HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-08-26Trad;e ~ ~. Pile ~ve~ Pipe Caulks, Layer, Ri~r,,,.-,...., S~ne Se~ters (~urbs~om'e) Roller BE' IT FU~ RESOLVED. tha-~ '%he foregoing list of 2fades er occupa- tions includes to 'the best of our knowledge, all ithe'.i~la~.~l:f~ea2t~ef. employees who will be engaged .in worm em said vProjeot.-o2her t~an executive,' supervisorY, administrative, clerical or oth~ zoo-manual workers as such, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~h.a% ~here Be ~ramsmi't~-ed with this resoiuti'e~ - %he su~s%am%iatimg ~at~ upo~ which the foregoing determima%io~ is ~ased. The Co~onWeal%l~'s Attorney advised tha~ he had 'received a oonanu~ica%ion from. Messrs,, Thomson, W~am~ M~ a~vis~.tm~.,~tha~ ttaeir .fee in ee~neetrlon wi~h the proposed 'i~sue of bonds for the Fry's Spri.~g Samitary Dts%rie~ Would be-$100.O0, 'iT t~he~i~ssue were .aPproved. I~ 'the evemt that this' firm could ~o% approve the bonds, the fee wOUld be Upon motion, duly made ~d seconded, i~ was ordered .~ha% Messrs. Thomscm, Wood: smd ~offsmm be employed to pass on ~he le§ali%y of %he proposed issue of Bomds for ~he~Fry's Spring Sanitary Dis2riot, in accordance with said .firm,s proposal. Claims, against'2he~ ~unty,~--amou~i~ appall'ed, a~ ord'ere~" ~e~i~ted?to the g to. $'2'2;~6VjTg;'' We. re present:ed, 'exe~ed, verifie~ Director 'o~ Finanee.:.~.'~:~:P~$.. amd charged, against School Upon mo%ion, '~he meeting a~Journe~. l~rsuan~ ~e the fo!lowing ~atl; THE C~oN~EALTH OF ~RGINIA, TO THE S~tFF OF 'THE ~OUNTY 'OF ~BEMARLE~-GREE~ING:-- ~e commas6 you te ~ Mr* '~'~ Me F~a7, Mr. E. Jo Ballard Mr,' P, H, Alb~rle Comfy, ~ .~e E,6~ ~y o~ AU~,~ ~$8~, .at 9~'B?olook, 2~15 ~f ~e l~lg 'Code ef V~zia, a~ ~ende~,. ~.- $:fnee t~-.~~m.~-.oe~eluae~ ~at .the am~t aAIowed Mr. ~r~e~t .wac '~c% ~uFfi~le~, ~p~ ~e%i~n, duly made and eeconde~, the C~na~nwealth, s A%~or~ey was re, yes%ed ~ advise %he Be~d a~l ~e legal p~mses of paymea% oF ~assessed Fowl a~d livestock o~ais~e ~e rep~r~ oF t~e .Oemmt~e,'-appeinte~--~-..i~vest-~iga~e.a~a repor~ m~ a reo~nmenaed prese~ed ~'~po~ mo~i~' duly,~de-crud ae~'ded, i'~.wae or~,ero~!~ha~.~io~ ~ ~hi~ rep~r~ ~ de~erre~ ~t~ %he ~ex~ regular was brough% to 2he a~en~to~ oF the ~eard ~ i~ w~ necessa~ te execute a ~il~ge U~ m~i~., dul~made a~d se~enSed, ~.he C~airme~ md ~lerk e~ ~a Beard wore auShort~ed ~ exe~te iz the ~ane oF and on behalf oF ~.s Boar~ the f~llowi~g c~o~raot wi~h M~OEA3D~ OF A6REEM~3T made' this 24th day e£ August, 1~8, by a~d between E~MER E. ~R~SS, ~F the fir~% par~, ~ T~E BOARD OF CO~ SDI~ERVISORS OF A~BEMAR4E CO~I~T"Z, V~R~I~TA, l~r~y eF ~e seeond pert, W! T_N ES SET H ~ ~O~EAS, ~e par~y ef %he second l~.$,represen~ing ~he Oo~ o~ Alb~rle, has ~ffiee ~er ~he said ~y e~ p~p.er~ -~-~..~.e-~'d-' Cou~'y..~hin ~e ~y ~f ~lo~esVille, a~ ~e P~ of ~he ~ ~ has s~eifi~a~ie~s th~efor ~d ~11 ~-~e..,s~e~.s~-:e~ 'the NOW, T~ERE~)~E, i~ co~side~atiez ~F the m~Ual Clerk,s O~ice, hi~ fee shall Be four per e'~t (~) o~ ~e g~s cost, p~ded such A~ %he said par~7 oF %he sec~d pa~ aoven~:s a~d agrees ~_.~t~.2.~.~he ~ par~y of ~he first Imr~ the .~a~eaeA~.~s~s~4e~,~:~3%,depen~ent-~pon~,2he': 'ecs% as he reizbef~ e #peei Fi e~ I~ Tes2imo~y. ~e~e~...~he.said. Elmer E. Burruss has hcreu,~%o aF£ixe~ hi~ st.~a- ~re ~d s~l, a~d ~he saAd ~e ~ar~ ef Ce~ S~e~isors e~ Alb~rle Cou~ Vir- gil=, has ~used i~-n~.~.-be h,~e.,~8~'~ ,B2- J-..,M*.. ,~:~A~:r~~:~,~..~i~e: s~ ~o ~e hecate a~V~Xe~ an~ attes~e~ ~ M~~ T. W~d~,-i~e clerk. T~E B~ARD OF C~f¥~ SUPE~.~IE~RS OF.-- AEB~L~ COU~TY, VI.R~INIA A~es~ Margare~' ~: 'WoodWard Olerk me~ng ha~: ~e2 ~e~ appr~v~ ~ 2he A2i~ O~ee tio~, ~he ~r ef p~e~ilt~g ~ge~ iz this ~u~i~ ~r.e.~-.~'h['s 'B~r'~ ~c~ hi~ ~a~a which ~e "~~e~h~e~ A~e~ey ~u!d requi~ woul~ ~eo~e e~ee~ve ~a Sep.~er I,' ~9~8, ~d ~a~ ~he Ai~: ~:be..r..~eived. fr~ ~he Federal Therefore, l~ w~ul~ b~ ~e~e~ ~ establish .a R~olvi~ See ~lu~l~.~ Copie~ ~u2 Up~ mo~ion, ~uly ~de ~ se~ed, She ~AS~ ~e Oo~~e~i~ has ~u~ ~e t~ ~he ~a~ rend.~e~-.~i~fa~o~- s~, a~ · ~AS, ~ i~ ~he e'ense ~ ~is ~dy ~h~ effi~i~ of ~e ~y ~eV~~ ~qul~s. ~he ~dt~d~ pl~ee, ef Alb~le Co~ Vitals, :~ ~he Co~ ~eo~ive be an~ is here- ~ amth~ized ~d ~e~dr-$o ~s~p~'d"~Y ~p't~e appo~'~ by this ~ard, which, in his o~nion,-ha's~-nlO~'~mder~ has a righ~ ~o e~e.e~, u~il ing' ~o .Se~' ~'of s~i~ ao~l and ~he ~reo~o~ ~r~ ~ ~e ~me mX' ~ '~ 'Ai~~ ~e ~o~ ..~.~e .~rg~i~ '~blie Ass.i~e ~d o~ A1b~le 0~ ~o ~e used for said pu~oses o~ a ~ ~f F~ee ef Alb-~le.~z~, ~s ~fo~esai~, ~il ~h~ order RESDLVSD: Tha~ ~he Direo~e~ of Fimanoe ef Alb~ le O~n~ ia here~ au~ho~ze~ ~.d direo~e~, up~ re~eip~ ef ~nds fr~ ~he T~as- ~n~, %e e~di~ ~i~e~ p~ e~ ~ Said f~s ~o %he'Vi~gi~a ~bli~ Assis~'e ~ o~ Al~le Co~, ~d ~o e~it ~e r~z~g ~ per e~ ~o ~he ~ral ~d ~f A!b~le ~um~~,~,~l.~..:~e. re~ ~r- ~her ~he~ze~ di~e~ed ~ e~ sai~ Vi~ia ~blic Assistance ~ of Alb~a~Ae Count, upon reeei~ of ~he ~ aforesaid," ~he s~ ~f six~ pe~ e~ ~ s~d z~e~ Der ~ so ~eei~d ~. h~ fr~ ~he' Treasu~ o~ Vir~ s~d er~i~ ~o ~e ~de ~ ~sfer of ~e ~e~ess- Upom mo~io~, %he me~ing adjourned°