HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-08-17 upo~ ~On, duly made '~d seoonded, ~ ~prop~a~l~ o~.$~., ~e sever sala~es ~ ha~g be~ severely bi~ ~-dog. Up~' m~f~,, duty ~de ~d seoomded, i~ ~$ ordered ~a~ claim.of "$25e~ be ~pr~ed for ~o~ded ~ha~ ~he 2ems of o~iee ~f all ~er~ende~S J~e ~0, ~e C~=2y..Exeeu2ive reo~emded Miss Fm~ees T,.~So~ll as $~i~e~t oF ~blio Welfare. Up~ metier, duly made ~d seceded, ~ss Sout~ll ~s ua~imouSly eleo~ed. ~e f~lleWimg rep, s we~ presen$~d ahd ord~ed fined. -2. ~iverst~ of V[rg~ia Ho~iial. ~. H. A. ~d~ su~ted ~2'~ent of e~.ses of ~he Departs2 ~ ~ma~oe for ~he m~2 ~$ e~ed, vert~ed, ~d approved. Mr. W. O' ~fe~ Cmmo~e~I2h s 'A22o~ey, re~ed '~at he had ~d a o~fereaoe ~h ~e Oi~ ~'.~'Charle2~es~lle, azd 2hat ~.~Wal.sh,!s ~wllling ~ a,ssisi, i~ the ease for a fee ~e F$11~i~g ResOlutes, effered M~e, ~s ~dop~ by 2he fell~i~g resided vo2e~ Ayes~ Messrs.~J. ~ l~ ~ED ~ ~he ~rd of C~ Su'~sors o~ ~b~rle Cous~, .Vi~ia, ~hat ~. ~. 'W. ~sh be ~plo~d to assist the C~o~ealth'e A~or- aS a fee of ~0.~. ~ ~'T ~~ ~SOBVED Sha$ She C~wealth's A~2~ey be a~ is here= ~ au2herized te ~ple7 2he Cou=~ ~er 2~ assie~ i~ 2he pre~a~i~ 'el a ~p ef ~he te~t~o~ pressed ~'~ be a~ed 2her~ as m~ ~ meeess~, be'~ 'is' ~re~ ~de ~er dis.cuesio~ o~ ~he o~er of ~he Unit~ Sta~es ef ~e~oa ~o aid b~ way ~f g~ 265 AL~EM~'LE COU~T~,- ~-R;}[I~, ?OAID BY"W~ OFA'GRANT IN FINAN¢!NG.-~E .OONS~RUCTION OF AS" OF-, - I~E ~OLUTION o S~H~RS OF ~B~ CO~'-VI~I~A~~ TD-~iD ~ ~AY OF A '~T IN FI- as foliO: FEDERAL EaER~EI~f A~INISTRATION Al'~ema rle Co~y, V~ia, Charte%~e svine, virginia. P. W. OF P~%I¢ WD/~S '~aahi~g~ou, D. '0,, Da%e~:Aug. I~, 19~8 D~eke~ Ne. Va. 1018-F ~'. By aceep~nce ef'~his Offer ~he APpItea~2 co've~an%'$"%c:begi~ work~ cn:%he' ~e"Jeet' as early-as possible' ~' ia no ev~2~ la,er ~an 6 weeks ~rm A~t~%'~r ~AA~T"~~e a%' amY...~e~,~.a% ~h® ApPl:ic~'~ ha~~ pa~ pay, whe~er ~lre~17 or t~.~e~;!y, a bm~um,,.co~lssio~, er fee. ~o a~7 ~pe~ ~ fi~ er ~ra~i~.: fer a~'~mptimg ~;~ p]'oeu~ ~ appr.~v~ of ~he. Appliea~t~S appliea~l~a, ~r f~ al~g~ se~ees ia p~ri~ er t~ ~.~g. ~e'precure . sueh appeal, or for ae~i~iee of the za~ e~ly ~ .as leb~g per~' f~e~ or agree~ ~e'be petered i~ o~neetion ~th %he a~li~t-i~, .%hen the A~Ani~2~r shall ha~ ~he ri~2, in his diser~i~, $~:reScind 2~s O~er azd ~7 a~e~ts ~sul2ing heref~m, and, ~ ~he eve~ e~ suoh resctss'ie~, ~he ~-S~TES OF of ~bli o - - Assis%~ Admimistra~r be ~'d ~h~ s~e is hereby i~ all respee~s accepted. SesSion 2. That. said .Boar~ .oF CeuatY S~ervisc~s of Albemarle County, Virginia agrees 2~' abide by a~l the Terms' and C~nd[~le~s ~f said offer, im~luding ~.he Teras a~d Conditions a~nexed %here~e azd made a par~ ~hereof, Seett~ ~. Tha~ 2he Ceu~t~ .~xe.~tVe be reeSe~ f~h~ 2e se~d 2e ~he Federal-~erg~ A~i~iS~ra2i ~ree ossified ~opies of ~he proeeed~-gs:.~f"~he Boa~d Alb~rle C~%Y, Vtrg~ia~ in ~o~ee~X~ ~ the a~p~n ~f'%his Reso!U~i~n, se%~l~g fe~h ~hiS Res~lu%i~ im full, The above Resolu~A-O~ Was s'ee~nded .by Mr. re~orded vo~e.= Ayest MessrS, J. M; Fra~. E. J."Ballard, P. H. ~ent~ye H. Ashby ~arria, C. Purcell MeCue, ~d Dr. 26; neeessary flor ~he ~eques$ Upon mo~ie~, By M~. C. I~reell MoCue, seoon~ed by Mr.,. P.. H* Gerrye ~he'fotlcwing the purpose Of.bor~o~ing' f~m 'the 'Li2era~y Fu~d app~ved, and aut~ri~Y .is Imre~ gram~ ~ae sai:~ CoU~'y-.Sata~Ol Board~'~o borr~ the said mount, for. the 'purpose' set Ou~ in Sa~fl application. The Bo~d 'of ~o~t~ S~pervfsers for said flouncy will eaeh year during X~a~,. a% the 2'~ne ~hey fffx'2he.regular levies:, fix'a r~e..OF~.le~f.~.s~eela er ma~ a sash ropria~ s~ef~oi~ for opera~i'~ e~nses ~d ~o. re~ ~his' l~n in annual ~al~ents,: ~-n~ ~he ~2ere~ ~e~, as required ~ law re~a~g l~S from the LiSem~ ~ ~e ~d'~ a~t~ .~'~ c~led ~o ~he ~e~ ~at i~ ~s ne~essa~ ~o adop~ a W~e' Seals, whioh the e~ntrao2O~ in eoas2ruo~in g sewers, in the Fry's Spring $~itar~ Distrio~ would be required ~o pay ~hese empl.oyed:.by~.'him~ '-whieh 'Wage. S'eate.-was.~o be submit%ed te the Regional Office of the. Public Works Administratie~ for approVal. The following ResOlv~ion, offered by Dr-, L. O. Roberts, duly se~mded, was unanimous- WHEreAS, a ther~ugh investigation has~Be~ made..of %he hourly wag~ ra2es which are being paid in the County of ~Alb~arle, 'Virginia, whioh ia the legality iu whtoh ~he proposed jee~e) is ~o be e~r~ted ~ the'~o~ of Alb~rle, Vi~izia, in each t~de o~ ee~u~i~ ~g~ tn ~rk ~ a nature s~iI~ ~e ~he work ~o ~e pe~O~d ~ ~e e~S~e~~..-said Pre~ee~,-a~d the pr~il~g hourly ~ge ~es Be~g ~id in ~eh le~t~te~a~ empl~ee .for suoh work have bee~ dete~i~ed ~ conferee ~th ~pl~a ef lab~ ia ~he Count, NOW, T~E~; BE~:IT ~SOL~D ~he 0~ ef Alb~rle, Vir~nia, 2~ the fell~g ~tes for ~e reapeo$tve tra~es or occu~i~a listed ~bel~ shall be a~ ~here~ ~lxed as the mini_~ hourly ~ge rotes ~d h~e bee~ d~~ed in-ae~~ ~th rates p~lling For work efa simil~ ~a~r~:~ ~ l~al~ ~!l~czer ~e m~er,, ..... ...... · .............................. ,,., ~ckfill Opera,or,,. · ,,,, ,-.,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,.. ,,,.,., ...... Carport,.; .,,,,,-,,,,,,,-,,,,,.,,,,,,-,,,, ,-,-,,..--.,,,-.-.*,-.. O~ore~ ~imher,, ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, -,,,, ,-,, ..,,,, C~reS s,r .~era~o~,,,,, ,, ..... ,,..,.,,.,.,,..,,,,..,,..,,.,,,,-., CIa~hell Opera, or... ,..., ,,,,, ,., ..,...,,., ,, · ..... ,....-...,,,,. leO~ ~ovel ~e~r.. ....... .,..... ..... · ......... .... ........... _ .. T~ e~r Opem~ Tre~ah B~oers ' eeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeee ~pl~s who Will be e~ged i~ ~'r~ ~ sa~d Pre'~:o~e2h;r ~n'.exeC~ive, BE IT F~E R~L~ ~ha~ ~ere be ~s~ed ~?h ~his ~he subs~ia~g da~ ~pon ~ieh the foregoing d~e~imatio~ 'is based. The Co~om~eal%h's A~tor~ey advised that he had reeeived a eo~nuni~tton from Messrs. thorns on, Wood ~,an d ~f~ a~vis?~..,~ha% their fee in e on~ eott on wi th th e prepos ed' i~sue of bonds for the Fry's Spring Suni%sty. Dlstrio~ Would be-$100.O0, if.%he~iesue were approved. In 'the event that this firm Oeul'd not approve the bonds, the fee wOUld be $$0.00. Upon motion, ~u!y made ~d seoonded, I% was ordered that Messrs. Thomson, Wood~ Hoffma~ be employed to pass on ~he 1 egalit7 of the proposed issue of Bonds Spring Sanitary Dis%rie~, iN accordance with said ftm"s proposal. Claims, against %he. ~ou~ty, ~nou~tng to.$2~;I~7;~9;' Were present~ exami~e~, verified Upon mo~ion, the mee2ing TE~ C~MO~LTH OF I~GtNIA, TO. THE S~IFF OF 'THE COUNTY OF ~BEM~PJ~F~-G~EETING=- We oemma~d you %o e~ Mr. ~. M. Fray, Mr. E. J. B~lard, ~. L. Ge ~ m~ber~' ef ~he said B~ as p~o~de~ for