HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-11-17 Mrs. R. L,. Allen. informed the.. Board~ that she had. pUr.chased~ the. 01d ~.0ak Lane Dairy
Proper%y, and. that the 01d_ Harris--.Ro~d.. be-..i~pro~ed ..... Thts~ mat.tot .was=referred to Mr.
H. L. Smith,-Resident Engineer, for such.attention as he was in a pos~ition to give it.
Mr. J. ~. Hopkins appeared and requested that the Board recommend that a piec~e ef
road, a distance of_ approximately 1/4 ~a mile, leading from Route 29 along, the
southwestern boundary, of the J~ B. Kegley Property, be take~ into the Secondary System
of Highways.' He stated that this road had been maintained, including the construction of
of a Bridge, by,the County and through error was apoarently not included in the
Secondary System when taken over by the State.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was recomme$~. ~ed' that the road le~ading from
Route 29 along the southwestern boundary line of the J. B.~ Kegley Proper~y be taken
the Secondary System of H~ghways.
Mr. Acres, of Gordonsville, appeared and stated that Route 645 was in bad condition
and that ~/4 of a mile cf the read leading to the. Springs, furnishing water for the Tow~
of Gordonsville, was left out of the Secondary SYstem at the time that these roads were
taken over by the State.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Board recommended that the part of the road
leading te the Gordonsville Water SuppIy be improved', and that the ~/4 of a mile which
was left out of the Secondary System be taken~ in.
Nr. Wood appeared and stated ~hat Route 668 was used very little, ~hat a Mr.
Patterson, the only resident using this road, te any extent, did not object to the
closing of same, and suggested that this road be dropped from the Secondary System
and that the funds previously used on this road .be diverted to Route 667.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Board recommended that Route 668 be dropped
from the Secondary System ef 'Highways~ and that the funds allocated to be used ~n this
road be diverted to Route 667.
A petition from the residem%s of that portion of the Old Lynchburg Read'from Red
Hill High S,h~o~I te Route 2~, a distance of approximately 1 mile, requesting that same
be taken inte the Secondary System of Highways, was presented.
Upon motion, duly made and sehonded, it was recommended that that portion of the
01d Lynchburg Road from Route 29 to the Red Hill High School be taken into the
Secondary System of Highways.
Mr. Cha,rles Anderson appeared and asked as to what action had been taken regarding
the improvement of Routes 1018 and 1016, leading from the City Limits ef the City ~ef
Charl oft esvill e.
Upon m~tien, duly~made a,nd seconded, it was ordered th~c the Highway Department's
attention be called to the fact that this imprevement had been previously recommended
and urged that this imprevemen~ be begun at as early a date as possible.
The report ef %he-Beard of Equalization shewing its activities was presented and
ordered filed.
The Board'~ attention v~s called to ~he fact that there was additional work that
the Board ef Equalization should ~e before it adjourned; therefore, upon motion, duly
made and seconded, it~was ordered that the time of the-Board of ~aliz~tion be
,extended twenty more days.
Communication From the State Conservation amd Development Commission was presented
advisin~ that the Commission contemplated the er-ection of a Historical Marker en the
front ~awn ef each Court House in the State, and inquiring as to whether or not this
Board desired such a MarEe~ at no cost to the Count-y, and if so, Furnish th~ ~, ~.~ ..... .
Commission with alit obtainable data as to the his.t~Ory~ ef._~he ~resent building.
Upon motion, duly made and. seconded., it was. ordered.~tha~-the local Chapter of the
D. A. R. be requested~to~ furnis~histo~ieal~data.~and~.~transmit-to .theConserwation and
Development Commission to be used in the erection of a Marker on the COurt House Lawn~
Mr. ~V. O. Fife, Commonwealth's Attorney, reported that he had taken up the matter
of assessment of the Virginia Public Service Company with the State Coroora%ion
Commission, and that he had secured a supplement assessment of $10,000.00 for the year
A communicat~ion from the League of Virginia Cotmties, asking for the Board's opinion
on ~he matter of administration and financing of Old Age Pensions Syst~ whe~ enacted ~n-
to law by the General Assembly of Virginia, was pres~%ed.
The following resolution, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McOue and seconded by Dr. L. G.
Roberts, was unanimously adopted.
B~ IT R~$0LVED by ~he Board of Coun~y;:~3upervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, that it is the sense of this body %hat when the law is enacted
by the Geaer~l Assembly of Vir~in~ia providing for the payment of Old
Age Pensions, that provision should b~ made for local fina:¢ial
participation to a limited extent.
The Board's attention was called to ~be fact that the League of Virginia Counties
would meet in Staunton, Virginia, on December 9th and loth. It was ordered that as
~any members of the Board attend, as po~ibie.
The Board's attention was called to the fact that the State C~mmission of Game and
Inland Fisheries had appropriated $150.00 to assist in the employment of a special
Game Warden, contingent on a like appropriation from ~his Board.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an approt~riation of $1§0.00 was made to assist
in the pa2ment of the salary of a special_Game Warden, provided a suitable par~y could
be secured for the work, by the following recorded vote, Ayes~/J. ~E. Fray, E. J. Ballard,
P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell McCue and Dr. L~ G. Roberts. Noes: ~cne&
The following resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded, by Mr. E. J.
Batlard, was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, This Board has on numerous previous $coasions by Resolution
requested the State Highway C~amission to allocate funds for the
improvement of Route 230 north of Croze~, and
WHEREAS, The citizens of this County have on several occasions, both
at Dublic hearings and privately, requested the highway commission te
allOCate funds for the improvemen?oof this route, and
~fREAf, This Board is informed that no provision h~s been made for
the improvement-of any portion of this route north of Crozet in the Budget
for the year beginning July 1, 1938.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of
Albemarle Count~j, Virginia, that the State Highway Commission be and is
hereby requested to sc amend its tentative allocation of ~ndS foX'the
primary system of highways in this s~ate as to provide an allocation of
a reasonable amount for ~he improvement of Route 2S0, north of Crozet.
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted a statement of expenses .f the
Dep~rtment of Finance for ~he month of October, 1937, one-third of which is to be
borne by the State, which statement was examined, verified and approved.
T~e .Peoples ~ational B~nk requested permission tO--%ake down $76,000~00 U. S.
Treasury No, es Series "C" 1 1/2~ due March 15, 19Sg,/deposited witH the Chase National
Bank of New York in escrow tc secure the County's account with sai bank, and
The following Resolution, e.~l~fered~':, ky Dry..'L._~G.~ Roberts, was. unanimously adoptedA
BE IT RESOEVED by the Board ~f County Supervisors of Albemarle County,
,~'mrginia, fha% the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, Virginia, be and
is hereby authorized to subs%itute the following bonds:
$32,000. City of Charleston, S. C., 4s-?/1/~8
~,000. University of va. Library Rev. $ 3~4s-8~I~4~
9,oo0. Fa lle, Va.,
,ooo. cou ,
4,000. Ooun ,
O,ooo. Co= , v,.
9,000. Norfolk Coun%y, Va. Rd..& trudge 5s-4/1/42
2,ooo. Fa~vi~e, Va., Elee. Ligh% ~p.
for the foll~gbonds now deposited in esc~r~ ~h ~ase-Na%ional B~k
New ~York:
$75,000. U. S. Treas. Bonds 12~s of March t5, 1939.
The following Res,lution, offered by Dr. L.., G. Roberts, was 'unanimously adopted:
in session assembled do hereby request our ~wo United States Senators,
Honorable Carter Glass and Honorable Harry Fo Byrd, and our Representative,
Honorable Howard W. Smith, to use their influence with Honorabie Arne B.
Cammerer, Director of the National Park Service, in bringing about this
improvement of the Brown's Gap Road within the Shenandoah National Park area.
The following reports were presented and ordered filed:
1. County Executive,
2. University of Virginia Hospital,
District Home Boar~.
The following resotu%iom, offered by Dr. L. G. ROberts, was unanimously adopted:
V~EREAS, at:a Special Meeti~ng of ~he Board of County"Supervisors held at
the Court House om the 2Ist. day of Sept~ber, 1937, this Board refused the
claim, off'the Co~aonwealth'~s Attorney for unpaid-salary from July l, 1956,
and at the same time declined to make any change in the allowance for
salary and expenses or,he Offices
And Whereas, it has been called to the attention of the Board that
request for~additional salary and expenses was made by the Commonwealth's
Attorney at the February l?th., I937~ Meeting of this Board - before the
present budget was adopted$
Aud Whereas, more careful consideration of~he time required and expenses
incident to discharge of duties now imposed upon the Commonwealth's Attorney
by the Board, leads to the conclusion that an additional allowance should
have been made for salary and expenses for the fiscal year 1957-19~85
Be It, Therefore, Resolved,~ that the BudEet for the fiscal year~1937-
193~, be and the same is amended to provide ~hadditicnal sum of $300.00
for salary a~d expenses Sf the Comonwealth's Attorney, such additional
sum to be payable in monthly instalments from July lst., 1~37.
Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, stated that he had b~en presented with a tax
receipt for the year 1928 in the name of Vanzy L. ~d. The tax for 192S om this
property is recorded against Mr. Wood .... ~ ~.~ i~ the Office of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that Mr. Wood be given credit
fort he amoun~ of %he receipt presented.
Claims a~ainst the County,.~.amounting to $78,$$2.31, w~e premented, examined,
verified and approved and. ordered, certified to the Director of Finance for payment
and charged against the following funds:
General $29, S 69.74
School SS, 774.66
Virginia Public Assistance' 1,331.66
Crozet Fire District 14.31
Dog Tax 307°00
Read Debt:
Charlotte svi lle · 17
Ivy .07
Rivanna 250.19
Samuel Mil let 478.26
Scott svil le · 24
White Hall ~ .08
Commonwealth ef Virgi.nia 1S,30~,94
Total $78'832.31
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned.
A regular meebing of the--.Board of Couz~cy Supervisors .of:.~Al~emarle Cou~, Virginia,
~s held at the Court House of the s~d C~n~ ~ the IS~h day ~of Dee~er, 1937.
P~se~: MeSsrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. B~rd, P. H. G~t~, C. ~eetl MeCue, and
~. L. G. Robe~s.
~nutes of. the meet~g of November 17, I~gST, were read and aPProved.
~e C0~ ~ecutive rep~%~%~t ~a ph~e for ~.use in ~ran~itt~g cen~rsation from
the Jail to the ~iff'$ Office e~ld ~ pu~hased for $64.~0, but, that there w~ld be
additi~al costs if c~necti~ w~e ~deto b~h sides ~f'~he Jail.
Upon motion, d~y ~de ~d seceded,' the Coun~ Executive was authorized to p~ehase
e~ui~ent to serve beth sides of ~e Jail, p~ded~the cost did not exceed $100.00, ~ the
felling re~rded vote: ~es: Messrs. J. M. ~, E. J. B~lard, P. 'H. ~nt~, C. ~rcel]
McCue, ~d ~. E. G. Robe~s~ Noes: None.
The .Report of the-B~rd of E~mliza~i~.-~.~p. to~d~i~neluding ~e~be~-!S,.~l.gZ~, ~s
pres~ted ~d ord~ed filed.
Upon motif, d~y made ~d seeo~ed, ~he Eq~'liza~ Board ~s auto, zed to eon-
t~ue ~ session up to and includ~g DeC~ber ~1, 19~7.
The f~ll~g Resolution, o~ered by Mr. C. ~ll~eOue, se~nded by Dr. L. G.
Roberts, ~s ~5op~d ~ the follow~g recorded ~te: Ayes: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J.
~l~, P. H. G~t~, C. ~reell NcCue and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: None:
~$, the ~me allotted tO the B~rd of E~alization has on
~wo occasions~ been ex~nded' by this B~rd, ~d
~ER~S, the addi~al t~ required ~creased exposes for
savor the B~rd m~rs, ~nt, ~d cle~cal help,
~, T~REFO~, BE IT ~L~D by the B~rd of Co~ Su-~rvisors
of Alb~arle Count, Vir~nia, that $825,00, or as ~eh thereof As ~y
be necessa~, be ~'d ~he s~e is hereby appropriated ~ cover ~e ex-
penses of ~e Board of 'Equalization.
The Coun~ ~e~ti~rec~e~ed ~at the sala~ of Robe~ C. S~rs, an employee in
~he ~partme~ of F~anee, ~be increased to $85.00 per ~n~, ~fective Jan~ 1, 1938.
Upon motion, dhly ~de ~d seconded, t~s ~crease ~ sala~ was orde~d.
Mr. H. A. Haden, Direc~ of F~ance, su~itted statist of ~ses of ~he DePa~-
m~t of Fi~ee for the ~nth of NOv~er, 1937, one-~rd of which is to be bo~e by ~e
State. Upsn motion, duly ~de ~d seconded, this stat~ent was ex,!ned, verified and ap-