HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-07-01 ..... N0i~,~THEREFORE~ BE IT'REE'0L~'~'~y the Board of County Su~er- visors of Albemarle ~0Un%y, 'Virginia, that %he~PeepleS"'Natioual Bank,. of 0~arlobtesville, Virginia, be and is here~y, authorized .to. withdraw $$2,000.00, par value, 2% Federal .HOme L~a~..~m~ks Ce.nsolida%ed'~De~en- tU~s due A~r~ 1, 19~, ~ep~i~ ~-esc~ew.~h ~he C~se Na~onal Claims, agaimst the 0e~t~y, amOum~ing %o'$~87'~V2, were.presented, examined, verified, end ~pp~0ved, and ~ed~ certified to ~he Ei rector of Finance for payment and charged against the following Gez eral $~hool Virginia PUblic Assis~an oe Dog Tax Crozet Fire '-R~ad' 'Debt: Charlottesville. Di.~.tri et Ivy Dis%riot Rivann a D~striet Samue 1 Mille r Scot~svi lie District. White Hall Dis2.r. ict Cemmonwealth. of i~ V[~gi~a 'Total '204,74 .17 .07 2,575;19 5,575.25 .,24 1,025.08 1,289~8~ $$~487o~1 was Brough~ to the attention of the Boa~d that.it would_.be, meeessary to a~point the members of' the B~ard of Pub!lc' welfare, on. July-1, I~i /The~ref0re, on mc men,' duly made and seconded, the Board adjourned %omee~ .a~aim.~on._July_.l~. I9~8, at 9~$0 A. M. (/ .... An ad~ourmed meetingof the Beard of County Supervises of Albemarle County, Vir- ginia, was he~.d at the Court House of the said county at g:$o A. M. ~ July 1, 1958.:. Presemt: Messrs~ J,~, 'Fray, E.. J. Bal lard ,.. . i% .H,..Genfcr~, H. Ashby Harris, Furcell McCUe, and Dr. L. ~; R~berts. Absent: It appearing that on J~e-2~, I9~8-~ Hen.. L. F. ~mith, Judge ef the Circuit Court of Albem rle County, by order dUly emtered appointed Mr. 'H. ~Sh~y Harris a member of this Board fr~ the ~c~ttsviIIe Dis~ric~ oF this Cema-fy %0 fill the..unexpired %~rm of office of W~lliam H. Langborme, ~eeeased, (said term ~d~ng De~ember 3'1, 1959) and it f~rther appear- ins from Clerk's certificate, d'ated~Jume '28~ 19~8,' t~t ~r. H. Ashby Harris has duly quali- lied according to law, tbereup~ Mr. H, Ashby Harris appeared at ~his meeting and was duly recognized as a member of this Beard fr~m the SCe~tsViI'Ie DiStrie~:.'ef'%his County. After discussion of the off.er .of the.-Uni~d StatUes-~ ~riem to aid ~y way of grant i~ financing the corns%ruction efa So-erage System and Disposal Plant, the follewimg Resolution en%itled-~"A EESOLT~ION ACCEPTING THE OFFER O~ TEE UNITED STATES ~20.~T~E BOARD OF COUNTY SUP'E~VI SO RE OF AIBEI/ANLE'~UOUN2~f,.'V~!RGINIA, TO AID-'BY-WAY'OF'~ ~R'~T IN FINANCING TNE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWERAGE SYSTN/ AND UI~POSAL .PLANT" .was p~oposed ~ Dr.~ L, G~ '.Roberts and read in full: RESOLUTI ON. A RE~OLUTION A'CCEPTING "THE' OFFER...:OF 'THE'UNITED STATES TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY ~UPERVISORE 'OF ALBENARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, TO AID BY WAY OF GRANT IN FINANCING THE CONSTt~CTION OF A SEWERAGE ETSTEM AND DISPOSAL PIANT. BE IT REEOE~ED by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia: Section 1. That the offer ef the United :States. of Ameriea..~o the Board of County Super~vie. e~s of AIbemarle ~ou~y, Virg~ia,-~ ~d ~yway of g~t in f~.~cing the cOnSt-~on of a S~er~e ~em ~d Disposal P~nt,. a c~ ~ w~ch[gffer ~ds am foll~s~ P,.W.: S081~-$06 FEDERAL ~R-GENCY ADMI~STRA~TiON OF PUBLIC WORK~ Washington, D. C.. Dated: Ju~e 28, 1958 ~-~%~. ~. Va. lO97-Fo A~be~m~.r~e County, ¥irgin~a, 'Char le~tesviIle, Vi rgi~ia. 1. Subject to the Terms amd C~di~ions. (PWA Form No. 250, as amended to the date of this Offer) which~are made a part here- of, the United States of America hereby offe~s.~to aid in financing the construction of a sewerage system and.a dlspesal plant, inciud- izg acquisition of necessary la~d and righ~s~ ~ of.wa~ therefor~(herein caIIed the "Project"), By making a gra~ to. Albermarle Cour~.~, ginia (herein called the ~Applican~"~), in.~he._~oUnt~ 0~"~5 per cen~ °~f the cost of the Project u~on c~npleti.o~,.a$ det~mined by the Federal EmerEency Administrator of Fublic I~orks, but no~~ ~o exceed, in any event, the sum of 2, By acceptance of this Of~e~ tHe,ApDlicant oovensn ts %o -begin work on the ProJec~ as. aa.fly.as possible But in no event later ~han 8 weeks from the date of' this Offe~.:a~d to complete such Project ~ith all practicable dispatch, and. in any event within 8 months from the commencement of co~structiono_ UNITED STATES OF A~ERICA · Federal ~mergency Admini stratcr of Public W~ks be and the same is hereby ~ ~I respects accepted. Section 2; T~at ~aid'-B0ard off County Supervisors 0£ Al~r!e ~u~, Virginia, agrees*to, abide ~ all ~he Terns and Co~iticns of sai~ ~ffer, i~cluding ~he Te~ ~d Co, diXie, s a~ed %he~te ~d made a ~ thereof. ~ection $, That the County Executive be and he is hereby authorized and directed forthwith to send' to the Federal ~ergency Administration of Fublic Works three certified~ copies of'the proceedings Of the Board of County Sup~visors of* Albemarle Coum~y,~. ¥i.rginia, ~ cennectio~ with the adcption of%his ResoI'dtion, ~etting left, this Res~Iution in fulI, smd such furthe~ documents or proofs in ccmnection with the acceptance of said offer as may be requested by the Federal Emergency Administration of Pub lic Works. The abo~ Resolution was se~om~ed~.~y..Mr. P. Hi Gentry~and was adOpt'ed by the fol- lowing recorded v~te:- Ayes: Messrs. J;~M. Fray, ~;""J; BaIIard~ P. H, Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, C. Purcell McOue, and' Dr. L. G. Roberts; Noes: None. The Chairman th~eupon declared ~aid'R~SoIutien carried, members of'the Board signed%he peti$ion ad~ressed to the Judge of the Circuit Court, requesting that an e!ec~ion be held-in the Fry's Spring S~itary District to ascertaiz whether or not it was %he wilI'ef the ~ee~Ie'that ~onds be issued t~ finance the c~strueti~ of a Sewerage System and Disposal Plant. Up~m motio~ By-Mr. E. J. Ballard, seconded by Dr. L. G. Roberts, an Appropriation oi~ $~,000.O0, or as much thereof as may be, necessary, was made to cover the County's share ef the cos~ of' constructing Garage o~ the County's Property a~jacent to the Jail, ~y the following recorded vote: Ayes;: 'Messrs. J. M. Fray, E, J, Batlard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, C. Purcell McCue, and Dr. L, G. Roberts; Noes.-. None. Mrs. Leola E. Hail presented a d~eek, ~oun%ing 1~2 Taxes ~id to *Ur. G. ~u~t H~, rorer Tr~surer, whi~ ~oun~, together with p~altie and i~tere~, w~e later ~id'~ the CI~k ~ the Circuit C'o~t to relpase said l~d. I% as, o~ered that the ~o~t of s~e, ~Ins penaIties ~d int~est, be re,haled th~efore, ~o Mrs. ~I1 and ~ged against Mr. G. Stuart H~, form~ Treas~ere It was bright to the attrition of the Board -~at it was t~s Bo~d's du~ %e ap- :eint a B~ of ~blie Welfa~, eensist~g of t~ee m~ers for te~s beginning July 1, 1958 ~ursu~ ~ the pr~visions ef Seeti~ Mr. E. J. Ballar4 n~na%e~ ~. Doughs Fer~f.r a te~ of ~e y~r, ~. L. G. obeys fer~a te~ of two years, ~d ~ E. ~ Huff for a tern ef t~ee years, as m~bers of he B~rd/of ~blie ~lfare. ~ere being no ~her nomi~tiens, Mr. Fors~ Dr. Roberts, r. H~f were e!eete~. ~d the sala~ ef each m~ber ef ~is B~rd was fixed at $1~.00 per ~ar, pa~ble f~m the ~n~al / ¥ Mrs. Eva W. Maupin, Clerk of the Oircuit 0o~urt,~ requested, that the monthly salaries of the employees in her office Be fixed as follows, effective July 1, 1938: !t W.L. Maupin, Deputy Clerk $200°00 Margaret Sellers, Typist 50.00 Anni-e- May e,- Typ~ s~'- 50,00. Upon mo~io~, duly made and'seconded, it was ~dered that salaries requested by Mrs. Maupin be Fixed accordingly. The following ReSOlution, offered'by Mr, E;'J;' 'B~l!~rd, seconded~y Mr. P. H. Gert- was ad, ed' by '~2ie f~llowing recordedvote~ Ayes: Messrs. J. M, Fray, E. J, Bailard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, '~. l~re~elI-M~ue, and 'Dr, L. G..'ROber~s; Noes: None~ RE~0LUTION 'OF' PAR'~TYONut~ 'STATE' PUBEE' ~SSTST/~I~CE P ROGPJ~. _ ~T RESVOLED ~ er to prevision Of Chapter' 22~,~ Aets~ef As~biy, I936, and Chapter 379, Acts of Assembly, t9~, for par~iOi'patfon in the sta~ relief apPropriatio~ sub- Jeer to the provision or'the 'said Ack'and Rules and Regulations, which have been adopted or may hereafter be adopted by the Governor or the State Board of P~blio Welfare pursuant to the provisions of' the ~aid Act, which it is herewith agreedwiIT be compiled With in the administration of said f~dso It appearing under the said'~Ao~'tHa~ said County ef AIbemarle is entitled to ~he s~ 0F $I'~B.42'-for the two months' period 'beginning July 1,. 1938, ~rovided the said CoUnty .~'Albema~le appropria%es~ the sum .of $891:.2.5..to match said ~tate allowance, to it, ~herefore resolved ~ha% application is hereby. made for S~a%e '~nds in the amou~ of $I,~8~42 and that the sum of is hereby a~propriated~ to mat ch the statue, allowance, which is ~ ~f the t~a! state maount applied for to be taken from the allowance for Welfare purposes in the~ ~Budget for the year beginning July I, 19S85 amd the same is to be segregated and expende~ in the manner provided by said Ac% and the Rules and Regulations adopted~pursua~nt ~%hereto. Sign e d: vi sore. -The B~ard was adVised %hat"the ~merioan Legion..wouId: oenwma i~ charlottesville in August, I938'~- s~ d an appropriation to as sis~ ~ entertainin_g those .attending was requested. The' f~l!ow~ng Re~elu~iom., ~eFf*ve~-by.-Mr. E;'J~ B~Ilard. accented' by ~ro P. E. Gert- try, was adopted bY ~he foI'I~g recorded veto: ~yes: Messra ..... ~-.M~.~Fray, E. J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H, Ashby HarriS, C. PurceII' MCCue, and D~,~L~../'G~:I~0Ber;Cs$ Noes: None: BEIT 'R~E~OLVED ~y the Board~ OF County Supe.rvisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $I~50~OU'be and~ the same is hereby appropriated to assist in defraying the cost of entertaining the members of the ~meriea~ Legion at its convention to be held at 0harlottesville in A~g~'~, '~i~,"/~ Upon motion, t.he meeting a Sourned'. A regular me'e~ng~. ~f-%he"B~ard' ~reell M'eOue, amd ~A Minutes of %he mee~In'g~*of Ju~e 15~ IVSS,a~d~: Ju!y~:l,. ~gSS;.~ere....remd....and approved. ~. Jo~ S, G~aVes appeared and req~ested'~h~ Board ~e toe--end' %.o~the ~gh~y O~issio~ '~ha~ approx~.a~ely omo ~le ef road fr~ ~he Heward~viIte Pi~e ~o ~e Nelson Co~ Lime along '~he' R~e~iah RiVer Be taken' 'in~"-~e' Seee~da~-Sy~t'~- of Hi~ys. ~e foiling rese!ution,effered ~ Mr. ~. H. :~n~, ~sece~ded ~ Mr,'"H. Ashby'~rris, ~s ~au~ously adopted: Be i~ resolved By '~e B'~ard o'f-~7. Sup.ervisors~ of' ~l~em~rle '~O~tT,. Virginia, ~ha~ the $~at~ Ei~ghway COmmission b~e and is hereby ~equelsted t~ take in%~ %Iie Secondary Syst~ of Highway~ that piece of road from the H~wardsvitle Pik~ to.the Netsoz GoU~Y Li~e,