HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-03-16 Gh~lottesviile District Ivy District Rivanna ~.Dis trier ~ Samuel l~.T/ller District Scottsville District ~hite Hall-~riet Commo~ealth of Virginia Total. ~,892.98 8.05 $57,627.09. Upon motion~ the meeting adjourned. A special meeting of the Board of County Sup. e. rvisors of ~lb~le County, Virginia was held at the Court House of the said County on the 2nd day o£ .~arcH, 1938, Present: Messrs. J. 1/. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell ~e~ue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts.~ _ ~ The Count%- Executive reported that %~he Commibbee, ~hich was appointed at %~%e last regular meeting to suggest-met_hods of' improving the ext~erier appe~auces~of the ~our% House, had met and recomm~aded that:the £ront ~wi~g of the building be brick~ven~eered; the rear sec- tion be treated to remove the paint; the ~ntr~noe door be chauged as~wel! as the octagon columns ca each side o£ the entrance be remmvede The estimated cost of this work to the County, in addition to the V/. P. &. all~tmen~ ~vas $2,000e00, including~ $850.00 for t~emting the rear portion of the bu;~lding for paint removal. Upon motion~by t/r~ C~ Purcell ~Cue, seconded by ~ro E. J. Ballard, the Comuittee's rec~mendati cas ~re accepted and the Cou~ Executive was authorized to proceed with the work. The Board's attention ~as called to the fact that Mr. H. F. NcFarland had presented ye.ar a receipt sho~ing p~fmen~ on June 18, 119~35 Of t~xes for the/!9~2 on 10~.$2 acres of land in the Scottsville District, remounting tO'~$T?~ll, which had not been credited en the records o£ the ~Olerk of the Circuit Court. UpmOI1 motion, duly made au~ seconded, it ~ras ordered that !/r. McFarl~nd be given credi~ for the amount ~£ 1952 taxes, ~s show~ above. Upon motion, YAe meeting adJoumede A regular meeting of.._~e .Boardl'of .~ov~-~ Super~isors..ef AlbemarIe. County, V'mr gmmma,' ' was held a~ the Court House of the said C.ount-y on the 16~h d~ ef March, 1938e Presume: ~ssrs. J. Mo Fray,. E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell MeOue and Dr. L, Go Rober~s~ Minu~es Of the meetings of February 17, 193'8, and l/arch 2, 1938, were read and .ap- proved. Messrs. R. H. Perry, Se~h_.~um. tle.y,. Re O. Randolph, a~d C. A. G~e, r~res~i~ ~he Iza~ W~t~ ~a~e, appea~ed ~d .r~uest.~ ~t a O~ee ~o~ed by Mr. P. H. Ge~, it ~s ~o~1~ or~e~d that ~$~s C~n appo~t~ the fo!l~g ~ ser~ on this C~ee.: - Dre L. G.:~r~s, ~e E. Je B~lard, ~d ~he C~n~ ~e~ive. re~ested ~t ~is Boa~ reque~ ~e High~y '~.o~ssion t~ ~nclude in,he Sec~ of ~ys ~t p~ion of-eld'~Eo~e 250 fr~ ~ eas~e~/l~'s ef ~ Oi~ ~ ~arl~es- ~lle %e %he b~dge o~ r ~v~_~ River, which ~s. been droppe~ f~m the P~ry ~steme The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L, Ge Roberts, duly se.con, ed, was unanimous- BE. IT..RE~OLVED by ~,~e. B.oamd ~f ~ounty SuDeA~is~rs of Albe- marie. Comu~, .Virginia, ~hat the Steele_DePartment of Highw~fs be an~ is hereby requested to revert to the. Seccndar~. System the sec- tion o£ old Rt, 2§0 described as follows: Section 1: Old location of Rte, 250 from. new lo~atien at wes% end of the Rivanna. River Bridge., v~e~st. O,tE..milea .~%o ~he E. C, L, of Oharlottesville. _0,22 mi $. TOTAL SECTION TO REVERT TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM - 0.22 Mi, A petition of the resideats o.f ~he vicinity of .N~a~r~villm, re~aesting that Routes ?22, and 72~ be improved, w~s ~resented. Upon motion~ .by Mr. C. Purcell M~ae, seconded Mr. P, H. Gentry, the following Resoluti~ .was nnanimoasly RE~OLUTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albe- marle~ Couuhy, Virginia, that the State Depar~men~ of Highways be and is hereby requested to improve Routes 602, 722, and 72S, a total di~ .of ,a~f~.',~-~'~e~.ly 1S~mm~.miles, when 2ands for same are avail- able. .... The following Resolution, off.e~ed by Dr, L, G, Roberts, seconded by Nrc P, H, Gen- try, was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION. EHEREAS, this Board has received from the School Board Proposed Budgeb ~for the year beginning July 1, 1938, and 'WBE~,.. acme. adjustments appear .necessary in order for the Expenses.~nch :~o ex~cee.d.~he. Estimated .Incoz~ 2or operation of the Oounty $~hools, · NOW;. THER~2~E, BE .IT RESOLVED_By 'the Board' of C~Anty Super- vis ors that': =le....Jh~e~e_.to ~the join~..agreement t~t ~ prin- cipal cf_ .an~scheol inthe county ,should receive a salary el. mo~e t~ S2~GeO0 per mont~, regard- less of.~the number~.cf~t, eache~.s ~aployed im the school. 20 Contracts for teache=s should be in accordance with · he salary, scale.witk pro~ision..for a deduction of .for r_etireme~, as p~ovided, by law, The eu~ire amount ~pro.~ided by the State' for teachers, salaries .sheuld_..be used for this pa.rpose exclusively and .the. necessary amoun~ to c~mply with the salary scale' adopted by, ~this. e,ounty should be supplemented £rOm comity fumtse. A earefu! cheek of the certificates held by teachers and maintenance of ~ 50-50 provision in the number of Normal Pr~fessic~al and Coll~glate ~rofessicmal in both white and colored groups- A ~easum~ble alle~- anee in the number of teachers employed holding Col- legiate Professional ce~ifie~tes should be made so as to provide for ~ose teachers nc~ ~ployed who are raising their certificates ~o Sellegiate Professional if' 'possible. - BE-IT.~JR~ER'RE~OLVED that this Board ~s relatively app~v~ ~he ~g~.y~five.O~ts ($.~)..l~y for_ S~ols ~d ~1 s~pl~e~ t~ s ~t.:~th.$S,~,~. App~.p~a~on.f~ ~he Genial F~ ~o pr~de ~xe n~ess~y ~. to o~r~ the School Sy~em for ~he ~ar be~i~ July 1, 19S8. Comnunica%ion from the. Children's. Home Society c~ Virginia, with reference to appropriation for the year beginning July 1, 1938, was presell.dm. Tho 'Co~ Executive was instructed to advise the Children'sH~e Society of Virginia that $1~eO0 had been eluded in the Proposed Budget f~r. the. Year 1958,39 for this item, Communication frem...the..S~.e:.Depar~:m.ent of Public Welfare, advising that all Mothers' ~i~ Oases should be.transferred, to the .Virginia Public Assistance Fur~ as all s~ch 23Z requesting the Board~to a~orize'the t~e~nsfer .of ~he one.in thia:e, oun~y %0 the Virginia Publi~ Assistance F~nd, was - The following Resolution; offered by Mr.. P. He Gen~,~..seco.~e.d by Mr. E. J. Bal- lard, was unanimously adopted.- . EE$OLUTION. BE .IT RESOLVED by the Bo~r.d of Of Albemarle Ooun~y, Virginia, that, all~ Regular. Mat~mers ! Aid~Cases to Special ~others'. Aid. Oases and,-~ .the~e~, ~a~ charge the~ Vir- ginia Public Assistance Fund. The maaS'er of Taxatieu ,el City of Charl~teaville.~p~oper~y..located in th~ County was again brought to the attention of the Board. and.'upon~mo~io,~,~,~duly made and seconded, action on same was deferred ~n%-il ~he next regular meeting. ' The C~anty Executive was directed to publish a s~nopsis-..~£ .~the~Propesed Budget for the year begiming July 1, 1958, ack, er. ding ~Oll~;..a.~e~ing..an,same~.~to be held at the Co~rt House at the regular'April, 1938, meeting ~f ~he Board. Claim of Mr~ Ge A, Haupin for tu~o lamh~kil!ed.~ degs.~ w~s presented and upon~mo~f~, duly ~d e i ~d seconded,, action on same. was ~ deferred ~un~il.~.~Maupinand the Game Warden~_ ~ could appear Before the Board and~ give ~hem more i~formation concerning same. Not!ce m~t~'~t~,~i~rgiILfa ~tage Lines would apply .for permi~ to operate a passenger line between Fork Uni°n and Scottsville was ~Presen~ede " The following.. Reports were presented and ~rdered filed: 1. County Executive, 2e Untversi~ of %~mrginia Hospital., $, Distri c~ .Bo~rd. Upon motion ~ ~. Ce Purcell McCue, ~duly sounded, ~.~County Executive ~as unanimously authorized to mak~ application te the Works. P~?S.,m Adminis~ration for aid in the construction cf a Garage en the. lot. back of~ ~he-jail Proper~e An agre~m~.~., signed by the property owners, on Rou~e No. 10I~ and No. ~1, t° prosecute.any person or persons who. thr~z ~.rash on their properties-, w~s presented with the reques~ that ~e Beard ce~opera~e wi~h the .property turners, in. their undertaking- Upon m~n% of Finance for +~he..mon%h of Febrsmry.,...l~8, eue,~hird.of which is. ~ be borne ~y ~he S%s~e, which s~atemen~ w~a examined, verified, and approveae The matter .of. re-payment %.0 the. General.F~ .~1. ~ ~c $ . Of Loan of $32, ~Oe~-?. .BY the School Buildtng~un~ .w~s .br~ught~ .~o the.a%tenti=n .of. the Board.an~ unanimously ordered eon- ~i~ued. ~:b-f~ l!~i~g~-~ Re ~!u~i,m~ ~,~,' ~ ~di~ ~b~ ~ ~ ~, ~ S .~ ~.~ ~a~-~n ~9~ !~ ~a d:~ed~:~, ~, ~, ~th the O~se Natio~ B~k of. New York ~ escrow to secure the Oo~ty's d-eposit~s,- _ . of' Albem~rfe County, ~rg~nia, that.the .Peoples ~atfonal B~nk be and is hereby'aug'or, zed %'o on,April I', 1~38", T~ D~N: $32,~0~00-0~ty 0f Chariest*n, S. C., 4~ Bonds due J~y 1~' 1~38', ..... ~d S~STIT~E T~~ $32~O~.OO'Federal~H~e LO~ ~ 2% Sensslidated Debent~es dine April l, ~.~TF~R ~$OL~D that the Peoples Natio~l B~k be and is hereby authorized to on Apr~ 15~ 1938, T~KE DOWN: $32,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 2% Consolidated Debentures due April and ' ' ' 'SUBSTITUTE TBF_~2~R: $32,000,00 Town of Front Royal, Virginia, 3~%-B°nds due December l, 19'38. BE IT F~RTHER R~OLVED that the Chase National Bauk be and is hereby requested-'~o notify the Director of Finance of Albemarle County when each of these eXchanges of securities Has been made. Claims, against the C~ounty, amOunti ~ng to $3i,8§9AO4, ~ere presented, examined~ verified, and' approved, and ordered certified to the Director .Of.Finance for payment and charged .against ~he follOWing FUnds: General School Virginia Public Assistance Dog Tax Crozet Fire District Road Debt Fun~S: Cha rLot ~-e s vi lle Rivanna SamueT;. Miller ~Sco~tsville ~ V~ni te Hall Cash In Hands of Superintendent of Schools Commonwealth of Vi rgin ia $ 6,489~0~ 19,$27.66 1,2~6,05 ~0.00 184,5~ 2,265.26 225.25 625.68 .89 °85 400.28' 25.00 1,0~0.56 To~aL .. $~1,859.04o Upon motion', the meeting adjourned. __ .., Chairman. A ~peeial Meeting ~f the Board of Cdu~ty Supervisors af Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at the Court Hous,e of 'the said County on the 12th day of April, lg~8. Present: Nessrs. J. M. Fray, E~ JJ Ba!lard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Mr. Elmer E. Burruss, Armhi%ect employed' to prepare plans for proposed new office building, preset ed and explained plans which had been prepared. Upon motien, du!ymade and seconded, the p~ans as submitted were a~o~ted and th~ County ExeCutive was instructed to make an application to the Works-.Progress-Administration for project to construct the building® The School B~ard appeared and presented a request for addi~i~a~' ~unds for opera- bion of school .'system for the year beginning July 1, !9Z8o Upou motion, duly made and seconded, it was ordered that a definite decision.in the matter be re~hed ~n next V~ednes.day, April 20, 1955, and the School B~ard be advised of this Board's decision at that time. Upon motion, the meeting adjourn ode A regular meeting of the Board of County Supervisors. Of Albemarle ~County, Virginia, was held at the Court House of the said C~unty on the 20th day of April,. 1938, Pre~en~: ,i ~MeSsrs. J. M. Fray, E, J. Ballard, P. H, Gentry, C. Purcell MeC~e, and !Dr. L. G. Roberts Minutes of the meetings of March 16, 1938, and April 12, 1938, were read and lapprovedo At this time the Citiz~$ were given an opportunity to discuss~the Budget for the/~ lyear beginning July 1, 1938o The following Budget for the year beginning July 1, I938, and ending June SO, i939, las presented and unanimously adopted~