ,mater-iai .'t~.:~ % rea% :an:' area 'in 'the City of Charlottesville-ne-ar: :Ridge '$tr'ee~~ -for the '~epanese Beetle. The report of the Board of Equalization, covering its activity up to and including ~sptember 19, 1937, was presented and ordered filed. This report showed that the B~rd had been in session e~ghty-three days. The Board's attention was called to the fact that there were only seventeen days left of the originaI 'one hundred days which the ~qualization Board was authorized to sit a~d it was suggested that an additional ten days ~be provided The fgllowing Resolution, offered.by Dr. L. ~. Roberts, seconded bY Mr. E. ~. Ballard, was adopted -by the roll-Owing re~orded~ 'vote~ Ayes~ Moss-rs. 'J. M. ~, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell ~cCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts; ~oes: None~ BE IT RESOLVED by ~hs Board of County Supervisors of A1Bemarle~,County, Virginia, that the Board of Equalization be and is hereby authorized to con- t[nu'e its work for a period of ten days. BE IT F~RTHER RES0BVED that an appropriation of $22~.00 be and the same is hereby made to cover the cost of additional time' allOWed. The Director of Finance stated that he had Been presented with a Receipt for Taxes ;or the ~ear 1925, paid by Hattie Allen, for which no credit had Been given on the County's reco~dse Upon motion, dul~ made and se=onded, it was ordered that Hattie Allen Be given proper credit for this receipt an~'"the amount be charged against G. truer% Hamm~ former Treasurerg