HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-06-15 A. regular meeting of ~e..B~a.rd of. COumty Supervisers~ of Albemarle County, Virginia, was heId' at' the "C~ur~ House o~ ~he said COU~t~j on the I$~h day of June, Present: Messrs. J. M. F~y, E. J. Ballard, P. H....~.~., C. PureeI1 '~eCue, ~d Abse~: M~es Of the mee%ings o~ ~ay I8', 1"9~8~ a~d Ju~e'lO,. Ig~8,..we~e rea'~ a~ a~provede ~e ~ai~.~ au~ouneed the appoin~ent ~ ~. ~--G~ Ro.~.s.~o~se~e as a m~r of ~he F~anee 'O~i~ee, ~e~eedimg ~he la~ W. H. A ~i~ion from ~ ei~iz~ tn ~he Belmo~ Seneca, requesting tha~ no eha~ge be mdc in ~he 0rd'~ee ~ro~g a license ~ax en ~i~l~, ~$ Presen~ed~ lik~se, a ~eupo~, ~he foIlo~ng Resolution, ~ffe~d bY'~. L...-~. Ro~s, see~ded I. J. BaIIard, ~s ~a~m~sIy ~~, a~ a ~g~ar mee~zg of'~he B~rd of C~uz~y super~sors ·ion ~ ~resen~e~, ~ques~ing ~Hat ~e Bo~d ~ake such action as it sidered necessary and prier ~o prOhi~i~ 0~i~!s fr~ sho~ng in ~he ~S~"t~is ~ay a pe~om has beez presented ~o this Bo~d si~ by m evem l~ge.rg.~p~ef~e~*~s se~g forth the fac~ ~ha~ ~he Ca~i~Is are zo~ as~.~9~jee~nabt, e.~as some o~er businesses migh~ be in ~he zeighbo~ hoe~. ~d~ requesting tha~'~He' '~a~ake- no aetieZ .'~o prehfbi~ ~a~i~ls from sho~ng a~ iz~r~ls ~ughou~"~he year, ef'~I~rle COunty, ~Pgi~, ~ha~ zo e~ge ~e ~de'iz the Ordnance Ju!y, 1~'6, be and ~he s~e r~a~ iz force a~ e~fect ~i1 further of ~is Boa~. ~or a gr~ ~o aid in the eons~ruc~tom of a~ aud'ito~ a~ The foll'~ing Resolution, offered by ~. C. Purcell MeCue, seconded Ba1~ard, was u~imously adop~e~ ~ ~R~E, ~e'1Ib~arle C6u~y S~hooI('B~rd has brough~ ~o the attention of ~is~'B~'d, ~hrOugh ~e ~rin~enden~ of Sch0ols, ~. R. Cl~ude ~H~, ~hat ~he GPeenwood ~ooI iS er~de~, here~ authe~Ze~ ~ aPPiy ~ ~he F~de~l'~er~men~ ~hrough'~he Fede~l ~erg~ A~ini~ra~'ion of' ~bli. e ~Works f~r a ~r~ .of' 45% of ~he eos~ lieve ~he eroded conditlon and, a~ ~he s~e ~e, serve as e~er if~tHe~gh s~ehoo~is moved els~here. ~e e~a~e~ ~e~a! co~ is' ~5~0~ ~h'e ~ma~.g ~ to be bottled fr~ ~he Literary ~d a~ re,id over a ~iod of thirty ~ars. Mr G~ s~ed ~ha~ i~ w~s dif2ie~l~ ~ r~a~ a Vocational Agricul~ure T'eaeher since e~he~ee~ies are pa~g a higher sa~ ~ha~ ~s eo~ ~d s~ate~ t~ ~he School. Boa rd sugges fad tha~ ~he Salary S~Iei'Be~..a~e.~e~.~to prov~.de~.a-:.:hi ~e~,:s~la~~ f~r ~is ~eaoher. Co~%y, ArgOts, t~% ~e ~al~y Sc~.adop,~ed-ata.. ~oint ~,e~ing of this B~rd ~d ~he llbem~le County Schee!_B~d held on ~he I~h day of I9~6, be ~e=ded so as ~e ~rotide a s~..for'Yoea~i~aI ~ric~liure Teacher of ~no~ less ~h~ ~140.~0 p~ mo~-nor ~re ~an $160.00 per ~. amh~ ad~sed"~he ~d"fur~her ~ ~ Schoo~'Board wished' ~o~ motion, d~ly made and sounded, i~ was ordered ~.~e-S~ooi 'B~rd proceed The' 'Oou~y ~ecU~ive ~ported t~2 he ~d.-~nf. er~ed-~tH-..2~--S2ate A~itor ~th re- fer~ce to ~he audit of 2he Co~ty's records ~d ~d-~been.,a-d~ed..that. 12 would be several eo~ty. Therefore, ihe ~ty ~eoutive reo~,~.t~./~t..~ pro~-~cf T. :Col~ A=dr~s be aeoep~ed. audi~ ~he books ~d r. eoorde~o.f:,2~s baumty for t~ year ~d~.g~Junef.~.,, 1958;-a2 a ~r di~ rate of $28.00, ~he ~!. ~ of w~oh is n~ 2o exceed $500.00, was o~ered a~cep2ed. C~iea~i~n fr~ ~. H; L. ~h, Reside~ ~g~eer, ad~_s!ng that ~ 2he ~ture all r~ues~s for additions ~d'abmd~ments in c~nee~o~ ~th ~he Secondly ~et~ of ~ads au~ ~ in 2he ~fiee of 2he '~sid~ Engineer following ~e '~a~d.~ Ap~I meeting in each ~ear, was pres~2ed ~d or'dead'filed. A ~mnioa~ion f~m ~he S~te ~~e~ of ~ghw~$. ad. sing 2ha2 .~5 mile of old R~te 6 was ~ I~ge~ ~eoessa~ as a ~btio highly due ~ :re-lo~a~on of 2his route The fOll~i~ ~$o~lo~, offered ~ Dr. L. G. Robe~s. duly. seceded, ~s un~i- mously adol~ed ~ BE IT ~'~OLVED~By the Beard"of County'Supervisors of Albemarle Coumt~, Virginia~.':~ha~'he $~e.~D~a~e~ ~'~.gh~ys ~.a~d is TOTA~ 01F ALL SECTIONS .TO BE ~NED,: .... 0,,$5. mile~ The f, II~wi~g reports were presented and ordered filed~ 1, Cou~Y ~eeutive, 2'; '~nive~sity of-Vi~rg!~ia Hospital. ~oa~u~i~i.~m F'~m" the 'tZaak:'Wal~ L~ ague, "toques'ti n g an a pp ropriation of. $I~0.00 to aid in ~he oo~servation-Of -game,i,n-'-~:~b,~aarte..- ~oum~y~ '~as~-'pres. ent'ed. The' f~llo~i~g Resolution, offered by ~allard, waS"ladopted'~!r'%l~e"fo~l:~wi~"g rocor'fled vote: Ayes: Messrs. J'; ~r;"~' ~, E. J. Bal- lard, P. H, Gentry/, C. Purcell llcCue, amd D~.-_L.-~.-Robe~.ts; 'Noes: None:; BE"IT'IRE'SOLVED-~Y the Board of' C6unty SUpervisors of Alb~aar !e County, V~rginia, ~ha% $180.00, or as much %hereof... as may be necessary, be an~ %he same is hereby appropriated to be used at the discretion of the County Execu~t~ve by the Izaak Walton. League..fon, the conservation of game in Albemarle County. ~The COunty Executive reported'that pursuant 5o the BOardts order, he had addressed a questionnaire to each resid'~% of- ~he'Fry's Spring Sanitary Uistrict to ascertain the wishes' ef the people in cc~neettc~ with Trash Collection. 147 questionnaires were sent out and only ~81wcre returne~, of which number2$.were~wilting %e betaxe~.~e cover the cest.?~-? T~e Co'~t~y Executive recmmem~d ~hat such service be not inaugurated'~ at 'this time. Upo~ motion, duly~.mad-e~.~a~.~seeen-ded, ~he Country Execm~iwa'_s recommendation was Sly ad~Pted; Mr. E, 'A. Hades, Niree%or of Finance, submi~eda..statement,.cf, the expenses of the Department of' 'Finance for the month off Nay, Ig~B, one~thir, d:~cf~which exFen'ses is te be ~orne by the State. This statement was examined, verified and approved. T~e C~u~t~y ~xeeu~ive ma~e t~e fei!owing recommendati, o~s wi~h~ reference to personnel in' the WeIfare 'DePartment effective July 1, 1958: 1. 'The appointment of Nrs. Arnita.~.Ma~pi~-te. sue~eed Mrs. Ida L. Har~y, Clerk, who resigned; aG a salary, eF $6§~00 per 2. The appointment of N~. A~e~P..Levimg, a salary not ~o exceed $?~,00 per The appoin~m~ent of Mrs~ Esther G. Davis, a~ .a .temporary Case Worker during the absence of Mrs. Louise A. Williams, aG a salary of $78.00 per month ~ The Payment of a:p~r~n~ef:.~.~he/sa~ an:d' ~ra~el '~o£ .~s. Ar~ri~e?L. Dma'ga'n~ Ch'il~ Welfare Worker, ~apl~Ye~ ~oin~.l~'from 8tare, Co~r~y and City funds, not to-exceed $720.00 p~ year. ~pon mot~ion ~y Nr. P. H, Gentry, duly seconded, reopen.clarions of the C~y ~e- ~eu~ive ~t'h ref~ence'~%e P~sennel~,in ~he WeZ'~are~D~p~r~n~ effective July i, ~1~8, were appro~d amd az appr~ riati~ ef $72Oj~'~, ~ a s much th~eof aa.~ .be...~eeessary, ~s ~de' to ee~r the allo~ ~ for ~e CHild Wel~re Worker during ~he.. ~ea.r~beginning July 1, 19S8, $200.00 was ordered leaned 5o the Rivanna District Road. Deb~And from the General Mr. George Gil~.Son a~ear~d' ~d stated ~hat he had been. al!owed 25~1 'each for 24 one- month eld t~rkeys killed by dogs and that he did not ~eet~ha~..t. hi~swas, sufficient .to ~o~wer~ his~ los s, Upon motio~..i~r,/:~'~'; '~:~'ard~ duly seeo~'ed, it was ~rdered' that ~r. Gibs~ be for 'the Mrs. Nj ~:N. Pmgh, of' Covesville, appear, eSam d~,.Presem~e~, a~ claim fe.r 3~ ..ohiekems killed ~y deg. motion', duly made and seconded, Mrs. P~g~ was ordered paid for ~ chickens killed a% 18~ each. The felIowing Resolm~X.~, offered by Mr. 'C. Purcell MoCue, duly seceded, was unan ime~ sly adept ed, RE~OLUTIO'N, ~ERE~S, the 'Peo~Ies'~Na%ionai B~'k, ef Charle~ sville, Virginia, has requeste~ permission te withdraw $$2,000.~0, par value, 2% Fed'~ral Home L~ Ban~ ~nsolidate~ ~ban~ures due Ap~l i, i9~, amd WHEREAS, after such wi%hd'rawal, *~e said' Peoples National Bank will have de~osite~ in e screw $86,000.00, which is ample security to pre,eot the County's deposits at this time, 2.6.0 .... NOW,'THERE~)RE; BE IT"RE$0L~ED By' ~he 'Bear~ of County S~er- visors ef Albemarle C0un~y,'Virginia, that thePeepleSNat~ic~al Bank,. of C~arlobtesville, Virginia, beand is here~7~ .aUthorized to withdraw $$2,000.~0, par value, 2% Federal .Home Lean. Ba~ks Consolidated.- DeBez- tures due A~ril 1, 1945, de~osi~-e~ im ~esc.~ow wi~h the Chase National ~an~ ~I~"~New'~T~; ~o pro~ee~.~he County, s deposits. Claims, against the Ccanty, amou~ing to$S~,~BT,~2, were '~resented, examined, verified, and approved, and c~.~d certifi'e~ to the Director of Finance for pa~.ment and charged against the following ~ds: General School ~_rginia Public Assistance Dog Tax Crozet Fire Dietriet Cha rlet ~e svil lem Diatri ct Ivy District RiVann a D[Stri c~ Samue t Mille r Di.a~iet Scottsvi lle Distric~J Whi~e Hall District CO~nenwea lth of. Vi~gi~a Tct~l $75,9~0,25 ' 2'1, 2,5~,24 '-' ~ 1'~74'04 "204 ~74 18.81 .17 . o07 2, 575,19 5,575.25 1,025,08 _1, 289.;84 $39,487.92 1~ was brought to the attention of the Boaffd that_,it would...ba necessary to appoint the m~bers or,he B~d of ~blic Welfa~. ~.~.Jul~l, ~/. ~erefore, om motion,' duly ~e and seconded, the ~d adJou~ 2o.~a~a.~.~-~-~.July-:l,:-I~3~, at ~:30 A. M. ~ ........ ,. C~i ~an. ~ aaJou~ea mee~g~of ~he Be~d of County Su~s~s of Alb~ie Count, Vir- gi~, ~s he~d a~ the Cour~ H~se of %he said c~ at 9:~0 A. M. ~ July 1, 19~8.: Present: Messrs. J, M. Fray.,.E.~ J. Bailar, d,~,P...H. Gentry,,H. Ashby Harris, Furcell McCUe, and ~. L. 'G'; 'ROberts. Absent: N~ne. It appearing t'hat en Ju~e:'28'~ I9~ Hen~. L. F. Smith, Judge of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, By order duly e~tered appointed M~. H. Ashby Harris a member of this Board fr~m the See~tsvilIe'Dis~riet cf'this Co~y %o fill the--unexpired %~rm ef office of ~lliam H. Langborme, ~e~eased, (said term ~d~g December $1, IV$9) and .it f~rther appear~ ing from Clerk's eertTfieate, dated Ju~e 28, 19~';'that Mr. H'. Ashby Harris has duly quali- lied aceord'izg to law, ~hereupcn Mr. H. Ashby Harris appeared at ~his meeting and was duly recognized as a member of this B~rd f~m the'ECettsviIIe Distri~e£~'this County. After discussioz of'the off.er of:~he..Umi~d Sta~es ~-~riea,to aid ~y way of grant in financing the constructic~ efa Sewerage .,'System and Disposal Plant, the following Resolution entitled ~'~'"A RESOLUTION ACCEPTtNG~TEE OFFER 0F .TEE UNI~.D STATES ~0 T~E BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ~LBE~MAP~E'COU-~TT,' V,!~GTEIA, "TO AID' BI~WAY' OF 'A GRANT IN FINANCING THE SEWERA~ SYS~ AND NIS~OSAL ~ ~was. proposed ~ Dr.~ L, G. 'Roberts amd CONSTRUCTION OF A " read in full: RESOLUT I ON · A RESOLUTION 'ACCEPTL~G THE OFFER/OF .THE'UNITED STaTES'TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY ~JPERV~SORS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTT, VIRGINIA, TO AID BY WAY OF GRANT IN FINANCING THE CONST~CTION OF A ~AGE SYST~2~ AND 'DISPOSAL PLANT. BE IT RESOE.~VED by the BOard of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia: Section 1. That theoffe~ ef the.United:States.of Ameriea,-~o the Board of County St~erVis~sL,ef Albema~le ~Cou~ty, Virg~ia, %~' n~rd Byway of g~% in fin~cing t~ cons~on of a Sewer~e ~em and Di~osal piamt~ a ee~ of w~ch./0ffer ~mds as foll~s~ Po.W.: 80813-~06 FEDERAL E~-GE~CY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Washing%on, D. C., Dated: J~e 28, 19~8