HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-04-20 TAKE DOWN: $32,O00.00"~edera1 Home Loan Bank 2% Consolidated Debentures due'April and SUBSTITUTE TB~)R: $32.,000.00 Town of Front Royal, Virginia, 3~% 'Bonds due December 1, 1938. · IT F~RTHER R~OLVED that the Chase National Bauk be andis hereby requested.-to n0~ify the Director of Finance.of Albemarle Cou~ty when each of these exchanges of securities has been made. Claims, aMainst the County, amountirg to $3,!,889'©~, .were presented, examined, verified, and approved, and ordered certified to the Direc~or..af..Finance for payment and charged against ~he folIowing Funds: General SChool Virginia Public Assistance Dog Tax C~ze~ F~re District Road Do.Bt Fu~d,~: Cha rl~t~esville Ivy Rivanna ' SamueI~' Milter 'Sco~tsville Eqai te Hall Cash In Hands of Su_perintendent of Schools Commonwealth of Vi rgin ia $ 6,489~0~ 19,327.66 1,236,05 80.00 184.83 2,265.26 225.25 625 ~68 °89 400,28 25.00 1,030.56 $~1,859.04. Upon motion~, the meeting adjourned. rmal~ e .A Special Meeting of the Board of Cou~t7 Supervisor~ of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at the Court Houses of the said CoUnty on the 12th day of April, 1938, Present: Messrs. J. 'M. Fray, E-.. J~ Ba!lard, P. H. Gentry, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L, G. Roberts. Mr. Elmer E. Burruss, Archi%eot employed' to prepare plans for proposed .new office building, presented and explained plans which had been prepared. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the ptan~ as submitted were a~oepted and the County ~xebutive was instructed to make an application to the Works-Progress,. Administration for project to construct the building® seconded, IAPril 20, The School Beard appeared and presented a request for additional" funds for opera- tion of school system For the year beginning July 1, t938~ Up~ motion, duly made and it was ordered that a definite decision in the matter be reached ~ ~..xt Wednesday, 1938, and the School Beard be advised of this Board's decision-at that time. Upon motion, the meeting adjourn ed. / A regular meeting of ~e B~rd of Ceun~ Supe~sors of Alb~rle~ C~n~, ~irginia, was held at the Cou~ House of the said Ceun~ on ~ 20~h day cf-~pril,. 1~8, PreSet: ' s ~ ~e s,s. J. N. Fray, E. J. Bal~rd, P. H~ Gent~, C. Purcell Mc~e, and )r. L. G. Roberts. approved o year beginning July- 1, 1958. Minutes of the meekings of March 16, 19~8, and April 12, 1938, were read'amd At this time the Cittz~$ were given au opportunity to discuss~the Budget for the The following Budget for the year'beginning July 1, 19S8, and ending June SO, 1939, ms prese~te.d and unanimouely adopted~ 240 ALBemARLE COUNTY, VIRGINSA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE ~EAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1939 GENERAL FUND TITLE OF ITEM ANTICIPATED IELIN~UENT TAXE 1931 and Pri 1952 1933 1954 1935 1936 1937 LAHD REDEMPTION FEES: Clerk Trial Justice She~i~ff Commomweaith' Tram s fer FINES BOARD OF PRISON~ State of Virg: City of Cha ri U. So Gover~m~ oF Capi ia%ion' Rental INTEREST L~CENSES: Beer Slot Machines Attorm ey nia ttesville~ V~RGIN~Am: of Finance ~xpenses es ty Property Year TOTAL REVENUE O~ AMOUNT' TO BE ~ ' D~LIHC~PENT~ '0~ LEVY REq~!RED' ASSESSED VALU~ RATE OF IEVY ~ITLE OF ITEM 715.66 292.86' ~ 638~28 i,8T6j36 28,849.73 10,972,85 9,380~38 2,279.35 2,33~.66 2,I04.93 585.00 794.00 5', 059. I0 1,719.79 27,60 5,688.62 2,$6?.53 2,020.83 2,387.21 $0.00 117.00 Shows and Car~ Lva!s 202'.00 DOG TAX FUN~LTPG NEFER' 2,83?,33 A. B. C. BOARDTPROFTT~'f~)!SEBUTION 15,4~1.16 SALE OF PROPERT~ -o- V.P.A, ~ DVE! ~AD ALLO~T t~,0~ .~0 UNC~SSIFIED 4,350.5! ~R-T~N CU~E~ LE~ AISED BY C~ENT LE~ BASIS OF 12% OF PN3PE ~Y Year~.E~din§ $ 9,000*00 250.00 250. O0 500. O0 I,OOO.O0 S,000.00 "I0,000. O0 9,000. O0 2,500.00 2,500.'00 500. O0 '1,000.00 4,500.'00 I', 000. OO 6, 152.60 2,500.00 1,500o00 1,500'00 ' 10'O.00 100.OO 3,000.00 14, 500'00 275.00 1,000.00 250.00 $t'59,2~-7:. O0 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, ~ne~easeOver. De Tentative Yea Year Ju~e~30 Z0., 8,500.00 $ -o-. $5,000.00 250.00 -e- -o- 250.00 -o- -0- 250.00 -o- -0- 500.00 -o- 750.00 -e- 250.00 1,000.00 -o- 2,000~00 2,000.00 2,000.O0 10,000.00 -o~ -e- 9,500.00 500,00 -o- 3,.000.00 500.00 -o- 5'000.00- 500.00 -o- 2,100.00 -o- -o- 500.00 -o- -0- 2,500.00 1,500.00 9 Final Es%.ima~e $~500.00 -o- 1,000.00 150.00 -e- 850.00 6,000.00 -o- 152.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 -e- 30.00 . 125.00 250-00 2,750.00 20,000.00 1,000,00 250. O0 $t6~!55:,0.0.~ $ 28,O51.29 3,825o17' S'I,876.46 12,992,68~*00 .25 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE SO, GENERAL FUND -o- 70.00 25.00 250.00. -o- -o- 250'00 5,500.00 -o- 275.00 $10,775 ~,,CO $9~847,.00 1939 ------- YEAR ENDING'.~'S0, 1939 Increase Over Proposed year~Endimg~. Yea~End~ng -~ ~ ,,-~o 1938 ..... Ex~.~t,~.,o June 30, Ju~e .,~, .~.~8 Beard .A. BOA~{D OF COU..%.w2Y 8Ut-~RViSORE · ~_A. SPEC iAL SERV!C ES .B. COU)ITY EXECUTI%~ S OFFICE tC. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ~. RECORDING OF DOC B~EN*TS SA. CIRCUIT COURT ~B. T~IAL JUSTICE 'C( 5C. C05~ON~EALTH' S ~A. POLICI~G AND $C. CO_~FINE~ENT AND' PRISONERS ~. FIRE PEEW~NTION ~F. P~OR' RELIEF ~D. LUNACY CO~L~ISSI£ ). PUBLIC' HFJLETE [1. ADVANCEMENT' OF ~ ~RI CULTURE AND HONE ECON0~I .$. ELECTIONS [4. ~INTENANOE OF GROUNDS ~0TAL GENERAL F~ND ~. BOARD ~F COUNTY ~FERViS0~S .00 Comp~ea'~)m ~f'NeI~ber~ !20 Tra~e!~Expems em ~OTAL'~ BOARD OF ~ OOIrN~ SERWOE 112 Insu~ce ~i~ C~p~sa%ion amd[[ ~14 Rent Safe Deoosi~ ~lS Telephone an~ ~ei .~ Road Viewers ~ ~TY. ' S OFFICE ~STIGATIN~ 3AFE OF IILDINGS - AN D 8UPERViNOR8~ ~s--Surety ~onds - -Workman s Burglary Box egrapl5 Servi~$ =, ........... . .... , ~ ,' , .-~ .... ', ~'~..s,,,,~ 60, oO0,OC ~0.~,~, 14,700;00 1S, 368' 7~ ' -16, ~95. O0 15, O2~;50 S20~.~ 8,500,00' 8,030. I9 8,490.00 8,710.O0 280.00 2,287.O9 2,070.46 2, 292 &O9 2,327.09 220.00 S, 910 .O0 S, 838.43 3,810.00 4,160,.00. ~0.00 11,O55.00 10,612.27 10,5~.00 10,595.O0 1,255.O0 4,280.00 2,947.0! 3,820.00 3,295.00. 'o- S00.00 '79.16 $00.00 S00.O0. -e- 9,290.00 14,792.50 14,529.~0 24,-9[$.,70 11,;280.00 700.00 575.98 700.00 700.00 ...... ~- ?,500~0'0 5,768.15 7,500.00 ?,500~00-. -o- S,583.~0 3,588.36 3,687.00 $,677.00. 40.00 I',630,00 !,298.91 1,680.00 1,$80.00 .... o- $2~$OOj~0© ?$2,O15.52 $2,150.00 $2,000.00 ~-e- ~22g~00 ......... ..- ,~ j_ ,~.~" , . .... -- _ 25.00 15,O0 25.00 100.O0 $ -o-- $ -o- $ -o- $ -,- 1.54 25.00 25.00 -~- 15.00 15.00 I5.00 -o- 5.53 15.00 25.00 10.00 12.00 150.O0 100.00 -~ 50. ( )0 $ 15,227,50 TOTAL SPEC lB. 102 109 Cempens~ 212 lmsuran< 218 220 Travel $19 Sta%i $99 Miscell 405 0ffiee TOTAL TEAR ENDING ,, JUNE Prop,s.ed ....... Yea~, End&n Expendi%ure:s June $0.1958 241 June 3n,~.. 1958 ~ OFFIUE .o,~ of Co. Executive $1,200.00 $1,200.00 '$1-,200.00. $1,200.00 ...... .on of Seere%ary 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 .... ~200.00 Pr~i~-Sure~ Bead 25,00 25,00 25.00. and Teleg~ph Service 150,00 ~i.97 100.00 . . lOgO0 ....... ~ scs 50.00 -o- 50.00 80...00 25.00 -c- 2~,-0-0 25~0.. 'S O~ICE $8,000.00 .$2,767,~6 $2,950.~00 ~ $2~95~,.00 $ $,400.'00 $ $,$99,96 $ ~,400.00 $ Z, 400.O0 ~00;00 349.50- 400.00 400.00 800,00' $00,00 5.0.0 Pre~I~as--Surety Bds.l,050.O0 and Telegraph Service 150.O0 Expems es 300.00 %Printed Forms, etc. 1,000.00 20-00 lC. 'OF FINANCE 102 .on of Director 105 cf Deli=quests I09 Comp~ cnef Assistants: :J.F. $2,4~0.00 ~.K. 900.00 R. C, 1,110.O0 0. A. iver ?50.00' s:5 ~500 2,500.00 Extra Ip' 600.00 200-AdVerti~ g 2O4 212 Izsura~ OF FINANCE 220 519 399 Mi s~ 405 Offiee TOTAL 101 :[09 1 I or 201 Accounts 204 Book 212 Iz 215 RePairs 21~ Teiephon $17. Re o~rd $ -o - $ --0" 600. O0 6~ $58.44 7, 940'.00 8,260+00 $20'00 1!6,I2 200.00- 20-0.,00 ....... o- 10'.00 10.00 10.00- -~- 1,050. O0 1,050.00 762.50 -o- 77.61 I50, O0 I50 ~00 o- :~2~.~ ~O0.OO ~O..O0 -~ 1,'~'5 jO? 1,2'50;00- 1, 2'5~ -~ -$~' 20.00 20,00 -e- --0-- 287, 50 OF DOCUMENTS c~ of Clerk on Of Dep~ie~.: Deputy $2,400o00 temt 1,500~00 AuditOr. of~ mg Premiums--Surety Ben ds amd Telegraph Service $i7A Re-Imd~x Books $19 S%ationer~i, Printed ~99 ~iscella~ou~ 405 0ffi~e :imaemt TOTAL 'G OF DOCUMENTS e%e. 275.00 .... 2 ~*'25' _ 1_, 775.00 275.00 -o--. ,500,0(t ~,900.00 $,$61.00' $,.7~0;0'0. $,.9001.00: 160.00 -o- "67,'7~ .... -o- 100.00 142.50 200,00 25.00' 25.00 25.00' '25.00 2.00 2'5'00 60.00 59.25 60- O0 480. O0 470.I8 500.00 240.00 169.7Z 240.00 -o- 2.00 -o- 100'.00 ' 150,80.: lO0,O0 $8,5o2,0o $8,oso'.1 49o. oo SA, CIRCUIT 102 Cempensa e~ ~f Judge $1,062..09 $I,0'62.09 $1,062.09 I0S Relief ,s 50.00 J$0.0~ 50.00 120 Compe~sa e~ of Relief ~udge 80.00 20.00 50.00 121 Jurors ~es 1,000.00 858.60 800.00 122 Jury $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50..OQ. 50.00 200.00_. 25.00 25.00. 60..00-- -o- 440.00. -0- 60.00. 60.00 240:;00: - -o- IO..OQ 10.00 !00.00 - o-, $1,062.09 $*o- 50.00 50,O0 1,000.00 200.00 $0.00 --0- 60.00 218 Telephon $14 Librari~ $19 8tatioz S99 TOTAL 5Bo TRIAL I01 COmpen 102 120 Subs%itu 214 Re~% of 218 Telephon $17 Record B $19 Statiene $99 Nisce '405 Office and Telegraph Service 50..00 , Printed Forms, etc. 45.00 COURT ICE COURT on cf Clerk o= of Justice Jmstiee Room and Telegraph , Printed Forms, ipmemt $7,00 $2_,~287.0_9 _ $2, 50.00 60.00 2~5.00 50.00 15.00 25.00 ...$2,292.q9> .... 10.0O 10o00 . $~__~o, 00 .... etc. $ 900.00 $ 900+00 2,000.00 1, 99~.ST I00.00 180.0~ 60.00 60',00 5,00 -o- 4. $8 60,00 62.27 $ 900.00 2,000,00 I00.00 60,00 5.00 10.00 50.00 $' 900,00 2',000.00 100,00 60.00 5°00 10o00 75.00 25.00 5.00 185,O0 $1 5..oo_ 242 ITLE OF ITEM C. CO~0NWEALTH' S 32 Compensation ef 11 Doctors 18 Telephone amd T~ 20 Traveling Expe~ 99 Miscellaae6us OTAL COM, ATTORNEy .A. POLiCI~TG AN.D'I~ 02 Compensationr. 6f 06 Compensation of W. A. Smith H~ J. ~n~ C. S. Huf~ax W. S. Cook C. W. Bailey :12 Insurance Premi~ 18 Telephone ~d T~ :20 Traveling E~ ;OO Au%~ebile Tire~ ;12 ~soline, Greas~ ;19 Statiome~, Pri~ ;99 Mis eellan~us ~00 Aut~obile ' ' ~05 Office Equi~ ~99 Police Equi~% ~OTAL POLICING AND $C. ~ONFINE~ENT AND L02 Compensation of LO6 Compensation ef Lll Doctors ~'18 Telephone sad T, $10 Feed Supplies $11 F~el $19 Stationery,~ Pri~ ~99 Miscell~e~ s ~TAL CONFINENENT M ?RISONERS ?. FL~E PREVENTION ~08.Forest Fire Ext! ~OTAL FIRE PREVENTi( ~P. POOR RELIEF [02 Compensation of [09 Comp~sation ef Louise A. Will To be $e!eet~e8 Visitor Ida L. Hardy-~ ~O7 Electric Current. ~09 Ereight, Expres~ ~12 !~ranee ~mi~ ~!4 Ar~ Warehous, Sewimg ~ W. P. A. ~IS Telephoze a~d T~ ~20 Traveling E~en~ 228 Water Se~iee $11 ~el S19 Statione~, ~iz S28 Wearing Apparel S99 Coffee ~03 ~iture and F~ 408 Office Equi~en~ TOO Confederate ~Pen~ ~07 Methe rs' Aid ~99 Mi~cellaneous V.P.A. ~d ~a~ ~0TAL POOR RELIEF 8D. LUNACY COEISSI( 124 Compensation of TOTAL LUNACT CONNtS~' 9. PUBLIC HEALTH 111 School Dentist 1~8 Registrar of Vi% 229 Appropriation t¢ ~ar~memt EXPENDITURE ESTINATES G~TE RAL FUND EAR ENDING JUNE.· SO, ~l June ~',1938 Proposed Year .~di~g. Ye:~ ~ - App~opriati~ . E~diture Approp~.atiom....~P~di~es.~.J~ne~ 30.,~ 19S8 .... June SO ~TTOPNEY' S OFFICE Com.. Atty. $3,700.00 $3,69 9.96 $3,700.00 $4,O00.00 ........ $S00.00 50.00 15.00 50,00 50.:00 .... o- ~legraph Service 10.00 -e- l~.O0 10.00. -c- e s 25.00 5 $. 60 25.00 50.0.0 ..... 25.00 -~ S 0 FFToE ESTIGATtN~ Sheriff Depub i e s .. $1,500,00 1,020 L, 960,00 540.O0 5,24?00 as-.Sure~ ·Bonds 40.00 Legraph Ser~ee 100.00 es--Mileage 2,0~.00 , Tubes & Repairs and Oil -o- ted Fo~s, etc. 2~00 8OO.O0 ~ARE OF .PRISONERS Cook legraph Service Forms, etCe 5, 0~7.50 85.00 1,385.~6 2'2,75 g12.74 5,87 980~.00 - 4,-980.00 .. 50~. 00. 55.00 125.00 125.00- 700.00. ,500.~).0- ~ ~00'.00 200~?00 300.O0 700,~0-. 50.00 50~0 25.00 25.0D 200~.00._t 10. O0 .... !0.00 -o-' 50~,.00 S9 Under All.owed ~ding by 1988 Boa rd -o- 1,2(0.00 100.00 '~- 400.O0 ,~- ,oo.oo 50.00 -2- D CARE OF $10,61'Z~27 .... $10,5~.~00 ..........$10,595~0G- ............. $1,255...00 ..... $1,2( AND EXTINCTION 9oo.oo $ 900.00 $ 900.o0 $ 9o0.00 -o- $-< -o- -o- 260.00 260.00 -o- -o- lO.O0 l0.00 10.00 -o- .-~ 50.00 ,000.00 1,770` O1 2,500.00 2,000. O0 -e- 5( 40, 00 -e- 4~.00 -'~-40,'00 -o- -( 10.00 2 280.00 $4,28o. oo .... $~0.00 . -o ...... N AND EXTINCTION $S00.00 '$79..16 .$S00:.00:.. $SOO.O0 . Superintendent $1,800.00 As sis%an~ s: iams--Visitor $1,020.00 900.00 ~teneg~ 780,00' 1,595,00 ~.00 , Drayage 10.00 m--$ure%y~BOad (1,020,00) $5,100.00 0.00 $10,715.00' 0.00 $ 1,8oo.oo $1,8oo.oo $1,8oo,oo ..... $ ....... ~--o- $-, 1,385.00 :-,..,1,560.00 2,70-0.00 1,140.00 S7.52 50.00 10-.-00 -0- 17-6'75 150.00 .~i..~ 100+00 ...... o.- 5.00 .'o- ~ 5.OO... 5.00 0.00 108.00 legraph Ser-~.e ted Forms, etc. gtures ~fer .... .rs Eembers IONS 250.00 $87'67 100.00 ~ I06.55 825.00 g4~ · 55 10 · 00 10, ?0 100.00 82.26 50.00 248.77~ $00,00 1~ .44 $00; 00 70.50 50.00 -o- 50. O0 1.4.85 -$, 800.00 $, 500.00 -o- '. . .. 5, 564, 70 440. O0 150.00 go0.oO 15.00 !00.00 I0O, 00 50,00 50.00' I00. O0 200.,00 SO0.00 564°-70 204.00 o- I28,00.. 1,200.;00. SO0.O0 10.00 ..... o- IQ;OO: -o- I25'.00' ... 25,00 50..00 50.00 50.~00 500.00 400.00 ~.'~ -0- 14., 8~4.:70 9, $700.90 _ $7o,,o .o0 .... $ ,.oo.oo $ 500.00 $ 500.00 f$ 500.00 · ! Etatis%iee SO0.O0 144.50 300.00 Joint Health 6, 700.00 2~ 6.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 5 ;, 00 4C; .00 _ $700.00 $ 500,00 .... o- ZO0.O0 -o- 6, ?00..00-- . EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES GENERAL FUAD (Cent' d) 24 TITLE OF YEAR E~ JUNE $0, 19~? Year Ending June SO, 19~8 Proposed. Appropriations. Expenditures, - June, 11. 109 Compen s TeO, I18 'Home Miss 218 Telepho TOTAL 15. ELECT!OI 112 Electto] 214 Rent 222 V~ting Printin~ $19 Stati°~, $99 Miseetl~ TOTAL OFAGRICUL~TURE AND HONE ECONO~{ICS ton ofS~%e~e~he~--, $ '480.00 Der $60.00 1,T28.O0 ~strators: ~ie 1~iIler $800.00 B~r~uss 40OEO0 and Telegraph~vi~e i~emt OF ^GRICULTURE ' 480.00, $ 480'~00 ,$ 480.00 $-o:- 1,728.00 1,797.00 1,797-.00 -o- 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00. 1,200.O0~ -e- 60.00 66.96 175.O0 125,,0~ -o- o00 .......... 40~0.0. 115.00 IlS. 40.. ~5..00 ....... . ......... I .. $1,500.00 $ 930.06 $1,5~.,O0- . $1,200,00 65. O0 30, O0 75 .O0 75 ;~1t''?repar~m~ 15.00 -o- 15.O0 15.00 ~r~, Mrinted Fo~$, etc. 25,00 ~8,85 75.~ 75.00 m~oua 25.00 .... o ....... 1.5.00. 15,00 $1,630.00 $1,298.91 $1,680.00 $1,$80.00 z _ -- _ .. . L ._ . _ ,~ , --~ ' -'- 14. E OF, BUILDING A~ GROUNDS "ig~.:CaPi%al $1,?00.00 $ 405.00 $ 500.00 $$0,000.00 $29,500.00 119 Comp, n: on of Janitor 576.00 576,00 576.00 576.00 -0- 207 Ele~%ri~ 450.00 386.84 ~50.00 500.00 50.00 2~O Ins~ran( Premiums--Fire 50.00 -o- 50.00 211 Premiums--Liability 30.00 -o- $0.00 50.00. 2'0~00 214 Rent 15.00 -o- -o- -o- ~o- 215 Repairs $00.00 701.93 1,000,00 1,000.00 225 Water S~ 100.00 100.~0 I00,O0 300.00 200.00 S01 Bedding 100.00 60~76 100.00 100.00 N06 Cleanin s ,md Smpplies 500.00 3~?.81 500.00 &O0.~O -o- NO? Disi= 150.00 -o- 150o00 100.00 Nil Fuel 615.00 549.86 600.00 500.00 $99 50.00 60.24 50.00 50.00 -o- 403 Furz and Fix%urea 50.00 44,72~ 50.00 50,00 -e ........ TOTAL GROUNDS OF BUILDINGS AND Sa',~t~:,-~6 ....$4~ 1~6.00 ~ $.S~,626.00.... $29,Y70~00 REVENUE ESTIMATE8 .VIRGINIA' PUBL I C' AS$1S~NCE Tear-Ended Year Ending by 1938 Board 50~00 June NO~ 1937 APPRopRIATION {FROI/ GETERAL F~ID .lo: ........ $. ,,564.*0 .. $14,8E4.*0 $g,~60.00 J~e ~0, "1938 ~epoee~ Year ~di~g TITLE OF IT 1550.00 - $$00.00 50°00 100.00 50. O0 100.00 1938 80, 70Z General Aid $ ---- ) $ ...... ) $ 6,989.$0 $ ........ 704 i Over ) ) S, 650.00 ) ?05 Bli'~d -e- 12,125.~2) 14,859.30) 200.00 500.00) 706 child we: ) ) 4,000.00 ?07 'Free ~o I=dig~%s ) ' ~ 500.~ 708 Old AEe Ls~istanee ,,, ~o- -o-_ . ._ -o- 8~760.00 ......... 8, T60.00 DO~ T~ ~D TITLE OF SALE TOTAL DOG June NO, 19N7 (Aetuat) Year Emd~g June $O, 19~8 · Teata-~ive.: Year..~di~i Yea: ,~di:~g Est~a~e ....... [Jmne...30~ 19S8 ..... June 30, 1938 SS,z?ooso $5, zoo.oo $s,.2o5.oo .... $5,o0. -- ~ i ." _.- u · , ~" : ,~ .... .. /-2 ) $11,204.1( -o- ) 1,600.0( 18,924'.2~ Fimal Estimate ITLE OF ITE3/ .2'. PROTECTION OF ~II;ESTOCK AND FOWLS .16 Compemsation o£!1 Game, Warden $ ;I~ Reeord Becks az~ Tags ;99 .~iseelIaneOus ~1 FoWl Claims ~02 Livestock Cla~ ~05 Rabies TreaSon 18% ~f Colleeti m~~ due State Tramsfers %e Ge e~! ~OTAL PROTECTION OF ~STO~ ~iTLE OF ~IN~NT T~S: 195~ ~OT~ R~ ~0~5 ~0~T TO BE ~IS~ ~D BY ~RR~~' L~ DELI~TS ON BA; ~.IS OF 10% LE~ REgUIRED ASSESSED V~UE OF PR0~RTY ~TE OF L~ PiT~E 0F I~ FI~' ~O~CTION 19 Capital ~tlay 119 C~p~s atien 20? Elee~rie Curre~ 210 I~suranee Prmi' m--F~e 214 Rental eF Hydra: 215 Re~i rs 22~ ~ater Settee ~00 Automobile Tire , R~airs & Upke~ ~1! ~el ~12 Gas, Oil & ~rea: e TOTAL CROZET FI~ D~ S~ICT F~D TI~ 0F IT~ 19~6 ~0~ ~E ~ ~.~0~ ~~BE. ~I~ BY ~C~ ~'~ ~L N ~S 0N ASSESSED V~ OF P~PER~ ~TE OF LE~ EXPE~I TURE ESTIMATES DOG? TAX/FUND '¥~ar ~d{~g' ~ ..... i~'crease ~er 406.00 $ 456.00 $ 4~.00 $ 6~.00 ..... $180.00 I25.00 97.40 125.00 '125.O0 ......... e- 25.00 -~ ~00.00.. IO0.OQ ....... 250.00 29~.$0 2~0..~.~ ~O0.O0 SO.O0 760.00 790.58 760.00- 780.00 ........ 20.00 2,DO0~ ~ ....... 3,000,00 2,837,33 $5,6?0.00 ~EVENUE ESTIMATES CRgZET. FIRE DiSTRiCT FUND TEAR ENDING JUNE SO, Y~r ~d~d Year~ ~'d~a'g' In.orea Jume- June~'~O, ..~938..-~em-~a~i.ve.~ .. ~r ~di, m§. Es%ima~te Jum.e SO J~e: EXPENDITURE ES T/t/ATES CBDZET'FIRE DISTRICT FUtfD YEAR'ENDED JUNE SO, 19:..~_ ~T '... year 'E~d:i~ June.SO,'- 1938. Proposed. ' A.-~. ~,~ -*~ en E~s~itu're Apo~p~ tion ~ Expendi%Ure~ L9S9 lncr~,as, Uvo. De .... as. Under Al l. ow~d June SO, t938 ~Tu~e $~ 1938 Board $125.00 $125.00 -o- 80.00 80.00 18.00 18.00 25,00 25,00 -o' $96.00 396.00 -o- 10.00 10,00 ~o- 18.00 18.00 -o- $5.00 $5.00 -o- TITLE OF IT~ REVENUE ESTIMATES .~t~OOZ~l~ MILLS SANIT-~RY- DISTRICT F~D ~R ~DING J~ SO, Year ~ded Year ~.di~E .... ' .... ~I~e~a'se':~-r.~-~e~ease ~ $15.00 Ss.?? $25,00 $1o~oo. 1939 ~i, ng, Final. 1938 E. stimat~ 30.' i ANCE OF 215Re~airsl 800 !Red~ptien of B~ 803 Interest'on Ben( TOTAL ~AINTENANOE O] :~ ~GE SYSTEM d S -e- ~RAGE 8YST~/ -o- , $1 s.oo $ 4o'oo .....S-o- -o- 300'00 500.00'~ 200,00 72.00" . .... ?oo_ ...... ... o. ? $507..100 TITLE OF I~%ere ~ TOTAL ANOUNT ~TO LE!~Y REqU: ASSESSED RATE' 'OF TITLE 07 IT~ RE.VENUE ESTIYATES CHARLOTTESVZLLE DISTRICT ROAD-DEBT~ ~JND Year Em~e~ Year Endf~E June 30, 1937 June ~0, 1938 Tecta%iv e Year Ending Estima%e June 30, 1938 Eading Final' 30, 1938 Estimat P~VENUE: .,.I~,~ve.S%mem%s ~,.:: $90,000.00 @..2~% RAISED BY CURRENT LEVY ON BASIS OF 10% $3,034.96 Sa, 500.00 $t,.zoo.,oo-. $-0- $1 so $5~ 090 ~2I $4,187.'~80 $~, 450.00 . :~582.~0. 2,825'89 $22,564.00 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES CEA RLOTTESI~ALE DISTRICT:: ROAD" DEBT'.~JN~'; Ap~ro~ riation ~di%ure June. $0, 1988 Prepose.d .... Aporopriation E~di~re June ease~=~'~r Af~ew, ear-E~ding by ~ 30, 1938 Boa2d 31. DEBT 800 'Re4emp%~ 803 I~eresi TOTAL:DEBT~:~ $15, O00.00 $25,~ 112.83 $13,015.27'~ I0, 0'50.50 g, 289.97 8,875.50 $20, O00.00 $6, 984.73 8,865.05 TITLE' OF IT IlISCELLANEOU S IREVENUE: Deli~g~e~ ~axeS ' TOTAL REm TRER THAN CURRENT LEVY AM0~T T01B~ ~ISED ~Y C~m~T LEV~ DELiNQUENts 10N BAgI$ OF 10% TITLE OF REVENUE ESTINATES IVY DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND $ 73?°00 $ 5oo.oo $ 2~o.0o 900.o0 .... 55o,o_0 .. 1.0~0;00 500.00. . BXPENDITURE ESTIMATES IVY DISTRICT ROAD DEBT...F~ND- 'FEAR:. END ?-'~NE- $0,,,, 1957 ¥ear'",:EnSfn'g Ju~e 30, 1938 P~oposed Year :Ending/. - 10.45 _SlO.4s ..... ear Ending Final ne.. 30, 1938 Estimat ~.00 :250.00 1939. 1938 Board ~2'; 'DEBT'SE~ 800 Redemptf 803 Interes~ TOTAL DEBT TITLE OF ITI~ MISCELLANEOU Delinquemt I~teres% O: AMOUNT TO BE DELINQUENTS LEVY ASSESSED PATE' OF LEVY TITLE OF $4,800.00 $ 6,191.41 $4,800.00 4,100,00 4, t07~t6. 4~100~00 $10,298.57 $8.900.O0 $5,O00 o00 $200 o OO 4,10.0 ,O0 $9,I~.00 $200.00 REVENUE ESTINA'TES RIVAk~A DISTR ICT ROAD DFBT' FUND Year'Ended JUne 30, 1935 (Actual.) Ju~e, 30,-1938 (Estimat ed ) Tentative ~s%imate. ·,Year. Endin.g... June~30,. $1,159.67 $1,600.00 2~345.75 2,.68.7:~50-: $1,000,00 .... $-0-. 2, .1o..0o. ..... 22 ..-5o. THAN CURRENT LEVY BY CI~2PENT LEVY BAS~S OF 10% OF PROPERTY $3.505.42 $4,287.50 ,2, O 60. O0 20,600'i00 2,435,30!~00 .85 'EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES RIVAN~LA DISTR~¢T ROA.D DE~ ,FUND ENDED J_LUNE 30,,. 1957 Year; E~img June 80, 1938 Proposed Appre~ria%,S-on 'Expem~.it.u.~es ~, -Jura $0, 193'9 E~ding Final 30.~..19S8 Es~imabe. 1939 u g by 19~8 Board 800 Redemp~i~ 803 I~tere~t ef Ben ds Bond $ $ 6,700.00 $12,864.66 $ 9~594.34 $1!,400,00 1_1,450.00 8,519..67 11,300,O0 1t,O50,00 . $1,805.66 250,00 TOTAL DEBT S! $18,150.OO $21,384.38 $20,894.34:. $250~00 .~TLE OF ITEN ' lis CET~ANEOUS PEVEN Delinqu em~ Taxes Intere ~ e~ ~OTAL. RE~' ~0~ TO BE RAIS ~IN~UE~S ON BA L~ RE~U~ED ASSESSED V~ O~ ~TE OF L~ tITLE OF ITE~ ~, 'DEBT' SERVICE BOO Redemption of Bi BO3' Interest e~ Ben~ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TITLE OF ITE~ M!S 0ELLANEOUS' P~J~E~ Delinquent Taxes Iriterest on Imves TOTAL REVENUE OTHE~ AMOUNT TO BE RAIS DELINQUENTS ON BA LEVY-REQUIRED ASSESSED VALUE OF RATE OF D~VY TITLE OF ITEM THAN CUPJ~ENT" LE~Y .~ BY CURRENT LEVY ~IS OF lAC PROPERTY REVENUE ES TIN~TES SANUEL NILLER DI STRICT ROAD DEBT ,FUND /:.' ~Y:e~' ~d.~ed~:~ ~ Yea,r.Ezt~il~g Ju~e $0.~ 1~$? ~u~e. S0. !~$8.~ ~e~a~Ve~.'' Year,~hding YEAR ENDING :JUNE S0; 1959.. iii~.~.e_ '0ye ~ 'Dee rea s e 'Un a er ,~ear Ending Final June, ;~O, 1958 Estimate 1959 1938 Beard $1,742.31 $1, 600.O~ . $1,500.00 -o $2,7S6,56~- $I,600,00 $I,:5Q0,00:: .......... 3,102.27~ 2,B88,0~8.00 !.00 E~D I~RE ES~S S~ ~ER DISTRICT ~ ~B~..~ t~ S~::~- ~ear" ~'dx~ Ju~e 30, ~_1~$8. P:r~.o~ed Y~.- ~d~ g Year rods $33,O00,00 $13,$!9.21 $24,?$9.00 $11,500..00 ......... o- '.s 14,450.00 11,400.~4.4- ~ 12,.~50..,0G ........1~,.~50.~00 ........ 'Tear' ~d~: Y~ar" '~i~'. "::': ...... ~er~s.e.."0ve~ ' ~er~-~ June ~0, ~9~7 ~e.~0~-.t9~8 .... TeAqa~i~ .... Ye~,.,~ding Yea~.,~ THAN CURR~NT LEVY .~D BY"CUE~ LEVY ~IS OF I:~% PROPERTY $1,79I. 6Z $1,500. oo_ $~, 8gO.OO $300.00 -e- - ' ' ' ' -'"'" ' S,652.85 2~, Z52 ~$5 2, ~20~ 95Z ~00 1.10 ~NDI~RE ESTIMATe, SOOTTS~ ~S~CT RO~.. ~DEBT-~- Year ~ding''' ' ' !~A~ E~ED ,~ 30,. I937 June '$0; 1938 Apprppriat$ ~? 35. D~BT '~ER~fCE ' TOTAL DEBT ~RVICE Il TITLE OF IT, E~ MISCELLANEOUS ~REVEN Delingue~ Taxes Interest on Inves. A'o~,ropri.~%l on Experdi ,~ re .... Pj ' - _._ - ..;:- . YEAR,ENDING JUNE' $0 Proposed. .Y~r ~di~ g .Y~r E: TOTAL REVENUE ~ OTNER ANOUNT T0 BE RAIE DELINQUENTS ON BA LEVY REqUiRE D AS~ESSED VALUE OF RATE OF BEVY $$5.000,00 $ 7,768.72 $25,317o78 900.00 14, ~67',14 13,499~. 50' $48,900.~ $2I, 83~:~.~6 $38,81..7,28 I~VENUE ESTIIiATE~'. WHITE ~LL ~TRIOT ROAD DEBT' ~men~--$32,500.OO THAN CUR~NT :D 'BY -CURPENT 'LEFT :Is 0FZe~ P~P~TY ·ear~ "Ended',- Year 'End'i.~E- Jume. $0. 1933 Jtm.e ..$0;~ 1938 $ 821.81 $ 750.00 342.50 7'50~, 00 $1,164.3I $1, Te'ri~ati~e... Year. En.din§.. Yea~ - Es~ w'~'.%e ..... Jane ..S0-, .'.1g$8 $ ?50.% ' ....S-o,- 975,00 225.0-0 $1,725,00 .......... $ 10, 7SO~'O0 11,944 1,400,069 EXPENDITURE EST~[ATES WRYTE HALL DISTRICT ROAD DEBT ~FUND- Year Ending June 30, !9~8 Apprepr i ati on YEAR ENDE'D"JUNE 30, 1937 Approp ri ati on. Experidi.%u r,e $ 6,225.00 $ 7,603-43 $5,2IS.24 ~,5 ~.00 $, 535.38 1989 ~ding Final ~lgS8 .Ea~ mm%e L TITLE OF ITE~ 36. ~EBT' SERVICE 800 Redemption of B. 803 Interest on Ben, TOTAL DFBT SERVICE ':. 78 i'ng. Final1 1938: Estimate A11 ~ed Board TE~ ENDING-.. JUNE SO 1939 In~ease Over Deere~ e un'er Proposed . Year.Ending.. Year Endin E~pe~di%-~wes~ June.30,..~38 J~e .~ O, lgs8 $ 8.0~.00 ...... $2,786.76 %0- TITLE OF ] STATE FL~DS Geme ral Supervisi Supe ri~%e~a opt ' s Salary Deli~qu~f: Taxes Cash Appropriation Tui%ion O%he~ Coun%~es Rez~s, ~e~at~s~.Miscellameous L~ RE~REb ASSESSED RAE OF TITLE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES SCHOOL FUND Tear E~ded' Year End.i~g~ June SO, 1937 June 30,. 1938. ~en~ative -Year Emding. ..Year (Ac%ual) (Es~ima%ed) Es~t~%e.. Ju~e 30,...1988.~ ~ Ju~ e 87,6.62.00 $ 88,530.00 $ 88,530..00 $ 4~296.67 4,426.00 4,516.67 2,960.89 3,810.00 4,287.80 427.80 -o 1,058.75 1,1-55.00 I,I55~00 8,188.02 9,200.00 7,500.00 -o- 1,70 -o- 6,000.00 16,500.00 .... 10,500.O0 -~ 985.00 985.00 985.00 -o- $84.00 200.00 400.00 200.00 -o- 200.00 200.00 -o- -o -o- 400.00 400.00 -o- -o 1,,106.46 100.00 100.00 -o-- -o 635.98 1,184.00 !,100.*00 .... o- EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES SCHOOL FUND it u re JU~e.-~ 30, j1988 YEAR ENDING. Jt~E Propos ed - Year~ .Em din g SU//~ARY 17A SCHOOL 17B l~C l'rD 17F HOUSING 19 C~i TAL 20 DEBT SER S OFFICE TOTAL SCHOOL I?A. SCHOOL BOARD 100 Compensa~l~i~B of Members 220 Traveling ~xpenses 218 Telepno~[~ ~d Telegraph Service 298 C~uni%y ~c%ivi~ies and Com- mene~e~%~ ~osts TOTAL SCHOOL B~ARD 17B. SUPERYN~Im~D~_:I~T'S OFFICE 102 CompensatiOn ef Superin~?dent 205 ~e~%rie~ C~rrem~ 214 R~ ~. 215d ~ure~ ~nd Repai~ 218 Telephom~ amd Telegra~h~ Set,ce 220 TravelC ~ 319 ' StatiO~ Prin~i~ g~ r:' ~SSage, ~08 0ffiee TOTAL S OFFICE 17C~ INSTRUC tS3~ Pri~ei 133d Princi~ 134a Teachers Male 134b Female 154~ Teachers Negro - I34d Tea Negro - 134e Male I$4f Teachem~ Female 540.00 $ 67i.56 $ 640.00_. _ $_.. 740.00 . $ .... i.oo.oo ..... $. 5,935.00 ' ....6,285.53 5;998,00 7,011.00. 1,138.00- 155,396.00 I49,387.98_ 148,380.00 155,122;50 8,267..50 1, 11,890.O0. 12','S09,52- 13,395.7I' !7,001.00' 4,601.29 12,560.00' I6,431,08 15,934; 55 I9', 468;00 3,548.45 8,420.00 ~,592.21 13, ~00.00 8,300.00 1,900.00 6, 1349 Teachers i Elementary - Negro - Male I 1S4h Teachers ~ementary - Negro- · Female 134i Teachers Vocational - White -' 134~ Teachers Vocational- Negro - M, le $205,196.O0 $201,927.26 $2.18,S19..26 $223,099.39 .......$19.775,.10 .... $10, $540.00 $517,50 $500.00 $500.00 -o- 151.00 140.00 140.00 -e- 3.0'6' -o- -o- -o- -o- -e- -e-- 100.00 100~00 $540,00 $671.56 $640.00 $$,600.O9 $3,757-50. $3,S00.O0 $S,SO0o.00 900.00 932.75 960;00 1,020,00. -o- -o- -o- 55,00 490,00 600.00 606.00 486.00 -o- -o- -o- SO.00 S25.00 152.94 132.~0 135.00 500.00 378.07 500,00 500.00 120.00 484.27 500.00 900.00 -o- -e-- -o- .585,.00. $5,985.00 $6,285., 5S .$§:~ ~8.00 ~' ~egr° .Male ) ) ) - Negro-Female ). ) ) High School - ~ite - ) ) ) ) ) ) High, School ~ite - ) ) ) ) ) ) m~ s~oo~ - ) ) ) Sohool- ) ) ) ) ) 135a Compensation and Travel of Suoervisors - ~hite 135b Compensation and Travel of ~1~ Supervisors - Negro L939 1938 Final Es%imate $100,000.00 4,816.67 4,237.80 1,155.00 7,500,00 6,000.00 985.00 400.00 200.00 400.00 ' I00.00 L,O0 1,1co. 00 ~00- $126,,594.47 1939 ~r.. Ending by $ 740.C 1~.20.00 6,511.0 ~25.00 156,792.5 ~96.00 16,001.0 t15~00 19,468.0 ~00.00 8,100.0 ~?.97 ~.5,4~7.8 $500.0 140.0 ~0~ 100o0 $740.0 60.00 o- 55',00 -o- L20,O0 30.00 400.00 .o- 585.00 .e- o92.,50 $ 14,085.00 6SO.OO 832.50 7,605.00 17,887.50 504.00 ) - 1,512.00 )< 990.00 ) ) 73,062.00 ) 1,50S.00 ) ) 15,916.50 ) 3,060.00 ) ) 1,.080.00' ) 5,085.00 ) ) 945.00 $3,S00o0 1~020,0 55.01 486.01 S0.0~ lSS.01 500.0t 900.0~ 85.0~ .20~00 ._ 15,855.0~ 62s.7~ 824.1~ 7,528.91 19,312.4: 498.m !1~496.8f 980.1/, 73,756.9f 1,487.g~ 15,757 · 3~ $,029.4C 5,034.1~ TLE OF ITE~ · - ~C. INSTRUCTION '~ ~0 Travel of ~lture Teacher and High School sunervisors . :On Travel - ~onemies Teachers tl !Ob ~Travel - Negro ~eacher of VocatiOnal AgriCulture ~ )5 ?(~o'em Smppl[es )Sa ~o%ie~ Picture ~eels )Sb Standardized Te L$ Laboratory Supp L4 LLibrary Supplie ~2 Vocational Educ )9 Stenographic Se )TAL INSTRUCTION ?D. TRANSPORTATION ~$ Salary of Reoair 56 Truck Drivers 11 Insurance on Tru [4 Rent on Airport 18 Telephone ,~'~Repa 19 Contractors 30 Tires, ~epairs a 12 Gas, Oil and Gre~ 0TAL TRANSPORTATION ?F. HOUSING 19 Wages of Janitor 25 Repairman of Bui 07 Electric Current 10 Insurance on Bui !56 Repairs - Build lsd Repairs '- Furni 18- Telephone - McIz 2~ Water 00 Tires~ Tubes and 06 Janitors Supplie 11 Fuel 12 Gas, Grease and 25~ Wells ~9 ~classified 0TAL HOUSING 9.~ CAPITAL OUTLAY 25 Playground Impro' 236 Floors - Mclnti~ Stony Poiz% 00 Replacement of T~ 05 Furmiture 0I~ New Buildings to Auditorium Gte, Building - Bro~ Home Economics Commercial Wor] OTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY O. DEBT SERVICE O1 Principal Litera 04 Interest Literar 0TAL [~EBT SERVICE ies tion Supplies vices an and Helper :ks ~r Shop d Upkeep EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES SCHOOL FUND (Cont'd') $ .o- $ 26o.So 26,120.00 22,980.48 1,479.00 641.04 -o- 20.~? 2,000.00 2,447~11 158.00 280 $155,~96.00 400.00 2,650.00 2,000.00 1,575.00 3,000.O0 150.00' ye~.~ Eh'dinE , 1~39 435.00 $. $5.00 · 5'00.00 500.00 mOm 50.00 50.00 S,500.00 850.00 -o- 2,200.00 200.00 -o- 90.00 90.00 -0- 300.00 300.00 550.00 -o- 1,025.0 2;500.00 -o- 500.0~ 300.00 150.00 -0- $8,26~..50 $1,,525~0~ -o- $ -o- $ ~-o- $ 1,560.00 $1,560.00 $-o- 2,1!5.00 2~259.50 3,168.00 $,500.00 332.00 -o- 1,200.00 -o- 1,200,00 1,$00.00 100.00 -o- -o- -e- -o- 75.00 75.00 -o- -o- -o- -o- 56.00 56.00 -o- S,575,00 '2,880~00 2,106~00 1,1!O. 0'0 3,000.00 3,576.86 3,600.00 4,950.00 1,350.00 2','000.00 $;:595;:-$6', ', '$,"32~:;71,' 4,z;50.00.,.. 1,128.29 $11,890.00 $12,$09.52' $13,39.5.,71 $1~,00L~00 $4,601..29 $ 2,100.00 ding~ -o- $60.00 .dings 2,500.00- .ng a~d Ground.s ) 3,000~00 rare and Fixtures) ;i re -o- 250.00 Part s -o- 600.00 S,750~00 il $ 2,209.$0 44S-o49~ 2, !~0.93 S,72~.:~5-) 96~.44 6,4!4'. SO $ 3,237¥00 $ 3,780.00 $ 54S.00 -o- 960. O0 960.00 689~. 50 1,100. O0 410.~0 1,915'. O0 1,900. O0 -o 4,006.00 ~) 3,000.00: ) -o- 1, ooo. oo ) 48~.00 48.00= 580. O0 58.0. O0 -o - -o-' I0.0 ~,00=~. !00.00. 900. O0 1.200,00-~ 4,165.05 4,500.00. 435.00 500.00 3,500.00 ~2,200o00 90.00 300.00 550.00 2,500.00 476.66 $ 1,560.00 3,500°00 '1,$00.00 75.00 56.00 - $,950.00 -o '- t' ,., 4'45~0.00~ $9 9.6,o · ..$1a., ool, oo -o- -o~- -o-' SO0.OQ- -o= 9.07 400%00 500.00 100.00 -o- -o~ -o~ 500~00 $ S,780.00 960.00 1,100.00 1,900.00 3.000.00 1,000;00 48.00 580*00 100.00 1,200.00 4,500.00 SO0.O0 500.00 500.00 $ -o- $ -o- $1,200.00. $1,200.00_~. $ -o- -o- % -o- -o-~ 700.00 700.00. 6,620.00 6,476.$2 11,500~00 5,500..00 .... o- 6,000.0( 1,800.00 -, 1,118.89 1,800.00 900.00_. -o- 900.0( ~ $19~468,00 · ement - Mclntire e, Broadus Wood, ~omsi.der ~wood due Wood at ~eIntire - ~cIntire $8,420.00 $?, 592...2.1: . ' $1S,$00,00 r Fu~d $ 8,700.00 $7,922.8A $ 9,671.00 $ 9,895..86 $224.86- S-o- Fund $~755.00 1,326.50~ 6,07~00 - .44~.9 $15,671.00 $!5,447,89~ $224,8.6 =, $447.9' $12,455. O0 $9,24..9 $1,200.00 500.00 5,500.00 .900.00 $8,100.00 $ 9,895.86 ..5,552_-0 · $1~,447.89 The Board proeeede~ %o lay the CoUnty LeVies for the Year 19S8 and ordered that the Director of Finance of~ the Coumty of A~bemarle .asSese~nd .collect en all taxable' real estate and all taxable tangible persomal property, including ~ch~e~ and tools not assessed as real estate at the general reasses~ent ef'!ands in I~'2B, ~ed or ~ployed in a ~a~turing er mining bu~ness taxable ~ the State en ~apita!; including pubtie seB~ee, ee~eratiO~ pro~y (exert the rolling s~ck ef railroads operated ~ ste~), based upom the assess- m~t Fixed ~ the State ~rpo~ti.~ C~ission a~ c~ti~e~ byit te the ~ard e~ County For General County ~rpeses, ~-Five Cemts ($.25) o~ eve~ ~e Hundred Dollars wo~h of said properS. For Ce~n~ Soho,1 ~peses, Eighty-~a Comte ($.~) en every ~e ~ndred Dollars -~Fer Interest and Sinking Fu~d for District Road Bonds, 2he. Director of Fizance sha!! levy and collect on all .of said property as follows (!) I~ 2he Charlc22esville Dis2~c~ Ei~h2y-Five Cen~.~($.88). ~ eve~ ~e H~dred ~!lars wor2h of said properS. (2) ~n ~he ~ Di's~rie~ Ei~y-~ve Cem~ ($.8.5) e~ eve~ One H~d~d Dell~ worth of said pro~r~y.. ~ %he Ri'~nna Dis2rie2 Eighty-Five C~2s ($..85-).~oz..~e~er~ ~e H~dred Dollars wo~h of said proper2y. (4) In the S~ue! Miller Di~e2 One DolOr_ ($1..O0-)~ever-~-~e H~dred Dollars wo~2h of said properS. Hu~d~ed Dollars wor2h of said prope~y. (6) In ~he ~i~e Hall Dis~e~ Eight-Five ~..-(~$,85)--.~n eve~ ~e Hundred ~tlars worth of said p~per~y, FOr In~ere~ and Sinking ~d and Opera~g '~poses. in, ~he-~olen Mills Sa~i~a~ ~s~rict, Fifty C~s ($.~) om eve~ One Hundr~ ~llars..wer~h cf said prop~y. For Operating Expenses in ~e Cre'ze~ Fire Distnic~-:~en ;Cen~s~ H~ndred ~Ilars wo~h of said prope~. The ~n a~oumced ~hat ~s mee~in2 ~d been desi~a~ed as ~he re~r s~i- ~nual Hig~ay Meetly. Therefore, the ~rd would be glad ~o hear f~m ~y~e ~terested in the Se~a~ ~s~ of R~ds '~ ~his count. A grip of ci'~z~s fr~ '~e ~cimi~y of Ca~ll appeared ~nd requested~ a see~ ef r~d in ~. ~c~i~ be ~aken ~o ~he Secenda~ ~s~. to ser~e fifte~ f~ilies mono of whi~ ~d any ~tlet e~her ~ ~e road in ques~i~. ~. J~ ~r~r, of Bro~s C~e, requested ~ha~ a ~ll.p~ce of ~ad near his h~e be ~ak~ in~o ~he Seconda~ S~ of The ~fol!owing. Resolu~i~, offered by ~. P. H. G~, seconded by Mr. C. Purcell Mc~e, was u~nimously adop~d: Co~issi~ be and is here~ reques~d to t~e ~ the Eeeo~a~ Syst~ of Hig~ays the fo!lo~ng ~adsr (1~ ~t road le~ing from the Ci~ont-C~bel! R~d at a po~t ~e it crosses ~ old r~d ~o~ as the 01d Riage Road ~e ~he ~uisa Coun~ l~e, a distance of app~ximtely ~o miles. (2) T~ read leading from t~.~e of Bra's Cove to a t~t house ~ ~e place, a dis- ~'ane-e-of appr~mately 500 ya~s. ~. J. B; Timda!l, oS. ~t~, a~eared..~d ~ed't~t ~e Board at a pre, cue meeting had ~e~nded ~at t~....ferry at ~on ~ taken over .~d operated-.as-a -~bli-c fort' b~ *~t the Hi,way Oo~issiom info,ed h~ ~hat ~ey ~d ~ ~eord of the re~est. ~e fell~ing Resolution, offered ~ Dr. L. G. Ro~rts, duly seconded, ~s u~i- mous ly adopted: BE IT ~L~D ~ the B~rd of Ooun~ Sup~sors o~ the Ooun~ of Alb~arle, Virginia, that the S~te Highway C~ssi~ ~ and is hereby reque~ed %0 ~ over a~ ope~te as a ~blic free fer~ t~ fe~ at Hatt~, Wmr~inia$ the cost of be bor~ in ~e s~e ma~er as the ferry at Warren. ~e follo~ng Resoluti~, ~fered. by Mr. '~..J. B~'.~rfl, duly seconded, was ~a~i- mous ly adopted: BE IT R~0LVED ~ ~e B~rd of Coun~ S~e~ ~rs of Albe- quested to t~e into .the Soundly ~stem. of ~hways that po~ of road lead~g fr~ Route No..62T a~ ~e. Colored Church near E~o~ · ~ough ~ D~s~ Place, to the Nelsm a~ ~%~=e P~ilway, a dis- tahoe ef a~pmximtety ~e mile. 5 Mr. John Massey appeared and requested ~ improvement te Rou-teNo~. 696. He was formed 'that this improvement ha-d be,ez recommended at a meeting-of~ the Beard held on May 20, 19S6. Therefore, no further act-ica was 'necessary by this Board. Messrs. Rankin, Livers, and Birckhead ,appear~ed with- refere~ce- to various road im- provements · ' ~ The fellcwinE Resolution, offered by Mr, P, .Hi, Gentry,,. se~c~d~. ~by ~r. E. J.B~tlard was unanimously adopted~: ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of C~OUn~y-Super~,,visors o~ the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that the State Highway~ ~,Conm~is.~sion be and is hereby requested to arrange"for fei!owing wOrk on Sec~dary ROads in this County: (1) Improve that portion of Route.No, 708 from Red Kill S2~tic~ to Mt. Olivet Church. (2) Hard Surface Route Nc,-?06. he~een Route No. ?08 and Route 'No. $$!, .a distanced.of, .a.pproxi~ately $ miles. ($) Improve t~a% por~io~ of R~,e. No,. 698.--beyond, Bethel Church, a di stance o~ approximately ~ miles~ Improve that portion .of road. from Dabney Sandridge's ~ate to the Warren place at. B~s Cove. (Proper~y owners will fur~ ish addi%i c~aLriEht-of-way free of c~st. ) (s) Improve ~ha2 _por~tt .on <'. cf road_f~cm_.We~ey Chapel to ,Cross Reads. The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, duly seconded, was unami- aous ly adop~ ed: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County 'Supervisors of ~he County of Albemarle, ~irginia, that Mr. H. L.~Smith, Residea% Engineer, of the Department of Highways be and ,is,.h~ereby rogue.steal to %ran~fe,r~ .~h:e Second- ary Convict Camp now located near North Garden, Virginia, tc the opposite side of the County to improve the road from Boonesville te F~ee Unio~o The following Resolution, offered by Dr, L..G. Roberts, .duly.~secDmded, was mous ly adopted: BE IT RES0t~VED by the Board of Count7 Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that the Sta~e Highway C~tssic~ be and is hereby requested te abandon that section of the old Route 6 from Inter- section of Route C-~26 to approximat.ely Station ?$0,00, a distance ef approximately .S5 of a mile. A group of citiz~s from the vicinity of' Scot~sville appeared and requested that some ac%ion be taken to establish a ,vocational agriCUlture department at the Scottsville High School. This group was informed that a-,reques~ el-this nature, should .be presented the Scheo 1 Board. Nr. John L. Livers appeared am~ .ealled,~the.. B:oar~,~attention~ te the fact 'that an Act of the recent session of the Legislature authorized the creation_ of Soil Conservatica Districts in the state an~ ~ugge~ed ~hat the Board. re.quest that Albemarle be included in the First 'District ss~Iis~d'. The follOWing Resolution, offered by Mr. 'P, H. Gentry, seCond, ed 'by Mr. C. Purcell NcCue, was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, it has been brought to the a%~enti~ of this Boa. rd that an ACt of the' I9~S$ 'Session of' ~e Leg~slaturelcr~ates ~oil Con- servation~ Districts in Virginia, the purpose of which is to expand the practices of soil ~onwervation and, WHEREAS,~' *.t is a fact that Thomas Jefferson was one of the e~rlies% advocates'"ef t~e c~onserv~tion- ef ~e soil, NOW,~THEREF0'RE,' BE"IT RE'S~LVEI)'I~/"the Boartl of-O~unty Super- visors of Albemarle gou~y,~-v~trginia~ ~}m% the S%ate. Soil._Conservatim~ Committee be amd is~hereby ~que~ed to ~ve Alb~rle ~et ~ty in~ded i~ a Seii C~ser~tion Di~, ~t ~ it imeluded~ in the First ~et es~blished in this sta~. A c~u~icaticm fr~m Mr. Nat Burnley, requesting that $~me-~ar~,~nEem~st 'be made for the e~llection of tra'Sh i~'the'~vic!nity el'-Fry's Spring was presented. UPon mot!eh, duly made and seconded,thiS'~altte* was .referred.to. the County Executiv, ~ith instructions 'to invest-lga~e- an.d report back.. Communion%men from T'~ Coleman Andrews & C~pany, submit.ting proposal %0 audit the books and accounts of the .Country for the year ending June SO, lgSS, was presented. Upon motion, duIy made and sec.ended, this matter was referred, to the County Execu- tive with instructions to investi§ate amd report back, Claim of G. A. Maupin for 'bwo thm~ killed by',dogs was ordered paid.. CommUnication from the Comptroller, requestin.g~.a r. emit~anee..of $12S~91, represent- ing the Coun~y*s share of increase in salary of the Judge of....~he Circuit Court for the six months ending January Sis I959, was presented. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an appr~iaticn~.of..~$12S.gI, to cover the COunt-/ts share of increase in salary of the Judge. of the Oircui~ Cour~ authorized by an Act of the recent sessiom-.of-the Le~istat-ure-, was-made by. the.£ollowing ~eoorded vote~ Ayes. Messrs. Jo Mo Fray, E...Jo Ballard, P. H. Gentry, C~ Purcell McCue, a~d Dr. L. G. Roberts; .~oe s .* None. Communication from Mr. J, H. Meek, Director, Divis~oa:~of Markets, inquiring as to ~hether or ~ot the .Board wished tc have the scales in. this .cou~t~t~es-ted at the expense of the county, Was pre~ented, The County Executive was instructed. ~o advise Mr. Meek tha~ the County ~as~,~m~% interested in such work at this time. The following R~P0rts were presented and ordered filed: (1) ' University of "~"mrginia Hospital. (2) Oounty Execut iveo The following 'Resolution, offered-by Dr, L. G,~ Rob.eries, .seconded by Mr. C. Purcell McOue, was Unanimously ad.opted.. '"~ RE~OEUTZO~. WHERF~S, the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, received ~equests from the County School Board, at a joint meeting ef the two Boards held on April 12, 1938, that-- Additional funds be appropriated for the operation of the School System for the year beginning July 1, 1938, in excess of the levy of 8~& per $100 of assessed value. The Salary Scale heretofore.adopted ~by Joint action cf the two Boards, be amended to provide increase in teachers' salaries. and, WHEREAS, the basis of allocatio~ cf fUnds for Schools ia the County from the State indicates that the average teacher load in this county is too great, a~d .. WHEREAS, there is a great need for.additional facilities for vocational training in the School System, and WHEREAS, the Salary Scale adopted in 19S6 provided an increase for a majority of the teachers employed At that time, and gradual in- creases for each teacher continuing in the employment of the County for ten years from the date of its adoptien,.whioh increases will u~ti- mately require funds equivalent to a tax rate of 12~ for each $100 of assessed value, which together with the present rate of levy is commen- surate with the ability of the citizens to'meet, and WHEREAS, it is planned to meet' the additional expense by a cor- responding decrease in the rate of read debt levies, and WHEREAS, general economic conditions are such as to indicate the beginning of a business depression or recession-of unde.termined pro- portions, which will doubtless have-its.effect on our-.%axpa~ers' income, as well as increased unemploymen.t throughout the oounty~,~~· NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $$,000.O0, or as much thereof as may be necessary, %o prevent a deficit in the School Fund a% June SO, 1939, be included in the. Sehool~ Budget ~s an appropri orion from the General Fund, and BE IT FURTHE~ RESOLVED that the Salary Scale as originally adopted be continued in effect. Mr. H. A. Haden, Director of Finance, submitted.a sta. temea,b of the ex~em.~es of the Department of Finance for the month of March, t9S8, ~n~hi~i..e~:.whi'mh/is::~be borne by the State, which statement was examined, verified and approved. The Committee, appointed at a previous meeting~%e im~v~sti.ga%e a request of a Committe from the ~aak Walto~ League for an appropriation e£ $$,000.00 to aid in the construction ef ~ake in the western section of the county, recommended that an appropri'atio~ of $$,000.00 be ~ade. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an appropriation of $3,000..00, or as much there- of as may.be,"~meeessary, was made to aid in the. co. nstr~et£on-of.a Lakefor- recreational pur- )oses in the w~stern section of the county, by th.e_-follow, ing recorded.~ete:- Ayes: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H.. Gem%fy, C, ~areell MeRe, and 'Dr. L.. G. Roberts; Noes: None.. Cc~mm~ica%i~n from the ~atiomal Bank a~d Trust Come_any, reques~ting permission te ~thdraw $50,000.00, par value, Home O~ers' Loan Cornoration 11~ Bonds, due June 1, 1959, ~epesited in escrow with ~he Peoples National Bank, ~o~ CharlottesVille, Virginia, to protect ~he County's deposits, was presented. The B~rd was informed that after such .withdrawal...thisBamk,.would have deposited i~ escrow $155,000.O0 of bonds which would..be_:nm~e-~am, amp~e...to. ~o:..er the .Ceunty-~s deposits at :hi s time. .The following Resolut~ien, offered by Dr. L. G~Rcberts, se.~onded~ by Mr. ~as unanimously adopted: e P. H. C~ntry,I RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, the National Bank. and Trust C~pany has requested per- mission to withdraw $50,000.00, par value, Home Owners' Loan Corporation 1~% Bonds~ due June I, 195~, and WE~EA$, af~e~--such withdraw~!, the said National Bank and. Trust Cempa~ny will have deposited in escrow $155,000.00, which is ample securi- ty to protect the County's deposi~ts at this time, : NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of ~unt~y Su~er.~isors of Albema r!e County., .Virginia, %h~ .t~ the .National Bank and Trust CompanY, of Charlottesville, Virginia, ~e and is heneby authorized to' withdraw $50,000.00, par Value, Home Owners' Loam Corporation 1-~? Bonds, due June 1, 1~9, ~eposited in escrow with ~he Peoples National Bank, of 0har!ettes- ville, Virginia, to protect the County's deposits. Claims, against the County, amounting to $45,353.84, were presented, examined, verified, and approved, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and charged against the following funds: General $1~, 82 6.65 School 21,630.64 Virginia Public Assistance 1,288.63 Dog Tax 147.70 Crozet Fire District 3.92 Woole~ ~i!ls Sani~:~x~.,~is~:.~ 5+50 ~rlottes~lte District ~ .g3I Ri~n~a ~riet 1,210.88 S~uel Miller ~strict 2,109.96 S ce ~ s~ I1 e Di strict 1, $ 68.50 ~ite Hall Di~ct 476.00 ~O~nonwealth of Vi rgin ia !' 3~4.98 To~al_ $45, ~53.84 Upo~ motion, the meeting adjourned, ~~/~~ ~, Chairman o ~ regular meeting of the Board of' O~unty ~upervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held at'the Court House of"~the Said-Country om the 18~h day of May, 1938. Present:~ Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Ge~t ~ry, C. 'Purcell McO~e, and Dr. L. G. Roberts. Minutes of, ~he me*tiligl~'~ April 20, 1938, were read and approved. Mr. A. B', Hsmcoek:~appeared~ and urged' the BOard to request the State Highway Cern- mission to inclmde in ~e Primary System of Highways that pohtion of Route 627 from the end of Route 239 to Carter's Bridge. Thel~IIowing Reso~u%i0n, offered by Dr.'L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. P. H.