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Upon motion, duly'made andseconde~, the f~'l:TO~hg R~solu%ion was adopted by
following recorded vote: .Ayes: llessrs. J. 11. Fray, P. H. Gentry,. C. ~cell~McCue;
be ~ ~."%ke'~,s~e'i'~',"hereby appr~ria%e'd-~f~r 'the-pu~o'~e of purchasin~
Upon motion~ the meeting, a'dJ~urned,
A regular meeting of the Board':-of County Supervisors of' Albemar~ls County, Virginia,
was held'at the' COati'Ii,use Of%he said county on the 20th' day
Present: ~essrs. J, ~.'~ay~ E. ~. '~lla~, P.' H. '~ent~,
L. 'G. RObe,S.
~ui~ of ~he meetlngs ~f Septe~er 1~, 1517, a~ 'September 21, 15~, were read
~d approved.
Ricked E~les ~peared ~d requesled that he '"be aIlowed Cl~ flor two c~12s ~11ed by
Upon motion, duly made and 'seconded, it mas ordered that Richard Estes be paid $100.00
~for two colts E~lled by dogs.
~Omm~tcat~On from ~;' $~h §urnlsy, ~ity llanager, requesting ~h~ County to approp-
fiat's fUnd's With Which to purchase material to treat an area in the City of Char!o'ttesville
.~r ~J~panese 'Beetle, was presented,
'The f~II'ewi'ng Resolution, of~r'ed"'By I~. P;' H,' G'eni~y, seConded'by Nr. C, Ps,ceil'
McCUe, was adopted~by ~he'f0llowingreOorded vofe: Ayes: ~essrs. 'J. ~. Fray, E. J. Ballard,
P. Hi Gentry, '~', PUrc~II llcCue and Dr, "L. G. Roberts'; 'N~es: None:
'"BE'~IT~'RE$OEVED'by the'lB~ar~"o£ fl~unty-Super~SOrs 0f:':.Albemarle CoUrt%y,
'Virginia, tha%.~:-"$3~O ~90, er~ as -mU~h ·%~ereof ~s' may ;be '~necessary~ ,~be--~ 'amd' ihe same 'i-s:
hereby appr~p~iated'l~.tO~ -,e~ver-~.~one-ha~f ,'.-the.~-,'m~st-' :of mat.e-rta~:. .t~.t~re&t ;an 'area in
'the Oity of Charlottesville --nea~' Ridge - St~ree~~ ~or'~ihe .~apanese Beetle.
The report of the Board o~ Equalization, covering its activity up to and including
September 1~, 1537, was presented and ordered filed. This report showed that the BOard had
been in session eighty-three days. ~
'The Board's attention .was called to the fact-'that there were only seventeen days left
of the original one hundred days which the '~qualization Board was authorized to sit and it
was suggested that an additional ten days be proVided foP,
The fgllowing Resolution, offered.by Dr. L. O. Roberts, seconded by lit. E. J. Ballard,
· as adopted by the-follOwing-recorded~votes Ayes: -M~ssrs. J..M. Fray, Eo J. Ballard, P. H.
Gentry~ C. Purcell NcCme, and Dr. Lo O. Roberts$ Noesl None:
BE IT RESOLVED by ihs Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle,County,
Virginia, that the Board of Equalization be and is hereby authorized to con-
tinue its- work for a period of ten days.
BE IT FUR~qER RESOLVED thai an appropriation of $22~.00 be and the same
is hereby made to cover the cost' of additional time allowed.
The Director of Finanee stated that he had been presented with a Receipt for Taxes
for the Fear t~26, paid by Hattie Allen, for which no credit had been given on the County's
Upon mo~ion, dally made and seconded, it was ordered that Hattie Allen be given proper
credit .for this receipt and""the amount be charged against G. S%uart H~-~,, former Treasurer. J
Communication from Mr. H~ L. Smith, R~sident Engineer, State Department of Highways,
enclosing, aunuatTM repor~ "~for"',the, ~year"end.~g .Jmae 30~ 1~3~, ~s.,. ~'~em2ed and~ ";~,e~d- filed,
Coati-cat.ion from ~. H. L. ~th, Resident ~gineer, ~t~ De~r~m~t~' of:-H~gh~ys~ ~s presonSed,
requesting' ~he app~o~ el' the' B~rd on ~he a~n ~ff ~h~ ~g2~Y ~Ssien,-Jas :rou~l~d~,~n
~ich sec~2~s have beem-ab~ened 'by-the pr~ry s'~t~ on accost of~:~e-l~at2On of"rou~e~
Sect~"'2 - ~Old 'location
east of Rte. C-682, no~heae~'"~d~""e'a~'~O;$8'"~"~* ~'o new'IOca~io~
again. Length
Section 3 - Old Rte. 2~O from
~. to new loCation.
Section 2 ' :Old location of Rte. 250 f?om-intersection' of Rte. C-678 at
Ivy,- west 0,IS'mi.' to ei'iminated Overhead OrOssing, (soUth
entrance), and from north entrance of elimi~ted ~erhead
Crossing west 1,~0 mi. to new location at ~a po~t
~as2~of R~e. C-682.
.~en~h:'2';08 '_.~le~?
Se~on 4'- Co~ec~ion"~om R~e. 0-6~8 a~ a point 0.06 ~. north of old
Grad, e Oro-ss~g ~th C.&O. ~,'R;"s~hwes~" ~O;"~O' ~. t0 new
Section 5 - ~ection from old location'~e. '250 at .nO~h en~'~ce of
old O~erhead: ~ros'sing eaS~ 0';1~ ~*"to new location at :I~.
:~motion, duly ~de ~ seco~ed, ~s::~r~e~e~'~t~ese additions ~to ~he Second~
ary Syst~ be approved.
Mrs. E~ ~. ~upin, CI~k of the Oi'r~t.~OOu~, appe~r~ ~d requeste~ t~t the
lng s~t~s or'the aSs~s+~s~"in her office be fixe~ '~.'R. ~e, Jrt, ~00 per month,
and-~ L. ~pin, $7~.00 per month~ ~d t~t~'~ss ~oren~e ~lin'be elected as~'~ e~loye~
o~-'he-r o~e.-~-
~e ~OllOWing Re~olu~on, Offered by ~r. L. ~, Robe.s, d~y seconded, '~s
-~E".'~T:~S~by~'~he:30~rd' Of Oo~y Supe~i~orS:'~'F"~e~e
' ~n "~h'e, "o'~'e"~'Of'~ ~he Cl:~rk'-'~f';:~he ' O~cUi~',:'~Our~ be':~:~xed ,; ~'~[~'.:Oe ~ ob er ~,
The-~G~' ,s'~'~t~en~on'~s~-c~led~o ~he f~c~-~ha~"-'on ~cco~"~,'o~t~s'e,~'-~h~g~s ~n
,~lar~es, ~-ad~t'~on~'-a~prp~r~a~on :of $~00,00'~d 'be'"neces~ ~o cover ~he ~dd~t~on~l
Upon ~ot~'on, 'duty ~de ~ s'ec~ded~ ~'~-"~ppr~2~on"'Of~;'~?:fOr Sa~r['es ~n the
~-ce,,-~o~ ~,he -~.~k :of' the :, O~u~t-' OOur~ ,:for-the y~"~en~'~n~ '~e; ~,.' ~8'~ -~'~'~de '~ t'he
~nt,':of,'F~,~e~,,~O'r--~, mon~:~.',o~' 'S~tember~ ,l-~.~:?~-~-one-~h, ird "off-wh~c~ e~ses-'~re ~o be
b]aer~2l'f'~:~;' ifason smith requested that $30°00-be appropriated l'or ~the purchase of
'a'D~c~;aph-one ~;o be used at' %!is ~¢~ui~ty Ja~I;
'UPon motion, duly made and seconded, an approprqkatiOn ot~' $30;00 was made to cover
'the. purchase price, of'a lYictaphone 'for 'the use Of' ihs' ';b"nor~Et'f"S''gl'lice by'~the~'l'o!lOWing
recorded vote~ Ayes~ '. Messrs. J. Mo 'Fray, E. J,.'Ba!lard, 'P, 'H. 'Oentry,~Co?urce~l UcCue,
~-Dr. h. G, R(~ber~s; Noes: NSneo
. ~I~ms agaimt'%he County, amounting %0 $34,198.~ were presented, ~xamined,
.verified and approved-and ordered oer~i'fied to 'the mDireotor ~ 'Finance for payment and
charged' agains~ ~he'~f~llO~ing~ f~s:
ROad Deb~:
~meI ~tI%~ District
~Co~s~!Ie Distri~
~aShm ~ H~ds o~-Super~ntend~n% of ~chools
Cash In ~ds of Home ~ono~cs Teachers
Ce~o~eaIth ~ ' Virg~
$ 8,433-47
Upon motion, .t~o meeting adjourned,
, Chairman,