HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-12-15Claims a~ainst the Oount~,_amounting to $78,$32.$1, w~pre~en%ed, examined., verified and'approved and ordered.certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the .following funds: Gene ra i School Virginia Public Assistance Crozet Fire Distrio~ Dog Tax Read Deb%: Charlottesville Ivy Rivanna Samuel Miller Scottsvil le White Hall Commonwealth ef Virginia 1,3~1.$6 14.$1 307.00 .17 .07 2 §0.19 475.28 · 24 .08 ~OB ~ 94 Total $78,852.$1 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. //~~ ~,Cha~ma~ A regular meeting of the-Board of Oe~z~y 'Supe~sors-..e~.l.A.l~emarle County, Virginia, ~s held at the Court House of the s~d O~n~ ~ ~e 1-5%h day of ~o~ber, P~se~: Messrs. J. ~. Fray, E. J. B~, P. H. G~t~, C~ ~cetl MeCue, Dr. L. G. Robe~s~ ~nutes of the meeting of November I7, 1~7, were read and approved. The C0~ ~ecutive repor~;~%~t ~a ph~e for .use in ~ran~ittim~ conversation from the Jail ~ the ~eriFf's Office c~ld ~ purchased for $64.~0, b~ that there w~ld be additi~al costs if c~necti~ were ~de to b~h sides ef~he Jail. Upon met~on, d~y ~de ~d~see~ded, the Co~ Executive was authorized to p~ehase equipmen~ te serve beth sides of the Jail, p~vided the cost did not exceed $100.00, ~ the fell~ing re~rded veto: ~es: Messrs. J. M. ~, E. J. B~lard, P. ~H. Gent~, C. ~rcel~ MeCue, ~d ~. E. G. Roberts; Noes: None. ~e .Report of ~e B~rd of E~aliza~i~u~'~e~d"&nelud~g ~c~ber~ lZ,..195~ ~s pres~ted ~d ordered filed. Upom meti~, d~y made and seceded, ~he Eq~liza~i~ Be~d was au~orized ~ue in session up te and ~clud~g ~c~ber ~1, 1~. ~e felling Resolution, o~ered by Mr. C. ~ll~NeCue, seconded by Dr. L. G. Roberts, ~s A~op~d ~ the follow~g recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. ~1~, P. H. ~t~, C. ~rcell ~cCue and Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: N~e: ~~, the ~e allotted t~ the B~rd of Equalization has two eccast~s been ex~nded' by this B~, and ~ER~S, the additi~al t~ required ~c~ased e~ses for sa~oF the B~rd m~rs, rent, ~d clerical help, N~, T~FORE, BE IT ~L~D by the B~rd of Co~ Eu~r~sors ef Alb~arle Count, Virginia, that $82B~00, er as ~ch thereof ~s ~y be necessa~, be and ~he s~e is hereby approp~at~ ~ cover ~e ex- peases ef ~e Board of Equalization. The Coun~ ~e~ti~ ~rec~e~ed ~at the sala~ of Rebe~ C. Sours, an ~ployee ~he ~partment of F~anee, ~ ~ime.~.ased to $85,00 per ~n~, ~fective Jan~ l, l~BS. ~on motion, dhly ~de ~d seconded, t~s i~rease in sala~ was orde~d. Mr. H. A. Haden, Direc~ of F~ance, su~itted stat~ent of ~enses of the Depa~- m~t of Fi~ee for the ~nth of Nov~ber, l~, one-t~rd of which is to be bo~e ~ the Etate. UpSn motion, duly ~de ~d seconded, this stat~ent was ex~ined, verified an~ ~- J Reports of the University of Virginia Hospital aud the County Executive. were pre- sented and ordered filed. The Board's attention was called to the. fa~t..t-hat .the ¢oun%~.,s books showed a re- serve account of $70.21 which h~d be~ ~a~ing-on accoun~ o~ 19~1 T~es. Up~ mo~ion,. ' d~y made ~d seceded, i~ ~as 6rde~d ~at ~is balance Notice f~m the Ch6sa~ake and-Ohio Railway Comply ~t s~d company would apply to ~e State Co~o~ion C~isSion for a~hori~y ~ c~ose i~s s~ti~ at Mochas River ~s pre s ente d, Co~unication fr~ Mr. H. G. ~irley,-~e. ~way C~iSsi~er, enclosing a lis~ of mileage which had been a~ded %0 the ~~ ~st~ .~. ~ys ~der the I~7, ~as presented and' ordered~filed. Mr. ~ger, represe~ ~e Todd ~ales C~pa~y, ap~ared and d~ons~rated a check- si~in~ machine. Upon mo~ion~ Mr. C. ~rceI1 ~cCUe, seceded ~ Dr' ~his ~chine ~s erde~d at a cost ef $1~4.00 ~d an apprcp~atton to cover this purchase ~s made by the feII~ing re~ ~ed' v~e.: AYes: Messrs. ~J. Gen~, C. ~rcell ~c'Cue, and ~. L. G. Ro~rts; NOes~ None. A~ the i~tati~ of ~e Bo~d, S~ator Jo~ S. Battle ~d Delegates L. G. ~ite ~d E. 0. McCue, ~Jr. met ~ ~he B~ ~e disc~s p~eposed Iegislaticn which would, in all probability, c~e ~e ~e a~en~cn cf ~e General Ass~bly at the 1~8 ~ession. ~a.ims against ~he Cc~ty, ~ntin~ ~ $1,2,~6.~9, were ~es~ed, e~ed, verified and appro~d ~d~ ordered ce~ied te the Direc~r of Fin~ce for ~~ and charge against the following Ge~er al School Vir~nia Public AssiS%a~e Croz et Fire District Dog Tax Rood Debt Fund's: Char!eries ville District Ivy District Rivann~ District Samuel Miller District Scottsvtlle District White Hall Distri ct Cemmmwealth cf Virginia $ 6,417~?$ 20,~80.08 1,'1~9.84 250.21 50.00 3,450.53 1,825.22 14,$23.49 5,575.78 4,675.75 6,900.25 77,717.71 To%al Upon motion, the meeting aSJourned. A regular meebing of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was keld at the Court House of the said County on the 19%h day of January, 195,$. Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Bellard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr, L. G. Roberts.- The Board was called to order and on motion,, duly m~de amd seconded, Mr. C. Purcell McUge was ~manimously elected temporary Chairman. The temporary Chairman took the chair and called, for nominations for the Chairman of' the Board. Mr. J. M. Fray was nominated by Mr. P. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, and unanimously eIected Chairman of the Boord for the year The Chairman then called for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Mr. P. H. Gentry was nominated by Mr. C. Pmrce!l McCue and seconded by Mr. E. J. Ba!lard, Mr. Gentry was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman for the year The Chairman then announced the appointment of the follcwing to compose the Finance Committee for the year 1~8: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, Chairman, P. H. Gentry, and W. H. Langhorne.