HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-07-20Mrs. ]~va w, Maupin, Clerk of the C~euit Co~urt, .requested. that.. ~the monthly salaries of the employees in her office be fixed as fellows, effective July 1, i958~ W. Lo Maupin, Deputy Clerk Margaret ~e!lers, Typist Auni-e ~May si Ty~i s%TM $200°00 80 o00 Upon motion, duly made an~' seconded, it was c~dered that salaries requested by Mrs. laupin be fixed accordinglYe The following l~esolution, offered 'By Mr, ]~; J;' B~!'!ard, seconded'~y Mr. P. H. Gen- try, was adored by the following recorde~"vote:~ Ayes: Messrs. J.M~ Fray, E. J~ Ball'rd, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, 'C; Pllr~eIll'N~'~Ue, and Dr. L. G, R0ber~s; Noes: Nonet to pr~visiom o~"Ohapter 225,~. Aets~of As.' '.~mmbly, I~36, a~ ~ter 379, Acts of Assembly, 1~8, ~r pa~i'ei~tte~ '~ the sta~ reIief appr~riatien sub- jest to the previ~f~ ~ef %he said Ae~d ~les~d Regulations, w~ch ~ve been adopted or ~y he're~ter be adopted by ~e ~Ve~er er the ~ate B~rd of Public We~fa~ pursuant to the provisions of the ~id Act, ~ch it is herewith agreedwiI!'be c~plied ~th in ~he a~istratfo~ of said f~ds. It appe~Ing ~der the ~i'd~Ac~~ tha~ said Coum~ of Albe~rle is entitled to ~e s~ OF~$I'~.42'f~r ~he ~ ~nths~ period ~e~nming July 1,. 1~38, ~ed the said '~%y..~Alb ~arle a~ro~iates--the $~ of $891.2~. ~to. mat~h said ~tate allew~ee, be i~, thereFo~ rescind 2hat'appl'i~tiez iS here~ . ~de for State ~nds ~ 2he amour' of ~,~85e~2-~d t~t the s~ of $~1,2~ is hereby a~r~ated~te ~teh the s~te.aI~t~nce, ~ich is ~% cf the 2~a! state ~oun2 applied for to be 2ak~ f~ the alliance for Wolfe PUrposes in the.-~dget for the y~r beg~ni~g July !, .I~85 ~d the $~e is ~o be segregated a~ e~ded in the m~ner pre~ded ~ said Act and the Rules and Re~l atiens adop~e~m;purs~zt -.t~eto. Signed: vi sera. ~ The B~ard was adVised'tha~' ~he ~meriean Legio~would.eem~$~e_ i~ cHarIottesville in August, 19'$S~ ~ a~ d an appropriation %o as si s~ in enter~ainin g those~ attending was requested Thel f~I!Owing Resolutiom,-,eff;er.e~ byNr. E~ J, B~Ilard, seconded by Mr', P. H. Gert- try, was adopted bY the foII~Wing recorded vote: Ayes: Messra......~.~.M~_Fray, E. J. B~llard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, C, PmrceII MoO~e, and 'D/~, "L.~'G'.. R~ber%s$ Noes: None: BE-IT 'RES'0LVED By the BOard"of-County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, that $ISU;0~lBe a~d the Same is. hereby appropria.ted to assist in defraying the cost of entertainin~g the members of Amerieen Legion at its convention to be held-at 0harlettesville in Upon motion, the meeting adJ0urned~. A regmla~ me'et~'g~ Virg~ia, ~s held ~rcell Me~e, and Absent: Nones, Minutes of t~e mee%~g~' of~ Ju~ 15~' 'Ig~8-,'a~d' 'July' fl, lg$~,,ere" read-and approved. Mr. John ~, G~aVes appeared'and ~equested' %~e Board to recommend 'to'the Highway Oommissio~ '~ha~ approxima%ely e~e mile ef road from the' H~ward~vilIe PtEe to,he l~else~ Lime aIong -~he- RookTXsh River Be %aken' im~o'~he" '$eoondary~'Sys~em~'of-.Highwaye. The foliewi~g resolution,offered by Mr. ~. H. 'Gentry, 'seeomded by Mr."He Ashby Harris, was u~animously adopted ~ Be i~ resolved' By' tlie N0ard' oF~-~u~t-y Supervisors of. ~lBemarle 'Count]r, Virginia, tha~ ~he S~at~ -~-~y C~issi0~ be.~d is here~ ~e~es~ed te ~ake i~ ~he See~da~ Sys~ of Hi~ tha~ piece of 'road ~ ~e ~wardsville ~e ~o ~e Nelsoz Oe~ ~e, along the'l~ockfish River, a dis%anco Qf ,approximately o: ~ Application of Mrs. ~$B~ J. Terrell, Wid~ cf~.a Oo~federa~e V~eraz, f~r a C~e~e~te P~aio~ ~s p~ese~ede UPo~ mo~io~ ,duly ~d~e-.~d secede, i~ was.. ordered ~a~.~rs.e.~.~r~ Je ~errell be paid ~ Oomred~e Pe~mio~ for ~he year 1938, Of.~5Oe00e A c~ioation fr~ ~e $~t~e ~g~y Co~ission. advising ~a% oe~ain sec%i~a roads'had been ~aken. izt~ ~he Secondary Syst~..as of-. July.l, .19~,..~a. ~p.resen~ed ~4 ~rdered A co~i~a~ion fr~ lhe' ~a~e of Vir~nia Counties .sugges~g a proposed 0rdizanoe ~$img lu%~ ,ra.v~ards, ~s p~esez%ed and ordered referred. ~ the .Oo~o~ealth'a Atto~ey for tzveSiiga%ion and repo~. I% was brough% ~o ~e a~%~tion ef ~e ~ard thai %h~ou~.~..e~or appropriations for %he year begi~ing July 1, 19SS, for the Childr~.'$ H~ee. ChiI.~s H~me Society Vir~mia, and %he ~s~rio~ Home ~d been ~e~:~'in the..pre~ra~io~ ~f ~he budge~, UPo~ mo~io=,duly ~de and seconded, ihe following resolution w~s-~:o~4 by %he following reee~e~-vo~e~ Ayes, ~s~s~ 4. ~e F~y, E. J. ~lla~d, ~.. H... Gent~, He Ashby C. ~rcell MoOue,and Dr. Le ~. Robe~s~ Noose No~e~ Be i~ resolved ~ ihe Board of Coun~ Supe~sor~ of Alb~rie County, Vir~nia, 2ha2 %he foll~g a~ropriations for ~he year ~egi~ning July. 1, 19SS,be a~4 are hereby mad e ~ Childre~"~.es H~me of. CharlOttesville Children's Home Society of Virginia ~is%~ie~ Home 100.00 3000o0~ Mr. ~. He Bur~ett appeared wi~h .reference to claim f~ 58 young turkeys and one Cl~ turkey, ~nioh he sta~d ~ been killed by dogse Upon me, ion duly~de-and seconded, i~ ~s ordered ~ha~. ~e~ Be. paid ~0~ ClaVer ~. D. D. ~ckersoz For ~o sheep,which had'been kil[~ ~ dogs appar~Iy~d no~ been assessed iz ~his Co~,~s referred ~o_~be ~e Warde~ for i~ves~iga~ioz and repose Cla~of ~e°rge W, ~rre~ for five chickens killed b~ degs~s, prese~e~ ~d o~ered paid a~ 2~ CaChe ~e A. Radon, D~ireo~or of Finance, pres~ed a sta2~2 o~ ex~nses of 2he ~par~ of ~ce for ~he month ofJ~e, !9~, one,bird of whi~ is ~o be be~e by 2he S~ate of ~rginiae ~is s~at~.~2 was ex~ed, verified~d app~ove~. ~e folI~ng report~ were presented and o~dered filed~ I~ County~ecutive. 2- Distric~ H~e Board. 3- ~iversi~ of Virgini~ Hospital. A ~ioation fr~. H. Le ~iSh, Resident ~gi~ee~ ad, sing 2ha2 ~he clause pro~ding for additions 2o ~he P'~ ~s2~ of Hig~ys had bee~ repealed, pres~e~ and~orderedfiled. Upon me, ion,duly m~de and seconded,a c~ee,consis~i~g of Mr. He Ashby~rrie, ~. C. 'Purcell McCue, ~he C~ealth~s A~o~,~d 2he Co~ty~ecu~ive,~s appointed ~o thoroughly ~e 2he dog law and r eco~end me,hods for ~e~21ing claim~ agains~ the Cla~s agaizs~ 2he Co~,~o~ing ~o.~25~'2~;~2~p.resented, e~ned, ve~fied, ap~ roved ;a nd SChool virgin ia Public Assista~ ce Dog Tax CharIOt%e~Ville District IVY ]~is tri ct Ri van na ~ District' S~cttsvi lie .D~a%ri c% ~ ~i~e Hall Distri ~ C~onw ea l~th ~f~ ~ir gin ~ Total Upon motion, the mee%~ adjeurmed. 2,27?-;20 '1,29'6;-8'5 55.60 $3,.898.70 10,~44,18 ::~ 37s~oo Pursuant to the followimg cal!~ .-'. ".:- ..... We c~smand you te smmmon Mr~ J~ M, Fray, Mrs, E. J* Ballard, Nr~ P~ H. Gentry, to app~r at a Meet~g of tHe ~B~rd of: Oo~ 8upe~sors m~le Co~y ~ ~e 'l~h d~'~of August, l~8,~at~9 O'clock, a.. M., ~at the Cou~ Ho~e~eF's~d ~e~-at~t~.:~:~of~~ m~bers of the sai~ ~d as pr~ided for By Section 2T18 of the 1~19 Code of V~n ia as a~nded. ~d this ~hey shall in no ~se ~it. ~d have there then t~s writ. ~88, Mar~r~ '.T; W~d~,'Cte~o~o~ said B~rd, 10~h day of ~,l~8.~.in~the~16~rd year: of.~the (.Signed) Margaret T. Woodward, Olerk~ the Board of County Supervisors cf'Albaaarle Counby, Virginia, met in specia~ session the 12th.day of August, 19.38~ at the Cour~ House of the said Cou~nty, Preset%: Messrs. JL M. Fray, E. 'J. Ballard, P. H. Gentry, H. Ashby Harris, C. Purcell ~cOue, a~d Dr. L. G. Roberts. Absent: None. It_Was brought to the-a~te~tio~ of the Board tha~.:the .Ci.~y~ of. Oharlottesvilie had. authorized Ann exation Proceedings. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the C~m~onwealth's Attorney was instructed to ~ommunicate with Mr. H. W. V~lsh~.a~dcaSOei~in-upen~ha condmt.~ons he would assist i~ the defense of the Annexation Suit, and report back at the regular meeting to be held c~ August 17, 1938. Mr. W. 0. Fife,~ C~monwealth' s Attorney, explained to .~e~,~$ha~,~em~da~on the ?ry's.Spring Sanitary Dis%riOt~ could not be issued until after the opening of the October, 1938, Term of 0curt. It was also b~om.gh~t.~the~-;at~ion:~of the Board that the terms of the grant from the Public Works Administration provided for the commemoeaent of th~s~'worSc~ by August 2~, 1938. Upon mo~ion, dmly made and seconded, it was ordered'that the County Executive and the Commonwealth's Attorney arrange a conference with the Regional Director of the Public Weeks ~dministration to attempt to secure an ext~sion of time within which to begin this work. Upon motion; the ~e etiBg adjourned..