HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-06-10SPECIALA Special Meeting of the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle 0ounty, Virginia, was held at the Court House of the said County on the 10th day of June, 1958. Present: Messrs. J. M. Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. -Gentry, C; Purcell McCue, _smd Dr. L. G. Roberts:~ The following Resolution$~effered by Dr. L. G. Roberts, seconded by Mr. E. J. Ballard,we~e u~animou sly adopted: WHEREAS, the Board of' CountyI Suplervisors eS Albemarle County~ virginia, in special s.eSsi~n, assembled this 10th~..~ay- of June, 1955, desires to officially~ pay: ~ihu~e. a~ r."espeet ~o' the li.~e, memory and acc~npiis~..~ ~f- ~..~i'~E.~:i~~$. who served this Ceu.r~y as a memb~ of this board f~em~May 2~, 1~24, %e t~e day of his death. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: (1) That in the death of W. H. Langhorne, the County of Albemarle has sustained the loss of a beloved and honored citizen as well as a Faithful and efficient~Public Servant, ~ (2). That we extend our sympathy ~o his family. (~) That a copy of these Resolutions be .spread .upon. the;Minutes of thi s body. (4) That the Co~ty Executive, H. A. Haden, be.directed t-o trans- mit a copy of these Resolutions to his family, The following Resolution, offered by Dr. L, G, Roberts, seconded by'Mr. E. J. Ballar~, was unanimously adopted: ~ RESOLUTION. - CATION-~SING 'T~ S CO~ OF'~ C~T~PLA~D' ~.:A~LI~TION _DATED ~ 'Z2, i9~5,' ~' ~'U~ ' sT~E~~''OF''A~IOA' '~~::~ ' ~DEP~ ~NcY STRUCTION 0F '~DIT'~N '~ C0~ CLE~'80~ICE.A~ OFFICE ~ILD~G ~D ~SI~ATING H. A. ~DEN, CO~Y ~C~I~; TO ~.~ ~CH ~0~ATION AS ~ ~R~T ~ Y REQUE~ · ~R~S, this Boa~, at a-meeting ~.Id-on"the !~th day o~ J~e, 1~$8, ~ Re$ol~ien authO~zed H. A..Had~ ..C~ ~eeutive, to and file an APplicati~ ~" ~ha~- of 'the ~ard of ~ ~Su~isers-of Alb~le 0~ty, V~nia, te the ~ited States of ~erica ~rou~ the Federal ~erge~cy A~nis~ti~n-6F-~btic~Works for a grant to ~d in fin~cing ~e e~nst~c~on of additi~ to the Co~y Clerk's Office ~d office ~ilding, and WHEREAS~ it isnow the sense of ~his bod~ that the proposed addi-~ tion would be inadequate~for the Cou~ty~'S needs and that an entirely new building with sufficient space to prSvide for all Oounty offices should be constructed, NOW, THEREF0~, B~ IT RESOLVED by the B~Ard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that H. a. Haden, Count~ Executive, be and is hereby au%hori zed to ~file an'Amenda$~ry~ ApplicatiOn ~$n~ behalf of the Board of County supei~isors of Albemarle County, Virginia, %o the United States of Am~ica through the Federal Emergency Administration of Pub!ie Works for a grant to aid in financing the Construction of a County office buitding and that the said County Executive be and is hereby authorized and directed to fUrnish such information as the United 'States of ~merica through the Federal Emergency Adminmst at-ion of Public'Works may reason- ably reque~ in c~neotion with the application which is herein authorized to be filed. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. chairman.