HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-01-19 Reports of the University of Virginia Hospital and the Coun.~y ~xecutive were pre- sented and ordered filed. The Board's atten%ion was called to the.fae-t~tha~ the County's books showed a re- serve account of $70.21 which h~d been sbanding on account of 1951 Taxes~ Upon motion,.' duly made and seconded, it was 6rdered that this balance be charged off. Notice from the chesapeake and'0hio Railway Company that said company would apply to ~he State Corporation CommisSion for authority to close its statio~ at Mech~ms River was pre s ente d. Comuunication fram'Mr. H. G. Shirley,.~e Highway CommissiOner, enclosing a list of mileage which had been added ~to the ~ary sys. tem,.o~, hi:~hways u~d.er the 2~ clause for 19~7, Was presented and ordered'filed, Mr. Dugger, representing The Todd Sales..¢ompany, appeared and demonstrated a cheek- signing machine. Upon mo~ion~by Mr. Co Purcell McCue, seconded by Dr. L. Go Roberts, the purchase of this machine was ordered at a cost of $I34,~0 and an appropriation to cover this purchase was made by the following recorded vote': Ayes: Messrs.-J. Mo Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. ti. Gentry, C. Purcell MCCUe, and Dr. L. G. 'Roberts; NOes: None. At the invitati~ of the Board, Senator John S. Battle and Delegates L. G. White and E. 0. McCue, Jr. met with the Board to discuss p~oposed legislation which would, in all probability, cOme to the attention of the 'General ASsembly'at the 1~38 Session. Claims against the County, ameu. ntin~ to $142,856.59, were pres~ted, examined, verified and approved and' ordered certified to the Director of Finance for paymen.t and charge against the following funds: General School Vir~nia Public Assi~sta~e Croz et Fire ~Distriet Dog Tax Road Debt Funds: Char!eries vil!e Distri ct ~vy District Rivanna District Samuel Miller District Soottsville District White gall District Comm~wealth of V'Zrginia $ 6.417,75 20,580.08 1,159.84 250.21 50.00 $,450.5~ 1,825.22 14,~25.4g 5,575.78 4,675.75 6,900.25 77,717.71 Total $142,886.59 Upon motion, the meeting ad~ourned. , Chairman. A regular m~ebing of the Board of County SUpervisors of Al~emar!e County., virginia, was held at the Court House of the said COunty on the Ig~h day of' January, 1958. Presemt: Messrs~ J. M. Fray, E. J. Bsllard, P, H. Gentry, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts, The Board was called t~ order and on motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. ~. Purcell McC~e was unanimously elected temporary Chairman. The teuporary C~irman took the chair and called for nominations for~ the Chairman of~ ~he Board. Mr. J. M. Fray was nominated by Mr. P.. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard, and unanimously elected Chairman of the Board for the year The Chairman then called for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Mr. Po H. Gentry was nominated by Mr. C. Purcell MeCue and seconded by Mr. E. J. Ba!lard, Mr. Gentry was ~manimously elected Vice-Chairman for the year 15~8. The Chairman then announced the appointment of the following to compose the Finance COmmittee for the year 1~8: Messrs. C. Purcell McCue, Chairman, P. H. Gentry, and W. Langhorne e Minutes of the~meeting of December 16, 1957, were read and approved. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, Mr. H. L. Smith, Resident Engineer of the State Highway Department, was requested to investigate the. advisability of including a portion of the Lockhart Road, which is an extension of Route 641, in the Secondary System of~ Highways, as well as the improvement of that portion of this road which is already in the Secondary System, and-report back at .the next regular meeting. Mr. H. L. Smith, Resident Engineer, reported on his investigation of the matter reg.ula r referred to him at the/November, 1937, meetiug of. the Board, in regard to an extension of r eg,ul ar Route 661 (erroneously recorded in the MinUtes of the/November, 1937, meeting, as Route 631) being taken into *the S~condary System of Highways. The following Resolution, offered by Mr. P. H.~ Gentry, seconded by Mr. E. J. Bs!lar~ was unanimous ly ado prod:. BE IT RFS0.LVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to take into the Secondary System of Highways an extension of Route 661, leading from the Southern Overhead Bridge to the residence of Rev. William Smith, a distance of approximately .5 of a mile, The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts,. seconded by Mr. C. Purcell MoOue, was unanimously adopted: RE~0LUTION 'R~. 250 - ProJ. 722-A2 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle County, Virginia, that 'the State Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to revert to the Secondary Systeu the section of old Rt. 260 described as follows: Section 1: 01d location of.Rt. 250 from new location';'ProJ. 722-A2, northwesterly 0.?2 miles to intersection of Rd. C-601, and fr~n C-601 southwesterly 0.18 mile to new loeati.on. at end of ProJ. 722A2. Length - 0.90 Miles. TOTAL TO REVERT TO THE SE00NDAR¥ SYSTEM 0.90 Mile. The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION Rt. 250 Proj. 722-C BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle ~.ou~y,V~rginia, that the State Department be and is hereby re- quested to eliminate and close the old Overhead Crossing as des- cribed below:. 250 - Old wooden ~verhead crossing with C. & O. R.R. 0.15 mi. west of I~y. This crossing having been eliminated from the Primary Highway Systen. The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. C. PUrcell ~tcOue, was unanimously adopted: Rt. 250 -ProJ. 722-C BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Ailbemarle ~h~¥,¥irginia, that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby reque s2ed to abandon the section of Secondary Road as des- cribed below, this being in connection with the construction of the project noted above. Section 6 : Rte. 0-676 fr~ new location of Rt. 250 north 0.04 mi. over old Grade .Crossing. Length O~O4~m~ TOTAL OF ALL SECONDARY ROADS TO BE ABANDONED 0.04 'Mi. The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, was unanimously adopted-.: RESOLUTION 250 Pro~. 722-C BE .IT RESOLVED by the Board'of Count~Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to add to the Secondary System the connections as des- cribed below:- Section · - Connection from Rte. C-678 at a point 0,06 mi~. north of old Grade Crossing with C. & 0. R. R. Southwest 0.10 mi. to new location .... Length 0.10 mi. Section 5 - COnnection from cid loeation~ Rhe.. 2.50 at north entrance of old Overhead Crossi,~g east_ 0,+151mi. to new loCa%ion~at Ivy. L~n~gth 0.15 mi. TOTAL CO~R~ECTIONS TO BE ADDED TO THE SECONDARY ~SYSTEM: 0e25 Mi.. The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. 'G. 'Roberts,' seconded by Mr. C. P~rcelt McCue, was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION Rt. 250 ~reJ. 722-0 BE IT RESOLI~ED by the Board of County SuperVisors ef Albemarle County, Virginia,' that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to rever~ to the Seo~ndary,.System the section of old Rt. 250 described as follows:. Section 2: Old location of Rte. 280 from intersection of Rte. at Ivy, west 0.18 'mi. to eliminated Overhead Crossing (South entrance) and f~om north entrance of eliminated Overhead Crossing west 1.90 mi. to new location at a point 0.58 mi. east of ,Rte. 0-682. Length. 2.08 mi_les TOTAL TO REVERT TO'THE SECONDARY $~STEM 2.08 miles The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L..G, Roberts, ~ seconded by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTIO~ Rt. 250 ProJ. 722-C BE IT RESOLVED by 'the BOard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, virginia, that the State DePar. tment of. Highways be and is here- by requested to"aband~ the sections of' Rt. 250 as described belo~: ~ectien 1: TOTAL OF A~ ~ECTIONS TO BE ABANDONED 01d location of .Rt. 250 from new location at a point 0.14mi. east of C-682, northeast and east O.48 mi..to new location again. Length O,48. miles 0l~ Rt.250 from intersection of Rte. C-678 at ivy east 0.24mi. to new location. ~ength 0.24 miles 0.72 Mi~es~ The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION Rt. 250 Proj. 722-C BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard of COunty Supervisors of Albemarle Cbunty, Virginia, that the State Department of Highways be and is here- by requested to close the Grade Crossing as shown on sketch in connection with the above project, from office of Division of Surveys and Plans, Department of Highways, Richmond, Va., dated 8-~12-S?. This is described as follows ~ Rte. C-678.' Grade crossing with C. & O. R. R. at Ivy. This Crossing havinE been eliminated fr~ the Secondary System. The follo~ng Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G.ROberts, seconded by Mr. C. Purcell NcCue, was unanimously adgpted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESB~>~ED'By the ~ard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, I~mrginia, tP~at the S~te De~r~ent of High~ be ~d is here- by ~ques~ed to abandon the sectio~ of Route 250, aa described below, but ~o~ be 1~ ~n as ~ private e~nee: Section ~: Old location ef~Rte-. 250 from ~'e~ location at MJP. 6',Ot, east O.OS miles to Pr~te ~%r~ee at M.P. 6.04. Length 0.03 miles. TOTAL TO BE AB, ,AN~DONED,, BUT' ,LEFT OPEN AS PRIVATE_ENTRANCE: The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Nr. C. Purcell RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors 0f Albemalrle County, Virginia, that the State Department of Highways be and is hereby requested to abandon the section of Route 250 described below: Section Old location of Rte. 250 from.new location at N. P. 5.58 miles, west 0.40 .miles to M. P. 8.04. Length 0.40 miles. TOTAL SECTION TO BE ABA-NDONED: Mrs.. A. L. Henoh~ representing the Child Welfare Association, appeared and reported progress of this organization for the past year and reques,~ed ~that. $~0.00 be appropriated to be used for advertising-Drive to be ~tarted February 15, 1958. The following ResolutiOn, offered by Mr. P. H. Gentry, seconded by Mr. E. J. B~.lard, was adopted by the following'recorded vote: Ayes: Messrs. J. M.' Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C. PurCell NcOue, and Dr. L. G. ROberts; Noes: NOne: BE IT RESOLVED 'by the Board of County Supervisors of Alb'emarle County, Virgi'~ia, that SBO, O0 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the use of the Child Welfare Association, to be used for adver- tising Drive to be started February 15, 19~8. ~The .Citizens Bank and Trust~Company re~ues%.e~ permission te substitute SS,000,00 U. Treas. 2~ Bonds of ,$~-'55 for $8,000.00 ~eme Owners' ~oan Corporation- $% Bonds due 19~2, now deposited with ~be Peoples National Bank in escrow to secure the~County's account with said Bank. The follo~ng Reso!utio~, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, seconded by Mr. P. H. Gentry, was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOIPED by the BOard' of County SUpervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that the Citizens Bank and Trust Company of Char- lottesvilte, Virginia, be and is hereby authorized to substitute $~,000.00 U. S. Treas. 2~ Bo~ds ~f .~49-'S$ .per $8,000.00 Home ~wne~s' Loan Corporation Z% Bonds due 1~2, now deposited with the Peoples of Charlott esvil le, Virginia, Natioml Bank/in escrow to secure the County's account with Said bank. The following Reporf~f the'Finance Committee was upon motion by Dr. L. ~G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. E. Jo Ballard, approved as presented: January 18, 1958 To the Members of the Board of County Supervisors of the ~ounty of Albemarle, Virginia: Gentlemen :' Your Committee wishes to repor~ that the following Transfers of Principal and Interest are due the several .W~uds for the calendar year FR0~: TO: $cottsville Dis~ric% Road' D~bt Fund $12,§75,00 Rivanna District Road Debt Fund $12,575.00 To.cover Inter. est on and-Principal of $12,000.00 of Scottsville District Bonds ~ue. July 1, 1951, %o Deo~nber 15, 1957. Scottsville Distri ct ROad Debt F~nd $725.00 Rivanna District Road Debt Fund $150.00 General Fand 57S.00 To cover Ynterest due the Rivanna Dis- tric.t on $~,000.O0 for the calendar year 1957 and Interest due the General Fund for the calendar year 1957 on $10,'000.00, and Interest on $$,000.00 for six months of $725.00 The Scottsville bonds owned by the General 'Fund are part of the issue due Jauuary 15, 1947;' ~the $$,O00.00 Of Scottsville Bonds, 'which Rivanna owns, are the balance of the Issue of July 1, 1~$1. 231 232 and expenses Communication from the Compensation Board, advising that the salary/of the Common- wealth's Attorney for the'. year 1938 had be~ tentatively fixed at $4,000~00 per year, was presented. Communication from the Compensation Board, advising that the Board had %en~ativelY, all~ved $19,300.00, .covering 'salaries and expenses of the Departm~t of Finance for the Year 1938, was preseated. .... A Statement from the State Highway Department, showing Final Allocation for Primary I Roads, was presem~ed and ord-~ed filed. The following Reports were presented and ordered filedr- 1. State Auditor. '~ 2. County ExecUtive. 3, Mr. T. O. Scot't, County Farm Agent. 4. C. G. Greer, Colored Local Farm Agent. 5. University of' ~V~irginia'mHospitaI. 6. DistriCt H~e Board. 7. Charlottesville Public Library. Co~untcatien~ from Mr. A~len W. Moore, of the Works Progress Administration, in re- gard to white colIar reIief Wor~zers in Albemarle County, was presented. ' The COUnty 'Executive again brought the matter of' a Tax Map to the attenti~l of the Board. ~pen' motion by Mr. C. Purcell NCCue, seconded by Mr. E. J. ~allard, the County Executive was authorized to file application with the Works Progress Administration. covering this project, with the reservation that the Board may decide against 'the work later even though the application has been approved by the Federal Government. The County Executive was instructed to request the Richmond Office of the LeagUe of Virginia Counties to mail each member of the Board copies of all Legislative Bulletins is- sued during the 1938 Session of the General Assembly of Virgi~nia. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted statement of expenses of the Depart- ment of Finance for the month of December, 1937, one-third of which is to be borne by the State, which statement was examined, verified and approved. T~e matter of Taxa~tion of City of CharlotteSville property located in the County, was again brough~ to the attention of the Board and upo~ motion by Dr. L. G.Roberte, duly second. action ~ same was deferred until the regular ~arch, 1938, meeting. The County Executive recommended the appointment of Mrs. Ida L. Hardy, as Clerk in the Department of Public Welfare, at a salary of not more than $60.00 per month. Upon motion, dUly made and seconded, 'Mrs. F~.rdy.-was.appointed, effective January 10, ~988, at a salary of 'not more than $60.00 per month. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the County Executive was authorized t~ file appli. cation with the Works Progress Administra.tion covering repa~z~:.to- buil.din§~and lawn at the Co~t House, and secure such architectural advice as may be necessary in prosecution of the work. The follewi~g Report of the Board .of Equalization was presented and approved: BOARD OF E~U~EIZATION ALBEMARLE COUNTY Charlottesville, Va. To The Honorable Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia Dear Sirs :- We hereWith submit report of work completed by the Board of Equaliza- tion up to and including December $1st, 1937, showing the increases and de- ~eases in assessments by.. ~ist~ict as follows': Dis tri ct Char let tesvi lle Charlobtesvil le W.N.S. Ivy Rivauna Increase -~e~ems. e Net-Inc. 147,640.00 44,210.00 103,430.00 1,420.00 113,730,00 8,420.~0 108,310.00 44,410.00 27,550.00 . 16,860.00 (Uontinued on Page 238) 1,420.00 233 BOARD OF EQUALIEATION ~Continued) Di strict I?.crease Decreas~ Net In c. Samuel Miller 68,175.00 34,030.00 '$4,145.00 Samuel Miller-C.F.D. 20,640,00 4,600.00 15,940.00 Seotts viile 37,690.00 71,800.00 Town of Scottsville 6,210.00 7,960.00 White Hall 25,210.00 4,810.00 20,,400.O0 White Hall--C.F.D. --43,265.00 . 15,~2Q0.,.00 .....28,Q65~00 Total 506,8 70, OG 229,O00,00~. 324,..1~).. 00 Total Net Increase for Albemarle County, $286,870.00. The Board has been in session 138 days Has traveled 2,328.2 Miles Has issued Seven~Hundred and.eighteens_orders (718). Net Dec. 34,110.00 1,750.00 37,280.00 H. ASHBY HARRIS ...(Signed) ~" Secretary Respectfully su.5~it~ed - Chairman The ma. tter of new Office Building was brought to the attention of the Board. Upon motion by Mr. C. 'Purcell McCue, duly seconded, the COUnty Executive was authorized to proceed with the preliminaries concerning this work with the aid of the following Committee, appointed By the Chairman: Dr. L. ~. Roberts and Mr. P. H. Gent~. Claims against the County, amounting to $?6,653.5?, were presented, examined, veri- fied an~d approved and ordered certified, to the Director of Fin~uce for payment and charged against the following ~unds: General School Virginia Public Assistance Dog Tax Croz et Fire District Road Debt: Charlottesville District Ivy Dist riot Rivarm a District Samuel Miller District Scottsville District White Hall District Comonv.~alth of Virginia Total $ 9,~65.27 21,2~S.~6 1,161.6S 237 ~10 467.08 7,500.17 7,600 7,500.25 .24 7,500.08 629.78 t~;76,553.57 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. Chairman A Special Meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the CoUrt House of the said County on the llth day of Februe~y, 19~8. Present: Messrs. J. M. F ~r~, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell McOue, end Dr. Le Ge Robertse The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G.Roberts, seconded by M~. E. J.Ba!lard, was unanimously adopted: t~EREAS the Hon.~Jokn S~ 'Battiei~_i':Kbn, E~O. McOue, Jr., and Hon. L. Gordon V~ite have beem:::.presented with a petition of the residents of Albemarle County, Virginia, to introduce and vigorously press enactment by the Geners~ ~ssembly of Virginia now in sos sion, of legislation mnend- lng the present annexation stztutes so that territory, in counties opera- ting under the Executive Fondu of ~rganizatio~_ and Government, eau not be 'annexed to a city unless and until there be a referendum, a~d vote in favor thereof by a majority of the qualified voters residing in the terri- tory affected, and votiz~ upon'the question, and WHEREAS this Board is of the opiniom that the success efa democratic form of government is dependent upon its near. ness to t~he people, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Senator John S. Battle, and Delegates E. O. MoOue, Jr., ~and .L. Gordon White, be ~d are hereby requested to sponsor tkis proposed legi slation~