HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-02-17 The Board's attention was called 'to the fact that the General Assembly had been
requested to levy .the same tax on Cooperatives as it levied on other retail merchants.
Upon motion~ duly made and seconded, the~ County Executive .was instructed to cmn-
municate with Hon. John S. Battle, Hen. E. O. McCue, Jr,, and Hon. L. G, rdon ~ite, and re-
quest that they oppose any legislati~on which would place additional tax on Cooperatives.
The County Executive advi~sed that it app~eared poasible that the Crozet Fire
Station could be c~mpleted and the upstairs rented to a satislkctory tenant and suggested
that the Board authorize~ a loan from the General Fund to the. Crozet Fire District Fund
for the necessary amount to complete this work, which' is estimated at $300.00.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that 900.00, er as much
thereof as may be necessary, be loaned to the Crozet Fire District Fund by the General Fund
for the purpose of completing the Fire Station.
Up~ motion,the meeting adjourned.
~~-~_ Chairman.
A regular meeting of the Bo~rd of County Supervisors of Albems. r!e County, Virgini~
was held at the Uourt House of the said County on the 1?th day of February~ 1~8.
Present: Eessrs~ Jo ~. Fray~ E. J. Baliard, P. H. Gentry, C. Pm-cell ~cCue, and
D-r~ L. G~ Roberts~
~inutes of the meetings of January 1~ 15~8, and February 11, 1~8, vzere-read ~nd
app roy ed ~
~rs. Elmer ~. Shaffer, ~iss ~ry Goss,~;}~iss }&ary Duke and others aFpeared ~nd re-
quested that the Co~=t Hous6 brickwork be allowed to remain without stucco.
Upon ~otion by Dr~ L.' G. Rober~s~ secor~ed by ~r. U. Purcell EcCue, ir'was ordered
that a Conmit-bee be appointed to con, er with the Architect to determine the proper procedure
to be follov~ in repairing~%he~'Court House and reporb back to the Board. The .~ainnan ap-
pointed the foll~ing to serve On %his Conmittee: Nrs. J~m~es E. Symmers, ~irs. Eln~r ~.
~haffer, ~ud ~essrs. ~lton-~ L. Grigg and Nathanie~ Burnl~y, and the County Executive.
A letter from l~r~ L. Gordon V~ite,. a member of the House of Delegates~ stating
that he had been requested by a member of the House of Delegates from Nelson County, %o be-
come co-patron of a bill which would authorize the division of the securities held by the
State Treasurer for the D~.son Fund. in accordance with tke tenns of the wil~$ namely, two-
thirds Tm /~lbemar!e Couz~by, and one-t~ird to Nelson County, ~r~s presented. Eessrso C.
Dorrier and R. E. Turner, m~mbers of The School Board~ and ~r. Re Claude Graham, Superintend-
ent of Schools, were present and ~tered into the discussion which followed the reading of
~r~ ~hit e' s lett er~
The following Resoluti~, offere~ by Dr° L. G. Roberts, duly seconded~ v~s
ly adopted:.
BE IT RESOLVED by ~he Board of County Supervis ors of Albemarle
Coturby, Virginia, that Hone L. Gordon ~ite~ a member of %he House of
Delegates, be ~nd is hereby requested Tm join with the member of the
House of Delegates from NelSon County to introduce a bill ~to the
present sessic~ of the General ASs~bly~ v~ich would authorize the
division of the securities held by the State Treasurer for ~he Dawson
F~nd to the two counties on a basis of tv~-thirds to Alben~rle County
and one-third to Nelson County~
Communication from the Peoples National Bank, requesting perm/ssion to take down
$8,000.00 Uni~rsity ef Virginia Library ~/$/~s ~- B/1/~ ~ud $?,000.00 Univ~rsiby of Vlrginim
Library $ Z/&s - 8/1/&8, n~= deposited in escrow tO secure the County's account with
bank, and deposit in lieu thereof $51,000.00 University of Virginia Special Obligation 4%
Hospital Bo~ds due 1947, $5,000.00 U '
nmversm~y of Virginia Special Obligation 4% Hosp.it~l
Bonds due 1948, and $5,000~00 University of Virginia 8pecial-0b!igation 4% Hospital Bonds
due 1949, was presented.
The fei!eyeing Re~oluticn, offered by Mr. C. Purcell McCue, seconded by Mr. P. H.
Gentry, was unanimously adopted;
BE IT R~80L~D by the Bo~rd of. County Eupe~vlsors of JLlbemmrle
County, Virgin-ia, -that the Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville,
Virginia, be and is hereby a~herized to take down the following securi-
ties, now deposited with the Chase National Bank of New York in e screw
to secure the Co'~nty's account with said bank:
$8,000.00 University of Virginia Library 3 314s
7,000.00 Universit~° of Virginia Library 3 3/4s
and deposit in lieu thereof the following securities:
$5,000.00 University of Virginia Special~ Obligation
Hospital Bonds due 1947,
5~000eO0 University of Virginia Special Obligation
Hospital Bonds due 19~8,
5,000.00 University Of Virginia¢Speoial Obligation
Hospital Bonds due 1949.
Communication from the Treasury Department, with reference to new nickel to bear
the p.orbrait of Thomas Jefferson, was presented and ordered filede
Mr. H~ A. Haden, Director of Finance, suh~it~ed stat~ent, of expenses ef the De-
partment of Finance for the month of January, 19~8, one-third of which .are to be borne by
the State, ~ich stat~ent was e~amined, verified and approved.
The following Reports were presented and ordered filed:
(1) County 'E~ecutive.
(2) University of Virginia Hospitale
($) City Librarye
Communication from the Virginia Forest Service, repo~ing on forest fire control
work iu Alb~arle County during the calendzr year 19~7, was presented, and upon motion,
duly made ~ud seconded, The County Executive was instructed to wri~.e a letter of commenda-
tion to the Virginia Forest Servicee
The Committee, appointed at the regular Jar~ary, !9~8, meeting to assemble, the
necessary data with which to m~ke au application to the Works Progress Administration for
aid in the constr~cti~n of an office building, reported that it would be necessary to ~:se-
cure an archit$ct to prepare preliminary plans before ~ze application could be made. Upon
motion, duly made and-seconded, it was ordered that the County arrauge ~th an architect
and preference should be given Er. E. E. Burruss due to t~ fact that pr. eviously Mr~ Burruss
h~d furnished p-rel~na~ plans and estimates without cost to the Countye
The County Executive reported that Mr. H. L. Smith, Resident E~gineer, had advised
him that he would be unable to attend the Boa~d meeting due to an engagement, with Share and
Federal officials, and asked that he report to the Board that he had inspected the Lookhar~
Road and could not recommend that that portion which is not in the Secondary System be tsken
~uto the Secondary-~y~tem, but that during 'the year he would arrauge to work on that portion
now in t~ Secondary 8ystem~
Claims against' th~ County, amounting to $57,627e~9, were presented, exa~hued,
verified and aPProved, ~d ordered oerbi£ied to the Director of Finance for payment and char
against the fot!ov~ng i~nds:
I~mrginim Public Assistance
Dog Tax
'~Crozet Fire District
Oh~lottesville District
Ivy District
Rivemna. Bis trier
Samuel Miller District
Sco~s ville District
Waite Hall ~i~trict
Commonwealth of Virginia
Total ~
Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned,
A special meeting of the Board of County Supervisors oS Albems~le County, Virginia
was held mt the Court House of the said County on the 2nd day of MarcH, 1938.
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. 'Gentry, C. Purcell Me~ue, and
Dr. L. G. Robertse
The Count~- Executive reported that the Committee, ~hich was appointed at the last
regular meeting to suggest '-m~thods of' improving the e~oerior appearauces~of the Uourb House,
had met and recommended that:the £r.ont wing of the b~ilding be brick~ven~ered; the rear sec-
tion be treated to remove the paint; the ~ntrsnce door be ehauged as~we!l as the octagon
columns c~ each side of the entrance be r~u~ved. The estimated cost of this work to the
County, in addition ~o the W. P. ~. all~tmen~ ~ras $2,000eO0, including~$850.O0 for treating
the rear por~ion of the bu'[lding f.er paint r~mval.
Upon motion~by Mr. C. Purcell 'McCne, seconded by Mro ~. J. Ballsrd, the Conmitbee':
rec~mendati~as were ~ccepted s~d the County Ex$cutive was authorized to proceed with the
The Board's.atten%ion ~as called to the f~o~ that Mr. H. F. NoFarland had presented
a receipt showing p~fment on June 18, 1955, of t~xes for the/19~2 on 10~,$2 acres of land
in the Sco%tsville District, m~ounting to $~?~!1, which had not been credited en ~e records
of the ~Olerk of the Circuit Courte
Upon motion, duly made au~ seconded~ it ~as ordered that ~r. NcFarls~d be given
credit for the amo~at ~f 1932 tax, es, ~s shoran abeve~
Upon motion, ~he meeting adjournede
A regular me~ing of..._~t.e Board 0£ County Sup oU a,
was held at the Court House of the said C,our~ on. the-16~h d~ of March, 1938e
Presume: ~Nessrse J.. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gerfcry, C. Purcell McOue and
Dr. L. 'Ge Rober~S~
Mi~es ef ~he meetings of February 17, 19~8, and March 2, 19~8, were read and .ap-,
Messrs. R. H. Perry, Seth .Burnley, R. O. Randolph, and C. A. Greene, representing
the Izaak Walton League,. appeared aud request.ed ~hat a Cmmmi~_ee be appointed' from ~his Bo~r8
to investigate the adv~._s,~bi!ity of constructing a !a~e v~th. the aid ef .the. ,~i~i'lia~ Conserva-
tion Corps at a convenien~ location in ~he c~Un~y, iUp.~-:m~t-i*on by Mr. U. Purcell NeOue,
~econ~e~ by Mr. P. H, Gentry, i~ was unanimously ordered that .~h~s reques~ be. granted. The
Chairman appointed the folle~Lug te serve on this Committee: - Dre.L. Ge~:Ro'~r~s, ~re E. Je
Ballard, and 2he County Execu~ivee
Mr. H. L. ~mlth, Resident ~er of 2he ~ate Eigh~ay Department, appeared aud
requested that ~his Board request ~he Highly 'Commission to iz~clude in.~ ~he Secondary System
of Highways ~hat portion o£~old~-Rou~e 250 from ~he eas~ern~llmi~s.-ef the Olt~y of ~harlottes-
ville ~e the bridge over Rivauna River, which has. been droppg.d £rom the Primary ~ysteme