HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-05-18The Committee, appointed at a previous meeting:to investigate a request of a Committee
from the ~zaak Walton League for an appropriation of $3,000.00 to aid in the construction, efa
Lake in the western section of the country, rec~mended that an appropriUation of $3,000.00 be
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, an appropriation of $3,000..00, or as much there-
of as may ~be~-.~neeessary, was made to aid in the co_nstr.u~.tien-..of~a.~Lake-for~ recreational pur-
poses in the w~stern section of the county, by the -follOWing r.eca~ded.~ote: Ayes: Messrs.
Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H.., Ge~,t~y, C. Purcell Mc~e, and Dr. L.** G. Roberts; Noes: No~e,
Cmmaunicatio~n from the National Bank and Trust Company, reques*ting permission to
~ithdraw $50,000.00, par value, Home Ovmers' Loan Cornoration 1~ Bonds, due June 1, 1939,
deposited in escrow with ~he Peoples National Bank, oF'Charlottesville, Virginia, to protect
bhe 'County's deposits, was presented.
The B~rd Was informed that after such withdrawal-thisBank..would have deposited in
~scrow $135,000,00 of bonds which, would be.~th'a~.ampte...to ~¢o~er-the.County'~s deposits at
~is time. ·
The following Resolution, of~fered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. P.* H. Gentry,i
unanimously adopted:. 1
WHEREAS, the National Bank and Trust Company has requested per-
mission to withdraw $50,000.00, par value, Home Owners' Loan Corporation
l~J Bonds, due June t, 1939, and
WHER.KAS, af~e~-sueh~withdraw~l, the said National Bank and Trust
Cempax~- will have deposited in escrow $153,000o00, which is ample securi-
ty te protect the County's deposits at this time,
NOW, TP~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County 8u~er~so-rs
cf Albemarle 0ounty, Virginia~ tha.~tthe.~Naticmal Bank and Trust Company,
of Charlottesville, Virginia, Be and is. he~.eby authorized to' withdraw
$§0,000.00, par Value, Home Owners' Loan Corporation 1-~ Bonds, due June
1, 1939, ~eposited in escrow with ~he Peoples National Bank, of Charlot+~s-
ville, Virginia, to protect the County's deposits.
Claims, against the County, amounting to $45,353.84, were presented, examined,
verified, and approved, and ordered certified to the Director of Finance for payment and
charged against the following funds:
Gen era 1 $IG, $ 26.65
School 21,630.64
Virginia Public Assistance 1,288.63
Dog Tax 147.70
Crozet Fire District 3.92
Woolen ~i!ls Ba~lt:ar~-~-D~tr~.o~ 5..50
~lottes~lle Dist~c~ gsl
Ri~na · ~triet 1,210.88
S~uel Miller ~strict 2,10~.96
Sce~s~ lle Dist~ct 1,~68
White Hall Di~ct 4?8.00
'~O~onwealth ef Vi rginia ~, ~64~96
$48, ~8~.84
Upcm motion, the meeting adjourned.
_~/~ ., Chairman.
~. regular meeting of' the Board' o~' COunty Supervisors of Alb~rle County, Virginia,
was held at"the C~rt House of'"~e Said-C~ on ~he IS~h day of ~y, 1938.
Present: Messrs. J. U. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gent~ry, C. Purcell McCue, and
Dr. L. G. Roberts.
Minutes of the mee%img~.. 'O~f April 20, 1938, were read and approved.
Mr. A. B, Ha~coek.'~appeared and urged 'the BOard to request the State Highway Corn-
mission to include in ~e Primary System of Highways that porti~ of Route 62? from the e~d
of Route 239 to Carter's Bridge.
The f~!Iowing ResOlUtion, offered by Dr. 'L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. P. H.
Gentr.y. was unan incus ly ad opted:
BE IT~ RE~0LVED by the Board of County Cuper~ls,ors-of ~he
Co~ of Alb~arle, Vir~ia, ~at ~e state Highway Co~lssi~
be an~ is hereby requested ~o inel~e i~ ~he P~ma~ ~st~ of
Hi~ys ~t porti~ of Route 627 ~rom the end of Route 2~9 to
Carter's B~id ge.
A co,mm!cation from Dr. Harri~ Hancock, reques~ng. ~hat ~2he piece 'Of road leading
fr~ ~he Cart~'s B~dge~Blemheim Road to ~he Eolus Mill,.be'~taE~z ~-.of the Seeonda~ ~s-
t~ -ef-~ys, was presented.
The felI~g Re s oluti om ,- Offered by Mr. ~C. ~reell~McCue,~.secon~ed-by
Ballard, was unan~ously ad~ed:
BE ImT R~D~by~e Board ef Ccu~ Super~sors of-the
C~nty of Alb~arle, Vir~nia, ~t the S~a~ ~Way C~ssiem
be ~d is hereby requeste~ to take ~t ef the Secondary SY~t~
ef High~ys Ro~e ?0~, from ~e Carter's B~ge'Bl~he~ Road~ te
the Eelus Mill, a di~ance cf .2~ ~le.
~s. ~er S~ffer, C~i~an of t~eAlbe~rle C~pter~ of the ~ughters of the
~ric~ Reveluti~, app~red ~d e~ded ~e Boa~ for its ae~c~ In anthorizing the
work en the e~erior ~f ~e Cc~r~ .House. ~s. ~a~er also sta~d Shat ~e Alb~rle ~apter
ef the ~ug~s cf the ~er ican ~elutfon would ~. ~gIad~ ~a~ge. For ~rking the tablets
om each si~e cf the ent~nee te t~ building.
~om motioz, d~Iy ~de and see~ded, ~e ~e~rle ~apt%~.of~e~.~m~ters of the
~rica~ Revolmtion~ ~s ~nted ~pe~issi~,m~e ~rk ~ese ~blets.
It ha~ng been broug~ te~ the att~ti~ ef ~e Be~d by a group ef citizens ~t th~
Co~ Licemse T~ fmpese~ upon a ~ival was not adequate~ a~d ~s ef ~ Ordtna~c~ ~end-
ing ~d re-ezact~g an~ Ord~ee~em~itled ~AN O~CE I~S~G ~U~Y LIC~
C~NIVALE, ~D P~SC~I ~ ~ALTIES ~E E~~G, ETC;~ ~T ~CH1LIC~E"~" adopted
~s Board en July 18, 1~8, h~mg beam su~ed to t~s meeting,, items erdere~
of i~t~tion ~ pro,se t~he sa~ for passage at the ne~ re~lar meeting Of ~hi~~ Bo~d shall
be published as~requi~ed by law.
~nieatton f~ Mr. ~. 'A. ~ith, A~ist~ter, Works ~egress A~i~istra~c~,
enelos~g an ag~t with reference t, continuation ~ W. P. A. P~jects
I~8, was pres~ted, and~ upon motion, duly made and seconded, the ~oumty ~ecutive was i~-
st~cted to exee~e s~e a~ ~m to Mr. ~ith.
A ~u~iea2i~ f~m the J~es River Po~ No. 140 of The ~e~ean ~gi~m.
reference to Vocational Ag~ie~e amd ~Ho~-Econo~es Sehool. wa~ pres~ted ,and ordered re-
ferred to the ~eh$ot N~rd.
A Co~uniea~on f~ ~e State Hi.way Depar~e~t, ~o~g the distribution ef
additions to the P~ma~ Syst~ of ~g~ays. was.presented and ord~redl'lFiled.
0~uniea~ ffr~ the Nati~al B~k and Trot Core. ny. ,requesting
axe.nEe s~e securities ~ieh had been de.sited by said ~k~im-eser~ 20 ~ro~e2 the
O~2y~S deposits was wesen~ed.
~e ffell~ng Resolution. offer~ by ~fr. C. Purcell MeO~. duly seconded.
' ~im~sly adopt ed:
BE IT"RESOLVED by the Board of' UOUnty ~upervisers of the County
of'Alb~arle, Virgimia, ~t' the Natiomal Ba~k and TruSt C~m. pany be and
is hereby aut~orf'zed ~O ~ke d~ the follo~ng Se~tties, deposited
in esc~w by said B~k ~ the Peoples Na%ional B~k,
$" '1. O00;O0'U'.~ S'* T~eas. ~ ~/8 ' s of I947.
4,~0.00 U. ~. Treas. ~'_s~.[of.'45~,
('Co~iZUed from Page 253)
$10,000,00 U. S. Treas. $~'s of 1941,
and dep0si~ instead 2hereof the followin~ Securities:
$ ~,000.~0 Rector ~d Visi~ors~ U. of Va. 3 3~4's due 2/!~42,
9,000.00 Re~or ~d Visitors, U. ~f Va. 3 3'/4~s due 2/1~1~
9,'~00,00 Rector and Visito rs, U; of Va. S S/4"s due 8/1/52.
Co~unieation fr~ Mr. H, T~. Cole, Region~l D~ec~r', ~blic Works A~is~rati~,
melosing a questionnaire ~'~h refer~ce to an apPlica~em for g~m2 to aid i~ ~he
2i~m of a me~ ~2~ee.,.buildi~, was presented and ~he Coun~ ~ecutive was' ~st~eted to
)ieee the ~es~icnnaire a~ r~.
Mr. W. O. ~fe, C~onwea!th's At~rney, advised 2he Board tha~ im his opini~ 2he
Board c~ld ~y a le~ in ~he ~y's ~g Sani~ 'District f~r.~e p~ese of e~ollec~ing
b~sh. ~e C~un~ Exeo~ive was inspected to asce~ain ~e wishes ef 2he p~ple i~ ~
·rea i~ 2he ~2~er-a~,.~e~2. back.at ~.~later. meeting.
The foll~n.g-~ep~rts w~e~p~es~t~ ~d orde~d
1. Ceu~ Exe~ve,
2. Diskfit ~.
The Board's attemti~ was c. alled~ t.,~the fae~. ~. $1,~S90,~.ha~ ~Been ~id~..,.o~
~ar~ts of"the S~ ~t~ologist f~-eradiCa~i~g ~ T~es ~ ~h~ S~uel ~ller
~d 2~ it would be neeessa~ 2o lay a.leD~ for ~e year 1938 on ~he apple ~rees in ~is
~is~ie2 ~o re-~rse~,the General ~-~fer,~he~,ou~n~ ~id ou~.
Upon m~o~, duly m~e and ~eomded, i~ was o'~ed ~ ~e Diree~ of ~nee
,ssess ~d ~llee~ $.20 per acre on al~appie~rc~rd~.~d, m~e 2~m~ 2~ years of age and
$.O~ ~r acre o~ all su~b .I~ds.[[less ~n ~ years of
~e~ of Fim~ee for. ~he month :of Ap~l, 1938, ~-~i~ of :whi~' is ~o be bo~e ~ ~he ~a~e.
~is statem~2 w~s ex~ined, verified ~d append.
A resolute, adopted ~ 2he A1b~rle 0hap~er of 2he ~ughters .el the '~ericaa
Re~luti~, e~ressimg ~ ~his Bc~Fd,~..i~s~..si~c~ th~k~ 2e~ i~s e~rtesy i~ arr~n~ng for
g~eat imp~v~ of the Co~ H~se, was presented and ordered ~Ied.
Mr. W. 0. Fife., ~.C~ ~ 12h~ s-At~y-,, ~r.te~ ~t- he. -~d ~atte md~d ~,e meet [~g
in Wa~esboro ~th reference ~e ~e~ V~ginia Pub~ e Ser~e Comfy ~d su~ested ~a2 a .
~solutio~ be ado~d.~.u~img the S~a~ Ce~pora~o~ C~o~issi~E to ~oroughly. i~vestigete
~e folle~ng Resolution, offered by D~. L. ~, Roberts, se~nded ~ Mr. C. Purcell
McCue, was un~im~sl~ adop~e d:
BE I;T ~SOL~D ~ ~e Be~d ~f Co~ Supervisors ~f Alb~rle
Co~ty, Virginia, ,~,~2,,, in ac, co,dan, ce wi~h a ~esoluti~ passed ~ a
meet'i~g held in 2he ~ty of ~c~nd on M~y S, 1~8, the StYe Corpora-
2ion O~issi~ be ~d is hereby requested 20 proceed, as ~o~ as practi-
cable, 20 m~e a complete ~ves~i~ion of ~ rates ~d ra~e sinecure,
includ~g a c~ple~e p~ysi~l value,ion of all of ~e p~per~ in this
Co~o~eal~h of ~he Vir~nia ~blic Service C~ny, ~d
BE~ F~TER RESOLED 2~ a co~ of-this reso!uti~ be for~rded
~o ~he 8~a2e ~o~i~n Co~ission and ~ ~e League of Wmr~nia M~ici-
pali2 ies.
The foll~g~Bu~ge2 for the Jo~2 Health Depar~ ~s presaged ~d approved~
Albemarle ~unty
Charlottes vil le
1937-38 DECREASE 1938-39
$ 7;5oo.00 $ 7;5oo;oo
?,~,5oo;oo %.soo;oo
5,920.00 ($BOOi~o. for
$0o. oo
Health Officer, Salary
Health 0ffiOer, Travel
Nuts e No. 1'; Salary
Nurse No. 1~ Travel
Nurse No. 2~ Salary
Nurse No. 2; ~ravel
Nurse No. 3; Salary
Nurse No. ~ Travel
Nurse No. 4~ Salary
Nurse No. i, Travel
$ ~,000;00
1,560.00 ·
Sanitation Officer; No. 1, Salary 1,836.00
Sanitation 'OfFicer; No. 1; Travel 600.00
8anitation Of£ioer; No. 2~ Salary 1,560.00
Sanitation 0ffioer, No. ~, Travel 600.00
Clerk 1,020.00
Auditor 180.00
City Schools 500.00
~oUnt'y Schools 1,000.00
Office Supplies 250.00
Biologies ~50.00
Postage l~0; 00
Printing I00.00
Telephone and T~legraph 75.00
Medical Supplies 75.00
Ex~ra Office Help 75;00
8_~9.oo. _l,~84.oo'
$200.00+ $ 4,,200~0
100.00- ' 600
1,620. O0
- 600.00
60.00+ 1,620'.00
' 600.00
600. O0
1, 8~6~00
' 600.00
60.00+ 1,620,00.
60.00+ 1,080.00
500.00- 500.00
The Board's attention was di~ee~e'd~to the fa6t that requests had been made to
use water from the proposed dam for purposes Other %hah recreational.
Upon motioa, duly madb and seconded, the County ~xeeutiVe was instructed to inform
fo~._~he...app'roval of ~his Beard~
the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries that this Board would e. xpeeb to be no~ified~f
permission were granted for the use of the water for other purpgses in the event of am
following ftmds~
Gene m l
$ choo 1
~irginia Public Assistance
Dog Tax
Crozet Fire District
Road Debt:
Charlottesville District
Ivy Distriot
Rivan na District
Samuel Miller District
Seetts ville District
White Hall District
Oommenwealth of Vi rginia
$ 6,465.64
Upon motion, the meeting adJour=ed.