HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-03-02SPECIAL ~h~lottesviile District
Ivy District
Riv ~anna~ ~Dis tri.ct
Samuel ~Niller District
Seottsville District
'~hite Hall 'B~rict
Commonwealth of Virginia
Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned,
A special meeting of the Board of County Supe. rvisors of Alb~a~ie 'County, Virginia
was held at the Court House of the said Cotmty on the 2nd day o£ MarcH, 1938.
Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ba!lard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell }~Ic~e, and
Dr, L. G. Roberts.
The County Executive reported that the Conm~ittee, which was appointed at the last
regular meeting to suggest 'm~thods of-improving the e~erier appearances~of the Uourt House,
had met and recommended that:the front ~wi~g of the b~ilding be brick~ven~eered; the rear sec-
tion be treated to remove the paint;' the ~ntr~noe door be changed as~wel! as the octagon
columms ca each side of the entrance be removede The estimated cost of this work to the
County, in addition to the W. P. ~. all~tmen~ was $2,000e00, including~$850e00 for tree,ting
the rear portion of the building for paint removal.
u~cell NcCue, seconded by Er. E. J. Ballard, ~e Committee'
Upon motion~.~by Mr. C. P -~
rec~a~ndati~s were.accepted dud the Cou~ Executive was ~utherized to proceed with the
The Board's attention was called to the fact that Mr. H. F. N~Farland had presented
a receipt sho~ing p~ment on June 18, 1933, of t~xes for the/1932 on 104.$2 acres of land
in the Seottsville District, ~ounting to ST~l, ~ich had not been credited ~n the records
of the ~Clerk o£ the Circuit Court,
Upon mouflon, d~ly made ~n~ seconded, it was ordered that Mr. McFarl~d be given
credit for the amouut ~f 1932 taxes, ~s shown ab. ye,
Upon motion, the meeting adjourn, de
A reguIar meeting .of..~th~ .Be~rd of Count~: ~uper~is~s. ef Albemar~.a.County, Virgiuia,
was held a~ the Court House of the said. County on:. the 18~h day ef March, 19~8e
Pres!e~h: J~essrse J, M. Fray,. E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell MeCue and
Dr. Le ~G~ P~berbs,
Nimr~es eE the meetings of Febz-~ary 17, 19S8, az~l Nareh 2, 19~8, were read and .ap-,
Messrs. R. H. Perry, Se~h.Burnley, Re O. Randolph, dud C. A. Greene, representing
the Izaak Walton League, appeared and .request.ed ~hat a Cemmt~ee be appointed from this Board
%0 investigate ~he a~s~bi!ity of $1On~ ~ g a 1~ with. the..aid ,of .the ~.~i~i'lian Con$ez~a-
%ion C~rps at a convenient location in the
~eco. nde~ by Mr. P. H. Gentry, it was unanimousl~ order,d that .~his reques~ be granted. The
chairman appoint,5 ~he fe!l~ing to serve on this Cmmmittee: ... Dr. L. O.~,Ro~erts, Mr. ~. J.
Bal!ard, and the Country Executive.
Mr. H. L. 'Sinith, 'Resident E~er of the State Hig~y _.De.par~men~, appeared and
requested ~hat ~his Board request ~he Highway Commission to .~include in_the Secondary System
of Highways %hat portion of-eld ~Reu~e '250 from ~]~ eastern .limits ef'~Jae Ci~.y~ of ~arl~tes-
rill. ~e %he bridge o,~r Ri auna River, which has. been dreppe~ £rom the Primary System.