HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-02-11SPECIALB0~ARD OF EQUALIZATION ~ Con tinued)
Di strict Increase Decrease
Smmuel Miller 68,175.00 $4,050.00
Samuel Miller-C.FoD. 20, ~40.00 4,600.00
Sootts viile 37, 690.00 71,800.00
Town of Scottsville 6,210,00 7,960.00
White .Hal 1 25, 210.00 4,810.00
White Hall --C.F.D. 43,265.00_
506,8 70.00 229, COG. 00:
.Net Inc.
2S,. 6 ,.oo
Total Net Increase for Albemarle County, $286,870.00.
The Board has been in session 138 days
Has traveled 2,328.2 Miles
Has issued Seven-Hundred and .eighteen~erders (718).
Net Dec.
RespectfuIIy suSmi~ed
(Signed) S.P.~'~0TTINGHAM, JR,
Ohairma~ ....
H. ASm Y (Signed)
~ Secretary
The matter of new 0fflce Building was brought to the attention of the Board. Upon
motion by Mr. C. PUrcell NcCue, duly seconded, the COunty Executive was authorized to
proceed with the preliminaries concerning this work with the aid of the following Committee,
appointed by the Chairman: Dr. L. G; ROberts and Mr. P. H. Gent~.
Claims against the County, amounting to $?6,§$3.5?, were presented, examined, veri-
fied an~d approved and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and cha-rged
against the following ~unds:
Virginia Public Assistance
Dog Tax.
Croz et Fire District
Road Debt:
Charlottesville District
Ivy Dist riot
Rivanna Dist rtc~
Samuel Miller District
Scottsville District
White Hall Di strict
Cor~monwealth of Virginia
$ 9,455,27
237 ~t0
Upon motion, the m~eebing adjourned,
A Special Meeting of the Bos~d of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,
was held at the Court House of the said County on the llth day of February, ~$$8.
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. BaStard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell McOue, and Dr.
L. G. Roberts.
The following Resolution, affered by Dr. L. G.Roberts, secc~ded by Mr. E. J.Ba!lard,
was unanimously adopted:
V~REAS the Hono:~Jokn S,'~Battl6;~/:~{bn~ E~i:~0. McCue, Jr., and Hen.
L. Gordon White have beem~.Tpresented with a petition of the residents of
Albemarle County, Virgdnia, to introduce and vigorously press enactment
by the Genere~ Assembly of Virginia now in session, of legislation mnend-
lng the present annexation statutes so that territory, in counties opera-
ting under the Executive Form of Organization and Government, can not be
annexed to a city unless and until there' be ~ referendum, ~ud vote in
favor thereof by a majority of the qualified voters residing in the top,i-
tory affected, and voting upon'the question, and
WRE~AS this Board is of the opinic~ that the success of a democ2atio
form of government is dependent upon its nearness to tzhe people,
N0~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of County Supervisors
of Albemarle County, Virginia, that Senator John S. Battle, and Delegates
E. O. MoOue, Jr., ~and L. Gordon Vfnite, be ~ud are hereby requested to spot, or
this proposed !egi slati on.
The Board's attention was called 1to th~ fact that the General Assembly had been
requested to levy _the s~me tax on Cooperatives as it levied on other retail merchants.
Upon motien~ duly made ~ seconded, the~ County Executive ,was instructed to
munic~te with Hon. John S. Battle, Hon. E, 0. McCue, Jrt., and Hon. L. Gerdon V~ite, and re-
quest that they oppose auy legislati~on which would place additional tax on Cooperatives.
The County Executive advised that~it app.eared Dossible that the Crozet Fire
Station could be completed and the upstairs rented to a satisfactory tenant and suggested
that the Board authorize~ a loan from the General Fund to the. Crozet Fire District Fund
for the necessary ~nount to complete this work, which~ is estimated at
Upon motion, duly ~de and seconded, it was ordered that $00e00, er as much
thereof as may be necessary, be loaned to the Crozet Fire District Fund by the General Fund
for the purpose of convicting the Fire Station.
Upo~ motion,th~ meeting adjourned.
~, Chairman.
A regular meeting of the Board of County S~ervisors of Albemarle Co~rby, Virgini~
~as held at the ~ourt House of the said ~ounty on the l?th day of February~ 1~8.
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E~. J. Ballard, F~. H. Gentry,~ C. P~rcell McCue, and
Dre L. G. Robertse
Minutes of the meetings of January l~, 1558, and February ll, 1@~8, were re~d and
app roy ed.
Mrs. Elmer M. Shaffer, Miss ~ry Goss,~Miss Mary Duke and others appea~ed and re-
quested that the Court Hous$ brickwork be allowed to remain without stucco.
Upon motion by Dr~ L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. U. Purcell Me$~, ir'was ordered
that a Committee be appointed to co~er with the Architect to determine the proper procedure
to be follov~d inrepairinglthe~'Co~ House and reporb back to the Board. The~Chairman ap-
pointed the following to serve On this Co~ittee: ~s. Jsm~es E. Symm~rs, Mrs. E~r
Shaffer, dud Messrs. Milton L. Grigg and Nathanie~l Burnl~y, a~d the County Executivee
A letter from M~. L. Gordon ~hite, a member of the House o£ Delegates, stating
that he had been requested by a member of the House of Delegates from Nelson County, to be-
co~e co-patron of a bill which would authorize the division ~i~ the securities held by the
State Treasurer for the Dsm.~son Fttud in accordance with the te~s of the wiI~$ namely, two-
thirds to Albemarle Cou~t~, and one-~ird to Nelson Count-y, was presented. Messrs. C.
Dorri~ and R. E. Turner, mm~bers of ~he School Board, and M~. R. Claude Graham, Superintend.
ent of Schools, were present and ~tered into the discussion which followed the reading of
Mr. ~hit e' s left ere
The following Resoluti~, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, duly seconded, was una~imo~
ly adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, that Hon. L, Gordon ~ite, a member of the House
Delegates, be and is hereby requested to join ~ith the member of the
House of Delegates from Nelson County to introduce a bill into the
present session of the General ASsanbly, which would authorize the
division of the securities held by the State Treasurer for ~he Da~vson
Fund to the tv~ counties on a basis of two-thirds to Albemarle County
and ~e-third to Nelson County.
Communication from th~ Peoples National Bank, requestiug permission to take down
7.-~h~v S 3/4s - $/1/4§. n~v deposited in escr~ t~o secure the County's account w~_th s~d